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Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets Into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

And so the march towards the inevitable ww3 takes another step forward

Anyone want to speculate what country probably gave Hamas all those missiles?

I'd figure Iran. Which didn't we just give those clowns 6 billion dollars? So we actually paid for them.

How we give anyone a dime that chants death to America in their little whacked out parliament is beyond me.
Obama always like Iran. He still does.
I'd figure Iran. Which didn't we just give those clowns 6 billion dollars? So we actually paid for them.

How we give anyone a dime that chants death to America in their little whacked out parliament is beyond me.
I know this not to be true, the libtards have informed me that we only returned their money that was frozen with the firm stipulation that it can only be used for humanitarian purposes.
I was just wondering last night what we could dow with our national debt, infrastructure and economic foundation if we just cut all foreign aid for the next full election cycle.

Not a penny going out, full reinvestment internally.

You'd have to do it across the board, because otherwise other countries would ***** about "fair".

It could never happen, but imagine...
I was just wondering last night what we could dow with our national debt, infrastructure and economic foundation if we just cut all foreign aid for the next full election cycle.

Not a penny going out, full reinvestment internally.

You'd have to do it across the board, because otherwise other countries would ***** about "fair".

It could never happen, but imagine...
It could work but, it seems really, really racist & nationalist to me.
Oh it's woke Sarge. I'm on year 39 working for DoD now as a civilian. Our O8 Major General PEO Director has pronouns in his email signature as do all his officers. We have monthly DEI training sessions so don't tell me it's not woke...I'm living it for 5 more years until I retire.
I work for DOD as well. We aren’t allowed to have that sort of stuff in our signature blocks, and I haven’t attended or been required to attend a single DEI training session. Not sure where in DOD you work, but what’s happening to you is not the norm.
Echoing comments he made on CNN, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken tells NBC’s Meet the Press that “we have reports” that several Americans are among the dead and kidnapped, but would not confirm.

He adds, “We are very actively working to verify those reports.”

Blinken says “any American anywhere who is being detained or held hostage, that is going to be a priority for this government, for this administration, and for me, but I don’t want to get ahead of where we are. We have reports, and we have to verify them.”
"All the billions we gave Iran are being used to promote racial justice and equity, women's rights and religious equality. No way the Iranians are using the money to foment war. They promised to use the money only for humanitarian purposes and we believe the mullahs. What we DON'T believe are right-wing extremists. You know, Americans."

- Chocolate Goebbels
No link but just heard we are sending warships to the area. I’m sure that’s the norm with **** popping off but like others said, another step to WW3.

**** you sleepy and ypurnfucked up team
No link but just heard we are sending warships to the area. I’m sure that’s the norm with **** popping off but like others said, another step to WW3.

**** you sleepy and ypurnfucked up team

dems can't use covid again to steal an election so they're going with WW3 this time.
dems can't use covid again to steal an election so they're going with WW3 this time.
Oh, they're trying to terrify folks with a new daaaaangerous stream of the 'Rona.
This has zero to do with the $6 Billion we gave to Iran 2 weeks ago. This has been in the works for 6 months to a year now. Too much logistical work and planning went into this for it to happen so quickly.
Lengthy tweet by Victor Davis Hanson explaining all angles and how Dem policies encouraged this

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A 50th Anniversary War?<br><br>Why did Hamas stage a long-planned, carefully executed and multifaceted attack on Israeli towns, soldiers, and civilians—one designed to instill terror by executing noncombatants, taking hostages, and desecrating the bodies of the dead?<br><br>And how were the…</p>&mdash; Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson) <a href="">October 7, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Just before the Hamas attack, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wrote on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, that "the usurper regime is coming to an end," in reference to Israel.


"Today, the Palestinian youth and the anti-oppression, anti-occupation movement in Palestine is more energetic, more alive, and more prepared than ever during the past 70 or 80 years," he wrote. "God willing, the movement will achieve its goals."
Lengthy tweet by Victor Davis Hanson explaining all angles and how Dem policies encouraged this

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A 50th Anniversary War?<br><br>Why did Hamas stage a long-planned, carefully executed and multifaceted attack on Israeli towns, soldiers, and civilians—one designed to instill terror by executing noncombatants, taking hostages, and desecrating the bodies of the dead?<br><br>And how were the…</p>&mdash; Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson) <a href="">October 7, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I really enjoy listening to VDH. He has made the loss of Charles Krauthammer a little less disheartening.
I would like to add, that while I'd love to see Hamas exterminated, I a leery of some of these 'grandma kidnapping' reports. Neither side is innocent of disseminating propaganda.

It's always reports of victimized 'pregnant woman', 'elderly', and 'children' that are used to incite rage. Again, I'm not offering any shelter to Hamas, **** them. I just don't like being led around by those nose by lying propagandists in any government, including my own. I'll reserve my rage for when these reports are confirmed.
I’d flatten Gaza. There would be no structures left.

Then, their sites should be on Iran.
My lord. Do we even have anything left.

Israel’s appeal for more arms came into focus in a briefing for congressional leaders and the heads of security-focused committees on the surprise attacks by Hamas, according to two people familiar with the meeting. During the unclassified call, officials told lawmakers that America’s closest ally in the Middle East urgently needs precision-guided munitions and more interceptors for the Iron Dome air defense system.