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Happy Anniversary!

The trans person in Virginia beat a 26 year incumbent Republican. At start of last night the VA House of delegates sat at
66 R's to 34 D's. Right now it's 47 R's to 49 D's and 4 too close to calls. Biggest concern of VA voters is healthcare and they
don't like Republicans damaging the ACA without replacing it with something better. Healthcare likely to be biggest issue in
2018 house election. Too many 2 person working households aren't covered at work and can't afford to buy insurance. Can't have
a healthcare system like that.

wonder why that is?

I perdict it's going to be an even BETTER anniversary NEXT year!

Northern Va is full of government Daleks.
Happy Anniversary Mr. President!

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Happy Anniversary Mr. President!


Donald Trump might be the dimmest President the US has ever had

President Donald Trump does not read - except in small doses and when his own name appears prominently. Prior to the presidency, his only activities were work and golf. He does not mingle with intellectuals, cultural trend-setters or artists.

It should come as no surprise - and it has not - that he is sorely lacking in sophistication, knowledge of the world, understanding of government and a rudimentary grasp of economics.

Sitting atop arguably the great resource on the planet - the body of knowledge retained by American government experts on everything from economics to medicine to military history - he remains blissfully ignorant on a range of subjects.

He surrounds himself with dim yes men who know little more than he and, in any event, tremble at the prospect of correcting their “Dear Leader.” But sometimes you wonder whether Trump is just, well, dumb.

The Associated Press reports:

President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the US commander in chief's communications. Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current US officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said... “If you are speaking on an open line, then it's an open line, meaning those who have the ability to monitor those conversations are doing so,” said Derek Chollet, a former Pentagon adviser and National Security Council official now at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

For someone who mocked Hillary Clinton for setting up a home email server that was vulnerable to hacking, Trump and his negligence defy explanation. Either he does not understand that his calls might be intercepted or does not care.

As a matter of self-preservation, however, one would think he would very much care if American enemies including terrorists could determine his whereabouts. (How is it, by the way, that American intelligence services condoned his using an unsecured line?) One would think he would be tired of being embarrassed when the content of calls is made public. It is times such as this when one wishes national security adviser H.R. McMaster had not frittered away his credibility spinning for the president and instead had the wherewithal to put his foot down and tell the president that he cannot behave in such a fashion.

When one considers this behaviour and that of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who allegedly discussed a secret communication line using Russian facilities, several explanations come to mind. First, this behaviour reflects the degree to which these neophytes on the world stage are hopelessly unschooled and naive. Alternatively, their behaviour denotes a shocking propensity for recklessness, even with their own financial and personal security (risking blackmail, among other things). That recklessness seems without purpose. (What goal would be served by talking on unsecured cellphone lines or on Russian lines that could not be accomplished on approved lines of communication?) Alternatively, maybe these people are paranoid conspiratorialists (who make Sean Hannity sound sane by comparison), convinced that the only thing they have to fear is the American “deep state” (or some such nonsense).

Whatever the explanation, Trump does not evidence any greater knowledge or sophistication than he possessed when he entered office. You'd think he would have learned something in four months. Then again, maybe the rudimentary practices of government are simply beyond him. One need not be a psychiatrist or an educator to see that he is incapable of performing the functions of his job - executing the laws, keeping the nation's secrets, following routine security procedures. In short, maybe he is not compromised nor mentally ill, but simply dumb.
My goodness how times goes by. Not getting into the yeah or he sucks part of it. But damn. A year. The older I get the quicker **** just goes by.
Someday we might look back and realize that was the beginning of the end of conservatism in the United States.

Results in Virginia last night are starting to show that.

So you musta been listening to Chuck Schumer.
In case you missed it on the other thread.

More misleading bullshit by democrats:

“This was a profound election result. This was the rejection of Donald Trump personally, and this was the rejection of Donald Trump’s policies. This was a full-fledged and total rejection of Donald Trump.” -Chuck Schumer

Riiiiight. Not quite Chucky, Virginia went to the democrat for the same reason it went to the Hildebeest ...due to the heavy influx of new democrat voters.

“New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Blue.”
“According to DHS, of those refugees issued admissions slips into the United States, 75 percent came from four countries — Iraq, Burma, Somalia and Bhutan — while another 15 percent came from Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Dominican Republic.”

The Washington Post reported in 2011: “Soaring number of Hispanics and Asians pushed Virginia’s population over 8 million in the past decade.

Then we have this piece of work Gov Terry McAuliffe signing an exec order allowing 200,000 felons to vote.
“In Virginia, Ex-Felons Find Empowerment in the Voting Booth.”

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Happy Anniversary Mr. President!

Donald Trump might be the dimmest President the US has ever had

Wait, that was George W. Bush, wasn't it? Jesus-H-Christ, how many times was I forced to hear how dumb Bush was, the stupidest President ever, an idiot, a moron, blah-dee-*******-blah.

And Palin, she was a blithering idiot too, right? Dumbest ***** ever to walk the earth.

Oh, and Reagan, him too. What an idiot, a moron, a dangerously-undereducated nitwit. Yep, I remember that.

Hey, see the common thread? You do see the never-ending claim, don't you? Don't play dumb. [See what I did there?]

So I presume you are a supporter of my proposal that anybody running for public office pass an exam, showing that the individual has a minimum level of knowledge of the Constitution and civics, right? I made that recommendation years ago. Hmm, I don't recall you supporting that suggestion. You on board now? Hol-ee-****, I wonder how current office-holders would do.

You in??

I am right there. And hey, how about voters too? You bet. Let's go, candidates definitely. A stringent test, and a much easier test for voters, but at least a bare-minimum, right?

You in??
there's only dumb leaders on the Right or what we are told. Scholars, pillars of govt and the brightest minds on the Left. Been like that for decades. Surprising that is their mindset. LOL! You know what they say when you have to advertise how smart you really are. . . In the end, they are just politicians with "power". I believe they do love our country, but for the most part, they get off pushing their agenda, no matter what party they represent. Add Congress to that mess and it's freakin' tug of war for 4 to 8 years. Both parties have strong and weak points. I really wish they would work together. 50/50. We have a better chance of the Steelers winning the next 5 SBs.
I admit it is fun watching extremists throw a year long tantrum, and Trump did win fair and square, but there hasn't been a single thing Trump has done this past year that mademe or anyone else think differently about him... he is financially sound but an immature impulsive statesman who was ill prepared to follow through on his campaign promises... still enjoyable to watch meltdowns though
I admit it is fun watching extremists throw a year long tantrum, and Trump did win fair and square, but there hasn't been a single thing Trump has done this past year that mademe or anyone else think differently about him... he is financially sound but an immature impulsive statesman who was ill prepared to follow through on his campaign promises... still enjoyable to watch meltdowns though

he is a business man. Whether he was ready to be president still remains to be seen. His ego is too large to settle down and act presidential. He is a smart man, but has had too much power for too long for anyone to tell him what to do or act. We seen it with his TV show. He's a bully, but is a smart money man.
The only place there might be new voters is Northern Virginia, when you flip the House of Delegates that means you won all across the state.
11 women defeated male incumbent Republicans.
4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

Trump voters: We'd do it again

One year after the 2016 presidential election, the vast majority of Donald Trump voters have no regrets.

According to a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll conducted on the eve of the first anniversary of Trump's historic election, 82 percent of those who say they supported Trump last year would vote for him again if they had to do it over. That's slightly more than those who say they would vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton again — 78 percent — if they had the chance.


That was painful to watch.
for your viewing pleasure

if i had the money, I'd have flown a helicopter over dropping leaflets that said "Still your President"
Lmao. With cartons of tissues.