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Game Balls, Game Goats & FU's................Week 1 vs 49'ers......

Have a little work to do on my hollandaise sauce. But hey...... it’s only the first game. I’ll get better.
Dude. You can't let is down with the hollandaise sauce. What is up with you? It's like going to the playoffs and not winning!

As for me, I saw the last Steelers series in the 4th, and the 49ers kneel down-but-dont-give-up-a-safety series. Was out deer hunting. Didn't harvest, but my time was better spent anyway.
What a difference a real game makes..... lol.
All offseason he was hyped as a welcome addition, veteran leadership, a great sign by Kahn etc. The media loved it. As did I.
To be fair he had great coverage on the 2nd TD. There wasn’t more he could do on that.
I thought Kazee had a lousy game as well.
I was disappointed with our LB’s as well.

The one thing Sarge said during the game stuck with me and so far he’s been right. Like it or not

“Guy hasn’t had a great game. Really hasn’t had any good games. He’s had some good moments,but that’s about it”

This isn’t to say that I’ve given up on Kenny Far from it. He made some horrible decisions and throws today., let’s hope today’s game is just another learning experience towards improvement. A very disappointing game.

On a bright note my eggs benny with smoked salmon and avocado tasted amazing for my gameday breakfast. My fried new potatoes with red peppers and purple onions were great. Have a little work to do on my hollandaise sauce. But hey...... it’s only the first game. I’ll get better.
Kenny only played a part of last season, he was third on the depth chart starting out so hardly any practice snaps. To be thrown in the fire he did fairly well second part of last year and is still really a rookie this year if you think about it. We still don't know what we have in him.
Game ball Watt
Game goat Pickett
FU Tomlin Austin Canada

Pickett needs to get into the game ball category in the future, and others will follow. The FUs are just a given.
There's no game ball beside Watt
Everyone else was terrible. FU to Tomlin no way garbage Canada comes back on a staff and if the Deuce ******* take 500k out of my salary.
Kenny only played a part of last season, he was third on the depth chart starting out so hardly any practice snaps. To be thrown in the fire he did fairly well second part of last year and is still really a rookie this year if you think about it. We still don't know what we have in him.
No he isn't. He had an entire offseason as the starter. That was a pathetic performance today and I'm talking about the downs he was pressured. He had some atrocious passes with a clean pocket and open receivers.
To be fair, he had some good coverage and probably should have had at least one pick.
Gave up 2tds and how many yards? Not sure that little bit of good outweighs the bad.
No he isn't. He had an entire offseason as the starter. That was a pathetic performance today and I'm talking about the downs he was pressured. He had some atrocious passes with a clean pocket and open receivers.
Yeah I have been one of Kenny's big supporters but he sucked today. Just not remotely good. Not even a little bit.
No he isn't. He had an entire offseason as the starter. That was a pathetic performance today and I'm talking about the downs he was pressured. He had some atrocious passes with a clean pocket and open receivers.
Something was way off about him today. I saw it in his demeanor. It's like he drank a 5th of tequila last night.

Me personally I'd cut the OC out of it and let KP call his own plays. Then you'll get a clear picture of what you have.
My .02…… bringing in a veteran CB like Pat Pete was ok when you factor in the mentorship he can help provide to a young team. If that mentorship means bringing out the Anthony Smith playbook of how to run your mouth I think we can do without it 🤷🏻‍♂️
Something was way off about him today. I saw it in his demeanor. It's like he drank a 5th of tequila last night.

Me personally I'd cut the OC out of it and let KP call his own plays. Then you'll get a clear picture of what you have.
Most definitely. No doubt in my mind that Canada is not the answer. Yet here he is and it is mind blowing.
I'd rather see little Peezy get burned at CB than a seasoned former probowler who shittalked this week.

Turns out, the 9ers had his tell.

KFP was constipated or something.
FU The fans that sold out to the Niner fans, all the hype and first game and it looked and sounded like San Fran.
Fu and goat Pickens showing yourself with personal foul . Take your beating and move on.
Fu to Tomlin who put Pickens back in the game
Hard to say which QB was harder to watch -- Jurkovec last night or Pickett today. At least Pitt came back and made it interesting in the fourth quarter. The Steelers, however, outside of TJ Watt, seemed shell-shocked and lifeless early and often. Three more undisciplined 15-yard penalties just added to the frustration. No leadership or fire from an overrated head coach who a) seems to be simply going through the motions as he continues to collect his huge paychecks, and b) insists on wearing sunglasses when the sun is not out.

What a disappointing opener after so much optimism.
What a disappointing opener after so much opoptimism.
The problem is that every team plays basic Tomlin ball in the preseason. Get into the regular season and Tomlin won't change, while other coaches step it up. This same thing happens in the playoffs.
Nothing but a FU to the front office for bringing in so many shiny new toys and sticking them in the same bush league systems we've seen for the last few years. I'm beyond tired of mediocre Mike and his band of ******* idiots. I can't ever remember a more inept Steelers coaching staff. The team has no identity and there's nothing they do well.
The problem is that every team plays basic Tomlin ball in the preseason. Get into the regular season and Tomlin won't change, while other coaches step it up. This same thing happens in the playoffs.
I agree; but in Tomlin's defense, KP was just bad today. However, here's the thing: Pickett managed to get into a bit a of a rhythm right before the half in the no-huddle (sound familiar?), but of course Tomlin did not adapt and went back to the same stagnant offense from earlier in the game when the second half began. Despite being down several scores.

There is no innovation or alteration in how MT approaches things -- it goes back to his "We Do What We Do" bullshlt mantra. You and I and some others have been frustrated by this for the better part of almost a decade now. Because I am a Steelers fan, I can't help myself when the team inevitably rallies at some point and saves his never-had-a-losing-season record, but it is so, so stale at this point. It's fool's gold, and I fall for it every time because I like to see them win.
Nothing but a FU to the front office for bringing in so many shiny new toys and sticking them in the same bush league systems we've seen for the last few years. I'm beyond tired of mediocre Mike and his band of ******* idiots. I can't ever remember a more inept Steelers coaching staff. The team has no identity and there's nothing they do well.

This, Omar might be shopping himself for a new team in a few years, he's built a great roster and handed the keys to a serial underachieving head coach
No he isn't. He had an entire offseason as the starter. That was a pathetic performance today and I'm talking about the downs he was pressured. He had some atrocious passes with a clean pocket and open receivers.
He hasn't started a even close to a full season. How long did Bradshaw **** the bed? Two years?
He hasn't started a even close to a full season. How long did Bradshaw **** the bed? Two years?

Terry Bradshaw played his first few seasons for this team 50 years ago, I'd say the game has changed a bit since then.

Pickett played awful, he made multiple terrible, innacurate throws, this was an issue last year too, you keep sticking your head in the sand, throwing insults, and referencing the 70's tho
The good news is that the Steelers are seriously investigating three potential replacements for Canada, all of whom would be an upgrade:
  • J_e Walton
  • Dylan Mulvaney
  • Magic 8 Ball
A lot to be excited about.
Mulvaney might up the testosterone in the offensive game-planning meetings!
He hasn't started a even close to a full season. How long did Bradshaw **** the bed? Two years?
You're going from one of the 10 best QBs all-time to a kid who had a good season or two in college.
Before the draft the thing Pickett was best known for was faking a slide.
There's gonna be a drop off and growing pains.
Pickett is just starting out, he will have good games and bad ones. You guys were obviously drinking the media kool-aid they were serving on Pickett. He will get better, it will just take time. If he was following Brister, Graham, Stoudt, etc., he would be getting more slack. Following Big Ben, and expecting the same results is unfair. Combine that with atrocious coaching, and god awful game plans, and he is going to be even more hampered.

As long as the money continues to roll in, Art the Dookie is not going to make any changes. Even then, the chance he would be called a racist, would keep him from removing Tomlin. In this day and age, change is not always politically advisable.