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Hillary Now Officially a Felon

Why not? She's guilty. If Trump keeps hammering it home it can't be ignored forever.

How many of the Wall Street crooks who bankrupted out economy went to jail? We KNOW they are guilty, their internal documents show both knowledge of the fraud and collusion to cover it up. But they own the politicians, so nothing happens. The Democratic party isn't going to allow one of their standard bearers to go down. And the Republicans would be remiss to force the issue and face charges against Bush and his staff for authorizing torture.

Nobody in government is interested in prosecution for Hillary because, and you should know this by now, MOST OF THEM DO THIS KIND OF ****.
How many of the Wall Street crooks who bankrupted out economy went to jail? We KNOW they are guilty, their internal documents show both knowledge of the fraud and collusion to cover it up. But they own the politicians, so nothing happens. The Democratic party isn't going to allow one of their standard bearers to go down. And the Republicans would be remiss to force the issue and face charges against Bush and his staff for authorizing torture.

Nobody in government is interested in prosecution for Hillary because, and you should know this by now, MOST OF THEM DO THIS KIND OF ****.

That's the biggest bullshit you've ever posted here. And seriously dude, enough with the caps/bold crap. You're writing appears like a PMSing female texting.

Everyone in the Government was interested in Patraeus. They went after him full bore. Spare me this "the government isn't interested bullshit" and call it what it is. The Government isn't interested if you are a Democrat. That's a fact.
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That's the biggest bullshit you've ever posted here. And seriously dude, enough with the caps/bold crap. You're writing appears like a PMSing female texting.

Everyone in the Government was interested in Patraeus. They went after him full bore. Spare me this "the government isn't interested bullshit" and call it what it is. The Government isn't interested if you are a Democrat. That's a fact.

Apples and oranges. Patreaus isn't a politician or a banker. He has now power, no money, and no party backing. He's not one of their own. Soldiers and staffers make for easy sacrificial lambs.

You can't see the forest for the trees and you're all kinds of butthurt when someone points out how silly you are.
Apples and oranges. Patreaus isn't a politician or a banker. He has now power, no money, and no party backing. He's not one of their own. Soldiers and staffers make for easy sacrificial lambs.

You can't see the forest for the trees and you're all kinds of butthurt when someone points out how silly you are.

Now I think you really are under- or uneducated. Patreaus was not just former military, he was the Director of the CIA. That IS power. No Money? His net worth is about $2Million.

So since he was former military, it's ok to go after him for violating the same non-disclosure clause Hillary did, and stick him in prison, but because Hillary is a lying, cheating, money-stealing politician, she gets to skate free for the same, but more egregious crimes David committed because she's...well..scum?

Got it.
Now I think you really are under- or uneducated. Patreaus was not just former military, he was the Director of the CIA. That IS power. No Money? His net worth is about $2Million.

Now I see why so many of your comrades have written you off as a kook.

A staff position is not power. An elected position is power. You can fire the director of the CIA. You can't fire a Senator or the President. Once he was fired, he had NO power. And 2 mil is nothing. A good Wall Street defense team would cost several times that in retainers and fees. Real power is measured in hundreds of millions and billions. Those are the people who have impunity. Not some staffer who's net worth is mostly tied up in his house.

While you're calling folk "undeducated" you are showing us all that you have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER how the world actually works.

So since he was former military, it's ok to go after him for violating the same non-disclosure clause Hillary did, and stick him in prison, but because Hillary is a lying, cheating, money-stealing politician, she gets to skate free for the same, but more egregious crimes David committed because she's...well..scum?

Where in there did I say it was "ok"? I said it was feasible, which it is. He has no independent power base. He's not elected to office, he's not independently wealthy, he has no politicians in his pocket. He's an easy target and an easy scapegoat. Not that it matters, but he was also guilty as sin. As a soldier, I hate to see my branch of service besmirched like that. But he should have stayed out of politics. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
2 million is NOTHING? OK. No, it's not Trump's money, but I would LOVE to have 2 million in my bank account.

So an appointed position isn't power because they can be fired??? Please, share some of that powerful ganja you are smoking.
I think what Vanguard is saying is what Orwell stated in Animal Farm...."All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Talk about just laying down and allowing the tank tracks to run right over you without a whimper. Yeah, it's ok....she's in a position of authority.
This is the exact type of person and action that demands to be brought down....f'n sheep.
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General Petraeus was a sacrificial lamb. He held an important position but he wasn't really on the inside. He got offered up to maintain the illusion of the rule of law. In this I believe SteelVanguard is correct. The difference is The Hildebeast is on the inside and she has every Democrat in the house and senate, plus the Obama Regime through DoJ and the MSM running interference for her. Hildebeast won't be indicted for anything and if anything does happen there will be a patsy to take the fall for her. My money is on Huma Wiener catching the bullet for it.
Now I see why so many of your comrades have written you off as a kook.

You clearly must be new here.

A staff position is not power.

I'm sorry, but that's simply incorrect. The Director of the CIA is power. You stated - let me quote - 'he has no power'. That is factually incorrect.

An elected position is power. You can fire the director of the CIA. You can't fire a Senator or the President. Once he was fired, he had NO power.

Got it, so now I see you're waffling. Or falling prey to your own baffling meandering. You originally stated he has no power. Now you want to say (or either meant to originally say) that his power isn't the same as Clinton's. Two different arguments. Got it.

And 2 mil is nothing. A good Wall Street defense team would cost several times that in retainers and fees. Real power is measured in hundreds of millions and billions. Those are the people who have impunity. Not some staffer who's net worth is mostly tied up in his house.

Oh, I see. Again, as before. You said simply he has 'no money' but now you intend to change that to "umm, well, he has some money, but not the same amount Clinton has."

Got it again LOL.

Where in there did I say it was "ok"? I said it was feasible, which it is. He has no independent power base. He's not elected to office, he's not independently wealthy, he has no politicians in his pocket. He's an easy target and an easy scapegoat. Not that it matters, but he was also guilty as sin. As a soldier, I hate to see my branch of service besmirched like that. But he should have stayed out of politics. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.

You never said anything was feasible. The word, until this post, isn't on this page.

What you did was what you love to falsely accuse me of. Instead of addressing the issue at hand - why Clinton is a felon - you instead divert to Wall Street bankers (a joke of a diversion by the way and non-comparable, taking the discussion from a politician to the banking community. That, as you said, is apples and oranges).

And what you did with your diversion and avoiding the original topic was to infer, very directly, is that Clinton shouldn't be charged because "How many Wall Street bankers went to jail?" The obvious inference being "if they didn't go to jail, why should she?" That is the same thing as saying, in your mind, it is ok.

Not that it matters, but he was also guilty as sin.

Please do justify how him sharing some SAP information with one person is 'guilty as sin' but being the Secretary of State of the United States of America and storing SAP information on a server (an illegal server) in a bathroom in Colorado and removing Classified restrictions from said emails is not 'guilty as sin?' How is a CIA Director violating a non-disclosure 'guilty as sin' but the Secretary of State violating the exact same non-disclosure not guilty as sin?

The blunt fact is, she has broken the law. What she has done is a felony. You, nor anyone, can argue otherwise. It is unarguable.

You've allowed us to digress. Let's get back to the core point I made. Because she is a Democrat and because of the media, she will not be indicted. She is protected, no matter her illegalities, because she's a Dem. That is the point. If a Repbulican had been the Secretary of State and done what Clinton did, he'd have been indicted a long time ago. There would never have been a circus of slowly releasing the emails to the public and him running around making jokes about wiping a server clean with a towel.

That is how this world works, you know it.
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So now libs and cons are arguing over the various levels of criminal activity within government and which is or is not worthy of reproach and punishment. I'd say government's plan is working splendidly.
General Petraeus was a sacrificial lamb. He held an important position but he wasn't really on the inside. He got offered up to maintain the illusion of the rule of law. In this I believe SteelVanguard is correct. The difference is The Hildebeast is on the inside and she has every Democrat in the house and senate, plus the Obama Regime through DoJ and the MSM running interference for her. Hildebeast won't be indicted for anything and if anything does happen there will be a patsy to take the fall for her. My money is on Huma Wiener catching the bullet for it.

Which DBS, makes my point correct. As I stated before Steel or anyone else jumped in, Clinton won't be charged because of who she is, because she's a Democrat, because of the media. Petraeus violated the exact same laws that Clinton has, but went to prison. So my point stands.

You and Steel are arguing that Clinton is above the law. Which is the point I made in the very first post, and since.
As long as BO is president the DOJ will not prosecute Clinton.
As long as BO is president the DOJ will not prosecute Clinton.

I don't know about that for sure Roy. There's a lot at stake here and it could escalate fast into a major fuga. Real Clear politics spelled it all out.

Consider what would happen if Lynch and her boss, President Obama, quashed an indictment.

First, there would be extensive leaks of damaging materials from professionals in the FBI, CIA, DIA, and other agencies, who would see a refusal to follow the law enforcement agencies’ recommendations as a classic example of the rule of law being undermined by partisan considerations.

Senior FBI officials, including Comey, might well resign. They could not abide, much less defend, an administration that overruled their independent legal judgment for political expediency. That is what happened when the Nixon administration attempted to stop the Watergate investigation. Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Attorney General Elliot Richardson, and other senior Justice Department officials all resigned rather than become complicit. The comparisons would be obvious — and catastrophic for the Obama administration and the Democratic Party. Third, there would be high-profile congressional investigations, putting Loretta Lynch and her political appointees in the crosshairs, as well as talk of impeachment. In short, there would be a constitutional crisis at the end of Barack Obama’s presidency, just before the Democratic Party nominates its candidate.

An alternative possibility is that the DOJ accepts an FBI recommendation to indict Clinton’s aides or even the former secretary herself. Clinton will declare herself an innocent victim, but it will be a headline issue until the election. There will be tremendous pressure for her to exit the race and for someone else—Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Elizabeth Warren are the most obvious alternatives—to enter. Clinton would not go quietly—she would see the hand of her old foe, Barack Obama, stabbing her in the back—and she might not go at all.
Tim I wasn't arguing anything I was explicating brother .


Real Clear Politics is wrong. They had ******* Billy Blythe on way more than one issue like Hildebeast is facing. None of it stuck. If Hildebeast skated on Benghazi she will skate on this.
General Petraeus was a sacrificial lamb. He held an important position but he wasn't really on the inside. He got offered up to maintain the illusion of the rule of law. In this I believe SteelVanguard is correct. The difference is The Hildebeast is on the inside and she has every Democrat in the house and senate, plus the Obama Regime through DoJ and the MSM running interference for her. Hildebeast won't be indicted for anything and if anything does happen there will be a patsy to take the fall for her. My money is on Huma Wiener catching the bullet for it.

Thank you DBS. Trying to explain that one was getting tedious. Lyn and Tim are not realistic about how power works. Think of it like a business. The owner has real power. But even a high ranking manager can be fired, and that's the end of it. Look at the NFL. Coaches and players have no REAL power. The owners do because YOU CAN'T FIRE THE OWNER.

Which DBS, makes my point correct. As I stated before Steel or anyone else jumped in, Clinton won't be charged because of who she is, because she's a Democrat, because of the media. Petraeus violated the exact same laws that Clinton has, but went to prison. So my point stands.

You and Steel are arguing that Clinton is above the law. Which is the point I made in the very first post, and since.

The Bankers are overwhelmingly Republican. They are above the law. Bush authorized torture in direct contravention of the 8th Amendment to the constitution AND the Geneva conventions. He was above the law. Being a Democrat or Republican has not one damn thing to do with it. The biggest witch hunt in American Presidential history was the Lewinski Impeachement. They went way harder for Clinton than they ever did for Petraus. And last time I checked, Bill was a Democrat.

As long as you think the Republican party represents you, that you owe them loyalty, the longer you will be used by them. The two party system is a con game, and you've taken the bait hook line and sinker.
FBI Recovers Lost Clinton E-mails

"The @FBI was able to recover [Clinton's] deleted emails ... [wipe] was not what I would call a professional standard."


"Bill, when can we have a conjugal visit?"

Thank you DBS. Trying to explain that one was getting tedious. Lyn and Tim are not realistic about how power works. Think of it like a business. The owner has real power. But even a high ranking manager can be fired, and that's the end of it. Look at the NFL. Coaches and players have no REAL power. The owners do because YOU CAN'T FIRE THE OWNER.

The Bankers are overwhelmingly Republican. They are above the law. Bush authorized torture in direct contravention of the 8th Amendment to the constitution AND the Geneva conventions. He was above the law. Being a Democrat or Republican has not one damn thing to do with it. The biggest witch hunt in American Presidential history was the Lewinski Impeachement. They went way harder for Clinton than they ever did for Petraus. And last time I checked, Bill was a Democrat.

As long as you think the Republican party represents you, that you owe them loyalty, the longer you will be used by them. The two party system is a con game, and you've taken the bait hook line and sinker.

Actually the bankers and Wall Street types spend more on the DNC (More regulations and Big Banks and Investment houses love regulations that keep their smaller competitors down) than they do the GOP.

Real Clear Politics is wrong. They had ******* Billy Blythe on way more than one issue like Hildebeast is facing. None of it stuck. If Hildebeast skated on Benghazi she will skate on this.

While deep in my soul I know that she will eventually skate on this, like you say, meanwhile the articles from more and more rags paint a different picture.

(I'll paraphrase then link)

The smoking gun?
January 21, 2016, 09:00 am

Special Access Programs (SAP) is a game changer. It is now undeniably clear that the results of the FBI investigation will be the end of one of two things: Hillary’s bid for the White House or the legitimacy of the FBI—at least when it comes to prosecuting cases on the mishandling of classified material.

SAP intelligence has been discovered on Clinton’s private server, and many are now calling this the smoking gun. SAP is a specialized management system of additional security controls designed to protect SAR or Special Access Required. SAR has to do with extremely perishable operational methods and capabilities, and only selected individuals who are “read on” or “indoctrinated” are permitted access to these programs. The mishandling of SAP can cause catastrophic damage to current collection methods, techniques and personnel.

In other words, if you have worked with classified material for more than a day, it seems highly implausible that someone could receive any of the aforementioned over an un-secure medium without alarm bells sounding. However, reading about a Special Access Program on an unclassified device would make anyone even remotely familiar with intelligence mess their pantsuit.

With more damming information being released almost weekly now, it’s interesting that during last Sunday’s Democratic debate, Clinton resoundingly stated: “No one is too big for jail.” Although the context was referencing bank CEOs and Hedge fund managers, the obvious correlation left many scratching their heads and wondering—did Hillary Clinton just say, “I dare you” to the FBI?”

Also 'D'...I am not 100% sure she has "skated" on Benghazi. She may have slid thru committee but the blow back may yet rear it's ugly head, so to speak. Put it this way. You may be right that she will get away Scot free with all this ****.....but there's still a smidgen of hope.


Oh...more news I jus saw gives me a little more hope. You remember Fast and Furious, and I'm sure you saw the latest...

In an odd coincidence, a U.S. District Court issued a decision against President Obama in the Operation Fast and Furious fiasco at almost the same time that Fox News broke a story about Mexican authorities finding a Fast and Furious gun in the hideout of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Well it seems that the Administration is stalling the courts to delay any repercussions until Barry escapes to Hawaii.

"Jackson ordered the documents turned over by Feb. 2, but when asked whether the Justice Department would abide by the order at a hearing on gun control in a Senate committee on Jan. 20, Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused to tell Sen. Jim Lankford, R-Okla., whether they would comply or appeal the decision."

So some things may seem over but come back later to bite a piece out of someones *** later.
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The Bankers are overwhelmingly Republican. They are above the law.

You have an inaccurate view of political donations. The largest donations are by unions, which are basically 100% Democratic operatives.


Further, Goldman-Sachs donates more to Democrats than to Republicans, though it is close:


So your meme, "Bankers are Republicans, donate to Republicans, and are above the law" is just wrong. The money in politics comes mainly from unions, which don't just lean Democrat but have tipped over Democrat, and the largest banking contributors are basically split between Democrats and Republicans.

Bush authorized torture in direct contravention of the 8th Amendment to the constitution AND the Geneva conventions. He was above the law.

Wrong again. Before questioning suspected terrorists, the Bush White House sought opinions from the Justice Department about permissible questioning. The methods used were approved by the Justice Department.

Attorneys in the Bush Justice Department, including me, reviewed whether the CIA's proposed interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, an Al Qaeda planner captured in March 2002 in Pakistan, met that law. The brief statute provided neither further definitions nor examples of prohibited methods (in 2005, Congress passed a detailed law, the Detainee Treatment Act, because the earlier law was vague). For us, as I think for most reasonable Americans, almost all the CIA's proposed interrogation methods did not constitute torture — the only one close to the line was waterboarding.


Being a Democrat or Republican has not one damn thing to do with it. The biggest witch hunt in American Presidential history was the Lewinski Impeachement. They went way harder for Clinton than they ever did for Petraus. And last time I checked, Bill was a Democrat.

Yes, of course, a "witch hunt," as evidenced by the fact that zero Democrats held in favor of conviction on the impeachment trial ...no political games by those stalwarts of truth and the American way.

Interestingly, however, the evidence was sufficient for the Arkansas state bar to pull Clinton's law license for five years as punishment for his perjury, and sufficient for a Federal judge to issue an order of contempt against Clinton for perjury.


No, no politics by the Democrats. Nope, nothing to see here.
The new mantra:

Deputy State Department Spokesman Mark Toner repeated that conclusion Thursday in response to the latest reports, noting, "Classification is not an exact science."
"It's not a black-and-white kind of thing," he added. "There are differing viewpoints over what should be classified and how the same information can be obtained in different ways and through different modes, and that's always, again, a discussion we welcome."
The thought of them having coitus.....OMG.

The real question is how does he even get it up for Hillary after getting a blowjob from a 20-year old in the oval office?

I'm sure it involves a very dark room and a good imagination, but still....
The real question is how does he even get it up for Hillary after getting a blowjob from a 20-year old in the oval office?

I'm sure it involves a very dark room and a good imagination, but still....

Long standing rumors have it that they don't and that she prefers the carpet.
The real question is how does he even get it up for Hillary after getting a blowjob from a 20-year old in the oval office?

I'm sure it involves a very dark room and a good imagination, but still....

I'm sure there must be hallucinogenic drugs involved. One would HAVE to be on them to consider Hillary fuckworthy.