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Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson named secretary of state?

I'd prefer John Bolton as Sec of State but at least he'll be the number two guy.

ha ha

John Bolton Implies Obama Administration Could Be Behind False Flag Election Hack

John Bolton told Fox News on Sunday that the hacks may not have been carried out by Russia, as the intelligence community believes, but implied the Obama administration itself could’ve been secretly responsible.

“It is not at all clear to me just viewing this from the outside, that this hacking into the DNC and the RNC computers was not a false flag operation,” Bolton told reporter Eric Shawn.

My man.
Ron your man Rand Paul is going to filibuster Bolton. So far it's not the liberals screaming, it's McCain, McConnell, Paul, the SC Senator and
a few other Republicans. Most conservatives don't like the Russians.
Exxon is the foremost lobbyist in the world. How is that not government as usual.
Exxon is the foremost lobbyist in the world. How is that not government as usual.

Replacing bureaucrats and lawyers with private sector leadership hasn't been done in government for a very long time. It's completely different.
Ron your man Rand Paul is going to filibuster Bolton. So far it's not the liberals screaming, it's McCain, McConnell, Paul, the SC Senator and
a few other Republicans. Most conservatives don't like the Russians.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about that pick. Manchin would be intriguing as Sec of Energy because he's coal guy but then you get a Democrat out of the Senate and WV would replace him with a Republican.
There is a difference between naming a private sector leader and someone that is a lobbyist with a clear conflict of interest.
If Tillerson is named, he might not be confirmed. If McCain votes no, he will bring 5 or so Republicans with him.
Thanks to the Dems, a simple majority is all that's needed to confirm. We don't need insane McCain for anything.

President Trump’s Cabinet picks are likely to be easily confirmed. That’s because of Senate Democrats.

Three years ago, the Democratic Senate majority — led by Harry Reid (Nev.) — rammed through controversial rules fundamentally changing the way the Senate does business. They unleashed in November 2013 what’s called the “nuclear option” allowing senators to approve by a simple majority all presidential appointments to the executive branch and the judiciary, with a big exception for Supreme Court justices.

Democrats took the controversial step because they were so frustrated by what they saw as Republican foot-dragging on President Obama’s choices for his administration and federal judgeships.

Under the new rules, it takes only a simple majority of senators to confirm such appointments instead of the 60 typically needed to force Senate action.

McCain is not the only one. Paul said he is an automatic no vote on Bolton, thinks he is completely naïve and unknowledgeable.
Even someone like Rubio is questioning a Tillerson who is buddy/buddy with Putin. People in the Senate know from the Iraq vote,
that votes can come back to haunt you.
We won't have long to wait for the official announcement

Yeah, I'm not crazy about that pick. Manchin would be intriguing as Sec of Energy because he's coal guy but then you get a Democrat out of the Senate and WV would replace him with a Republican.

I would hope for him need a dem or two. might as well be a intelligent dem
Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
I have chosen one of the truly great business leaders of the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of State.

(New York, NY) – President-elect Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate Mr. Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to serve as Secretary of the United States Department of State.

Among the most accomplished business leaders and international dealmakers in the world, Mr. Tillerson has spent his career protecting the jobs of his employees, who number more than 70,000. Guiding operations around the world that include more than 200 offices, Mr. Tillerson knows how to manage a global organization and successfully navigate the complex architecture of world affairs and diverse foreign leaders. As Secretary of State, he will be a forceful and clear-eyed advocate for America’s vital national interests, and help reverse years of misguided foreign policies and actions that have weakened America’s security and standing in the world. The American people will once again have a world-class leader working on their behalf, enhancing the prospects for peace and prosperity among nations.

“Rex Tillerson’s career is the embodiment of the American dream. Through hard work, dedication and smart deal making, Rex rose through the ranks to become CEO of ExxonMobil, one of the world’s largest and most respected companies," said President-elect Donald J. Trump. "His tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics make him an excellent choice for Secretary of State. He will promote regional stability and focus on the core national security interests of the United States. Rex knows how to manage a global enterprise, which is crucial to running a successful State Department, and his relationships with leaders all over the world are second to none. I can think of no one more prepared, and no one more dedicated, to serve as Secretary of State at this critical time in our history.”

“I am honored by President-elect Trump's nomination and share his vision for restoring the credibility of the United States’ foreign relations and advancing our country’s national security,” said Mr. Tillerson. “We must focus on strengthening our alliances, pursuing shared national interests and enhancing the strength, security and sovereignty of the United States.”

Rex Tillerson is a native Texan who earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He began his career at Exxon Company, U.S.A. in 1975 as a production engineer.

As Secretary of State, he will be a forceful and clear-eyed advocate for America’s vital national interests, and help reverse years of misguided foreign policies and actions that have weakened America’s security and standing in the world. The American people will once again have a world-class leader working on their behalf, enhancing the prospects for peace and prosperity among nations.

Nice little ball punch to Ocommie and Hitlery.
Nice little ball punch to Ocommie and Hitlery.

They are running out of hysterical lunacy theories too

CIA's claim that Russia hacked to hand Trump victory is REJECTED by Director of National Intelligence in blow to Democrats' attack on president-elect

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence oversees the 17 agencies in the U.S. intelligence community - including the CIA and FBI

Three ODNI sources have said the agency does not back the CIA assessment that Russia conducted hacks to help Donald Trump win the presidency

Russia's biggest concern are the economic sanctions that have been placed on them. If Hillary were elected they were guaranteed
to stay in place. The biggest critic of these sanctions in the US has been Tillerson because Exxon has 500 Billion of potential projects
in Russia held up by these sanctions. How long do you think these sanctions will stay in place under trump/Tillerson?
Russia's biggest concern are the economic sanctions that have been placed on them. If Hillary were elected they were guaranteed
to stay in place. The biggest critic of these sanctions in the US has been Tillerson because Exxon has 500 Billion of potential projects
in Russia held up by these sanctions. How long do you think these sanctions will stay in place under trump/Tillerson?
This is hilarious. Putin has taken a continuous **** on us since Obama has been in office and the dems are making this bullshit up about Putin worrying about a continuation of our policies.
Ignore the sore losers and their stupid whining, they are beyond meaningless now

After talking with Trump, Bill Gates likens president-elect to JFK

"A lot of his message has been about ... where he sees things not as good as he'd like," the billionaire Microsoft co-founder said on "Squawk Box."

"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."

Trump Tower Moscow has been one of Donald's lifetime goals. Look for him to use the Presidency to make it happen.
I think of all the senate nomination hearings, this one will be the most interesting. Its must-watch TV.
I'm not fond of this pick at all.

Holy &hit.

Now I see it.

Exxon is the 2nd biggest company in the world, doing business with 80 nations....AND Perry is now the energy secretary.

The USA has the most oil, and we've discovered more.

This is tremendous leverage. Oil, A super power, and a man who knows how to control it with Trump re-negotiating bad deals.

In a diplomatic / business sense, be at odds with us and risk a CAT 5 hurricane, followed up by a tidal wave, then a "10" earthquake on the Richter scale with a Volcano exploding.

Just a guess, the nations that really don't want us to do well, but are not enemies will quickly fall in line with USA policies if they need oil to fuel their economy.

OPEC has been taken 4 pegs down.

Trump's Secretary of State pick: What every American should know about Rex Tillerson
By Robert Charles Published December 13, 2016 FoxNews.com

Trump has done it again. Bang. Another fascinating, deep, insightful choice – Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. What should every American know about this selection? A few things they may not have heard yet.

Exxon’s Chairman and CEO, Rex Tillerson is another novel choice, as edgy in diplomacy as he is proven in business. What do we know about Tillerson? What does what we know tell us about Tillerson’s prospects for diplomatic success? Much and much. First, an engineer by trade, he is an accomplished manager. That is two legs up on most of the State Department.

Tillerson has managed Exxon’s holdings in Russia and the Caspian Sea for almost two decades. That alone suggests potential negotiating depth needed to resolve the Ukraine/Crimea problem with Russia, emphasis on economic variables and mutually agreed geopolitical and sovereignty considerations. The wider world would celebrate it – as Americans should.

What else is knowable and what might it mean for American diplomacy? Tillerson’s age and depth in global “big picture” and “big power” sensitivities may, in fact, dovetail exceptionally well with former General Officers likely to lead Defense, Homeland Security, and the National Security Council. Those who have been around the block, albeit in different directions, tend to know the block.

Tillerson’s ties include time with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Business Roundtable and Business Council, which augur in favor of balance when it comes to preserving pro-American international trade relationships – and avoiding any sudden tips toward runaway protectionism. He is obviously close to Russia, but in an age where strains and miscommunication have been the hallmark of American diplomacy, with Russia and the world, there is room for improvement in that relationship, as there is with others globally.

And here is another unheralded bonus. Anyone who has spent time on the 7th floor of the U.S. State Department (and I have), knows that being Secretary of State is about one-on-ones, personal and unblinking, detailed and bilateral connectivity. That is how you get results in diplomacy, whether on that floor or flying around the world.

John Foster Dulles used to command attention – and get significant results – with presence and wit, focus on person and detail. Colin Powell did the same thing. One-on-one is where proverbial rubber meets road, where trust forges agreements, and the agreements do not get broken.

Said Dulles, “A man’s accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.” Said Powell, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” Tillerson is cut from that same cloth, combining those exact qualities – verified by his life’s work. More to the point, where he has served other shareholders to now, we are all about to become the shareholders – all Americans – that he serves. How about that?

The downside, if any, is that he will not know the knotty, peculiarly intractable and unavoidably political world of the State Department – or the way in which that ungainly department interacts – and must – with Congress. That said, anyone who can lead an enterprise the size of Exxon, can recruit the necessary leadership to run State.

Perhaps most splashy, his salary will drop to 1/145th of the Exxon salary, if he accepts any government compensation. It will plummet from $27.2 million dollars annually (without other package elements) to $186,600 annually. Odds are, he will leave that drop unnegotiated – signaling a new era in government service and diplomacy.

What is the take-away from this savvy appointment? A new professionalism is in the air – and it’s about time. Whatever friction he may encounter in the wind tunnel of change, he is likely to do well, and bring a perspective not often seen in the Capitol.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State for George W. Bush, former Naval Intelligence Officer and litigator. He served in the Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses. He writes widely on national security and law.