The fact is that there isn't enough money in the top 1% or even the top 10% to tax. Weren't not talking trillions of dollars. We're talking a few billions dollars. Which is nothing when the government wastes 10X that amount on bullshit. Just a few examples over the years:
1. Washington will spend $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.
2. The Securities and Exchange Commission spent $3.9 million rearranging desks and offices at its Washington, D.C., headquarters
3. The Pentagon recently spent $998,798 shipping two 19-cent washers from South Carolina to Texas and $293,451 sending an 89-cent washer from South Carolina to Florida.
4. Over half of all farm subsidies go to commercial farms, which report average household incomes of $200,000.
5. A GAO audit found that 95 Pentagon weapons systems suffered from a combined $295 billion in cost overruns.
6.The refusal of many federal employees to fly coach costs taxpayers $146 million annually in flight upgrades.
7. Washington will spend $126 million in 2009 to enhance the Kennedy family legacy in Massachusetts. Additionally, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) diverted $20 million from the 2010 defense budget to subsidize a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute.
8. More than $13 billion in Iraq aid has been classified as wasted or stolen. Another $7.8 billion cannot be accounted for.
9. Washington has spent $3 billion re-sanding beaches -- even as this new sand washes back into the ocean
10. The Defense Department wasted $100 million on unused flight tickets and never bothered to collect refunds even though the tickets were refundable.
And that's just a small portion of the **** that goes on in Washington. I wouldn't send them another ******* dime from anyone until they clean that **** up. I don't want to hear a damn thing about the rich not paying their fair share because it has NOTHING to do with the government not having enough money. It's just a way to punish rich people and to campaign for more spending and waste. It's also a political wedge to get votes from uneducated dups that think taxing Richie Rich will make their lives better when the truth is it makes Washington's lives better.