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Damning report on Bush-Cheney torture

here we go...



Senator Accuses CIA, White House Of Engaging In 'Cover-Up'... 'The CIA Is Lying'... 'This Is Not A Problem Of The Past'... U.N. Official: Prosecute Torture Architects... Fallout Continues... CIA's Claims Of Torture Legitimacy Destroyed... Led To Fabricated Info... Didn't Help Find Bin Laden... The Most Egregious Lies...
Ex-Chief: 'I Didn't Lie'... Records Show Otherwise... Obama Won't Take Sides...


He won't take sides? Because there's no way to make this a race thing.

My God you're disgustimg

....well, that's one adjective that would apply.
The bleeding heart jihadi apologists won't like this one

ISIS Is Trying To Sell The Body Of U.S. Hostage James Foley For $1 Million

ANTAKYA, Turkey — Middlemen with ties to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have turned to a grim new method of trying to secure funds in recent days. With the group having failed to strike deals to ransom the U.S. hostages in its custody — instead beheading three of them since July — its intermediaries are now trying to negotiate the sale of the body of at least one of the men it killed.

They said ISIS wants $1 million for Foley’s body, which it would deliver across the border to Turkey, and that the group was willing to provide a DNA sample to facilitate a deal.

The bleeding heart jihadi apologists won't like this one

ISIS Is Trying To Sell The Body Of U.S. Hostage James Foley For $1 Million

ANTAKYA, Turkey — Middlemen with ties to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have turned to a grim new method of trying to secure funds in recent days. With the group having failed to strike deals to ransom the U.S. hostages in its custody — instead beheading three of them since July — its intermediaries are now trying to negotiate the sale of the body of at least one of the men it killed.

They said ISIS wants $1 million for Foley’s body, which it would deliver across the border to Turkey, and that the group was willing to provide a DNA sample to facilitate a deal.


Call Ben Affleck....and tell him to bring his checkbook.
His imperial lordship looks down his nose at all y'all...

Obama Avoids Taking Sides on Effectiveness of C.I.A. Techniques

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Wednesday found himself caught in the middle of a collision between the Central Intelligence Agency and his own Democratic allies, who accused the White House of helping to cover up a legacy of torture and put the president on the defensive over an interrogation program he never supported.

“We are not going to engage in this debate,” said a senior administration official close to Mr. Obama who briefed reporters under ground rules that did not allow him to be identified.

Barry's War marches on

Senate committee votes for new war powers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has voted to authorize President Barack Obama's War against the Islamic State.

It was Congress' first vote to explicitly authorize the U.S. war against IS. The vote Thursday was 10-8.

The committee approved a resolution authored by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., that would limit operations to three years and allow ground forces only in certain circumstances.

Barry's War marches on

Senate committee votes for new war powers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has voted to authorize President Barack Obama's War against the Islamic State.

It was Congress' first vote to explicitly authorize the U.S. war against IS. The vote Thursday was 10-8.

The committee approved a resolution authored by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., that would limit operations to three years and allow ground forces only in certain circumstances.


More American boys going over there to die for Halliburton.
B B B Bush=Obama

How many years did CIA black sites continue to operate under the Obama administration ?

He ordered an end to President George W. Bush’s torture policies and the closing of C.I.A. detention facilities, but the Open Society report said Mr. Obama did not repudiate rendition and suggested that some activities could be continuing, including a secret prison in Somalia run with C.I.A. involvement.

In a connected matter, Mr. Obama has adopted the Bush administration’s claim of a right to carry out targeted killings of suspected terrorists, including Americans, off the battlefield without judicial review or meaningful Congressional oversight

More American boys going over there to die for Halliburton.

It's really more accurate to say that more American boys are going to die because of Cheney and the moron's brilliant decision to steer the country into a completely unnecessary war that basically created a vaccuum in Iraq by removing Sadaam from power and replacing it with a government that everyone knew would collapse as soon as our military was no longer there to provide protection and stability.
As horrible as Sadaam was, he at least was able to keep the zealots from taking control of the country. Same with Qaddaffi and Mubarek... both Libya and Egypt are in worse shape than before they were given the boot.
And let me just make one more thing clear... Just because I am of the opinion that the Cheyney-Bush administration was one of the worst this country has ever had, that doesn't mean I disagree with every Republican on every issue. It also doesn't mean I'm a fan of all things Obama / democrat either. I know everyone here likes to paint with the same broad brush anybody that dares make a comment that isn't in lockstep with all the other far-right wing nuts on this board, but let me assure you, an Obama lover I am not. But I also do not believe his presidency has broken the 7th seal ushering in the arrival of the four horsemen of the apocalypse either. He's just another politician that's full of **** just like the rest of them. The country is still basically on the same path it's been on for the past four decades or so... During the past 40 years or so, it keeps getting harder and harder for regular working class folks to make ends meet due the fact that the cost of everyday living just keeps going up and up while wages stay flat. At the same time more and more of the wealth in this country flows upward to the people that need it the least. The simple truth is that wealth does need to be redistributed... not through welfare checks and government subsidies but through better wages and benefits for the people that get up and go to work everyday. Not that I think government programs provide economic assistance to people are bad... It makes me proud to say I live in a country that takes care of its elderly, it's disabled.... that tries to make sure children don't go to bed hungry at night. I do feel though that something has to be done about the rampant abuse of these programs. It pisses me off just as much as anybody to know that my hard earned money is being given to some lazy **** that's buying drugs or booze with it everyday. But I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water either. I know I've gone way off topic here, but I wanted it to be clear that just because I'm not a fan of the far right it doesn't mean I'm some Obama nuthugger either. Just wanted to get that straight.
I doubt the families of the servicemen that had to die or come home maimed so Halibuton could have billions funneled to them share your gratitude.

I'm so sick and tired of your guild using the headstones of my brothers and sisters as a soap box. War sucks, but we are an all volunteer force. We fight for the man or woman beside us and for the hope that the next generation doesn't have to, not because of some political ideal or resolution. Who the **** are you to question the nobility of that sacrifice? If you're so concerned about the loss of innocent life, why don't you spend some time out front of your local planned parenthood? But I guess that wouldn't fit the agenda now would it?
I'm so sick and tired of your guild using the headstones of my brothers and sisters as a soap box. War sucks, but we are an all volunteer force. We fight for the man or woman beside us and for the hope that the next generation doesn't have to, not because of some political ideal or resolution. Who the **** are you to question the nobility of that sacrifice? If you're so concerned about the loss of innocent life, why don't you spend some time out front of your local planned parenthood? But I guess that wouldn't fit the agenda now would it?

Never ever once ******* ever have I questioned the nobility of the men and women that fought in any of our wars... I question the nobility of the men that sent them there. Huge difference... I had an uncle killed in Vietnam, another bullshit war started by ******* politicians with hidden agendas, so excuse me if I harp on this subject too often. You see, I saw first hand what effect the needless death of a young father/husband has on a family... I watched my aunt struggle to raise two kids without their father... without her husband. Excuse me that it infuriates me that good ole' "Deferrment" Dick Cheney didn't hesitate to send other people's fathers and husbands off to fight, but did everything he could to keep his own *** out of the fray when it was his turn. Same thing with the moron... He was doing his part flying missions over the section of the Ho Chi Minh Trail that ran through Plano and Abilene I guesswhile serving in the Texas Air National Guard. Two typical chicken hawks...
I'm so sick and tired of your guild using the headstones of my brothers and sisters as a soap box. War sucks, but we are an all volunteer force. We fight for the man or woman beside us and for the hope that the next generation doesn't have to, not because of some political ideal or resolution. Who the **** are you to question the nobility of that sacrifice? If you're so concerned about the loss of innocent life, why don't you spend some time out front of your local planned parenthood? But I guess that wouldn't fit the agenda now would it?

And another thing... You all need to give it a rest with the anti-abortion rhetoric too while you're at it... If the health and welfare of babies is oh so near and dear to the hearts of Republicans, Tea Partiers or baggers or whatever they call themselves, why do they rail against every gov't. program that was ever implemented with the expressed purpose of ensuring that these same babies have adequate food, shelter, clothing, access to doctors, etcetera, etcetera. To my friends on the right, an unborn child is the most precious thing on earth and is to be protected from harm at all costs... but once they take that first breath.... **** 'em!! Answer me this... Is a young expectant mother with no family support, completely on her own with no money, more likely or less likely to decide to keep that child if she knows that she can at least get some help from the government providing for that child? The answer is obvious, yet the far right will still clamor for the end to any and all entitlement programs. I too am in favor of doing whatever we can to clean up these programs to whatever extent we can to try and eliminate,as best we can, the rampant abuse of these same subsidies. But I firmly believe that eliminating these programs entirely would do more harm than good. There's a line I've heard over the years that's in reference to the legal system that goes something like..." It's better that five guilty men go free than it is for one innocent man to be imprisoned".. or something to that effect. I feel the same about the entitlement programs. I'd rather there be some lazy ******** getting assistance they don't need or deserve if it's the only way we can make sure the people that really do need the help get it... especially the kids.
Is a young expectant mother with no family support, completely on her own with no money, more likely or less likely to decide to keep that child if she knows that she can at least get some help from the government providing for that child? The answer is obvious, yet the far right will still clamor for the end to any and all entitlement programs.

She may be less likely to get pregnant in the first place, if she knew that there were no free abortions or government handouts waiting for her if she does. Ever consider that? Seems like there were a lot fewer unintended pregnancies back when neither of these were available.

Funny little freakonomics type thing, when the government subsidizes doing something, people tend to do more of it, not less.
And another thing... You all need to give it a rest with the anti-abortion rhetoric too while you're at it... If the health and welfare of babies is oh so near and dear to the hearts of Republicans, Tea Partiers or baggers or whatever they call themselves, why do they rail against every gov't. program that was ever implemented with the expressed purpose of ensuring that these same babies have adequate food, shelter, clothing, access to doctors, etcetera, etcetera. To my friends on the right, an unborn child is the most precious thing on earth and is to be protected from harm at all costs... but once they take that first breath.... **** 'em!! Answer me this... Is a young expectant mother with no family support, completely on her own with no money, more likely or less likely to decide to keep that child if she knows that she can at least get some help from the government providing for that child? The answer is obvious, yet the far right will still clamor for the end to any and all entitlement programs. I too am in favor of doing whatever we can to clean up these programs to whatever extent we can to try and eliminate,as best we can, the rampant abuse of these same subsidies. But I firmly believe that eliminating these programs entirely would do more harm than good. There's a line I've heard over the years that's in reference to the legal system that goes something like..." It's better that five guilty men go free than it is for one innocent man to be imprisoned".. or something to that effect. I feel the same about the entitlement programs. I'd rather there be some lazy ******** getting assistance they don't need or deserve if it's the only way we can make sure the people that really do need the help get it... especially the kids.

You know less about the Tea Party than you do the ACA......save yourself the embarrassment and just stop.
You know less about the Tea Party than you do the ACA......save yourself the embarrassment and just stop.

I'm not at all embarrassed to admit I don't know as much as I probably should about the ACA. That's why I put forth some questions here in an attempt to maybe learn something. What I am embarrassed about, however, is that I was stupid enough to think for a minute that there was actually a chance, as remote as it may be, that I might gain some insight to the mechanics of how the new law works by addressing the likes of you and your ilk. Expecting thoughtful correspondence from people only interested in demeaning and insulting anyone that doesn't think like they do was obviously a huge mistake and, again, embarrassing to admit I thought there might be at least one person hear interested in intelligent adult conversation. Won't happen again.. I assure you.