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Hillary Now Officially a Felon

I'm sure there must be hallucinogenic drugs involved. One would HAVE to be on them to consider Hillary fuckworthy.

Actress Markie Post. Rumor is that was the cause of the lamp throwing incident. Bill stumbled into the room where Hildebeast and Markie were in bed and wanted to watch and Hildebeast threw a lamp at him.
Actress Markie Post. Rumor is that was the cause of the lamp throwing incident. Bill stumbled into the room where Hildebeast and Markie were in bed and wanted to watch and Hildebeast threw a lamp at him.

Markie Post? From Night Court?????
Markie Post? From Night Court?????



DAMN. I had her pegged as an Amanda Bearse (Marcy from Married With Children) carpet muncher.....
Markie Post? From Night Court?????



Drudge: ‘Why aren’t we seeing Hillary’s lovers?’
Media mogul questions lack of investigative reporting into leading Democrat presidential candidate

In 2013, Gennifer Flowers, reportedly “one of the most high profile mistresses in America,” told the UK’s Daily Mail about the time she’d spent with former President Bill Clinton, who allegedly confided in her that “Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care.”

“I don’t know Huma or the Weiners,” Flowers said, referring to two Clinton confidants. “I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know.”

He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had,” Flowers claimed.

legendary Clinton insider Larry Nichols, who was at one time appointed marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority by then Governor Bill Clinton, also claimed Hillary had “had more women than [Bill] had.”

“It was hard enough to cover up for the affairs of Bill, but it was extremely difficult to cover up for Hillary and her lesbian affairs,” Nichols told Jones. “And it was tough and she was tough. She’s a butch.”

Nichols also described an instance in which Secret Service agents at the White House heard commotion emanating from the upstairs living quarters, and entered the room to find Hillary in bed with Night Court actor Markie Post.

“They were in bed together and Bill pulled up a chair and wanted to watch and Hillary was throwing ashtrays and laughs at him,” Nichols claimed. “That’s the sicko people we call the Clintons.”
The new mantra:

Ah yes.....the ol' "definition of is" defense. Disingenuous, slimey lawyerese at its zenith. What used to earn a wtf? now gets serious consideration as a meritorious point of view. Thank you Clintons.

The real question is how does he even get it up for Hillary after getting a blowjob from a 20-year old in the oval office?

I'm sure it involves a very dark room and a good imagination, but still....

At this point what possible difference does it make?

Actress Markie Post. Rumor is that was the cause of the lamp throwing incident. Bill stumbled into the room where Hildebeast and Markie were in bed and wanted to watch and Hildebeast threw a lamp at him.

Oh, so it aint so....I thought she was a friend of Limbaugh's?

DAMN. I had her pegged as an Amanda Bearse (Marcy from Married With Children) carpet muncher.....

I had her pegged as the disgusting filling in a Rosey Odonnell / Whoopie Goldberg sammich.
We can only hope...


Hillary Will Be Indicted, Says Former US Attorney

A former U.S. Attorney predicts a Watergate-style showdown in the Department of Justice if Attorney General Loretta Lynch overrules a potential FBI recommendation to indict Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“The [FBI] has so much information about criminal conduct by her and her staff that there is no way that they walk away from this,” Joseph diGenova, formerly the District of Columbia’s U.S. Attorney, told Laura Ingraham in a Tuesday radio interview. “They are going to make a recommendation that people be charged and then Loretta Lynch is going to have the decision of a lifetime.

“I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable.”

DiGenova is referring to the Watergate scandal’s “Saturday Night Massacre” Oct. 20, 1973, when President Richard Nixon sacked Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned in protest.

DiGenova is well-sourced throughout the law enforcement community and his assessment has to be taken seriously. But interviews with other knowledgeable Washington insiders present a somewhat less concrete scenario developing around the former secretary of state.

At the center of Clinton’s difficulties is her use of a private email account and a home-brew server located in her New York home to conduct official business while serving as America’s chief diplomat between 2009 and 2013. Several of her closest aides also used the private server.

Clinton clearly didn’t abide by federal regulations requiring officials like her to use government computers and email accounts to conduct official business and take all of the necessary steps to preserve all such correspondence concerning official business.

As first reported by The Daily Caller News Foundation, Clinton emailed Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden Sept. 7, 2010, asking for advice on what she, President Barack Obama and Democratic campaign officials should do to prevent a Republican victory in the upcoming congressional elections.

“Do you and CAP have any ideas as to how to change the dynamic before it’s too late? Losing the House would be a disaster in every way,” Clinton told Tanden. The CAP chief responded at length with clearly partisan recommendations, noted her supposedly non-partisan think tank’s polling efforts to identify winning themes for Democrats and described her conversations relaying her advice to Obama and other senior White House officials.

On its face, the Sept. 7 Clinton email appears to be a violation of the Hatch Act, which bars partisan political activities by officials using government property while on official duty. But Clinton found a clever way to get around the law, according to a senior non-profit official with extensive experience investigating such activities. The official spoke on condition of anonymity.

First, that official said, by not preserving her email records until after she resigned as secretary of state, Clinton avoided an investigation by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), which handles Hatch Act violations. The reason is simple — OSC has no authority over former federal employees in Hatch Act matters.

Second, by refusing to comply “with Federal Records Act requirements to use an approved system for preserving records, [Clinton] arguably did not engage in political activities while on official duty or while using federal resources because she communicated with a personal computer,” the official said.

In other words, “had Secretary Clinton used a State Department e-mail address and a government computer and had Secretary Clinton complied with federal record-keeping and open government laws, [her] violations would have been discoverable under the Freedom of Information Act and could have been remedied while Secretary Clinton was still in office.”

Thus, don’t expect a Clinton indictment for a Hatch Act violation.

But Clinton is far from out of the woods, according to a congressional source who is deeply involved in the multiple investigations of Clinton. This source, who also spoke only on condition of anonymity, pointed to the hundreds of Clinton emails that contained classified information.

“Her problem is the sheer volume of emails that were deemed classified,” said this source. “Her first defense was that she didn’t send any classified information in her emails. But that claim has been clearly rendered false because so many of the emails were later marked classified.”

As the Department of State has released the Clinton emails she provided after leaving office, more than a thousand were marked classified after being reviewed prior to their public release. So what about Clinton’s subsequent distinction that she sent no information in her emails that was “marked classified” when it was sent?

“The volume matters because a reasonable person knows somebody like the Secretary of State, who is allowed herself to classify materials, who has handled it for 25 years or more, at some point the law says you are responsible for recognizing classified material when you see it. That gets to the negligence issue,” the issue said.

Negligence is critical because Clinton signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement in 2009 regarding classified information that stated, among much else, that “Sensitive Compartmented Information involves or derives from intelligence sources or methods that is classified or is involved in a classification determination …”

Clinton and several of her closest aides must have read information “derived from intelligence sources or methods” on a daily or near-daily basis.

There is an ominous sentence buried in that agreement Clinton signed: “Nothing in this agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violations.”

What if Clinton is indicted for negligence in handling classified information? DiGenova predicts a showdown within a couple of months that will put Lynch in the same hot seat that prompted Nixon to fire Cox for getting too close to the truth about Watergate.

A Republican with direct knowledge of the investigation predicted political chaos if Lynch doesn’t decide to prosecute Clinton, a chaos that “would be the gift that keeps on giving right through the election.”

With or without resignations of FBI officials to protest such a decision, there would be a blizzard of news releases from congressional GOPers condemning Lynch, followed by hearings in which both the attorney general and FBI Director James Comey would be put under oath and asked about their actions.
Oh, so it aint so....I thought she was a friend of Limbaugh's?

The Thomasons, producers of several 90's TV shows, are friends of Limbaugh's because they are all from the same part of Missouri.
Tim, do you REALLY think she'll get indicted? And if she does, will it be before the election?
Tim, do you REALLY think she'll get indicted? And if she does, will it be before the election?

I don't really think she will be, but I hope she does. The author of that article seems to think she will be, that by summer it will come to a head and something will have to be done.
It would not surprise me at all if Obama's liberal guard flipped completely on Hillary and threw her under the bus sometime very soon and moved on to support some other candidate. Don't know who that would be.
It would not surprise me at all if Obama's liberal guard flipped completely on Hillary and threw her under the bus sometime very soon and moved on to support some other candidate. Don't know who that would be.

Biden could have a change of heart and works right down the hallway.
finger lickin' good if tru


DeLay: FBI 'Ready to Indict' Hillary

The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.

"I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay said Monday.

"They're ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they're going public."

This Is General Petraeus. Take a moment and look at his outstanding Stack of honors, and medals of accomplishment. His crime? A classified email that was supposedly leaked out, and never proven. Forced to Resign. Then there is Hillary Clinton. 200,000 emails, mostly classified. Her crime? She is running for President of the United States.

They should accelerate so Barry can pardon her. Friends of a feather...
They should accelerate so Barry can pardon her. Friends of a feather...

That would kill any chance of her being elected. The Obama Regime owes her and ******* Billy Blythe for B-Rock getting elected the first time. Its Quid pro Quo time and the Obama Regime will run interference for her so that she will never even be charged.
finger lickin' good if tru


DeLay: FBI 'Ready to Indict' Hillary

The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.

"I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay said Monday.

"They're ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they're going public."


I've been hearing that for over 20 years though. Cattlegate, Whitewater, Mena, Ark. airport drug running, John Huang, Charlie Trie, the Riadys and Worthen Bank, Slick with more alleged rapes than Big Ben, nothing ever happens to these people.
I've been hearing that for over 20 years though. Cattlegate, Whitewater, Mena, Ark. airport drug running, John Huang, Charlie Trie, the Riadys and Worthen Bank, Slick with more alleged rapes than Big Ben, nothing ever happens to these people.

I get the corruption. I don't condone it, but you can see how it happens and how someone so despicable can be protected among corrupt elites.

What I DON'T get is how 30-40% of Americans look at her and condone her actions, forgive her crimes, forgive her sins. That 100-150Million Americans could just accept it and look to her as an inspiration, as a leader, is morbidly depressing.
I get the corruption. I don't condone it, but you can see how it happens and how someone so despicable can be protected among corrupt elites.

What I DON'T get is how 30-40% of Americans look at her and condone her actions, forgive her crimes, forgive her sins. That 100-150Million Americans could just accept it and look to her as an inspiration, as a leader, is morbidly depressing.

Simple. 1) she's a Democrat and some people think she will give them other peoples' money, 2) she's a Democrat and will keep abortion legal (nevermind that Republicans can't make it illegal anyway), and 3) she's a Democrat and would be the first woman President. People have their priorities and those three things outweigh any crimes that she or Slick committed. That's 47% no matter what.
Tim I wasn't arguing anything I was explicating brother .


Real Clear Politics is wrong. They had ******* Billy Blythe on way more than one issue like Hildebeast is facing. None of it stuck. If Hildebeast skated on Benghazi she will skate on this.

They just keep piling up 'D'. Sooner or later somebody has to say "enough". here's another one that's being investigated....er, I would hope

The untold story behind this story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.


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Eh, Bill Cosby could run for the Dem nomination and win it. Sad lot of choices the Donkey's have there.

A Felon, a Commie and anyone named Bill that's a rapist.