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Denying Jobs Based on Race and our March Towards Communism

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Thoughts from my friend Dean. Well said. Watch the video. Unless you are of color, you do not get the job.

I have friends in the high tech industry, super over the top qualified for positions with major companies you all know. They've interviewed. They are white. Despite being over-credentialed, they have been told diversity edicts prevent them from being hired. It's now being discussed in Congress by our Senators. It's happening to us in day to day life.

"That decisive hour,” which Karl Marx acutely forecast a hundred years before: when “the process of dissolution going on within the whole range of the old society” becomes so violent “that a small section of the ruling class . . . joins the revolutionary class.” This “small section,” says Marx, is “in particular,” the middle-class intellectuals. When this happens, it is very late in the night of history, and in the life of nations. What is irreparable is that faith between man and man which is the arterial pulse of community; for henceforth the conspirator is indistinguishable from the man beside you. Security shatters, not because there are no more locks, but because the men naturally trusted with the keys and combinations are themselves the conspirators.” -Whittaker Chambers

I've laid off the Chambers quotes for a bit. I'm not sure they had any effect on anyone other than noting that leftism is as old and dark as the devil. But, that one has come back to me with great frequency lately. It denotes the coming together of the efforts of the formal party apparatus and intellectuals that comes up with its various ideas of the struggle, employs the strategies, coopts the media, coordinates political underground operatives, stirs agitation, promotes propaganda until such time where it finds willful participation of a large swath of society, particularly the middle class. It's wokism by any other name. It's similar in the sense that it started in intellectual 'laboratories' of academia and has now filtered out to places like my neighborhood and is pitting neighbor against neighbor.

Those of you who have been friends of mine for some time, both in my current FB incarnation and my previous, (now deleted) incarnation know that I have been warning about this for some time: Leftism does not seek a state of equilibrium, balance. It uses democracy only as a vehicle to catalyze its metamorphosis from liberalism; to socialism; to communism . As Chambers also said, "Communism is not a form of government, communism is a political party that seeks a host government." Thats precisely where we are. With this last election, the American Progressives have found a host government. It was established by a man and a family who merely lusted for power, legitimacy and its trappings. They have given him that. In return, 'they' are truly now operating the country. Hence the jeopardy in the illusion of "tolerance" and "bipartisanship" that they have long peddled - those were merely political devices employed to allow it to advance, so once on top it could turn and use all the instruments at its disposal to create single party rule. There will be no such tolerance reciprocated afforded.

This is why they call themselves "revolutionaries". The conflict must continue in perpetuity with new aggrieved groups and grievances accruing all the time, while the old ones worsen. Conflict, grievance is the very source of its power. Revolutions need enemies and scapegoats as sources of the grievance. I warned about it in 2008 and we are upon its doorstep.

This is disturbing and growing a bit more so every day. Last week it was suburban, neighborhood Karens creating impromptu social media groups with the sole purpose of identifying those who had reasonable, thoughtful objections to CRT (critical race theory) being taught in schools. The commie Karens and the betas who love them were accusing good people, who had different opinions as so contemptible that they must be outed, ruined, shamed.

This week it is notably turning more aggressive and organized and acerbic. Using Atlanta and Colorado as push off points to move the craft back into the current and attempt to co-opt Asian Americans to the cause. Somehow both of those stories have been fomented into the larger narrative of race. So much so, two US Senators suggested they will not support another "white" Biden nominee.

Pay attention - listen to the last 3 minutes of Tucker. The next version will be worse. The body always goes where the snake head takes it.

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All white people should go on strike for a week. See what happens.