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Free Brittney (um, not that Brittney)

Turd Ferguson

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2014
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So, it appears WNBA center Brittney Griner got herself (is she a she?) in a little trouble in Russia. Caught with a vape and Hash oil. She's looking at 10 years in a Russian prison. Now, I only bring this up because you know....Brittney has a huge problem with the United States. She's a huge BLM and LGBTQWXYZ+ advocate and has even demanded that the National Anthem not be played before WNBA games. She walked off the court during the anthem and didn't return until after it was over. Called the US racist. Even at the Russian airport terminal she was wearing a BLM jacket. I'm thinking to myself how much would 10 years in a Russian prison help her attitude?

WBNA star Brittney Griner detained in Russia

WNBA stars walk off the Court during Nat'l Anthem
Not very smart..

WTF was she doing in Russia anyway?
She is a political pawn now. Putin will use her for his own political good.

You won't see Biden get her released like Trump got those two NCAA basketball players released when they stole sunglasses in China. The Chinese would have crippled them.

Will BLM negotiate for her release? Because the Biden administration is powerless against Putins regime after calling him a killer. Will blacks in this country make it known to Biden that they want action?

My guess is that the media will quickly bury this story.
Not very smart..

WTF was she doing in Russia anyway?
She plays in the Russian basketball league during the American offseason. Apparently her arrrest occurred mid-February before the invasion of Ukraine.
She's pretty ******* dumb all around. Did she not realize what country she's in? Hint: It wasn't one of the states that have dope legal here . Let's see China,North Korea,Russia,Iran,Philippines and many others do not **** around when foreigners break their laws. Some of them will execute your *** in a flash for small infractions.

I do hope they let her out and ban her from the country. Maybe she will gain an understanding of just how good she has it here while sitting in some shithole Russian prison. Thankfully for her, she won't have to endure that wretched anthem of the United States anymore.
She never struck me as a very smart person..

Some of them will execute your *** in a flash for small infractions.

Yep, but usually more politically motivated or other things that particular government deems a threat. But agree, she should've known better not to have a single piece of paraphernalia on her.

But Russia is using this as a political ploy and our feckless government are incapable of wiping their own *****, let alone being able to do anything about this. Blows me away though because even though I know nothing of this person, I would assume she's traveled abroad before and knows the potential consequences of anything that might be even remotely construed as shady.

Hell, that group from Turning Point USA (Benny Johnson) were detained at customs in Cuba for 8 hours over one of their cell phones. They were probably not very happy some conservative Americans were there to document how wonderful they really are.
Griner asking for a conference with Putin. She wants to compare notes on who hates the United States more, with Griner the odds-on favorite.

Stupid ***** trying to smuggle drugs in a foreign nation? **** her.
It has been several days. Has BLM reached out to help her? Have the woman on The View even talked about this? Does Kamala Harris speak out about this? Has she taken any action?

The democrats (communists) have no use for her now.
Don't try to enter a country with hash oil and this **** won't happen.