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The Communist Thread

Yup Trog, you hit it on the head. Fear and loathing is at an all time high. Seems a lot of folks on the board should be in therapy by now.

But actually, if you think back to the Obama years, it's all the same bullshit regurgitated and neatly repackaged for Biden & Harris.... the country's going full commie & socialist, global elites are the new overlords, guns will be confiscated, everyone will be gay & trans, country will turn into Venezuela, mandatory indoctrination camps, blah blah. Just more of the same delirious fearmongering that we've seen and heard before, ad naseum.

It's like a worn-out, broken record...always skipping at the same spot. You can doze off and fall asleep to it.


posting this meme makes look like an even stupider troll than you normally come across. You want to insinuate that this meme portrays the majority of the people on this board. it does not. your nut-hugger also rushes to suggest the same. he's continually wrong as well.

do tell me:
  • Why should I embrace the act of killing an unborn child?
  • What is the end game of Affirmative Action - who benefits most?
  • You dare to include Antifa in this? You're still riding their jocks.
  • Atheists do not bother anyone that I know.
  • Black Lives Matter, as has been pointed out is nothing but a money-laundering sham for the Democratic Party. You continue to ignore that fact.
  • Black People? LOL - so the vast majority of the board (me included) are racist to you? **** you.
  • Books? right. The ones with words we read or the ones you and Flog color in?
  • College? **** you. I have three degrees.
  • Environmentalists? again, you're not embracing the science that you disagree with
  • Equality? uh, no again. Most people on this board want others to prosper and be happy. then there's a small faction who want the government to rule. You and Flog know who you are
  • Evidence? That's only in the meme since you disagree, again, with that which doesnt confirm your bias
  • Feelings? **** your feelings. your feelings have zero to do with my personal rights and liberties.
  • Foreigners? As we have said for years -- come here legally and be welcomed with open arms.
  • Gays & Gay Marriage? Couldnt care less who marries who or what adults do behind closed doors.
  • Gun Control? This ties in with your feelings. **** your feelings on gun control. But do tell me why a single mother should not be allowed to defend herself from a rapist.
  • Health Standards? You do realize that President Trump wanted a level PAYING field on hospitals, right? You know, shop around. Let the free market determine who/where you go. Which would also increase standards.
  • Journalists. NOW we're getting somewhere. The idiots who call themselves White House Correspondents are not journalists. Period.
  • Mandatory Masks. One mask doesnt work. Now they want us to wear two. Maybe three by summer. Or four in fall. Where's the end?
  • Non-Christians? I dont attend church on any basis. Regular or irregular. **** off with that, too.
  • Peace? LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL - Trump was ending never-ending wars. Didn't Biden just roll tanks into Syria?
  • Progressives? Whats to fear? Sometimes progressives have good ideas. Based on feelings, sure, but without some sort of "pull the other direction" we'd be rather boring.
  • Science? Again - you refuse to read what you disagree with
  • Vaccines? Damn. See above.
  • Women? Point out one Conservative who hates women. Actual biological women. Not people born male who want to identify as a woman but retain the male plumbing.
Stop being a fascist SoOp.
[*]Women? Point out one Conservative who hates women. Actual biological women. Not people born male who want to identify as a woman but retain the male plumbing.

Democrats didn't do women any favors by letting men dominate their sports... They no longer stand a chance. I know we want to be all accepting of transgenders but, the women are getting screwed. Who is going to stand up for women? (real women) How are women supposed to compete with this(pic)? Democrats don't care about women.

Democrats didn't do women any favors by letting men dominate their sports... They no longer stand a chance. I know we want to be all accepting of transgenders but, the women are getting screwed. Who is going to stand up for women? (real women) How are women supposed to compete with this(pic)? Democrats don't care about women.


If it's demented, immoral and oppressive? The demoncrats are all for it. How else can you fundamentally change a society and culture unless you destroy it ground up. So we allow handfuls of mentally ill MEN , to outweigh the needs of millions of actual WOMEN.
A transgendered MMA fighter literally broke a woman's face when she/he was allow to compete against women. If that didn't change anyone's mind that this is a bad idea, nothing will. Well maybe a shitload of lawsuits will, who knows.
Can anyone guess who watches CNN on this thread.
The unbelievable irony of the liberal responses in this thread. "Ohh, conservatives are so afraid!"

Which side wants to shut down free speech?

And which side cowered on the floor of the House like spineless, dickless cowards when facing what millions of Americans have faced for more than eight months? According to leftist morons:


Horrible, awful terrorists


Oh-so brave, courageous lefty congressthing. (Not assuming gender here.)
The unbelievable irony of the liberal responses in this thread. "Ohh, conservatives are so afraid!"

Which side wants to shut down free speech?

And which side cowered on the floor of the House like spineless, dickless cowards when facing what millions of Americans have faced for more than eight months? According to leftist morons:


Horrible, awful terrorists


Oh-so brave, courageous lefty congressthing. (Not assuming gender here.)

Checking my empathy meter for them.....yep still at zero... See antifa &blm for reference as to its demise.
Imposter Joe said it was just an idea anyway.
The unbelievable irony of the liberal responses in this thread. "Ohh, conservatives are so afraid!"

Which side wants to shut down free speech?

And which side cowered on the floor of the House like spineless, dickless cowards when facing what millions of Americans have faced for more than eight months? According to leftist morons:


Horrible, awful terrorists


Oh-so brave, courageous lefty congressthing. (Not assuming gender here.)

Politicians lives matter
They get 24,000 national guard to protect them.
American business owners and citizens get no protection from democrats
Politicians lives matter
They get 24,000 national guard to protect them.
American business owners and citizens get no protection from democrats

Then they stuff the National Gaurd in a ******* parking garage to sleep as a thanks. Bunch of ****s.
Vile Comrade Tibs, Useful Idiot, is uncapable of a leadership position.

Tibsy is nowhere close to first among equals, but rather like the cut/paste mewling working for a person who works for a person who works for a person to keep a message/narrative more constant on highly specialized sports related American chat forums.

AKA....Paid Soros Troll

George Soros is one of the evilest men alive. He is one of the richest men too, and it’s a fact that Soros funds most of the paid agitators we see out rioting today. Soros is famous for his sick plans to take over America, and since he has taken down other countries in the past, this is no joke.
