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Dem primaries begin! Let there be fire and brimstone in Iowa!

I listened for about 20 minutes and everything out of Bernie's mouth sounded quoted from the Communist Manifesto.

He talked about the "working class" exactly like Lenin did (well, except back then it was farmers and factory workers, now I think Bernie is targeting millennials with ****** degrees, bad haircuts, and no skills).

I hate Bernie Sanders. Literally just hate everything that spews out of his mouth. He is a communist and I'm too old not to remember what that really means.

i hate the way the man shakes his finger as well. he's already madder than a cat in a toilet, and emphasizes it with that finger wag.

Nevada Democratic debate was the greatest debate in human history

Forget Lincoln and Douglas. Forget Nixon and Kennedy. Hell, forget the Athenians and the Melians back during the Peloponnesian War. Last night’s Democratic primary slagfest in Nevada was the greatest debate in all of human history.

Oh, was it glorious — the sheer raging hostility spraying across the stage as every campaign besides the Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg bids faces the desperate possibility that each might fade into the woodwork against the Bernie surge and the Bloomberg billions.

It’s not that the gloves were off. No, my friends, everybody was wearing steel-tipped boots and going right for the crotch. Those weren’t snowflakes. They were nunchucks.

Some priceless highlights:

Pete Buttigieg wagging his finger at Amy Klobuchar after she said she’d made an error by forgetting the name of the president of Mexico in an interview.

Klobuchar wheeling on Buttigieg and demanding to know if he was trying to say she was dumb. “Are you mocking me here, Pete?”

Joe Biden saying he’s the only one on stage who has met all kinds of Mexican presidents — whose names he clearly couldn’t remember.

Bloomberg saying he was too rich to release his returns because he can’t do Turbo Tax like all of you losers.

Sanders fuming that Bloomberg would dare mention he has a summer house.

And then there was Elizabeth Warren, desperately trying to get back in the game and spraying fire at everyone else on stage like Machine Gun Kelly. She spared no one, and by the end, she had yelled herself hoarse and seemed like she needed an oxygen tank.

Warren’s signature moment came at the very beginning, when she went right for the jugular.

“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against — a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians,” Warren said. “No, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”

So how was Bloomberg? At the midpoint, it seemed like he had just spent the past three months lighting half a billion dollars on fire, given just how disastrously he had performed.

Everybody took a turn beating him up, and his responses were painfully clueless — especially when he said that his company struck nondisclosure agreements with ex-employees to protect them.

He apologized unconvincingly for stop-and-frisk, and when he was asked a second time to explain himself, he got huffy and basically said, hey, he’d already apologized!

In that first hour, Bloomberg wasn’t just a Not Ready for Prime Time Debater. He was Mr. Monopoly stripped naked on the Community Chest card.

He staged a bit of a comeback in the second half when he got an opening to face off against Bernie Sanders and offer the stark rationale for his own campaign.

After listening to Sanders offer a passionate defense of his Democratic socialism, Bloomberg said, “I can’t think of a better way to elect Donald Trump than for people to listen to this conversation.”

The thing is, even if the entire night had been the epic disaster the first hour suggested it would be, Bloomberg isn’t going anywhere — and he is likely only to increase his insane level of spending to do what he can to erase memories of his performance.

Buttigieg, who appears to have won Iowa and came basically within a point of winning New Hampshire, nonetheless didn’t quite seem like a formidable player. Once again he focused his strangely calm scorn on Klobuchar, who’s crowding him. Her loathing for him, in turn, was so palpable, it’s lucky she didn’t have a stapler or something on her podium that she might have launched at his head.

Klobuchar wouldn’t do that, of course, because she’s actually disciplined and controlled and rose to the occasion with a second great performance … that may not do anything for her. Biden had his good moments and his bad moments, but just didn’t seem like he was even a serious part of the discussion.

The free-for-all on the stage had, I think, the effect of leaving Bernie Sanders pretty much unmolested at the summit of the race. Bloomberg didn’t really lay a glove on him when it comes to the politics that will govern the caucus voting in Nevada on Saturday.

And if he wins there convincingly, as the cognoscenti think he will, his path forward as the national poll front-runner and the King of the Bros will be secure as the major contests land over the 10 days that follow Nevada.

And in Bloomberg, he’ll have the un-woke billionaire of his dreams to serve as a continual punching bag as he charts his course for Milwaukee.
Why wife watched a bit and said "why is everyone shaking?"

I said... "All democrats have is emotion. Not a clear, rational thought in the whole group."

She said... "I don't want someone that gets so upset they shake at a debate to be President."

Remember, she's a never Trumper and a registered Democrat.
Why wife watched a bit and said "why is everyone shaking?"

I said... "All democrats have is emotion. Not a clear, rational thought in the whole group."

She said... "I don't want someone that gets so upset they shake at a debate to be President."

Remember, she's a never Trumper and a registered Democrat.

I can think of a sure-fire way to calm down those nitwit cum dumpsters. It's a two-step process.

"I'd like to ask you about illegals ..."


"Raping and murdering American citizens."

‘Titanic, meet iceberg’: Warren’s ‘devastating’ takedown of Bloomberg goes viral

the only clip I saw had her going after him about how many women had non-disclosure agreements with him to not speak about his harassment

you would have thought bloomberg would have been prepared for that question but he clearly wasn't and looked foolish
Bloomberg clearly thinks that Trump just "bought the Presidency" and has no idea Trump actually sold ideas and topics conservative American's have been ASKING for our government to take care of for decades.

Bloomberg has no platform at all. Just "beat Trump because Orange Man Bad". He's not a democrat. He's not a Republican. He's just a rich, spoiled brat that has had smoke blown up his *** for so long, he THINKS he's important "just because".

The thing is, Trump could have easily followed the path Bloomberg is taking now back in 2015-2016. But he didn't. He MADE the issues. He TALKED about the things people wanted to hear (and other candidates just refused to talk about). I love how people complain Trump lies. Did anyone watch last night at all? The whole debate was lies and exaggerations. I did this. I can do this. I will save us. Lies, lies, and more lies. All of it. Yet democrats (like Tibs) have the gall to COUNT how many times Trump lies like they are so special at "gotcha" politics.

I despise them all. I can't WAIT to vote for Trump. I might even find a way to vote twice. **** 'em.

As Conan says what is best in life.... "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women". And in this case, women means all democrats. Because even their men act like women now.

Trump 2020.
the only clip I saw had her going after him about how many non-disclosure agreements with him

Literally 20 seconds into the debate you had "fat broads and horse-faced lesbians" comments!


Go Liz!

My two takeways:

Klobuchar couldn't handle being called out for forgetting a name.

Bloomberg seemed clueless.

After watching some of these debates, I changed political parties.
My two takeways:

Klobuchar couldn't handle being called out for forgetting a name.

Bloomberg seemed clueless.

After watching some of these debates, I changed political parties.

After last night, I’m guessing that the hardcore TDS libtards changed their pants.
Will Mini Mike even show up at the one on Tuesday?I

Next one in Charleston, SC, hosted by the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS Institute

All whiteys on the stage! LOL

Stop and frisk em!
After watching some of these debates, I changed political parties.

It's really the only practical thing you can do. These people have lost their damn minds.
**** all that noise, Bernie is gonna run away with the nomination and the Dems will have a real communist running for prez!


Translation: We are F*@#!ed.

Chaos deepens among Democrats after Bloomberg's misfire

The Democratic presidential race is in fresh turmoil after former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg turned in a conspicuously poor performance in his first debate Wednesday evening.

Bloomberg took a hammering in Las Vegas at the hands of his opponents, particularly Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

The negative impact is reverberating among centrists in the Democratic Party.

The party's moderate vote is splintered among several candidates while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a democratic socialist, advances toward the nomination.

Bloomberg's misfire means that dynamic won't change anytime soon.

The centrists contend Sanders is too risky a candidate to run against President Trump in November - an assertion that is, of course, vigorously disputed by his supporters.

In a TV interview earlier this month, James Carville, the former aide to President Clinton, compared Sanders with Jeremy Corbyn, the left-wing British Labour Party leader.

Carville said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe": "The only thing between the United States and the abyss is the Democratic Party. That's it. If we go the way of the British Labour Party, if we nominate Jeremy Corbyn, it's going to be the end of days."

Corbyn's party suffered a catastrophic defeat at the hands of Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party in December.

The problem from the centrists' point of view is that Sanders is the dominant figure on the left, while Bloomberg, former Vice President Joe Biden, former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) fight over centrist votes.

Warren is something of a wild card, as she is not as far left as Sanders but not as centrist as the other four.

In an ABC News-Washington Post national poll this week, Sanders, with 32 percent support, had exactly twice the backing of his closest challenger, Biden, at 16 percent. Bloomberg had 14 percent, Warren 12 percent, Buttigieg 8 percent and Klobuchar 7 percent.

Bloomberg's candidacy has been built around vast advertising outlays - he is estimated to have spent around $350 million since beginning his White House bid in late November.

As he rose in the polls, some moderates were persuaded that his resources could make him the dominant standard-bearer for their side against the Sanders faction.

That seems a highly dubious proposition in the wake of his poor debate performance. And some in the Democratic Party, not aligned with any candidate, wonder what happens now.

"There is no question that Bloomberg has done enormous damage to Biden. There has been cannibalization in the non-Bernie lane," said Simon Rosenberg, president and founder of the New Democrat Network. "Our primary is more complicated than two lanes, but in the non-Bernie lane, there is a pile-up."

Among the anti-Sanders factions, there is widespread fear that the Vermont Independent could soon jump out to an insurmountable delegate lead.

Sanders finished in a de facto dead-heat with Buttigieg in the chaotic Iowa caucuses and won the second contest, the New Hampshire primary. He is the strong favorite to win Saturday's Nevada caucuses as well.

Even if Sanders does not win the South Carolina primary on Feb. 29 - and he might - he will still go into Super Tuesday, on Mar. 3, in a preeminent position.

On that day, the liberal bastion of California is by far the biggest prize. The Golden State is fertile ground for Sanders, who held an 11-point lead there in the RealClearPolitics polling average as of Thursday evening.

Of course, that is cause for joy for Sanders supporters, who echo the senator's own arguments that he can inspire enthusiasm among people who do not normally vote and thus run up big margins of victory against Trump.

In his first sentence at the debate Wednesday night, Sanders asserted, "In order to beat Donald Trump, we're going to need the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States."

The jury is out on whether Sanders can actually do that. Getting habitual nonvoters to turn out is legendarily difficult and the evidence so far is mixed.

Even Democratic strategists who are unaffiliated with any campaign have some concern about whether Sanders really has the ingredients to make it to the White House.

"Against Trump, he certainly has a chance. But do I think he is the most electable Democrat running? No," said Democratic strategist Robert Shrum, who has worked on several past presidential campaigns.

"Do I think he is going to bring a lot of new voters out? There is no evidence of that from Iowa and New Hampshire."

But that doesn't resolve the key question for Sanders's skeptics: Who can stop him?

Bloomberg is badly wounded after his debate debacle.

Biden is fading fast in polls after very poor results in Iowa (4th place) and New Hampshire (5th place).

Buttigieg has shown no real capacity to win significant nonwhite support, which is a glaring deficiency in a Democratic primary.

And Klobuchar, who outperformed expectations to finish third in New Hampshire, languishes in fifth place in most national polls.

That leaves Warren, who began her campaign very much as a progressive champion but has more recently sought to present herself as a unifying force.

Warren would need to clear a lot of hurdles to come back into real contention - she was third in Iowa, fourth in New Hampshire and is not expected to win in either Nevada or South Carolina.

The overall picture leaves some Democrats, like Rosenberg, worrying about the wounds inflicted in the primary - and casting around in vain for someone who might be able to bind them up.

"The core of the dilemma that Democrats face right now is that neither Bloomberg nor Sanders will have an easy time uniting the party if they win the nomination," he said. "They're not Democrats."

"It's going to take someone of enormous dexterity and skill to bring everybody together."


reading this, couldn't help but think of the Elfpig...and clown cars.

You're 2020 Dems folks:


Bloomberg openly plans to win the Dems’ nomination by a brokered convention in Milwaukee

The pieces are falling in place for a complete debacle for the Democrats, up to and including a convention walkout and riots if Michael Bloomberg’s plans to gain the nomination succeed. Under that scenario, an embittered radical wing of the party convinced that they have been betrayed in favor of a greedy plutocrat would not provide the necessary votes to defeat President Trump’s ambitions for a second term. More likely, they would back a third-party radical candidate, or stay home



Go Bernie or Bust!

Rip that 3 term Republican mayor Wall Street racist, sexist billionaires guts out! How dare he try to buy your Dem nomination!I

#BernieOrBust is now #BernieOrElse!

"Good. We want you to be terrified. Win with us or lose without us."



Here's a fascinating tidbit about the (D)im primaries and how far that pathetic party has fallen into the toilet. In the 1968 primaries, Ronald Reagan received more votes as a (D)im write-in candidate (5,309) than did Ted Kennedy (4,052), though Teddy did lead in the number of girls killed (1-0) over Reagan.

All the polling from trump Rallies in Colorado and Arizona looks like 17 to 18 percent dems... early estimates say he will also get 10 to 15 percent of the black vote this time regardless of the opposition

I don’t see a path forward for the Dems... they need to consolidate a polar opposite base under a platform that Trump stole its best moderate selling points and took to the Republicans side... they are ******...