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Dem primaries begin! Let there be fire and brimstone in Iowa!

Trolling the **** outta them, lol

President Trump’s campaign rallies stalk Democrats



Early estimates say he will also get 10 to 15 percent of the black vote this time regardless of the opposition.

I think Trump gets 10% of the African-American vote if Biden is the (D)im candidate, and 15% with any of the other morons as the opposition.

I don’t see a path forward for the Dems...

The (D)ims have pretty clearly marked their path forward:

It was only Bloomberg's first debate, the others have been debating for a year. I don't think he has Trump's ability to learn and adapt though.

All the polling from trump Rallies in Colorado and Arizona looks like 17 to 18 percent dems... early estimates say he will also get 10 to 15 percent of the black vote this time regardless of the opposition

I don’t see a path forward for the Dems... they need to consolidate a polar opposite base under a platform that Trump stole its best moderate selling points and took to the Republicans side... they are ******...

I think it's possible after a massive defeat in November that the Dem Party splits in two, the Democrats and the more Lefty Socialist Democrats.
I think it's possible after a massive defeat in November that the Dem Party splits in two, the Democrats and the more Lefty Socialist Democrats.

I have been hoping for this. I can see the bernie bots breaking off. I hope he gets the votes, but gets jobbed by the Dems again. That would cause a rift that they couldn't recover from.
It was only Bloomberg's first debate, the others have been debating for a year. I don't think he has Trump's ability to learn and adapt though.

I think it's possible after a massive defeat in November that the Dem Party splits in two, the Democrats and the more Lefty Socialist Democrats.

I think they’re all the same. It’s just that some of them don’t hide it as much as the others.
It was only Bloomberg's first debate, the others have been debating for a year. I don't think he has Trump's ability to learn and adapt though.

I think it's possible after a massive defeat in November that the Dem Party splits in two, the Democrats and the more Lefty Socialist Democrats.
Canada has a three party system, with a couple bonus whiner parties (greens and french).
From the conservative side in a lefty country, the united right and split left is the only way we get sensible govt (oxymoron) occasionally.
Splitting the left is the key. You cannot let the conservatives split or you get Venezuela in a generation.

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I have been hoping for this. I can see the bernie bots breaking off. I hope he gets the votes, but gets jobbed by the Dems again. That would cause a rift that they couldn't recover from.

The base and foot soldiers in the Dem party are solidly in the Bernie/AOC Socialist camp. The party leadership and big money donors are not so far Left. They like to tax "other people" but Bernie is deadly serious about going after The Rich and they know it.





The base and foot soldiers in the Dem party are solidly in the Bernie/AOC Socialist camp. The party leadership and big money donors are not so far Left. They like to tax "other people" but Bernie is deadly serious about going after The Rich and they know it.

Yeah... the blue collar people bailed years ago... the globalists are Dinos... they don’t care what party does what as long as tgey can pillage what they want from every country unabated... they just use all the Dem factions to get their way... as the Rino Republicans get shuffled outthe Dems are their last hope to keep their gravy train going... they will promise socialism but give bare bones programs in that area

Bernie is a true believer and will tear this country apart trying to make that impossible fantasy work and they know it

People like the Clintons just push socialism to get power to abuse in their favor

Bernie is a different beast
Yeah... the blue collar people bailed years ago... the globalists are Dinos... they don’t care what party does what as long as tgey can pillage what they want from every country unabated... they just use all the Dem factions to get their way... as the Rino Republicans get shuffled outthe Dems are their last hope to keep their gravy train going... they will promise socialism but give bare bones programs in that area

Bernie is a true believer and will tear this country apart trying to make that impossible fantasy work and they know it

People like the Clintons just push socialism to get power to abuse in their favor

Bernie is a different beast

The fact a Marxist is even this CLOSE to gaining the White House makes me ashamed.

We have created so many false equivalencies in our society. Muhammed = Jesus is one of the greatest. But Communism = Capitalism is just as dangerous. We have taught a generation of people that these are all the same, just "different" and not to be feared or criticized or even logically critiqued.

To critique Muhammad is racist. To critique communism is "selfish".

The left has decided that "equality" means that all religions are the same and all governments are the same. I mean, for all the left wants to sell, a Monarchy is just a good as a representative government. Who are we to judge? Who are we to claim one is better than the other? Shame! Shame!

That is the message of the left. They would have yelled SHAME to our founding fathers. Who are they to have the right to say a representative government is BETTER than a "benevolent Monarchy"? They are equivalent forms of government to the left we now know. Nothing is "better" than the other because that would hurt someone's feelings.

I'm saying this now until I die. Communism is terrible. Socialism is terrible. Democratic socialism is terrible. And I will fight until my last breath against those ideals and ideologies.
Last edited:


"I got news for the Democratic establishment, they can't stop us"

Twitter is suspending 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts, citing ‘platform manipulation’

Michael R. Bloomberg’s presidential campaign has been experimenting with novel tactics to cultivate an online following, or at least the appearance of one.

But one of the strategies — deploying a large number of Twitter accounts to push out identical messages — has backfired. On Friday, Twitter began suspending 70 accounts posting pro-Bloomberg content in a pattern that violates company rules.

As part of a far-reaching social media strategy, the Bloomberg campaign has hired hundreds of temporary employees to pump out campaign messages through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.




What about Bloomberg supporters in Nevada today?

If they don't know that he is cheating, then they would be suckers....

Is caucus-sucker a defined term?

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If they don't know that he is cheating, then they would be suckers....

Spike, Is caucus-sucker a defined term?


Fake accounts, spamming by paid operatives, I guess when you're buying an election, anything goes



Trump vs Bernie for the presidency!

Sad just sad that most Dems want a socialist


Chris Matthews: "Democrats might be better off with Trump as president than Sanders"





Chris Matthews: "Democrats might be better off with Trump as president than Sanders"




Capitalism vs Communism... Russian interference means ****... globalists lose no matter what lol
My plan is coming together nicely, Go Bernie Go!

MY perdictions are never wrong, lol
Yeah... the blue collar people bailed years ago... the globalists are Dinos... they don’t care what party does what as long as tgey can pillage what they want from every country unabated... they just use all the Dem factions to get their way... as the Rino Republicans get shuffled outthe Dems are their last hope to keep their gravy train going... they will promise socialism but give bare bones programs in that area

Bernie is a true believer and will tear this country apart trying to make that impossible fantasy work and they know it

People like the Clintons just push socialism to get power to abuse in their favor

Bernie is a different beast


Bloomberg needs to take down Sanders -- immediately

(CNN)It seems Michael Bloomberg entered the presidential race for at least two reasons: he wants to be president and he understands the importance of denying President Trump a second term.

His late entrance into the race, however, means every decision he makes is exponentially more consequential as the clock counts down to November 3. His strategy so far has been to spend -- and spend some more -- blanketing the media landscape with the message that he's the best candidate to take on Trump.

In any political campaign, candidates need to know what they stand for, and who -- or what -- they're up against. At this stage in the game for Bloomberg, that enemy is not Trump. It's Sen. Bernie Sanders and the election calendar.
If Bloomberg wants to make it past the Democratic National Convention in July, his strategy needs to change --quickly. His first objective is to nab the nomination, and to do that, he needs to direct his resources to take down Sanders before he even has a chance at Trump.
As it stands, Sanders has a chance to run the table as the rest of the field fights each other for the honor of coming in second. Sanders has emerged as the Democratic front-runner, and his support stands at 25% among Democrats and independents who lean Democratic, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll.
But that's not enough to win the general election. I don't believe the country is prepared to support a Democratic socialist, and I agree with the theory that Sanders would lose in a matchup against Trump. In a general election battle between two divisive figures who both preach the politics of grievance, I believe Trump will win the battle to the bottom and remain the last man standing.

Given that the primary calendar dictates that 60% of delegates will be determined by St. Patrick's Day, the primary race could be effectively over in less than a month. Of all the other Democratic candidates, Bloomberg may be the only one who can stop the Sanders freight train and still have a shot at winning the White House.
But let's not forget -- Bloomberg is already skipping the first four voting states in favor of concentrating on Super Tuesday. With his disastrous performance in the Las Vegas debate, it appears he won't be building any organic momentum in this race. He has to buy it.
If Bloomberg has any chance of winning the nomination, he has to redirect his resources during the primary and run ads against Sanders -- not Trump.
Bloomberg needs to use the next $400 million in ad spending to attack Sanders on his potential weaknesses in a general election and highlight how far left his campaign is. Hitting him on his past record on guns is a must.
Bloomberg also needs to drive home the fact that very little of what Sanders has proposed has any chance of being implemented without serious challenges and major compromises, as even, for example, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez admitted on Medicare for All.
Sanders' praise of Soviet-backed regimes is ripe for political attack ads -- and if Bloomberg doesn't take advantage of this, Trump certainly will in the fall. Finally, Sanders' legislative record of achievements is lacking, and the difficulty he faces in garnering support among both Democratic or Republican lawmakers can be highlighted.

Bloomberg has a narrow window of time to shift his strategy. As Tim Miller, who served as Jeb Bush's communications director in 2016 wrote in The Bulwark, a big lesson from 2016 is "attack the freaking front-runner for God's sake ... If Mike's goal is to actually beat Bernie -- and not just finish Super Tuesday with a gentleman's 18 percent and embark on a long, losing slog in the hopes something crazy happens -- then his paid media needs to shift to targeting Bernie immediately. Let me emphasize this: Immediately, today, five minutes ago, the fork NOW."
Taking on the front-runner is risky business. By launching an all-out attack, Bloomberg is likely to hurt Sanders. But this plan could also backfire. It may be that Bloomberg succeeds in derailing Sanders -- and damages his own campaign in the process, clearing the way for Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar if they manage to stay above the fray.
But what's the alternative for Bloomberg? Continuing to focus only on Trump does nothing to stop the Sanders campaign, nor does it do anything to sort out the rest of the field until after Super Tuesday. By then, it'll be too late. If Bloomberg entered the race to become President and to stop Trump, he has no choice now but to try to stop Sanders.

Doing so without taking himself down is the strategic test for Mike Bloomberg. Either way, he has to face it now instead of waiting until Super Tuesday. Winning the White House ultimately means beating Donald Trump.
But to get to Trump, and to deny him a second term, Bloomberg will have to defeat Sanders first, even if that might mean ruining his own chances at the nomination.

MSNBC Matthews to Establishment Democrats: Vote for Trump

Well, he did well here in 2016—and now he won it outright. In 2016, Hillary Clinton took the Nevada Caucus relatively early. In 2020, Sanders did the same, but it was a landslide win. The writing was on the wall. The Vermont democratic socialist just dominated the exit polls. He dominated with very liberal voters, took a good chunk of college-educated women—no one took an outright majority there—and ran the table with Hispanic voters. He appears to have received a healthy amount of support from union workers, specifically the key culinary workers union that has been in a nasty fight with the Sanders campaign over his Medicare for All proposal.

Over at MSNBC, a network that has received the ire of the Sanders campaign due to their overt bias against Bernie, one host appears to be making the case for Donald Trump. Granted, this was more directed toward the Democratic Party establishment and the rest of the anti-Sanders wing. But Chris Matthews, who has railed against Bernie’s candidacy, even suggesting an electoral slaughter, all but told this group of voters to vote for Trump. He virtually said it on live television. To be blunt, Matthews said that the Democratic Party establishment would be better off with four more years of Trump than a Sanders administration and the revolutionary baggage that comes with it.

Oh, and it gets worse. Matthews appears to be suffering something of a meltdown, as he compared Sanders winning Nevada to the Nazi conquest of France.
One state at a time, if Joe can't win big in SC he's probably done

10 days till Super Tues, the race will become clearer after that.

I think they ****** up by having Calif going so early this time, that could be the knockout blow that Bernie needs to lock it up!
We are beginning to see the destruction of the Democratic Party.
The Dem Convention is going to be epic.

I think I may actually watch that. It will be an epic **** show unparalleled in American politics. I can't really wrap my brain around how anyone can follow this party and what it's become. I suppose ignorance of outcome.
Sanders wins Nevada with only about 1500 votes. Biden in 2and place with 1500 votes. It looks like most Democrats are not interested in any of these candidates. How many registered democrats are in Nevada? A lot more than 5000.