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Timeline of Trump/Russia corruption, cyber-espionage, obstruction and treason

Says the guy who can't find a single fault in Trump, not even with a magnifying glass. Defends him to the moon and back. Refuses to admit even a single shortcoming Trump may have. Literally worships the ground he walks on. Yet spends the better part of nine months constantly slinging **** against the Dems, Hillary, Obama et al and all the bad **** they've done as a form of wishing away the criticism levied against Trump. LOL, you write the book on 'selective outrage'.

If there was an ounce of truth to your pathetic retort I'd respond further than simply saying "She isn't Hillary or a Democrat and that means the world to me."

Now go back to your outrage over everything a Republican says or does while pardoning every sin from the Left. Comical to watch. Pure entertainment.

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Sure thing, next time we have a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic majority in the House and Senate I'll make sure to keep my eye on that.

You could have done that the LAST time those conditions existed, but alas, you missed out.
Again, I already know Trump Corporation, the real estate mogul and businessman, probably did stuff illegal in his private business over the years. I'm sure he dealt with the wrong people, the wrong shell corporation connected to some shady characters like the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon.

And I'm SURE you can connect the dots to get him involved with nefarious Russian oligarchs/mafiosos or a person in Hong Kong that is now in jail for tax evasion or a Saudi prince that has a horrible record of human trafficking and slave labor.

And then by definition, you might legally charge him with money laundering (although it would be a stretch to prosecute and get a conviction).

All I care about is what Trump did in 2015-2016 during the election and whether he colluded with Russia, aided & abetted the procurement of e-mails, coordinated how and when the e-mails were released or gave tangible favors in exchange for inside information.
Says the guy who can't find a single fault in Trump, not even with a magnifying glass. Defends him to the moon and back. Refuses to admit even a single shortcoming Trump may have. Literally worships the ground he walks on. Yet spends the better part of nine months constantly slinging **** against the Dems, Hillary, Obama et al and all the bad **** they've done as a form of wishing away the criticism levied against Trump. LOL, you write the book on 'selective outrage'.

where was the outrage when Obama used the IRS as his personal attack dog?
where was the outrage over Fast and Furious?
where was the outrage over the blatant hypocrisy of the "knockout game" prosecution?
where was the outrage when the previous administration decided that we absolutely had to return billions to a nuclear-inspiring country with enough energy below their soil to fuel the planet?
where was the outrage when unrest and racial division was tossed about like free candy during the last eight years?
where was the outrage when constitutional rights were eroded over the last eight years?

where was that outrage, Tibs?
where was that outrage, Tibs?

None of this explains why none of you dare to criticize Trump, his shady campaign connections, his illicit business dealings, his ties to Russia, his firing of Comey, et al.

It is always about the other side for you. It is always about the previous administration. It is always about what happened in the past.

So if I read you right, you're arguing that since things were so shady and corrupt in the past, it is perfectly fine that things are shady and corrupt now.
This is spot on.

None of this explains why none of you dare to criticize Trump, his shady campaign connections, his illicit business dealings, his ties to Russia, his firing of Comey, et al.

It is always about the other side for you. It is always about the previous administration. It is always about what happened in the past.

So if I read you right, you're arguing that since things were so shady and corrupt in the past, it is perfectly fine that things are shady and corrupt now.
you SERIOUSLY want to go there, considering the ever-loving nut hugging the left did for eight long years of Obama? Trump hasn't even been in office one year and has been vigorously protested since Day 1. You ******* havent even given him a fair shake. He's Hitler. He's Evil. He's the Devil Incarnate. He's ... non-stop since he beat the fraud of Hillary (who robbed Bernie). And you dare come here with that hypocrisy?
How does Valerie Plame know ******* anything? She's in New Mexico writing spy novels now.

She's the one that set up the go-fund-me page to try and buy twitter so Trump can't use it anymore. How is she any more of an expert on how corrupt Donald Trump and his group are than anyone here?
you SERIOUSLY want to go there, considering the ever-loving nut hugging the left did for eight long years of Obama? Trump hasn't even been in office one year and has been vigorously protested since Day 1. You ******* havent even given him a fair shake. He's Hitler. He's Evil. He's the Devil Incarnate. He's ... non-stop since he beat the fraud of Hillary (who robbed Bernie). And you dare come here with that hypocrisy?

Relax! All of that is quite obviously figurative speech. It's not like we called him an Islamic terrorist... and were dead serious about it.
Relax! All of that is quite obviously figurative speech. It's not like we called him an Islamic terrorist... and were dead serious about it.

Lol........that and pizza parlors...nothing is too crazy for CONservatives when it plays into what they want to believe.
Lol........that and pizza parlors...nothing is too crazy for CONservatives when it plays into what they want to believe.

Really???? after all the bullshit you've posted about President Trump....you
From that article:

“OK folks, look, I messed up. I skimmed this piece, zeroed in on the neocon criticism, and shared it without seeing and considering the rest,” Wilson tweeted.

Twice now praising the same anti-Semite? Not buying it.