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Dem primaries begin! Let there be fire and brimstone in Iowa!

Let Sanders be the front runner. He has ZERO chance of winning the popular election and electoral college. This is perfect for Trump to get re-elected.

This ^^^

Further, if Sanders or Buttplug or Bloomin' Onion is the nominee, the candidate gets zero interest from the young rebels and African-Americans, the angry rebels sit out the election, Trump gets 15% of the African-American vote, wins Virginia, Nevada and Minnesota as a result and wins the election in an electoral landslide.

The (D)ims are pimping Biden simply because he garners interest in the African-American base. No other candidate does - none.
This ^^^

Further, if Sanders or Buttplug or Bloomin' Onion is the nominee, the candidate gets zero interest from the young rebels and African-Americans, the angry rebels sit out the election, Trump gets 15% of the African-American vote, wins Virginia, Nevada and Minnesota as a result and wins the election in an electoral landslide.

The (D)ims are pimping Biden simply because he garners interest in the African-American base. No other candidate does - none.

Whoever the nominee turns out to be will blatantly be racist to try and court the black vote. Every stereotype known to man will be used to try and convince black voters to turn out on election day. Yelling "racist" and blaming whitey will be historic in their attempts. It will be ugly to anyone with a semblance of decency and race blindness but the democrats won't hold back. You wait and see.
Whoever the nominee turns out to be will blatantly be racist to try and court the black vote. Every stereotype known to man will be used to try and convince black voters to turn out on election day. Yelling "racist" and blaming whitey will be historic in their attempts. It will be ugly to anyone with a semblance of decency and race blindness but the democrats won't hold back. You wait and see.

Perhaps they'll even carry hot sauce with them, and proclaim that they ain't noways tired.
Perhaps they'll even carry hot sauce with them, and proclaim that they ain't noways tired.

Oh for God's sake, Indy, get real and stop behaving as if (D)ims are lowlife closet racists who indulge in the worst stereotyping and vote-bribing ever seen.
Bloomberg represents the greatest threat as he is clearly a successful businessman. He can come out and state that he has very clear ideas on how to continue the economic progress that the country has begun experiencing, and honestly, there's a good chance he could make a believable argument on that front.

The problem is, the democrats have spent so much of their time and their souls demonizing the wealthy, it will be hard for them as a party to retool their philosophy in short order to try to get their voters to believe, "Ya, but THIS rich guy is awesome!" How do you go from a wide-spread platform of "We need to tax the rich to death because they are... I don't know, not poor?" To "Bloomberg is going to fix EVERTHANG!"

It's a real problem for the party. While Bloomberg may pick up those moderates that feel as though the whacko's have gone too far, and he may pick up some undecided's who really just don't like Trump's boorishness, the Bernie fallout will be even more significant this year. If they feel as though Bernie loses in anything but a fair fight, they'll sabotage the democrats. And how CAN they feel as though it's been a fair fight when Bloomberg is just using his money to come in at the last second and avoid all the scrutiny and work the other candidates have put in?

No, the democrats have really painted themselves in a corner.
I mean honestly, while it's sad to admit,

Buttigieg simply cannot be elected at this time in American history. We simply aren't open-minded enough yet to elect an openly gay president. Ya, we shouldn't be so homophobic to make that a show-stopper, but the fact is, we just aren't there yet.

Warren is more Bernie than Bernie and she's STILL not popular enough among the pot-smokin' college hippies. She's like "Trying-to-be-cool Grandma" who just embarrasses you every time she takes a hit off the bong.

Biden is done. The impeachment bullshit did nothing but focus ALL of America on the corruption that is his son.

As pointed out, Bloomberg is literally doing nothing more than trying to BUY the presidency. Even Trump had to go to war in the run-up to the primaries, through the nominations and then on to the general election. Bloomberg is using the Staples "Easy" button.
Now they want a do-over in Iowa!

It ain't over!


DNC chair calls for immediate 'recanvass' of Iowa after botched caucus

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez called for an immediate "recanvass" of Iowa as concerns mounted about the integrity of the results

"In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass."

Trump supporters chant "Four More Years!"

Dem supporters chant "For More Votes!"
Now they want a do-over in Iowa!

It ain't over!


DNC chair calls for immediate 'recanvass' of Iowa after botched caucus

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez called for an immediate "recanvass" of Iowa as concerns mounted about the integrity of the results

"In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass."


Well, that's what they wanted to do with Bush vs. Gore, and Trump vs. Jezabel. Do it over until they get the results that they want.
Now they want a do-over in Iowa!

It ain't over!


DNC chair calls for immediate 'recanvass' of Iowa after botched caucus

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez called for an immediate "recanvass" of Iowa as concerns mounted about the integrity of the results

"In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass."


I am all for it. Let them spin their wheels in Iowa. Trump's go that locked up.

Biden demonstrating how those prepubescent girls he loves to fondle can advance in his administration
State of the (D)im Party:

The (D)ims are in deep, deep, deep trouble right now. The only candidate they have who could at least claim some semblance of moderation and garner strong support among African-American voters is Joe Biden. However, Biden finished a disastrous 4th in Iowa, barely beating Amy Klobuchar, and the simple fact is this: Biden is running out of money.

He spent more than he raised in the 3rd quarter of 2019, had a much better 4th quarter when he raised $21 million, but still that number was well behind Buttplug and Sanders, both of whom raised quite a bit more.

Four candidates vying for the White House in 2020 have released the results of their fundraising efforts for the fourth quarter of 2019.

In the final three months of 2019, the Trump campaign stated it raised $46 million, officials for Bernie Sanders’s election bid said their candidate collected $34.5 million, Pete Buttigieg’s campaign stated it received $24.7 million, and Andrew Yang’s campaign stated he raised $16.5 million.

At the time of reporting, no other candidates had declared their fourth-quarter intake. The Wall Street Journal reported that, in the final three months of 2019, Joe Biden’s campaign expected to raise more than $22 million, while Elizabeth Warren anticipated collecting $17 million.


Biden is not even campaigning in New Hampshire, which he will lose. That continues his inadmirable streak, as Joe Biden, in his 3rd Presidential run, has never won a primary - ever.

Next after that are the Nevada caucuses, where Sanders' very strong labor support and flourishing fundraising put him in the lead. That means Biden is set to Alamo the South Carolina primary on February 29. If he does not win a blowout, he is done. Finished. Back to Sizzler for his 4:30 p.m. senior dinner.

Super Tuesday is March 3, 2020. Primaries are set to take place in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. Sleepy Joe absolutely MUST win and win big in North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. If he finishes 2nd in any of those states, he is done. He must also finish top-2 in California, which is likely to go Bernie and where Mini-Mike is spending big, along with top-2 or top-3 finishes at worst in Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

By March 4, Biden's campaign will very likely be done. He does not have the money to battle Mini-Mike, or the fervent support in the Northeast to take on Commie Bernie. He is banking on African-American support and the Southern states to save his withered hide, but I don't see it happening. I think Mini-Mike drains away support in California, North Carolina and Virginia, Bernie continues to rile up the commie base, Mayor Pete gets the very sought-after LBGQLMNOPICU vote, and Sleepy Joe goes back to groping young girls for a living.

So, (D)ims, who is it? Commie-Man, Mrs. Pete, or Mini-Mike? Make your choice.

Not that it matters. Trump has $105 million cash on hand before the 2020 fundraising, has a great economy, no new wars, growing support among minorities, and will roll whatever flaccid loser the (D)ims roll out ...


But of course, the (D)ims are famous for their voter fraud, "finding" votes in the trunk of a car, spying on the opposition, and other campaign tactics that would make Tricky Dick blush. So the race remains on, as does the search for Nancy's denture adhesive and mixer for her Skyy.
Thank heavens the (D)im intellectual heavyweights are parsing the Iowa debacle:

Democrat Congresswoman Blames Iowa Caucus Disaster On Russia
February 6, 2020 By Tristan Justice

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas suggested Wednesday that the Russians were behind the vote-reporting app crashing during Monday’s Iowa Democratic caucuses.

At an FBI oversight hearing in the House Judiciary Committee with FBI Director Christopher Wray, Jackson Lee said she hoped Iowa Democrats would press the FBI to study the Russia’s involvement in the Iowa caucuses, where full results were yet to be released four days later. “I hope that the Iowa Democrats will ask for an FBI investigation on the app,” Jackson Lee told Wray. “I believe that Russia has been engaged in and interfering with a number of our elections dealing with the 2016 election.”



The genius commenting on another topic.
Now they want a do-over in Iowa!

Can you imagine with the shenanigans going on in their own caucus, what they're potentially able to do to the general election? What a ******* disaster they've become.
Wait, it gets better



Bernie getting snubbed again?

That will really piss him off

Here is the thing... bernie supporters are rabid and extremely left wing... like stupid extreme in many cases... they support the dems as a means to an end... they are often straight up communists with very extreme agendas... the middle of tge road dems wont support him at all... and that’s probably 25% of their potential votes... and nobody they lost to trump will come back

but if he gets cheated out of it again, his own followers are going to wage war with the dems and push for an independent run... They need both of these two sides to win

Their hope is that the bernstar flames out naturally.. so this iowa mess is the worse thing ever... now all the bernbots willl scream “rigged“ if he doesn’t get it...

If the conservatives are smart they drudge up all of the rigged stories from last time and really push that narrative... the dems will fall into a uncivil war for certain
I remember when the hippies wanted nothing to do with government, now they and generally their kids can't get enough of it in every aspect of their lives. What comes around goes around I guess.

Radical ideas that oppose institutions eventually become institutions that oppose radical ideas.
bernie supporters are rabid and extremely left wing...

If he gets cheated out of it again, his own followers are going to wage war with the dems

Thats what we're counting on! lol

Pete declared winner in Iowa, Bernie claims the win for himself!

Great start to the race, lol
Biden slumps to 4th in new NH poll!



Donny Deutsch calls Dems weak, impotent, dysfunctional. they can't even run a caucus in Iowa and they want to run the country!?

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Biden should adopt a campaign theme song from The Clash - "Lost in the Supermarket." The chances Joe gets lost in the supermarket and is found without pants, wandering the canned vegetable aisle, is exceedingly high.
I mean honestly, while it's sad to admit,

Buttigieg simply cannot be elected at this time in American history. We simply aren't open-minded enough yet to elect an openly gay president.

America knows that Buttigieg is not ready to be President. Further, his support in the African-American and Hispanic community is zero. Zilch. Nothing. He would be lucky to win 10 states.
Bernie getting snubbed again?

Yes. Overtly. The Iowa fraud was done in plain sight, with demonstrated voter fraud in one county, where a precinct captain posted the vote totals on Facebook and the later vote totals reported by the DNC did not match - at all. Both Steyer and Deval Patrick supposedly had votes in the first go-round, enough to pass the 15% mark, but then NONE in the second round. That is supposed to be impossible, as voters who align with a candidate who passes the 15% threshold are not allowed to change their votes on the 2nd round.

But that is exactly what happened ... votes magically disappeared for two candidates, appeared for Warren, disappeared for Sanders, and on and on.

And the (D)ims did this IN THE OPEN, with the world watching the only vote taking place that day.

Anybody who doubts that the (D)ims are openly planning vote games in November is either stupid or a liar.
Biden was never going to be a factor in New Hampshire. Not with Bernie and Warren.

If the lying media doesn't destroy his chances first, Biden's strength is still in the Bible Belt of the south because all the other options just aren't going to do well there.

I think the West Coast will end up eventually deciding the winner. You could argue every democrat demographic is in California which these candidates could appeal to. Can Biden get the minority vote? Can Budegieg get the LGBTQ vote? Bernie the communist vote? Warren the women vote?

I have no ******* clue at this point.