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Hillary Clinton on her 9th life?

She is getting heavily scrutinized, but I'll bet if you looked at all the Senator and Congressman personal e:mail accounts you'll
find government business being conducted. We have the same problem at my company, we have business e:mail accounts set-up for
everyone and want all business to be conducted using those accounts, but employees end up using their personal e:mail to conduct
business because it is easier and more convenient.

one quick way to fix that is to fire them....no "real" business lets people transact business dealings in personal email.
She is getting heavily scrutinized, but I'll bet if you looked at all the Senator and Congressman personal e:mail accounts you'll
find government business being conducted. We have the same problem at my company, we have business e:mail accounts set-up for
everyone and want all business to be conducted using those accounts, but employees end up using their personal e:mail to conduct
business because it is easier and more convenient.
Everyone has always exclusively used business email accounts for business at every company I've worked for since email was a thing. In fact, it would be a red flag if anyone - internal employee or external customer - had anything but a company email address in a business thread. Do you really work at a company? Would be a really odd and dysfunctional one if what you say is true.
So this is getting socialized now - Condoleezza Rice Aides, Colin Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Emails - http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...o-got-classified-info-personal-emails-n511181

Gee, wonder what made the State Dept dig through the archives looking for this? So I am betting that the narrative changes to something like the State Dept. has a serious systemic problem and they will formally scrutinize their security policies. Move along. Hillary will be glad to have helped them improve their policies.

Yep, the MSM is working the deflect, deflect routine for Hillary. Problem is Rice and Powell had a handful of confidential emails turn up. Clinton had hundreds, if not thousands, and 22 of those were classified at top secret. She has Rice and Powell beaten by a mile.
The rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth right-wing has been out to get her since the embarrasing Benghazi hearings debacle blew up in their faces. Nothing will stop them from wanting Hillary's head on a platter. I'm afraid they won't get their wish. The frustration of which will only continue to fan the flames of hatred and bile. But again, these are Republicans, that's their m.o. anyway, so who cares. :jag:

And mind you, I'm no fan of Hillary. :nono:

Everyone's out to get her.

This is you, being a lemming. She said just this the other night, AGAIN - it's been a right wing conspiracy since Billy Blythe announced his bid for the Presidency. A conspiracy. And poor ole' Billy and Hilly are innocent of it all.

You have drunk the Kool-aid. You say you're no fan, but you regurgitate her line she's fed your side of the political fence, over and over and over. You're a lemming. You keep saying what she is saying - they are all out to get her.

Now shifting gears...have you ever stopped to think this "outrage" you love to laugh at is real? It's not tin foil hat stuff? It's outrage at injustice? You see it. That MSNBC you love to watch shows stories of it every day. There were marches in NYC over injustice with Eric Garner, in Florida with Trayvon, in St. Louis with Michael. The injustice had to be addressed.

I'd like to think that Americans universally want to see justice.

What is wrong with wanting to see Hillary Clinton face justice?

When a Lefty will actually stop, be objective, take off the blinders for a moment - she has factually broken the rules and the laws. There's no debate. There's still debate over Trayvon, Eric, and Michael. There's no debate over guilt with Hillary Clinton in certain instances.

Then there is the 30 year list of "Where there's smoke there's fire" incidents that when you add them to her email server issues and her lying about Benghazi (this is a fact, she DID lie, and it is proven) and her stealing $200,000 worth of items from the White House, there's no question that she is as shady as they come - White Water, Travel Gate, Cow Gate or......................

She is a confirmed, repeat liar as well.


We can't advance in this discussion until there's an agreement that she's committed crimes and is quite the dubious character. If you, like the rest of the lemmings, will continue to turn a blind eye to her hundreds of transgressions, from funneling federal money to her campaign and into her family's coffers, to violating Federal laws, then we can't proceed. You can't be reasoned with.

If you can come to the table and admit she's shady, then we should be able to agree that an injustice has been done to America and her people by this woman. And by the laws of the land, she should have to pay for the crimes in some form or another.

So then I will ask you to answer this, if we've gotten to that point. Why is our outrage of her skating time and again on rule breaking and law breaking laughable? How is it any different than the current outrage going on in, say, San Francisco, over the purported cop killings? Why is our outrage over a factually proven criminal not facing justice comical, but the outrage at Missouri State University should be defended to the tooth and nail?
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Madcow is turning on her


Maddow Wonders to Hillary If She’s ‘Too Far to the Right’ for Democrats to Be the Nominee

MSNBC host and Thursday’s Presidential Candidates Debate co-moderator Rachel Maddow wondered aloud to Hillary Clinton whether some of the positions she’s held at various points warrant concern for the Democratic Party that she’s “too far to the right...to be the party's standard bearer” in the 2016 general election.

Turning to Clinton, Maddow began by noting that “Senator Sanders is campaigning against you now, at this point in the campaign basically arguing that you are not Progressive enough to be the Democratic nominee.”

She went onto list positions she’s held on the Iraq War, the death penalty, the Keystone XL Pipeline, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and a comment about single-payer health care being unfeasible before wondering if she’s “too far to the right of the Democratic Party to be the party's standard bearer.”

Maddow concluded: “Given those policy positions, why should liberal Democrats support you and not Senator Sanders?”

In part, Clinton used the question to attack Sanders and beat the proverbial drum that she’s supposedly a progressive:

I am a progressive who gets things done. The root of that word, progressive, is progress. I've heard Senator Sanders comments and it's really caused me to wonder who's left in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Under his definition, President Obama is not Progressive because he took donations from wall Street. Vice President Biden is not Progressive because she supported keystone. Senator Saheen is not progressive because she supports the trade pact. Even the late, great Senator Paul Wellstone would not fit this definition because he voted for DOMA.
Nobody's putting our next President in jail. Dream on.

Clinton has been bought and sold so often it's hard to tell where she stands! The Wall street types and banks like here a lot, so I think she has to be a moderate Republican type on some issues which won't sit well with the left.

I wish Sanders would call her out om many issues, such as voting for the Iraq war, taking a lot of money from wall street, and calling here a closet Republican. That would be great. If not, perhaps the FBI will take care of Hillary Clinton.

If Hillary skates and beats out Sanders ( TWO BIG IF's ) , Donald Trump could have a field day with her.
There's no debate over guilt with Hillary Clinton in certain instances.
Tim I'm afraid you - and many others here and elsewhere - have being duped and have gotten sucked down the rabbit hole. You seem to have completely forgotten the time & money spent on 32 ************* congressional hearings on Benghazi. You act like there was a nefarious, evil crime undertaken, and it's been swept under the rug and us liberals are hiding the evidence. Let me remind you:


When will YOU take the blinders off and understand that nobody is hiding anything. If Hillary is guilty of whatever it is she's been accused of, then prosecute her to the full extent of the law. What is keeping anyone from doing that? What in the world do you people want, besides tying her to a stake and burning her alive in a public square?

And now the so-called email scandal is basically the same witchhunt all over again. Go ahead and prosecute Hillary, but then do the same for Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell and whomever else may have used off-site email over the decades.

What you are so caught up in, so full of rightousness and outrage, is none other than what most sane people call a good old fashioned conspiracy theory. So please, keep fighting the good fight, don't let me be the one to burst your bubble. Keep chasing rainbows and unicorns, the truth is out there somewhere...

And I repeat, I do not like or support Hillary Clinton. But facts are facts, regardless of politics.
Lookout Hillary, Bernie found a black friend!

Danny Glover Endorses Sanders