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Donald Trump Bars CNN, NYT, LAT, Politico From White House Briefing

Not on board with the banning of major news agencies, even if they suck. He needs to dial it back. I'm not comfortable with a president picking his press corp. How about calling a press conference to call out the republicans in congress for sitting on their ***** for the last two months? Get focused on real ****?

But they suck intentionally.. I believe in freedom of the press, but like anything else- with freedom comes responsibility.

If I were Trump that's exactly what I would be telling everyone.

It's undeniable certain media outlets work for the democrat party, so in essence they are the ones akin to state run news agencies like Pravda. Like Communist run news agencies they protect and circle the wagons around their dear leaders, as much as CNN and others did Obama.
Their only redemption is that CNN isn't getting a government paycheck from the DNC
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This is a prime example of fake news. It is CNN's response to the Ari Horowitz Sweden report.

Yeah! Let the professional propagandists do the work.

On that note, I saw this story about SEIU protesters going to the wrong house in California.
Union Protestors Target California Republican, Go to Wrong House
Organizer says failed protest is not an embarrassment

Union leaders in California continued a protest even after neighbors and police informed them they were at the wrong house because their target, Rep. Steve Knight (R., Calif.), had moved away months ago.

The group of over 50 protestors, who arrived in Service Employees International Union (SEIU) vans, carried a fake coffin to the house to send a message that Knight's votes in Congress were "killing" them,
In the article it linked a site that organizes Trump protesters.

The protestors said that their efforts were based on an online guidebook called "Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda."


Tell me this doesn't have the " Barry Bunch " tag of approval written all over it.

How can this not be seen by all Americans as concerning is beyond me....

This goes way beyond "usual" American politics....and the rhetoric supporting this decision is just as concerning..

The question to me is...if this a precedent and will be used and more importantly PERMITTED by future Presidents...

What happens when a far left Liberal becomes president and enacts his or her own rules and opinions, on which news agency is permitted to enter the White House to cover news briefings....

Thought control, limiting opinions, and eliminating uncomfortable questions by the press seems "Un" American to me.

Is this now how this country's conducts it's business?
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What happens when a far left Liberal becomes president and enacts his or her own rules and opinions, on which news agency is permitted to enter the White House to cover news briefings....

Already happened!!! So Obama banning Fox news is perfectly acceptable, right?

Where have you been the last 8 years?

Liberal HYPOCRISY!! Look How CNN Reacted When President Obama BANNED FOX News!

“The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network" newly released documents show.



and CNN rigging the election debates for Hillary is OK with you too, I bet.

MEDIA HYPOCRISY: Here Are All The Times Obama Blamed Fox News For His Problems

Obama Says Fox Is Entirely Devoted To "Attacking My Administration"

Obama Calls Fox News "Destructive"

Obama Blames Fox For Benghazi and IRS Scandals

Obama Hits Fox News For Obamacare Criticism

Obama Takes A Shot At Fox News For Allegedly Covering Him Unfairly

Obama Claims "Certain Televisions Stations" Distort His Position On Guns

Obama Blames Fox News For Making Him "Seem Scary"

Obama Blames Fox News For "Balkanization Of The Media"

and of course, Fox is why Hillary lost

Obama Blames Fox News For Election Loss


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How can this not be seen by all Americans as concerning is beyond me....

This goes way beyond "usual" American politics....and the rhetoric supporting this decision is just as concerning..

The question to me is...if this a precedent and will be used and more importantly PERMITTED by future Presidents...

What happens when a far left Liberal becomes president and enacts his or her own rules and opinions, on which news agency is permitted to enter the White House to cover news briefings....

Thought control, limiting opinions, and eliminating uncomfortable questions by the press seems "Un" American to me.

Is this now how this country's conducts it's business?

What is concerning to me is how the MSM has become political operatives for the Democratic party, to a point of attempting to rig debates. And DemsC having off the record meetings with news reporters to discuss talking points, and setting the narrative.

Doesn't that concern you, and do you think they should not be called out for it?
What media manipulation?

CNN Fake news

CNN gives Clinton debate questions: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-clinton-camp-debate-question-in-advance.html

CNN fakes story to make BLM look good, ignores call to violence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SxHOLWiUnA

CNN fakes satellite feed when two reporters are in the same parking lot: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/the-daily-show-calls-out-cnn/83283367/

CNN Fakes racist pepe image https://imgflip.com/i/1jxjr7

CNN fakes popularity numbers http://www.businessinsider.com/cnn-fox-news-inauguration-ratings-2017-1

CNN Media Manipulation http://i.magaimg.net/img/48i.jpg

CNN fakes crowd Sizes http://i.magaimg.net/img/36l.png

CNN and others faking and manipulating words for narraitve. http://i.magaimg.net/img/48n.jpg

Feed Cuts

CNN cutting mic for saying Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCnZ8G4Ds6k
CNN Cuts mic when trump calls out their lies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPjuk6VO_qs
CNN cuts feed when Wikileaks is mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbA5RE9eK08
CNN misleads about Trump officials contact with Russia http://imgur.com/5eX6xgT
CNN feeding into russia conspiracies, claims russia hacking without evidence http://i.magaimg.net/img/2si.jpg
CNN claiming Russan hacking to undermind Trump: http://imgur.com/trMDL87
CNN Race Baiting http://archive.is/kh46i
CNN says reading wikileaks is illegal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DcATG9Qy_A
CNN blurs out "Donald Trump Shirt" of man of saved baby.http://imgur.com/aH3Ykhq
CNN Audience member seen with piece of paper titled "your questions" http://imgur.com/dKfrMpt
CNN says Illigal immigration isn't illegal: http://imgur.com/C03VH2m
What is concerning to me is how the MSM has become political operatives for the Democratic party, to a point of attempting to rig debates. And DemsC having off the record meetings with news reporters to discuss talking points, and setting the narrative.

Doesn't that concern you, and do you think they should not be called out for it?

Yes---"rigging" and "off the record" activities, in conjunction with any group to gain political favor or advantage, has and will always concern me, and should anyone that lives in a democracy..
Not on board with the banning of major news agencies, even if they suck. He needs to dial it back. I'm not comfortable with a president picking his press corp. How about calling a press conference to call out the republicans in congress for sitting on their ***** for the last two months? Get focused on real ****?

I think CNN, having seen this coming, may have set Trump up . I noticed they posted several favorable articles about Trump earlier in the week. So now when Trump or Spicer accuse them of bias or unfairness, CNN can go back and easily refute them, making them look foolish.
How can this not be seen by all Americans as concerning is beyond me....

This goes way beyond "usual" American politics....and the rhetoric supporting this decision is just as concerning..

The question to me is...if this a precedent and will be used and more importantly PERMITTED by future Presidents...

What happens when a far left Liberal becomes president and enacts his or her own rules and opinions, on which news agency is permitted to enter the White House to cover news briefings....

Thought control, limiting opinions, and eliminating uncomfortable questions by the press seems "Un" American to me.

Is this now how this country's conducts it's business?

Here's the thing to me.

The corrupt media was here. The media's been corrupt since Vietnam and overwhelmingly Liberal since that time. Slowly, over the years, their bias and their attacks have escalated as well. More subtle in the 70s, escalating to now, an unabashedly, unashamed, full-on onslaught of anyone, any thing, or any Administration that shares an opinion other than their own (see wanting to jail people who don't believe in Climate Change). They are blatantly attacking Conservatives, our beliefs, and Trump with little to no care about integrity or the notion of Democracy. They don't care. They are fine with who they are. Proud of it. They are "out" of the closet. Instead of being humiliated by being exposed as frauds, instead of working to change, they are wearing it like shields of honor. They now consider themselves social warriors. The notion of bi-partisan reporting I fear is gone forever. Journalists will graduate from college and have to pick a side to go to war for - Liberal or Conservative - and commit to destroying the other side during their careers. That's where we are.

So given all of this, this Administration has two choices - The W. Bush route (take it lying down, try to ignore it) or the Trump route (fight back). Conservatives have been rolling over and taking this bullshit for 30+ years. Because there have never been any repercussions, journalists have pushed it further and further and further. Like the bully at lunch, who will continue to instill more fear, cause more violence, until someone finally stands up to them.

There's no way to use the courts, that I know of, to force the media to be fair. Reports aren't working - poll after poll show that the majority of Americans don't trust the media. CNN, NY Times, etc - they don't care. They double down. WikiLeaks exposed their corruption, they triple down. Project Veritas exposes their corruption, they quadruple down. Nothing works.

Except punching the bully in the mouth.

That's what Trump's doing.

I see your point, I too don't like the direction this is going, but it's gotten to the point that this is the only way. They've been picking fights for 30 years, collaboratively. No one would take their challenge. Now they have a fight.
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That is pretty funny no matter where you are on the political compass.
Media gets Trumped again

President Trump to skip White house correspondents dinner

President Donald J. trump will be skipping the White House correspondents dinner on April 29th. "I will not be attending the White house correspondents dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening." @realdonaldtrump

I don't know. Part if me thinks good on him for punishing the press for its dishonesty and bias, part of me thinks he's just not very good at dealing with them and so would rather just attack and avoid them. It's not really a good look. And Spicer is a joke. They were considering Laura Ingraham for that post, she would have blown this guy out of the water.

I know some people love all of this plain speaking non-PC stuff but frankly I'd rather have a president capable of intelligent discourse.
I don't know. Part if me thinks good on him for punishing the press for its dishonesty and bias, part of me thinks he's just not very good at dealing with them and so would rather just attack and avoid them. It's not really a good look. And Spicer is a joke. They were considering Laura Ingraham for that post, she would have blown this guy out of the water.

I know some people love all of this plain speaking non-PC stuff but frankly I'd rather have a president capable of intelligent discourse.

I know some people love all of this plain speaking non-PC stuff but frankly I'd rather have a president capable of intelligent discourse.

Not only do some people like his plain way of speaking, but it's what got him elected. People have become so fed up with empty suit PC everything Politicians who only say what the pollsters tell them is going to be popular. I think the voters just wanted to see a real person in that office for once even if he says immature things sometimes.
If I want to be with "real people" that say "immature things" and to hear "plain way of speaking" and not being politically correct....
I head down to the local tavern I attend..

I also enjoyed his bravado at first and was seen as something new , exciting, and different by a politician...but it is now getting old and boorish, and in my opinion will eventually be Trump's Achilles heel..
I know some people love all of this plain speaking non-PC stuff but frankly I'd rather have a president capable of intelligent discourse.

I too wish Trump was a bit more articulate when he speaks. To the level of his son would be great....but when was the last time a president having "intelligent discourse" reflected it by his actions?

Every 4 years we have had intelligent sounding bullshitters and liars. Now we have a plain talker not putting up with bullshit and media lies.
I too wish Trump was a bit more articulate when he speaks. To the level of his son would be great....but when was the last time a president having "intelligent discourse" reflected it by his actions?

Every 4 years we have had intelligent sounding bullshitters and liars. Now we have a plain talker not putting up with bullshit and media lies.

Spot on Stewey...
But for him to be successful at collaborating and working with ALL political types and different segments of society, which he will need to do advance his agenda, he will need to tone down the rhetoric and his actions...for example not going to the Correspondents Dinner...

I understand his intent and applaud him not being "two-faced" in his relationship with the new media....but the most successful leaders know how to handle their nemesis in a way that will help him to be successful..

Keep your friends close....and your enemies closer...
this has credence..
**** the correspondents dinner. To say that he needs to go to that to advance his agenda is ridiculous. Does he need to go to the Oscars too?
**** the correspondents dinner. To say that he needs to go to that to advance his agenda is ridiculous. Does he need to go to the Oscars too?

LOL.....Don't getting started on the Oscars and Grammy's bullshat..
Of course not...

That event is normally not attended by the POTUS and is not seen as a way of building good working relationships for him and his staff..
LOL.....Don't getting started on the Oscars and Grammy's bullshat..
Of course not...

That event is normally not attended by the POTUS and is not seen as a way of building good working relationships for him and his staff..
You are under the delusion that if Trump plays nice, then it is possible that the liberals will do the same and he can reduce his policy headwinds. All the historical evidence says that is a fantasy. We have the house, senate, and WH. His only chance to advance his agenda is to get some freaking legislation moving, which appears to be out of his control. I'd say that the enemies who might be swayed by your strategy are the RINOs in congress.
You are under the delusion that if Trump plays nice, then it is possible that the liberals will do the same and he can reduce his policy headwinds. All the historical evidence says that is a fantasy. We have the house, senate, and WH. His only chance to advance his agenda is to get some freaking legislation moving, which appears to be out of his control. I'd say that the enemies who might be swayed by your strategy are the RINOs in congress.

Yep, not happening. They will block him and throw tantrums at every turn no matter what he does or says. I'm sure he is perfectly aware of this, so he probably figures why waste the time.
It would be nice if the Donald was silver tongued, and a man of his word, but given the choice, I will take the latter , thank you very much.

And the Correspondents Dinner will be nothing more than a Trump Hatefest, mean spirited, and unfair. Why would he want to subject himself to that?
It would be nice if the Donald was silver tongued, and a man of his word, but given the choice, I will take the latter , thank you very much.

And the Correspondents Dinner will be nothing more than a Trump Hatefest, mean spirited, and unfair. Why would he want to subject himself to that?
He's nobody's sap.