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Elon Musk Hints at Launching New Platform to Take on Twitter

Provided by Elon, via Matt...but another article explaining it was Vijaya who censored the Hunter story - surprisingly without Jack Dorsey knowing.

On Friday, files released in regards to Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 revealed that former Head of Legal, Police, and Trust Vijaya Gadde played a "key role" in the story’s suppression.

"The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role," wrote journalist Matt Taibbi.
If they helped rig our elections, why would anyone struggle to believe Twitter interfered in others?

The FBI is lost. Fully weaponized.

🚨BREAKING: In our deposition of FBI agent Elvis Chan on Tuesday, we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech - from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns.

Chan, the FBI's FITF, and senior CISA officials had meetings with social media companies in the lead-up to the 2020 election, in which Chan personally told the social media companies that there could potentially be a Russian “hack and leak” operation shortly before the election.

Those meetings were initially quarterly, then monthly, then weekly heading into the 2020 election.

Chan stated that the FBI regularly sent social media companies lists of URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they were disinformation from “malign foreign influence operations.” The FBI then inquired whether the platforms have taken down the content.

On many occasions, the platforms took down the accounts flagged by the FBI.

FBI demands internet URLs and social media accounts be taken down because they are “disinformation” from “malign foreign influence operations”… nothing to see here…

FBI met weekly with Big Tech ahead of the 2020 election, agent testifies


During the deposition, Chan said that he, along with the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force and senior Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency officials, had weekly meetings with major social media companies to warn against Russian disinformation attempts ahead of the 2020 election, according to a source in the Missouri attorney general's office.

Those meetings were initially quarterly, then monthly, then weekly heading into the presidential election between former President Donald Trump and now President Biden. According to a source, Chan testified that in those multiple, separate meetings, the FBI warned the social media companies that there could be potentially Russian "hack and dump" or "hack and leak" operations.

According to the complaint, pursuant to a third-party subpoena, Meta identified the FBI’s Foreign Interference Task Force and Chan as involved in the communications between the FBI and Meta that led to Facebook’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Matt Taibbi is releasing a lot on Elon's behalf. Not sure why.
Because Taibbi is one of, if not the only, remaining journalist with any semblance of integrity and not beholden to any anonymous donor or corporation.
He's independent, has called out left/right/liberal/conservative/gay/straight/rich/poor.
He's as straight a shooter as it gets.
It's actually a smart move by Elon.
I think this carries much more weight laid out by Taibbi than Elon.
I actually applauded when I saw he was letting Taibbi have access to ALL of it.
Taibbi will be thorough and lay it all out......whether it incriminates Elon, Gadde, Biden, MSM, Trump, or even himself.
Turley does a good review of the docs dumped so far. This is huge. This whole thing shows the in-sync collaboration between media and Democrats and how they directly influenced an election.

What’s now funny is EVERY single liberal/democrat on the take is going after Taibbi and calling him a hack/alt right/sell out/etc.
Because he went after them and their friends/team?
It’s AMAZINGLY comical to me.
What’s now funny is EVERY single liberal/democrat on the take is going after Taibbi and calling him a hack/alt right/sell out/etc.
Because he went after them and their friends/team?
It’s AMAZINGLY comical to me.
Probably will be tagged as a spy and forced to seek asylum....
Just wish we could fast forward to the end game in all of this. Who will police the federal police?
More. Including Katie Hobbs contacting Twitter to silence her political opponents.

Thread Reader app I created. Per the above.

🧵I. Updates about fighting against child sexual exploitation content on Twitter.
II. During these weeks, I worked as an independent researcher along Twitter's Trust and Safety team led by expert Ms. Ella Irwin. Twitter achieved some relevant results I want to share with you:
III. Twitter updated its mechanism to detect content related to child sexual abuse/exploitation material. Faster, more efficient, and more aggressive. No mercy for those who are involved in these illegal activities.
IV. The daily suspension rate has ALMOST DOUBLED over the past few days. It means that Twitter is doing a capillary analysis of contents, especially those published in the past. It doesn't matter when illicit content has been published. Twitter will find it and act accordingly.
V. In the past 24 hours, Twitter started to step up its efforts and took down 44.000 suspicious accounts, including over 1.300 profiles that tried to bypass detection using codewords and text in images to communicate. Zero tolerance.
VI. Twitter is aware of strategies, KWs, external URLs, and communication methods used by suspicious accounts. Moreover, to increase its ability to protect children's safety, Twitter involves independent and expert third parties.
VII. Twitter, precisely in these hours, is focusing its efforts on networks of Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking users that share child sexual exploitation content.
VIII. Twitter continues to have teams in place dedicated to investigating and taking action on these types of violations daily. Teams are more determined than ever and composed of passionate experts. Furthermore, Twitter simplified the process of users reporting illicit content.
IX. If Twitter is now fighting vigorously against child sexual exploitation content, it's thanks to one person that set it as the #1 priority: Elon Musk @elonmusk . Twitter is now a safer place under Elon's leadership. And this is just the beginning.
Think about his. It blows my mind if true.

Elon spent how many billions just to uncover all the BS that we all knew to be true, just to prove it.

I sooo wish people of wealth and power we’re more like this. I’m sure he got his own “me” **** but ahh
So Elon's release of info shows how Twitter censored speech in collaboration with the Government. There is something MUCH MORE BOMBSHELL happening in the courts, showing massive Government collusion with social media companies, pressuring them to censor speech.

Missouri v Biden

This is a LONG article by Tracy Beanz, and incredibly thorough. @Steeltime may need calming agents when reading through this.

The case seeks to make the following testify in court as to their collusion with social media companies to censor Americans and destroy the 1st Amendment: Deputy Assistant to the President Rob Flaherty, CISA Director Jen Easterly, and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy...as well as Jen Psaki herself.

We live in a banana republic folks.

Quick Recap: The judge in the Missouri v. Biden case had ordered that ten high-ranking government officials sit for expedited depositions after early and expedited discovery revealed stunning abuses of the first amendment as government agencies partner with social media companies to censor the speech of Americans; in the case of CISA, designating YOUR THOUGHTS “Cognitive Infrastructure.”

“Federal officials at CISA and the State Department directly participate in EIP’s operations by submitting “tickets” to demand censorship of speakers and content on social media. EIP boasts that it procured the censorship of nearly 22 million Tweets during the 2020 election cycle alone, id. at 183, to say nothing of other social media platforms like Facebook. And EIP boasts that it is continuing its operations today.
So my two favorite feeds on the new Twitter are:
1. il Donaldo Trumpo. Has me LOL'ing at least once a day.
2. Space Force: Chepo Team.
So my two favorite feeds on the new Twitter are:
1. il Donaldo Trumpo. Has me LOL'ing at least once a day.
2. Space Force: Chepo Team.

Il Donaldo is THE BEST.

Does all the Next Episode gangsta memes when Desantis and others drop bombs.

LMAO, see you later Baker.

Should his license be subject to review? I know how this is going to come out, but isn’t there some level of code for attorneys?
If there was actually law of the land, people would be in cuffs right now. But we know nothing will happen and Hilary and her squad just laugh at this
The Russia collusion hoax is even detailed in the book about the Hildebeast campaign written by a few of her staffers called "Shattered".
Michael Steele with Joy Reid (Ricin being interviewed by Cyanide)...

Michael tries to redefine what free speech is. Tucker drops a nuke on him LOL

The next drop is happening now. Damning ****. Screen shots of the tools they used and the different ways they banned/suppressed users.


1. A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users.
2. Twitter once had a mission “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.” Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected.
3. Take, for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) who argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children. Twitter secretly placed him on a “Trends Blacklist,” which prevented his tweets from trending.
4. Or consider the popular right-wing talk show host, Dan Bongino (@dbongino), who at one point was slapped with a “Search Blacklist.”Image
5. Twitter set the account of conservative activist Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) to “Do Not Amplify.”Image
6. Twitter denied that it does such things. In 2018, Twitter's Vijaya Gadde (then Head of Legal Policy and Trust) and Kayvon Beykpour (Head of Product) said: “We do not shadow ban.” They added: “And we certainly don’t shadow ban based on political viewpoints or ideology.”
7. What many people call “shadow banning,” Twitter executives and employees call “Visibility Filtering” or “VF.” Multiple high-level sources confirmed its meaning.
8. “Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool,” one senior Twitter employee told us.
9. “VF” refers to Twitter’s control over user visibility. It used VF to block searches of individual users; to limit the scope of a particular tweet’s discoverability; to block select users’ posts from ever appearing on the “trending” page; and from inclusion in hashtag searches.
10. All without users’ knowledge.
11. “We control visibility quite a bit. And we control the amplification of your content quite a bit. And normal people do not know how much we do,” one Twitter engineer told us. Two additional Twitter employees confirmed.
12. The group that decided whether to limit the reach of certain users was the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team, or SRT-GET. It often handled up to 200 "cases" a day.
13. But there existed a level beyond official ticketing, beyond the rank-and-file moderators following the company’s policy on paper. That is the “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” known as “SIP-PES.”
14. This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy, and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust & Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others.
15. This is where the biggest, most politically sensitive decisions got made. “Think high follower account, controversial,” another Twitter employee told us. For these “there would be no ticket or anything.”