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Hillary Clinton. Is an an indictment coming?

you people are delusional if you think Hitlery is going to be indicted..

Just the idea of her being dragged in front of a grand jury to be questioned in a criminal investigation will be enough to damage her in the minds of voters

Imagine the cameras at the courtroom, of course Martha Stewart was questioned by the FBI and lied, that's why she ended up in jail

The Republicans have been reluctant to bring up the business fraud in Trumps background because they fear him running
as an independent. If he is the nominee the Dems will not hold back and Trump will be tarred and feathered by November.

4 bankruptcies leave a lot of skeletons in the closet.


what's the title of your book?
Unless this in an elaborate ruse to fake a serious effort from the Justice Department, **** just got very real.

The Justice Department doesn't give out immunity deals on a "just in case" or "maybe he'll tell us something useful" basis. If they're really going to go after Hillary, they'll probably target this low level person first, already knowing his answers They'll use that person to go after Huma Abedin and then they'll go after Hillary.

I can't wait....

"Hillary has to cancel campaign stop for grand jury questioning!"
What fun!

Potential indictment of Hillary could be convention wild card

“There is no way Secretary Clinton and her staff have not violated classified information laws — both misdemeanors and felonies,” said Joseph E. diGenova, former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. “The FBI is conducting a serious, criminal investigation. This is not a security review.”

DiGenova, who handled public corruption and espionage cases as a prosecutor, said he would expect the FBI to recommend charges within the next two months. The Democratic National Convention is in July.

“It could and should come down by then. The people deserve to know if the person who may be president of the United States has violated federal law,” he said.

Yeah, granting a witness immunity means said witness is just as guilty as the FBI's main target. Hillary Clinton in this case.
They most certainly do not grant immunity to people for any other reason than to nab the bigger fish.
Hillary is done.
Not sure the scope of "done", but it's going to be worse than what Petraeus got.
You people are that naive, politicians don't pay for their crimes, anymore than officers in the military. They just retire on their pensions.
Bus, Huma you know the rest. Hillary isn't going anywhere, but there will be a couple people that take the fall.
...politicians don't pay for their crimes, anymore than officers in the military. They just retire on their pensions.

When do the prosecutions start for those at fault for the Financial Crisis?
When do the prosecutions start for those at fault for the Financial Crisis?

it is funny that you think all those are just the Wall Street fat cats. The reason, as I try to keep telling you fools, is that Congress WILL NOT investigate that issue for a couple of reasons:

1. the fat cats didn't all get together and say "lets give a lot of ****** loans to people with little chance to pay them back. Oh, and lets keep interest rates low on these ****** mortgages". Congress passed the laws that made this possible and when the fat cats saw the **** ton of money they could make they were all on board. I wouldn't doubt it one bit if there wasn't some backdoor deals where Congress folks guaranteed the fat cats wouldn't lose money on the deal.
2. Any legitimate investigation will find that the government through Congress and regulators are just as much at fault for the problem, if not more than the fat cats on Wall Street. In fact, I'd bet that you'd find a great deal of that cash the fat cats were making found its way back into the re-election coffers of both Democrat and Republican folks. Maybe into their personal fortunes depending upon their investments.

Easy enough for someone who wants to think it through.
What would be awesome is for the GOP to nominate Trump and the DNC to nominate Hillary. THEN, both are indicted so they have to deal with that instead of campaigning.
Bus, Huma you know the rest. Hillary isn't going anywhere, but there will be a couple people that take the fall.

I have been seeing this pass along for months now and pray it really means that they have her nailed dead to rights, then I wake up and realize just who they are talkin' about. No way they can make a case against her stick. Too much legal mumbo jumbo padding the Foundation and then there are those pesky missing e-mails.

Here's how it works:
1. You create a separate foreign "charity." In this case, the Clintons set it up in Canada.
2. Foreign oligarchs and governments, then donate to this
Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000 did -- contributing mega millions. I'm sure they did this out of the goodness of their hearts, and expected nothing in return. (Imagine Putin's buddies waking up one morning and just deciding to send untold millions to a Canadian charity).

3. The Canadian charity then bundles these separate donations and makes a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.

4. The Clinton Foundation and the cooperating Canadian charity claim Canadian law prohibits the identification of individual donors.

5. The Clinton Foundation then "spends" some of this money for legitimate good works programs. Unfortunately, experts believe this is on the order of 10%. Much of the balance goes to enrich the Clinton's, pay salaries to untold numbers of hangers-on, and fund lavish travel, etc. Again, virtually all tax free, which means you and I are subsidizing it.

6. The Clinton Foundation, with access to the world's best accountants, somehow fails to report much of this on their tax filings. They discover these "clerical errors" and begin the process of re-filing 5 years of tax returns.

7. Net result -- foreign money goes into the Clintons' pockets tax free and untraceable back to the original donor. This is the textbook definition of money laundering.

Oh, by the way, the Canadian "charity" includes as a principal one Frank Giustra. Google him. He is the guy who was central to the formation of Uranium One, the Canadian company that somehow acquired massive U.S. uranium interests and then sold them to an organization controlled by Russia. This transaction required U.S. State Department approval, and guess who was Secretary of State when the approval was granted.

As an aside, imagine how former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell feels. That poor schlep is in jail because he and his wife took $165,000 in gifts and loans for doing minor favors for a guy promoting a vitamin company. Not legal but not exactly putting U.S. security at risk.

Sarcasm aside, if you're still not persuaded this was a cleverly structured way to get unidentified foreign money to the Clintons, ask yourself this:

Why did these foreign interests funnel money through a Canadian charity? Why not donate directly to the Clinton Foundation? Better yet, why not donate money directly to the people, organizations and countries in need?

This is the essence of money laundering and influence peddling.

Now you know why Hillary's destruction of 30,000 e-mails was a risk she was willing to take.

Never the less she needs to pay the price for those deletions, but I have my doubts that she ever will. Just think of the damage she skirted. Benghazi e-mails, Clinton Foundation e-mails, pay for play State Dept e-mails and last but not least....the enemy's list e-mails between her and her girlfriend getting Billy boy's *** out of a sling. Sickening

The only thing that will come of this is that State Department rules and procedures will be tightened in the future.
The main reason Hillary will face no legal issues is because Powell and Rice essentially did the same thing by
conducting Sate Department business on personal e:mail accounts.
The thing that surprises me is the vigor with which people support her lying ***.

If you have a hillary sign in your yard or donate to her campaign you are truly shameless.
The only thing that will come of this is that State Department rules and procedures will be tightened in the future.
The main reason Hillary will face no legal issues is because Powell and Rice essentially did the same thing by
conducting Sate Department business on personal e:mail accounts.

Not even close 21, they didn't purposely delete 30,000 e-mails and it may also come to light that they didn't share passwords to secure sites either.


This is what I hope will happen.....

The only thing that will come of this is that State Department rules and procedures will be tightened in the future.
The main reason Hillary will face no legal issues is because Powell and Rice essentially did the same thing by
conducting Sate Department business on personal e:mail accounts.

Hillary's actions went far beyond anything done by her predecessors. Did you actually read some of her emails? She actually advocated someone who was having issues emailing a top secret document to her private account (because it was electronically blocked from doing so) to PDF it with the Classification warnings removed and sending it unsecured to her... she was flippantly in total violations of the laws governing this transaction, and in the best case for her it was done because she was technologically inept and too lazy or stupid to understand how to do things right. In a worse case this was clear attempts to circumvent the FOIA... and a prisonworthy event.
Powell and Rice DID NOT do the same thing. They sent a few emails from their personal accounts. They did not set up a personal server and never use the government email they were supposed to use. And, they did not lie about it. And, they did not send classified, highly classified and super high classified information. And, they did not try to cut and paste emails to try and get around the fact that they were labeled sensitive, classified, etc. No matter how you look at it, she and her staff are guilty. Will Hilldog get indicited? Probably not. Even with all the evidence, someone on her team will take the bullet for her. But, no matter how you look at it, her setting up the server in the first place was extremely reckless and unethical behavior. That alone would not allow her to get top secret security clearance and should make her ineligible to be President.
Everyone else involved been held accountable and has served time or is serving time. Having the man who set up her servers and direct access to her bullshit cover up granted immunity, she just may get what she deserves.
Watching 21 get spanked relentlessly on this board is one of the reasons I come here so often. Thanks fellas.
Ber-nee, Ber-nee, Ber-nee!!!
None of you really know what Rice and Powell did, release all their e:mails and lets find out.
I'd particularly like to see both their e:mails related to 911 and starting Iraq war. Their e:mails
are related to thousands of Americans getting killed and creating the current mess in the Middle East,
so they should make for some really interesting reading. Maybe some Bush Admin murder charges
would be handed down.