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Elliot Suspension Hits Cowboys at a Bad Time -- for Them


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
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Looks like the 6 game suspension for Elliot is on and it seems to be bad timing for them - should have taken it at the beginning of the season. He will miss the following games:

at Atlanta
Eagles at home
Chargers at home
Redskins at home
at NY Giants
at Raiders

The home game with the Eagles is going to leave a mark and they may be struggling for a Wild Card berth since they already dropped games to the Rams and Packers. Here's hoping.
The NFL and the NFPA need to create a three person panel that are final decision arbitrators between the league and the players. There are no courts. That has to be signed away. This **** is ridiculous and creates competetive imbalance.
They'll probably squirm their way out of it again this weekend. When they really need him is when they play the Eagles.
Coulda shoulda woulda,...................The cowboys get what they deserve as if he would have served the suspension right away they would be in a lot better place, provided they took care of business while he was gone. One thing to remember though is he is fighting because he is innocent and wants his name cleared. We as fans don't have privy to all the information and thus I'm not judging guilt. THIS is where the "rog" has failed is the punishment phase for players, amongst other things as well.

Salute the nation
I figured they would screw around till the playoffs (if they make it) then make him serve the suspension. I see Elliot's point and he was willing to accept a lighter suspension which I think was appropriate. Also have to give Jerry Jones credit for being one of the few coming out against Goddell
Jerrah is threatening to sue the NFL if Rog's contract is extended. He also said he will sue Rooney and Mara personally, as well as a few other owners, if Der Fuhrer is extended.
Lul. Jerry approved it before his boy was put to pasture. **** Jerry and his team
Zeke is missing at least the next four games.
Appeal is scheduled for Dec 1
Zeke is missing at least the next four games.
Appeal is scheduled for Dec 1

He is missing 6. Roethlisberger had his suspension reduced to 4 in large part because he accepted responsibility, was contrite, and admitted his mistake.

Elliot has done none of the above. Goodell will keep the suspension at 6 games to dole out a lesson.
Big difference in ownership. The Rooneys were pissed at Ben and knew he was at least guilty of being a louse. I was mad at them for not standing up for him more cause it was pretty much the same deal as this. But in hindsight they were correct. He needed to get something. Even he admits he was a jerk at that point in his life.
As I understand it, the NFL sent an investigator (a female investigator) to interview the complainant in this case. The NFL's female investigator stated that the woman filing the complaint was not credible, basically the investigator didn't believe her. The police also had an issue with her credibility and declined to file charges.

So there is no evidence that what this woman said occurred actually occurred. No one who has spoken to this woman believes her story, and Elliot denied it from the beginning. So with all that lack of evidence, and the NFL's own investigator reporting that she didn't believe it happened, Rog goes ahead and imposes a 6-game suspension.

Given all that, what exactly is Elliot supposed to accept responsibility for?
He is missing 6. Roethlisberger had his suspension reduced to 4 in large part because he accepted responsibility, was contrite, and admitted his mistake.

Elliot has done none of the above. Goodell will keep the suspension at 6 games to dole out a lesson.

Using Ben's SUSPENTION and expecting fair ness is a contradictory in staement. Ben was told sit down shut up and we reduce it to 4 thus NOT allowing him to defend himself. ELIOT will scream and holler the whole way as he is doing now. I hear yaz but tend to differ.

Salute the nation
PS I think this is about MORE than one instance or one victim. I think it's an accumulation of several "disrespecting" the shield incidences. Like Ben's case there may not be much proof but also duchebaggery was admitted by Ben but Ezeikle is fighting it because it's NOT his fault and he is NOT accountable to his actions................Welcome to the mellinials way of life.
Zeke is missing just 4 games. Jerry has already threatened to sue the entire ******* league over Goodell, so he'll use that as some sort of counter-balance to get Zeke out of this bullshit suspension.
And, not that I give a flying **** about the Crackboys, but the ****** is on my $$$$ fantasy team. I'd prefer he come back NOW and miss the real post-season instead. I don't see why Goodell doesn't do this just to **** with him and the Cowboys. Goodell could state that he will personally review the situation and Zeke can play, provided that if a suspension is warranted at any time in the future, that the Cowboys, Zeke and Jerry will not fight it, less Zeke is placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List.
Don't get too excited. Elliot will beat any injunction or appeal like he beats his women.
Zeke is missing just 4 games. Jerry has already threatened to sue the entire ******* league over Goodell, so he'll use that as some sort of counter-balance to get Zeke out of this bullshit suspension.
And, not that I give a flying **** about the Crackboys, but the ****** is on my $$$$ fantasy team. I'd prefer he come back NOW and miss the real post-season instead. I don't see why Goodell doesn't do this just to **** with him and the Cowboys. Goodell could state that he will personally review the situation and Zeke can play, provided that if a suspension is warranted at any time in the future, that the Cowboys, Zeke and Jerry will not fight it, less Zeke is placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List.

I haven't followed this case closely. Are there any photos showing the abuse?

Goodell is quickly becoming a muted. Teams are challenged his left and right on suspensions. Before they were seldom contested.

Jerry Jones is a powerful owner, with a vindictive streak.
I haven't followed this case closely. Are there any photos showing the abuse?

Goodell is quickly becoming a muted. Teams are challenged his left and right on suspensions. Before they were seldom contested.

Jerry Jones is a powerful owner, with a vindictive streak.

What ever it takes to get rid of the"rog" and his far left bullshit.

Salute the nation