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Global warming freaks are about to get kicked in their baby nuts

How scurrilous can they be? I wonder how many lives have been devastated in their greed to rob us blind.

They've been at it for so long now that some of their predictions of ocean levels, water temps, etc have come due and have not been accurate. The sheeple buy into it and make thinking people out to be monsters or something.
They sure are panicking over there in Morocco.
Trump fears push nations at Morocco talks to call climate action an 'urgent duty'
Trump has called man-made global warming a hoax and has said he will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which seeks to wean the global economy off fossil fuels this century with a shift to renewable energies such as wind and solar power.

"Our climate is warming at an alarming and unprecedented rate and we have an urgent duty to respond," it said. Delegates applauded, joined hands above their heads in standing ovation after the proclamation was read out. In the document, rich nations reaffirmed a goal of mobilising US$100 billion in climate finance, from both public and private sources, by 2020 to help developing countries.

The proclamation, a political statement of intent with no legal force, affirmed plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions blamed for raising world temperatures and causing more downpours, heat waves, and rising sea levels.

The Paris Agreement seeks to limit a rise in global average temperatures to "well below" 2.0 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) above preindustrial times, ideally 1.5C (2.7F) by slashing greenhouse gas emissions.

So...If Trump pulls us out of this deal and revives the fossil fuel industry, does this mean that if the temperature goes down anyway, the Libs shut up for good ?

Oh happy days...LOL

They sure are panicking over there in Morocco.

So...If Trump pulls us out of this deal and revives the fossil fuel industry, does this mean that if the temperature goes down anyway, the Libs shut up for good ?

Oh happy days...LOL

Global Cooling (just another facet of climate change) and a new bogus field of self-sustaining "scientific" study. Like magic all the models will correlate cooling to human activity.
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Im fine with a slow changeover to renewables as long as it doesnt require energy rationing... which this plan absolutely would in time... what no one gets is that until ample battery storage for solar and wind exists so it can be released as required not just when available, the only way to achieve their goals is by forcing us to use less... its how every country who has reached some absurd goal like 70% renewables in a day has done so... not by producing enough, but by reducing demand...
They are about to get kicked in the nuts by their savior

Cry snowflakes cry! Your hero wants to be a Trump supporter!


(CNN) President-elect Donald Trump will find himself with an unlikely ally if he makes good on his promise to be an economic populist challenging corporate America, Bernie Sanders said Thursday.

The willingness on the part of Sanders, a longtime democratic socialist, to work with Trump on a series of economic issues underscores the unorthodox and strikingly populist message that Trump used during his stunning victory over Hillary Clinton.

Sanders, speaking with reporters at a Christian Science Monitor sponsored breakfast, said he is ready to embrace Trump on a handful of campaign promises.

How scurrilous can they be? I wonder how many lives have been devastated in their greed to rob us blind.

They've been at it for so long now that some of their predictions of ocean levels, water temps, etc have come due and have not been accurate

What do these countries need a treaty for?

If they're so concerned, they can all cut their own emissions in half whenever they want and have dirty boys China/ Russia/ India pay for it.

We're too busy checking out our massive new oil find in Texas.

and weren't these the same geniuses screaming about PEAK OIL a couple decades ago?
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They need a treaty to allow them to grift the American taxpayers. It's just another income distribution scheme. We Americans have it too good here. We don't deserve our prosperity. Obama has rammed that garbage down our collective throats for 8 excruciatingly long years. I pray that President Trump can do what no one else has and that is break this cult that is trying to scam us all.
On the subject, somewhat. Found this - dated back to February. But found it interesting, especially the behavior. The Democrats lie, cheat, steal - votes, pay to play, on and on. The media lies, takes direction from Democrats, misrepresents. Notice how the Global Warming community and tied agencies behave the same way. Can Trump get NOAA and other agencies to give us real data - not the falsified bullshit we've been fed and end this corruption?



Now Even Michael Mann Admits The ‘Pause’ In Global Warming Is Real; Throws Allies To Wolves

The “Pause” in global warming is real – not an urban myth concocted by evil ‘deniers’ – a study has found, signalling the development of a major schism within the climate alarmist camp.
“It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims,” the paper in Nature Climate Change says.

Though the paper’s findings are not controversial – few serious scientists dispute the evidence of the temperature datasets showing that there has been little if any global warming for nearly 19 years – they represent a tremendous blow to the climate alarmist “consensus”, which has long sought to deny the “Pause’s” existence.

First, the study was published in Nature Climate Change a fervently alarmist journal which rarely if ever runs papers that cast doubt on the man-made-global-warming scare narrative.

Secondly, it directly contradicts a widely-reported study produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) last year which attempted to deny the existence of the “Pause” (also known as the “hiatus”). This NOAA study was widely mocked, quickly debunked and is now the subject of a Congressional investigation by Rep Lamar Smith. What’s novel about this new study in Nature Climate Change, though, is that it’s not skeptics and Republicans doing the mocking and the debunking: it’s the kind of people who in the past were very much in the alarmist camp, including – bizarrely – none other than Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann, who co-authored the paper.

What we have here, in other words, is signs of a major rift within the climate alarmist camp with different factions adopting different tactics to cope with the failure of their collapsing narrative.

On one side are people like Thomas Karl and Thomas Petersen, the hapless NOAA scientists given the unenviable task of producing that risible paper last year which did its best to deny that the Pause was a thing.

On the other are what might be called the “rats deserting the sinking ship” faction who have produced this new paper for Nature Climate Change, in which finally they concede what skeptics have been saying for many years: that there has been no “global warming” since 1998.

This divergence in the alarmist camp is now going to create a dilemma for all those liberal media outlets – from the BBC to the Guardian to the LA Times – which reported on NOAA’s “death of the pause” study as if it were a reliable and credible thing.

Are they now going to report on the counter-narrative? Or are they going to ignore it and hope no one notices?

The man who would like more than anyone to know the answer to this question is David Whitehouse, Science Editor of the Global Warming Policy Foundation and a former science editor at the BBC (till the point when his skepticism became too much for his employer).

That’s because in 2007, he was one of the first scientists to draw attention to the mysterious slowdown in global warming.

As he recalls in the Spectator:

In 2007 I pointed out that it was curious that in recent years the global annual average temperature had not increased at a time when greenhouse gasses were increasing rapidly and when the media was full of claims that the earth’s temperature was getting higher and higher. I proposed no explanation but said that it was a curious observation that would probably change in the near future. I was lambasted for being a denier and liar. Yet in the following years the global temperature did not increase.

Some vocal scientists spent more time saying it was wrong than actually looking at the data. While many in the media portrayed the phenomenon as a desperate weapon used by sceptics to undermine climate science, real scientists took notice and began to study the warming pause. It was not long before it was being discussed at conferences and in scientific journals. Something was clearly different about the nature of global temperature change since 1997 than it had been in the previous two decades. It was not only slower, but not increasing at all for many years. Indeed it was said in the prestigious scientific journal Nature that the “pause” or “hiatus” is the biggest problem in climate science.

Whitehouse is too polite to name the alarmist shills and activist attack dogs who have fought so hard over the years to discredit anyone who has dared suggest the existence of a Pause. So I will. But in a separate article. It seems to me that these people are so disgusting, corrupt, nauseating and malign that they shouldn’t simply be tacked on to the end of a news story. They should be made to perform the internet equivalent of Cersei’s Walk of Shame; or, at the very least, to be put in the stocks and pelted with excrement.

In the meantime let us all draw comfort from the fact that a) the alarmists are finally being forced to concede that their skeptic adversaries are right and b) that they are starting to turn on one another. This is the beginning of the end for the alarmist “consensus”. And not before time.
Part of the problem is that people are discovering that if you put yesteryear's temperatures into the experts' hallowed models, that you don't come up with today's temperatures.
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Donald Trump expected to slash Nasa's climate change budget in favour of sending humans back to the moon - and beyond

US President-elect Donald Trump is set to slash Nasa's budget for monitoring climate change and instead set a goal of sending humans to the edge of the solar system by the end of the century, and possibly back to the moon.

Mr Trump, who has called climate change a "Chinese hoax", is believed to want to focus the agency on far-reaching, big banner goals in deep space rather than "Earth-centric climate change spending".


This is going to be fun.
Donald Trump expected to slash Nasa's climate change budget

This is going to be fun.

NASA is a huge swamp to drain

The fate of Earth science at NASA is almost certain to be the most controversial issue facing the space community in the next few years. The division will lose its privileged funding position under a Trump Administration (of all the sciences, it alone has enjoyed consistent growth of its budget under Obama). We don’t know exactly what sort of cuts to expect, or even if there will be an attempt to remove Earth science from NASA’s portfolio completely. But previous statements by members of the congressional Republican majorities, as well as Trump himself, likely guarantee some decrease in funding.

Adding to this uncertainty is that Earth science lost two senior, well-positioned Democrats that have defended it in the past: Mike Honda in the House and Barbara Mikulski in the Senate, both of whom served as ranking member (e.g. top-level) Democrats on their respective Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) appropriation subcommittees that write NASA’s annual funding bills.



Donald Trump’s “peace through strength” space vision

America’s space program is suffering from significant under-investment — both the weak Obama-Clinton economy and a lack of strategic vision are major causes. Meanwhile, China and Russia continue to move briskly forward with military-focused space initiatives. Indeed, each continues to develop weapons explicitly designed, as the Pentagon has noted, to “deny, degrade, deceive, disrupt, or destroy” America’s eyes and ears in space.

To address such emerging threats — and maintain U.S. strategic superiority in space — a “peace through strength” Trump administration will simultaneously strengthen our economy and manufacturing base while significantly expanding our civilian and military space budgets. Trump understands, as Reagan did before him, that without a strong economy, there can be no strong space program. It is not too bold to assert the maintenance of our technological and strategic superiority in space is vital not just to national security but to our very survival.

Today, every aspect of our military force projection worldwide depends on our on-orbit communications, observation, and intelligence gathering capabilities. Our ability to see and understand potential hostile activity and to respond promptly and accurately is ineluctably intertwined with our space capabilities.

While America’s space-based capabilities have made our military the world’s most powerful and effective, an over-reliance on our satellite network to provide situational awareness on the battlefield is now making America highly vulnerable to attack. Chinese and Russian strategists understand this better than our own government. That’s why they are now aggressively targeting our satellite networks – both military and civilian as the very concept of warfare broadens.

Against this emerging strategic chessboard, Donald Trump’s priorities for our military space program are clear: We must reduce our current vulnerabilities and assure that our military commands have the space tools they need for their missions. We must also reduce the cost of space access and create new generations of satellites to deal with emerging threats.

The future military necessity of using smaller force projection into hostile arenas will demand the speed and agility that only space-based assets can supply. Addressing current vulnerabilities will, for example, require new generations of smaller, more robust constellations of satellites.

Because of their sheer numbers, constellations of micro-satellites will be much harder to attack. To maintain and constantly upgrade these constellations, in turn, will require new technologies such as persistent platforms, capable of robotically servicing and refueling satellites in orbit.

A Trump administration will also lead the way on emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize warfare. For example, both China and Russia are aggressively moving forward with a range of hypersonic weapons that are very difficult to defend against with traditional air-defense interceptors. A Trump administration will increase the coordination between DARPA, NASA, and the private sector to ensure the U.S. remains well ahead of the technology curve.

To move boldly forward, we must recognize that many of our military needs can be met with commercially available launch, communications, and observation capabilities. This business-oriented approach will reduce costs while accessing new advances on a timeline significantly quicker than current, outdated military procurement procedures.

Such an increased reliance on the private sector will be a cornerstone of Trump space policy. Launching and operating military space assets is a multibillion-dollar enterprise employing thousands, spurring innovation, spinning off civilian applications like GPS, and fueling economic growth. Today’s backward-looking acquisition policies must be immediately and substantially reformed as a priority action.

A key Trump goal will be to create lower costs through greater efficiencies. We must ensure that space products developed for one sector, but applicable to another, will be fully shared, not duplicated. It makes little sense to develop numerous launch vehicles at taxpayer cost, all with essentially the same technology and payload capacity. Coordinated policy could end such duplication of effort and could likely determine where there are private sector solutions that do not necessarily require government investment.

America must continue to be a bright star in space that people all around the world will continue to look up to with admiration, assurance, and hope. No space goals will be more important to Donald Trump than defense of our nation and that a freedom-loving people will lead the way to the heavens above.

Don't know that spending billions to go into space to look at things is our highest priority right now. Maybe when the budget is balanced, but God knows why. Seems that it should be a private sector persuit.
Don't know that spending billions to go into space to look at things is our highest priority right now. Maybe when the budget is balanced, but God knows why. Seems that it should be a private sector persuit.

Defund sending Muslims to space and all that Global Warming crap and NASA might be able to get somewhere now.

increased reliance on the private sector will be a cornerstone of Trump space policy
Don't know that spending billions to go into space to look at things is our highest priority right now. Maybe when the budget is balanced, but God knows why. Seems that it should be a private sector persuit.

Cutting back NASA is one of three things Bomma did that I agree with.
Don't know that spending billions to go into space to look at things is our highest priority right now. Maybe when the budget is balanced, but God knows why. Seems that it should be a private sector persuit.
Same argument that has us wondering what the **** happened since we went to the moon almost 50 years ago. Did we solve poverty or balance the budget after we killed the moon program? I'm fine with my tax money funding space exploration. I think it's something that we should always be doing.
Obama's handling of NASA basically turned it away from space exploration and towards "earth sciences" ie helping promote the global warming hoax. I think clipping NASA'S space aspirations was one of zeros earlier actions. I didn't agree with it then and I still think it's on the list of his biggest missteps.
Global Cooling marches on

Snow in Yemen and Across Middle East – Central Asia | Mini Ice Age

Snows across the middle east from Algeria, to Yemen, Iran and Azerbaijan and central Asia. Not only are these snow areas rare but it only the 2nd week of November 2016. COP22 is being held at the same time, and its about time we start discussing Global Cooling on the agenda as it seems the grand solar minimum is intensifying.
If we do not make a move to expand up, not out... Or at least establish some sort of plan so we arent down the path of mandatory population control within 50 years...we are not going to like what the end result will be
If we do not make a move to expand up, not out... Or at least establish some sort of plan so we arent down the path of mandatory population control within 50 years...we are not going to like what the end result will be
Yeah yeah. Malthus. Population Bomb. Run out of food. It's a miracle we're still here.
Yeah yeah. Malthus. Population Bomb. Run out of food. It's a miracle we're still here.

Its an eventual reality... You cant just keep cutting out farmland to build paved habitats... There is a population cap on any area.. Best to start getting things moving on undersea or space expansion... It will take decades or longer to do anyhow so may as well get a leg up on it
Its an eventual reality... You cant just keep cutting out farmland to build paved habitats... There is a population cap on any area.. Best to start getting things moving on undersea or space expansion... It will take decades or longer to do anyhow so may as well get a leg up on it
I think we'll be fine, but I generally agree that we should be looking to expand beyond Earth.