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Gay Marriage Upheld by Supreme Court

So the point here is that there maybe some negative consequences to giving gay folks the freedom to marry. Let's suppose this is true. Is the argument that the consequences are severe enough that this freedom should be denied? If it is then I can think of one freedom that should be rescinded tomorrow. The freedom to possess firearms.

I'm not for a minute saying this right/ freedom should be taken away, but if we're denying others the right to do something based on the possibility of negative consequences... guns should be first on the list. The rights granted in the 2nd Ammendment have led to an ease of accessibility by people that should never in a million years be in posession of a firearm. Yet I don't hear anyone on the right saying they should be outlawed. The possible negative outcomes that may arise from allowing gay people to marry are no where near as horrible as the negative outcomes of allowing the general public access to firearms. Again I'm not saying we should outlaw ownership of guns... My point is that if you're going to argue against gay marriage or any other law that would grant rights or freedoms to folks that were previously denied them based on their potential for negative consequences, remember the right to own guns is the mothership of negative consequences.

So your logic is that if we didn't CHANGE the Constitution to put in a new right, the right to marriage, the counter argument is we should REMOVE an existing Amendment that was already a guaranteed right in the Constitution in exchange? SMH. Logic fails you. That's akin to making this argument. If the Government won't guarantee my right to free cars for the rest of my life by 2016, then they must REMOVE the Right to Assembly from the Constitution. That's only fair.


PS...try a spell check Roll.
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With or without repealing the 1st amendment?

Do you REALLY think they give a **** about ANYTHING both the Bill of Rights and the Constitution say?
Don't expect Tibs to acknowledge this in response to his question.
I don't work for you man, get off my nuts. And, are you referring to my question that you haven't responded to? So demanding...
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Yea, I'm not buying it. Political correctness preceded gay marriage in the U.S., if not in Canada.

I've read this sentence 3 times and still trying to figure out your angle. I'll take a stab.

Being PC [about homosexuality] did precede gay marriage, perhaps, in some parts of the country, perhaps not others. Let's assume you're right. Are you insinuating in Canada that they weren't PC before mandating gay marriage as a right in 2005? Or? What does being PC have anything to do with the article and Canada's 10 year experiment in this area? You say you're not buying it.

Here's the question for you. Do you think the following, real things that are happening in Canada are suitable? Secondarily, can you please identify the list of things here that violate our other Freedoms, like Freedom of Speech and Religion? Thanks.

In Canada:
  • if you say or write anything considered “homophobic” (including, by definition, anything questioning same-sex marriage), you could face discipline, termination of employment, or prosecution by the government.
  • it is considered discriminatory to say that marriage is between a man and a woman
  • it is considered discriminatory to say that every child should know and be raised by his or her biological married parents.
  • Anyone offended by something you have said or written can make a complaint to the Human Rights Commissions and Tribunals. It takes only one complaint against a person to be brought before the tribunal, costing the defendant tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.
  • Your home may be entered and the government may remove all items pertinent to their investigations, checking for hate speech.
  • Even if you are found innocent in these hearings, you do not recoup your legal fees.
  • If your beliefs, values, and political opinions are different from the state’s, you risk losing your professional license, job, or business, and even your children.
  • The state has access into your home to supervise you as the parent, to judge your suitability.
  • if the state doesn’t like what you are teaching your children, the state will attempt to remove them from your home.
  • It is discriminatory to assume a human being is male or female, or heterosexual.
  • A special curriculum is being used in many schools to teach students how to use proper gender-neutral language.
  • Use of gender terms to describe husband and wife, father and mother, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and “he” and “she” is being steadily eradicated in Canadian schools.
  • Freedom to assemble and speak freely about man-woman marriage, family, and sexuality is now restricted.
  • Most faith communities have become “politically correct” to avoid fines and loss of charitable status.
  • Books, DVDs, and other materials can also be confiscated at the Canadian border if the materials are deemed “hateful.”

From my previous article, this is a real example, with a real person in Canada: An example of legally curtailed speech regarding homosexuality in Canada involves the case of Bill Whatcott, who was arrested for hate speech in April 2014 after distributing pamphlets that were critical of homosexuality. Whether or not you agree with what he says, you should be aghast at this state-sanctioned gagging.

You want this world? I want a world where speech and religion are protected. Stalin would be proud of this new world ya'll are creating.
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I don't work for you man, get off my nuts.

You asked a question. It was answered. You didn't like the reply, now you're silent.

You asked a question. It was answered. You didn't like the reply, now you're silent. Typical?
Hey Mr. Strawman, the response you're referring to had nothing to do with your original statement, which was

Tim Steelersfan said:
When my preacher is led from church in cuffs on hate speech charges for speaking about homosexuality being a sin, explain to me how that is not oppression?

The response was a link to an article stating churches won't be allowed to reject gay marriages, which is basically the law of the land since the Supreme Court ruling.

So I'll answer for you. No, none of this has happened to your preacher. You're just fantasizing about it happening at some point in the future, given that you're convinced the US has gone off the rails since the Supreme Court ruling.

By all means, carry on. I don't want to interrupt your fantasy world where white, straight, gun-carrying conservatives are rounded up and put in labor camps.
Yes, and I also really believe I own guns and I speak freely.

I own guns and speak my mind as well, but I do see our freedoms being eroded away. We have a President who rewrites laws or passes executive orders with no regard to the Constitution. We have an uneducated voting public who follows what the media tells them to do like sheep. We have race-baiters in Congress and in power who label you a racist if you even THINK about the Confederate Flag. Until someone has the balls to stand up to this erosion, the erosion will continue.
Hey Mr. Strawman, the response you're referring to had nothing to do with your original statement, which was

The response was a link to an article stating churches won't be allowed to reject gay marriages, which is basically the law of the land since the Supreme Court ruling.

So I'll answer for you. No, none of this has happened to your preacher. You're just fantasizing about it happening at some point in the future, given that you're convinced the US has gone off the rails since the Supreme Court ruling.

Let me get this correct, you've just said I am right.

You acknowledge that preachers are being threatened with jail time (per the article) for not marrying gays because... this is now the law of the land. Check. But somehow, preachers will never be threatened with hate speech crimes for speaking against homosexuality? Check. That is indeed rich.

Answer these questions. Canada has been down this path. You're insinuating that us saying what has happened there won't possibly happen here and by believing such we are somehow crazy? Do you believe that the losses of freedoms Canadians have suffered can happen here in the US as a result of Friday's rulings? If not, how are our we so different as to prevent it?

By the way, here's one great example of religious persecution in Canada. Canada didn't like their teachings. Tried to take their kids because the teachings were deemed "offensive." The vast majority have fled the country. Gotta love those "freedoms and liberties" that have emanated from their decision in 2005, eh?

Look no further than the Lev Tahor Sect, an Orthodox Jewish sect. Many members, who had been involved in a bitter custody battle with child protection services, began leaving Chatham, Ontario, for Guatemala in March 2014, to escape prosecution for their religious faith, which conflicted with the Province’s guidelines for religious education. Of the two hundred sect members, only half a dozen families remain in Chatham.

Hey Mr. Strawman...By all means, carry on. I don't want to interrupt your fantasy world where white, straight, gun-carrying conservatives are rounded up and put in labor camps.

Keep on keepin' it classy Tibs. No need to stray from the radical Liberal play-book of making things personal, devolving into name calling, and proving who can be angrier vs discussing the topics.
I own guns and speak my mind as well, but I do see our freedoms being eroded away. We have a President who rewrites laws or passes executive orders with no regard to the Constitution. We have an uneducated voting public who follows what the media tells them to do like sheep. We have race-baiters in Congress and in power who label you a racist if you even THINK about the Confederate Flag. Until someone has the balls to stand up to this erosion, the erosion will continue.

The right-wing has become far less educated than the left-wing. As education level rises, the percent chance you are registered Democrat go WAY up. So I don't quite understand the logic that as the country becomes more and more left wing that somehow indicates we are "less educated" or "mindless sheep".

If anything the religious right is as uneducated and mindless sheep listening to their bible waving preachers as any segment of the population.

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I want to add this.

I'm a registered Republican and have been since 1988. But I am embarrassed by what the party has become. And the worse part is, the current right wing doesn't even realize how much of a butt of jokes they've become for much of moderate America.

When I was younger, it used to be the left wing that had the crazies the country laughed at. The Jesse Jackson's running for president. Now the right wing throws out Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Donald Trump. The pendulum has completely swung the other way when if comes to complete lunatics representing the party.

Until the Republican party stops being a joke party, stops preaching about the end of the world, starts being more inclusive and really represents smaller federal government, fiscal responsibility, strong foreign policy and common sense policies I'm off their bandwagon. As long as they harp on and on about abortion and gun control and gay marriage and things that really don't mean a damn thing to the future of this country, they are lost.
The right-wing has become far less educated than the left-wing. As education level rises, the percent chance you are registered Democrat go WAY up. So I don't quite understand the logic that as the country becomes more and more left wing that somehow indicates we are "less educated" or "mindless sheep".

Because they get indoctrinated when they go to college. The mindless part comes in when the "educated" people do and believe what the Democrat party tells them instead of looking at what works and what doesn't work. There is very little critical thinking among Liberals, partly by design and partly out of fear, because if there was then they might find that some of what they believe is wrong.

I have a cousin who is a brilliant scientist, a year younger than me, who was raised in the same church, went to Catholic school even though we're not Catholic, and after four years at MIT she was an atheist and thinks the rest of the family are retards because we believe in a guy with a white beard up in the sky.

I want to add this.

I'm a registered Republican and have been since 1988. But I am embarrassed by what the party has become. And the worse part is, the current right wing doesn't even realize how much of a butt of jokes they've become for much of moderate America.
The moderate Republicans (i.e. the establishment Republicans) don't realize what a joke they've become either. As a Conservative Republican I don't really care what the Moderates think because most of them will end up voting for the Gimme Free **** Party anyway.

When I was younger, it used to be the left wing that had the crazies the country laughed at. The Jesse Jackson's running for president. Now the right wing throws out Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Donald Trump. The pendulum has completely swung the other way when if comes to complete lunatics representing the party.
I assure you that Bachman and Trump were not and are not put there by the people who run the GOP. Palin never ran for President, but remember that McCain's poll numbers went UP after he picked her as his running mate because most Republicans didn't like him.

Until the Republican party stops being a joke party, stops preaching about the end of the world, starts being more inclusive and really represents smaller federal government, fiscal responsibility, strong foreign policy and common sense policies I'm off their bandwagon. As long as they harp on and on about abortion and gun control and gay marriage and things that really don't mean a damn thing to the future of this country, they are lost.
The GOP leadership in Washington has simply become Democrat Lite. They harp on abortion and gun control to differentiate themselves but for the most part they are not about smaller government. They like big government as much as the Democrats do.
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The response was a link to an article stating churches won't be allowed to reject gay marriages, which is basically the law of the land since the Supreme Court ruling.

You wish to use semantics to make your point?

So much for religious freedom. Will this apply to mosques as well?
Let the Culture Wars begin!

Churches confront new reality on gay marriage

At First Baptist Dallas, where the pulpit was adorned Sunday with red, white and blue bunting to honor the Fourth of July, the pastor called the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling "an affront in the face of Almighty God."

The iconic rainbow colors that bathed the White House Friday night after the court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide represent "depravity, degradation and what the Bible calls sexual perversion," the Rev. Robert Jeffress said.

"But we are not discouraged," Jeffress said. "We are not going to be silenced. This is a great opportunity for our church to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ and we are going to do it."

On the first Sunday after the high court ruling, theological conservatives grappled with their new status as what the Southern Baptists call "a moral minority" on marriage. Ministers were defiant about publicly upholding their views, and warned church members to prepare themselves for a rough time ahead.

"Welcome to the new world. It's just changed for you Christians. You are going to be persecuted," Alabama's Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore said from the pulpit at the Kimberly Church of God, in Kimberly, Ala.

"Is there such a thing as morality anymore? Sodomy for centuries was declared to be against the laws of nature and nature's God. And now if you say that in public, and I guess I am, am I violating somebody's civil rights? Have we elevated morality to immorality? Do we call good, bad? What are we Christians to do?"

Arsenio Hall schools gay activists 20 years ago.

Seen posted by a black friend of mine on FB.
Cruz: Clerks Should be Able to Opt Out of Gay Marriage Licenses

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz on Saturday said county clerks in Texas should "absolutely" be able to opt out of issuing same-sex marriage licenses if they have religious objections.

"We should respect diversity and tolerance," Cruz added. "There is this liberal intolerance and fascism that seeks to force Bible-believing Christians to violate their faith, and I think it makes no sense."

The right-wing has become far less educated than the left-wing. As education level rises, the percent chance you are registered Democrat go WAY up. So I don't quite understand the logic that as the country becomes more and more left wing that somehow indicates we are "less educated" or "mindless sheep".

If anything the religious right is as uneducated and mindless sheep listening to their bible waving preachers as any segment of the population.


Yeah...all those lefties with degrees in Art History and Womyn's Studies. How's that working out for them? They register Democrat because they can't find a job with their illustrious degrees so they end up sucking the gov't teat. Why wouldn't they be Democrat? They give out free stuff.
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The right-wing has become far less educated than the left-wing. As education level rises, the percent chance you are registered Democrat go WAY up. So I don't quite understand the logic that as the country becomes more and more left wing that somehow indicates we are "less educated" or "mindless sheep".

If anything the religious right is as uneducated and mindless sheep listening to their bible waving preachers as any segment of the population.


Education does not mean intelligence or common sense.

Lets see. Common sense tells us that a man and a woman just fit properly together. The State means, well... The State. If you are born a man, that is what you are. Iran is going to build a nuke. I could go on and on.

******' a, man, if the Dems are what defines being educated, I want no parts of it.
I want to add this.

I'm a registered Republican and have been since 1988. But I am embarrassed by what the party has become. And the worse part is, the current right wing doesn't even realize how much of a butt of jokes they've become for much of moderate America.

When I was younger, it used to be the left wing that had the crazies the country laughed at. The Jesse Jackson's running for president. Now the right wing throws out Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Donald Trump. The pendulum has completely swung the other way when if comes to complete lunatics representing the party.

Until the Republican party stops being a joke party, stops preaching about the end of the world, starts being more inclusive and really represents smaller federal government, fiscal responsibility, strong foreign policy and common sense policies I'm off their bandwagon. As long as they harp on and on about abortion and gun control and gay marriage and things that really don't mean a damn thing to the future of this country, they are lost.

Do you hold the Democractic Party to the same standards? If not, you are just full of ****.
Arsenio Hall schools gay activists 20 years ago.

Seen posted by a black friend of mine on FB.

Arsenio tried to put his penis in m y ***, so understand why hes doing this, along with wanting to be popular, make bank, and be in the public eye.
All anything, anymore, has to do with coin. No pride, no standing ground, just coin.
Absolutely NO one is a free thinker.

Feel very worried for my children. And my grandchildren.
I want to add this.

I'm a registered Republican and have been since 1988. But I am embarrassed by what the party has become. And the worse part is, the current right wing doesn't even realize how much of a butt of jokes they've become for much of moderate America.

When I was younger, it used to be the left wing that had the crazies the country laughed at. The Jesse Jackson's running for president. Now the right wing throws out Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Donald Trump. The pendulum has completely swung the other way when if comes to complete lunatics representing the party.

Until the Republican party stops being a joke party, stops preaching about the end of the world, starts being more inclusive and really represents smaller federal government, fiscal responsibility, strong foreign policy and common sense policies I'm off their bandwagon. As long as they harp on and on about abortion and gun control and gay marriage and things that really don't mean a damn thing to the future of this country, they are lost.

Elizabeth Warren says she is a Native American when she isn't. Hillary Clinton says she landed under shell fire somewhere (dammit I can't remember where) when she didn't. Bill Clinton may have been banging underage girls, but for sure he was friends with a guy who was.

Yep, only the Republican Party has lunatics.

I have been here for years. Rarely does a post, regardless of how stupid, make me feel like punching myself in the face. You have succeeded.
I want to add this.

I'm a registered Republican and have been since 1988. But I am embarrassed by what the party has become. And the worse part is, the current right wing doesn't even realize how much of a butt of jokes they've become for much of moderate America.

When I was younger, it used to be the left wing that had the crazies the country laughed at. The Jesse Jackson's running for president. Now the right wing throws out Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Donald Trump. The pendulum has completely swung the other way when if comes to complete lunatics representing the party..

That's funny because without all the low information, entitlement seeking free stuff "Obama is gonna pay for my gas an mortgage" liberal idiots, a democrat president would never be elected.

The crazies reside on the left,,,you ******** voted for Obama, twice.
So, the three you mentioned are and embarrassment but Hillary is cool? Hillary is a wench, a liar, a disingenuous piece of **** that you'll vote for in a heartbeat because she has D after her name. I'll take any of the three you mentioned over Hillary.
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So, the three you mentioned are and embarrassment but Hillary is cool?

Yep, this is why I feel like we are living in bizarro world. This woman has never done anything but ride her scumbag husband's coattails. They are both so slimy in every way...their foundations, their shady business deals, her lies, her phony accents, her "we were broke and couldn't pay our mortgage" bullshit, her missing emails, his obsession with trailer trash ****** at the risk of everything, his rape accusations...this is who some people consider to be the intelligent, thinking person's political idols? What a joke.