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Hillary hates everyday Americans


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN
Directly from her campaign manager.


New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.
The whistleblower organization dumped part 3 of its Podesta email release today and this has to be the most jaw-dropping revelation yet.
The email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, contains a discussion on what talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.
“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.
“I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa,” he concludes.
It's over man.

It's just over.
So the HilBeast hates us deplorables AND everyday Americans... So what's left?

Seems she's for the 1%ers and the lot living off the Goverment Teet.

**** her. She wins, I see civil war on the horizon.
I think we all know how the political class really feels about the average American but to actually see it in writing really, really pisses me off. It's not even like voting for a third party (Libertarian or Green) is even an option because weak-sauce Johnson running there can't even address world events or leaders and Jill Stein is crazy train. How the hell did we end up here? Both parties are to blame for this colossal **** sandwich we have to eat. I would have voted for Uncle Joe....at least he has a shred of integrity. I would have vote for Romney....at least he has the brain and backbone to run this ship. Just bad, real bad.
Ride it for all it's worth

Hillary Clinton hates you.

She doesn’t dislike you. She is not irritated with you. She does not merely prefer the company of others, though she certainly does prefer the company of those who will either pay her or suck up to her.

She hates you.

You’re deplorable. You’re irredeemable. With a wave of her limp, clammy hand, this sick old woman dismisses you from the company of those whose opinions have value, whose interests matter, who have any moral claim to participation in self-governance. You are less than nothing. You are vermin to be, at best, driven from society.


I live in the Philly TV market, and I've only seen 1, that's right, 1 Trump ad since the campaign started. It might be considered a smart move not to waste money advertising in a predominantly blue area, but still would be nice to see a few from time to time.
I've been posting ads - but you ******* hicks ignore me and only want to push me aside and quote Tibs 100 times a day!

**** you ******** - start a Tibs only thread and argue with him there

Trump targets Clinton's health in new ad

Footage of Clinton's fainting episode, coughing and a photo of her being assisted up the stairs

"Hillary Clinton doesn't have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world"

So the HilBeast hates us deplorables AND everyday Americans... So what's left?

Seems she's for the 1%ers and the lot living off the Goverment Teet.

**** her. She wins, I see civil war on the horizon.

Are you and your ilk really this stupid and/or desperate?


Jesus......as pathetic and aslow as Trump will go I guess....lol


Conservative Media Run With Absurd Smear That Hillary Clinton Hates “Everyday Americans”

The Supposed Smoking Gun Email Was About The Phrase “Everyday Americans"

Conservative media outlets are fabricating the claim that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “hates everyday Americans” based on a blatant misinterpretation of a leaked email.

Citing a hacked email from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that was released by WikiLeaks, conservative outlets like Infowars, the Drudge Report, WND, and Gateway Pundit claimed to have proof that Clinton “hates everyday Americans,” when the email in question is clearly about the phrase “everyday Americans,” not actual people. Infowars has since seemingly deleted its article, and Drudge, who was originally linking to the grossly inaccurate Infowars story, is now instead linking to a Daily Caller story that makes clear the discussion was about the cliche “everyday Americans.”

Rush Limbaugh ran with the story on his radio show claiming that in the email Podesta was “admitting that Hillary Clinton has begun to hate everyday Americans.”

Indeed, the email in question is very plainly a reference to the “everyday Americans” slogan and theme used by Clinton at the launch of her presidential campaign in 2015. It reads in full: “I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.”

The original story at Infowars (still available at sister site Prison Planet), which is the website run by Trump ally and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, originally breathlessly reported on the email as “bombshell” and a “shocking admission.” The article, by Infowars writer Paul Joseph Watson, concluded with the ridiculous question, “Will everyday Americans be more outraged by Donald Trump’s lewd comments in a tape from 11 years ago, or by the Clinton campaign’s own admission that Hillary literally hates them.”

Other conservative journalists are even pointing out that the story being circulated is false. David Martosko of the Daily Mail wrote on Twitter, “She's saying Hillary hated the PHRASE ‘everyday Americans’ ... We should all be better than this.”

Mediaite columnist John Ziegler wrote, “Everyone who thinks HRC said she ‘Hates everyday Americans’ is 100% moron & every media outlet (Drudge) who reports it should be humiliated.”

I think 100% morons sums it up, but then people like Rush do know their audience.

CONservatives are truly a sad, stupid bunch.
An old, weak, sickly Hillary possible presidency following the limpdick Obama regime is already having an effect

Russia considers opening military base in Cuba

Russia is looking to expand its military presence and has its eye on Cuba and other Latin American countries.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Russia has come up with a list of countries where it’s considering opening military bases. They include Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Vietnam, according to Russia’s state-owned RIA Novosti news agency.

“The talks are under way,” Shoigu told reporters in Moscow.

Will they pay her?

Cause she'd do it. Not even kidding.

You have to understand, this is a world government now. Where Russia puts a base just doesn't ******* matter. We still have enough nukes to blast the planet to smithereens. So Russia can wipe out a few major cities. Big ******' deal. By the time those cities are dust 40 unmarked silos in lonely stretches of open prairie in MT and WY will have launched so many ******* nukes into the air that it'll be all ******* over for everyone.

Cold War. Which, by the way, was when everyone though Ronnie was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Hillary could give a **** about where Russia puts a silo. Russia gives a **** about 5 or 10 ******* nukes. It's posturing. This country has become weak and cancerous not because of the Presidency or even the Senate or Congressional leadership or lack thereof. But because of the citizenry. We're weak. We're fat and happy and we no longer deserve to be considered the leading super power in the world. If Americans want to change that, they need to go through some tough times in order to realize what they've given up for the big-screens and the X boxes and Colin Kaepernick's right to kneel.

Tough message, but it's true. We've gotten sloppy.
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I personally thought all politicians hate everyday americans. I watch Veep so I'm well informed.
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The discussion about "hating Everyday Americans" is clearly out of context. Hilldog was talking about a slogan, that's all. She hated the slogan that included reference to "everyday Americans."
I've been posting ads - but you ******* hicks ignore me and only want to push me aside and quote Tibs 100 times a day! **** you ******** - start a Tibs only thread and argue with him there

I really don't give a **** what that hag thinks about me.
I've been posting ads - but you ******* hicks ignore me and only want to push me aside and quote Tibs 100 times a day!

**** you ******** - start a Tibs only thread and argue with him there

Trump targets Clinton's health in new ad

Footage of Clinton's fainting episode, coughing and a photo of her being assisted up the stairs

"Hillary Clinton doesn't have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world"

I just saw this ad this morning. So that makes 2 Trump ads I've seen so far on TV
The discussion about "hating Everyday Americans" is clearly out of context. Hilldog was talking about a slogan, that's all. She hated the slogan that included reference to "everyday Americans."

Out of context or not is irrelevant. The Dems and their Main Stream Media arm take everything Trump says out of context and twist it to fit their narratives. It's all fair game at this point.
We have known this since the first year of ******* Billy's first term. Remember the stories of Whitehouse staff not being allowed to speak to her?