Again, Polo, answer the question:
What is incorrect about the DATA showing that 50% of the "increased" temperature in the United States was the product of manipulation of the actual data? Here is the article:
Further, you ignore the fatal flaw in the AGW panic-manic predictions: Their models are wrong.
The entire field is predicated on predictive models - "such-and-such level of CO2 emissions will cause such-and-such temperature increase." So what the hell weight do we give a field that predicts 4 to 6 degrees C warming, where the models making that prediction are just WRONG? And why in the hell should we spend billions - trillions - of dollars in energy production, transportation, food production, etc. to stem AGW per the models, when the models are overpredicting warming to a significant extent?
Look, CO2 emissions cause warming. That is not a debate.
The issue is, and always has been, "How much warming over the next 25, 50 and 100 years?" If the warming caused by man-made CO2 emissions is 1 degree C over the next 100 years, are you suggesting that is the same as a temperature increase of 6 degrees C over the same time, and for the same reason? And that measures to address the potential warming should be identical?
Good God, man, I hope not.
Therefore, when the data show the actual temperature increase to be 1.5 degrees C per century (0.15 per decade per the data), then maybe you need to re-think your panic attacks about AGW.
Finally, how many people are you willing to kill to "prevent" AGW? Give me a number - answer the question. Don't tap dance, and evade, and skirt the issue - just damn well answer it.
Because only a complete moron - a blithering idiot of the first order - suggests that implementing
massive changes in energy production, food production, and transportation will cost zero lives. The money spent on such changes alone would have fed millions.
So answer the question - how many are you willing to kill to "prevent" AGW??