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Fake reporter " Why did Trump promise Mexico would pay for wall?" Gets fake answer..


Oct 26, 2014
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Fake reporter " Why did Trump promise Mexico would pay for wall?" Gets fake answer..

Full desperation mode as the buffoon in chief threatens to shutdown gov. if he doesn't get his way.....he won't.

Love hillbilly girl's grimace at the beginning as she realizes she is now official liar to the POS in the White House.....pathetic.

It would be money well spent. I'm thinking that many of Trumps policy shift promises were under the assumption that conservative lawmakers would help him in some way. Who knew one party rule would be the result.
It would be money well spent. I'm thinking that many of Trumps policy shift promises were under the assumption that conservative lawmakers would help him in some way. Who knew one party rule would be the result.

He promised Mexico would pay for it....HELLO...

You tards will never be able to admit you got conned by the most incompetent con man ever!

What does that say about YOU?
I suggest withholding any federal grant money to liberal arts colleges, and use that money until the wall has been paid for.
LOOKIT the LOSER LIBS reliving every moment of the election again!

Can't let it go, can U?



Here's what you want to hear. When Trump made those campaign speeches about Mexico paying for it he knew that wouldn't happen. But the people wanted to hear it so he said it. And guess what? It frigging worked. Now he did have intentions of building the wall and still does. That's where we are now. And personally I don't care who pays for it as long as it gets built. It's long been needed and is money well spent.
Trump knows Mexico ain't paying for ****. That's your answer. There will be no wall.
I have no problem if he gets congress to pay for the wall. As long as it has solar and they can sell that power back to Mexico!

Problem solved...
I never expected Mexico to pay for it. If it serves it's intended purpose, it will more than pay for itself. Problem solved.
Do you ever get tired of Tibs liking every one of your posts? People are starting to talk......
As I scroll through these threads I tend to 'like' posts that make a good point or if it's something I strongly agree with. Trog's posts tend to meet one or both of that criteria.

The fact you have a gay fetish is not something I can comment on, not sure why you need to air out your dirty laundry here in a public forum, but that's your business.

They say it's the warmth of the nuts in the mouth, mutual.
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The fact of the matter is the wall not being built has more to do with Congress that it does the president. If congress was not full of RINOs and globalists construction would already be begun on the wall and there would already be a 10% surcharge on all wire transfers going to Mexico to pay for it. As of right now I will settle for ICE being able to do it's job and aggressively patrol the border and round up and deport illegals. I would like to see DOJ going after employers that are knowingly paying illegals to work.
The fact of the matter is the wall not being built has more to do with Congress that it does the president. If congress was not full of RINOs and globalists construction would already be begun on the wall and there would already be a 10% surcharge on all wire transfers going to Mexico to pay for it. As of right now I will settle for ICE being able to do it's job and aggressively patrol the border and round up and deport illegals. I would like to see DOJ going after employers that are knowingly paying illegals to work.
I think we got lost somewhere along the way. We've forgotten the basic tenets of what the draw to Trump was to begin with. The fact that he'll bring CEO sensibilities to the office, along with his extraordinary leadership skills, his ability to rally the troops around his core policy ideas. His out of this world negotiating skills. None of this has come to fruition, in fact, the opposite has happened. Trump has turned on the very GOP leadership he needed to be working closely with. He's strayed off course from implementing policy, and has chosen instead to focus on populist rallies full of lies and bluster along with his daily mind-numbing, provocative tweets.

What most amazes me, is that conservatives traditionally were always about taking responsibility, strong leadership, not passing the buck and spreading the blame elsewhere. All of this has been long flushed down the toilet. To sit here and watch Trump supporters take his lead and constantly blame others, whine and complain on why things aren't getting done, is well, puzzling and bizarre, to say the least.

Trump has shown he is nothing but a carnival barker. Everyone but his most ardent supporters see this.
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Actually as someone that did not vote for Trump I can see pretty objectively. What I am seeing is both the GOP establishment, the Democrat party, and the mainstream media are all working against thr guy. You Can probably see it too but you blow it off based on your idealogical bent. Trump made enemies with the party establishment during the primaries. And as I have said before this is the second election that the political left views as having been "stolen" by the eletoral college in 20 years so you yellow dog Democrats types are seething with rage and hatred for President Trump.
Actually as someone that did not vote for Trump I can see pretty objectively. What I am seeing is both the GOP establishment, the Democrat party, and the mainstream media are all working against thr guy.

Give me an example of a time when someone insulted and blamed you for everything, and in return you worked with them to accomplish something.

THAT is seeing things objectively.
Give me an example of a time when someone insulted and blamed you for everything, and in return you worked with them to accomplish something.

THAT is seeing things objectively.

I do it every day. I am a truck driver, and I have told my Dispatch that trained monkeys could do the job better than they do. In every primary election cycle the primary candidates get nasty and sling mud and throw insults at each other. The difference here is that Trump was an outsider Who did not work his way up through the ranks of the Republican Party. The GOP establishment desperately wanted Cruz or Rubio to be the candidate so they could pander to the growing Hispanic voting block.
Give me an example of a time when someone insulted and blamed you for everything, and in return you worked with them to accomplish something.

THAT is seeing things objectively.
I wanted to like your post, then stopped myself, as Hamster (and spit-dribbling Indy) would clearly have an issue with it. So let me just say: Exactly!
I do it every day. I am a truck driver, and I have told my Dispatch that trained monkeys could do the job better than they do. In every primary election cycle the primary candidates get nasty and sling mud and throw insults at each other. The difference here is that Trump was an outsider Who did not work his way up through the ranks of the Republican Party. The GOP establishment desperately wanted Cruz or Rubio to be the candidate so they could pander to the growing Hispanic voting block.

You are right. Trump did make enemies during the primaries, but unlike each and every politician before him, he did not choose to make nice or apologize for any statements said. That is why the GOP is against him. He offered no concessions and is unwilling to meet anyone in the middle. He continues to lambast and shame his own party.

You can't blame the left and media for that. That was all Trump, and it's the reason why he still doesn't have any support in his own party.
I do it every day. I am a truck driver, and I have told my Dispatch that trained monkeys could do the job better than they do. In every primary election cycle the primary candidates get nasty and sling mud and throw insults at each other. The difference here is that Trump was an outsider Who did not work his way up through the ranks of the Republican Party. The GOP establishment desperately wanted Cruz or Rubio to be the candidate so they could pander to the growing Hispanic voting block.

That was the election. He's still blaming others. Health care? Trump says forget his campaign promise, it's not on him. The wall? Not his fault he can't fulfill HIS promise. He is still pointing fingers and throwing out insults.

I think anyone who looks at things objectively can see Trump was a lot better at running for President than being President.
That was the election. He's still blaming others. Health care? Trump says forget his campaign promise, it's not on him. The wall? Not his fault he can't fulfill HIS promise. He is still pointing fingers and throwing out insults.

I think anyone who looks at things objectively can see Trump was a lot better at running for President than being President.

If you can't see that it's the fault of the do-nothing obstructionist congress then you are as blind and dumb as Tibs.
First of all, Trump ran under the republican party since the Dems had already decided that Hillary would be their candidate. Everyone knew this two years ago. The Dems were certainly not expecting such a millenial surge of support for Saint Bernie of Commeicut.

Second, since Trump was not "loyal" to the Dems, why should he be loyal to the Republicans? The GOP did not want Trump in any way, shape or fashion until it was obvious that the Trump Train was picking up steam. Unlike the Dems, the Republicans saw that this would be their ride to the White House.

It can be debated that the Republicans figured they could control Trump once he got to the White House, even though they wanted - and still don't want - nothing to do with him.

Trump is lambasted in the MSM hourly. More so than any other POTUS had to face. An already difficult job compounded by having to defend himself multitudes of times over and over. And you wonder why he turns to Twitter. Well, that's to speak directly to the people who elected him - and those still interested in putting the country first instead of party affiliation. Which fuels the MSM outrage for circumventing their ability to shape his message to the unwashed masses to how they see fit.

oh - there's already legislation put forth to fund the wall. let's see which ******** party blocks or delays it.