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Hottest Spring On Record Globally 2014

Still telling this lie? Come on.

I'm no fan of the Democratic party, but dude, most of the Dixiecrat voters moved to the Republican party in the 70's. It's no secret that they abandoned the Democratic party because of Kennedy and LBJ's integration policies. The segregationist politicians claimed "states rights" and jumped ship to become republicans. See Trent Lott, Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond.

A few remained Democrats, like Robert Byrd. But most simply retired from public office and became STAUNCHLY Republican as private citizens. But the real question is the voters. The majority of former southern segregationist voters (those still living) are today Republicans. That is a cold hard ugly fact, that you conveniently ignore.

you forgot to say that Lincoln was really a Democrat. Libs usually throw that one in there too when assigning their factual racist past over the Republicans.
Yes exactly. They try to obfuscate between conservative and progressive. There were many democrats who were as racist as any tea party member is today, and I'm sure in places like Mississipi for example there are still some today.

Not a surprise, your ignorance is across the board....Truth is that Democrats NEED the Tea Party to be racist. It's been 4 years since Breitbart offered $100K to anyone who could prove the TP as being racist. No takers as of yet.
Hey...why don't you prove it Polly? Show a graph or something.

Your charges of racism in the TP is as weak as your arguments are for MMGW..
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Yes exactly. They try to obfuscate between conservative and progressive. There were many democrats who were as racist as any tea party member is today, and I'm sure in places like Mississipi for example there are still some today.

Kill yourself *****. I'm a Tea Party member and am not racist no matter what you and your ignorant ilk believe.

Not a surprise, your ignorance is across the board....Truth is that Democrats NEED the Tea Party to be racist. It's been 4 years since Breitbart offered $100K to anyone who could prove the TP as being racist. No takers as of yet.
Hey...why don't you prove it Polly? Show a graph or something.

Your charges of racism in the TP is as weak as your arguments are for MMGW..
Not a surprise, your ignorance is across the board....Truth is that Democrats NEED the Tea Party to be racist. It's been 4 years since Breitbart offered $100K to anyone who could prove the TP as being racist. No takers as of yet.
Hey...why don't you prove it Polly? Show a graph or something.

Your charges of racism in the TP is as weak as your arguments are for MMGW..
If you believe the Tea Party is racist*, then it follows that you must believe that blacks can't make it without government help. So then who is really the racist?

*The Tea Party basically stands for one thing, which is that the government should not spend more money than it takes in.
There were many democrats who were as racist as any tea party member is today

Why don't you cite ONE source - ONE - demonstrating that the political movement known as the "tea party" pursues racist policies?

Not that one guy claiming tea party affiliation is a racist, for the love of God, but an actual link between the organization and racist policies.* I look forward to the data showing tea party racism ... or more accurately, your profound inability to make such showing, followed by lies, ad hominem attacks, insistence that I am a racist, and finally, divergence back to GLOBAL WARMING, ahhhhhh ...

* If one nut job belonging to a political group constitutes "evidence" of the party's official policies, then please explain this:

Buena Vista, Michigan Township Clerk Gloria Platko [a Democrat] had enough of the Township Supervisor Dwayne Parker and thought the appropriate word for expressing her frustration was to call Parker a [n-word]. In a phone call with Interim Township Manager Dexter Mitchell, who is black, Platko said:

“You know what I think of Mr. Parker right now and you know, you’re not even going to like this. He’s just an arrogant [n-word], and I’m sorry to say it that way but that’s the way I see Dwayne Parker right now.”

'A few years ago he would've been carrying our bags'

And why, exactly, are "Tea Party" members "racist"?

That's what I was wondering Vinny...where do these Libtards get this "Tea Party" members are "racist" stuff ? Someone took a picture of a thousand people in a field, one of them had an anti-Obama sign so they are all racists.I guess if that's all they got, then that's all they got. There it is, I'm a racist again...I jus can't shake it.

Then again, everybody that even pokes fun at Barry will be labeled....

Obama presidential library outhouse is parade float

July 4th depiction has some crying racism

That's what I was wondering Vinny...where do these Libtards get this "Tea Party" members are "racist" stuff ? Someone took a picture of a thousand people in a field, one of them had an anti-Obama sign so they are all racists.I guess if that's all they got, then that's all they got. There it is, I'm a racist again...I jus can't shake it.

Then again, everybody that even pokes fun at Barry will be labeled....

Obama presidential library outhouse is parade float

July 4th depiction has some crying racism

To the Libtard the only possible reason for disliking Bomma is because you are racist. Disagreeing with His politics is impossible because He only wants what is good for everybody.
Someone took a picture of a thousand people in a field, one of them had an anti-Obama sign so they are all racists.

Of course the "Tea Party" is anti-obama. He's systematically and deliberately destroying the Republic because of what he believes that white people deserve. Anybody with a whit of sense is anti-obama.......................... and all that implies.

I wish Burgundy would settle on an av. He's making me twitchy.
I wish Burgundy would settle on an av. He's making me twitchy.

Picky, picky. I need a little variety once in a while.
This one is a photo of an actual train door warning sign that I took in Italy. Ain't any handicapped accessible and electric eye safety bullshit over there. Doors close like a guillotine. If you're in the middle when the doors close, it's your ***.
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That's what I was wondering Vinny...where do these Libtards get this "Tea Party" members are "racist" stuff ? Someone took a picture of a thousand people in a field, one of them had an anti-Obama sign so they are all racists.I guess if that's all they got, then that's all they got. There it is, I'm a racist again...I jus can't shake it.

Then again, everybody that even pokes fun at Barry will be labeled....

Obama presidential library outhouse is parade float

July 4th depiction has some crying racism


You are a racist. I don't think anyone who has read your posts and doesn't share your views doubts that. Remember when you stood up for Cliven Bundy after you knew of the things he had said to the media about 'negros'?

As for the tea party being full of racists.............




So which of those was a tea party organizer, candidate, fundraiser, etc.?

The lengthy series of contemptible photos I posted in another thread prove that Democrats are murderous swine then? And want to lynch or stab a sitting President? That is exactly what those depictions showed, so do they represent the official views of the Democrat party? Or are they instead simply nutjobs being nutjobs?

Why do your google image search results prove a damn thing about the tea party? WHY?

Simple question, chief. Have at it.
So, here is the question if you believe the fun little story that all of those Democrats that fought against equal rights are now Republican. How did that work? All the Republicans at the time let the racist Democrats take over the party and, instead of fighting back, decided "hey, they aren't using the Democrat name anymore, why don't we just start using the name of the party that fought against us on racial equality issues rather than leaving the Republican party and start a party without name with such a clear racist history. All in favor.". Followed by a resounding "Aye!"

So, THAT, is the story you are willing to believe, yet make fun of Christians for believing a "fairytale".
You are a racist. I don't think anyone who has read your posts and doesn't share your views doubts that. Remember when you stood up for Cliven Bundy after you knew of the things he had said to the media about 'negros'?

As for the tea party being full of racists.............look at all these pictures, oh my !

Yes, I am now a card carrying racist and will soon lead my minions into the next race war .yada yada yada. I also will still agree with Bundy's statement, his delivery could have been a little more eloquent but he was mostly correct.

"I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

My backup author Fred says...http://fredoneverything.net/GitSome.shtml

Stating the truth is verboten in the libtard manual, only the party line is acceptable and if you were to ever think about damning the idea behind the multi-generational welfare state and welfare dependency, the Left would send you back to a re-education camp so you could write comments like this;

"What’s as sad as it is outrageous is that Bundy is not alone in harboring the belief that subjugation of plantation life was so much better for African Americans than the hard-scrabble life of freedom many lead today. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Arkansas state Rep. Jon Hubbard (R) and others come to mind.

Let's see what Wikipedia says about welfare dependency.....

There are both liberal and conservative interpretations of the culture of poverty: the former argues that lack of work and opportunities for mobility have concentrated disadvantage and left people feeling as if they have no way out of their situation; the latter believe that welfare payments and government intervention normalize and incentivize relying on welfare, not working, and having children out of wedlock, and consequently transmit social norms supporting dependency to future generations.[41]

Racist..pfft, no more an insult, just more spin and insults to cover for policy failures and ideological control of the leftist loons.....and yeh, we should have picked our own cotton, everybody would have benefited.
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So, here is the question if you believe the fun little story that all of those Democrats that fought against equal rights are now Republican. How did that work? All the Republicans at the time let the racist Democrats take over the party and, instead of fighting back, decided "hey, they aren't using the Democrat name anymore, why don't we just start using the name of the party that fought against us on racial equality issues rather than leaving the Republican party and start a party without name with such a clear racist history. All in favor.". Followed by a resounding "Aye!"

So, THAT, is the story you are willing to believe, yet make fun of Christians for believing a "fairytale".


oh. I thought we were still voting.

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported Monday that March-May was the hottest in more than 120 years of record-keeping. It was also the hottest May on record.

This is especially noteworthy because we’re still waiting for the start of El Niño. It is usually the combination of the underlying long-term warming trend and the regional El Niño warming pattern that leads to new global temperature records.

You may be wondering how the world is setting records for the warmest March, April, and May (the boreal spring) when it wasn’t particularly hot in the United States (assuming we ignore California and Alaska). It turns out there’s like a whole planet out there that has been getting very toasty

Of course as we all know at steeler nation these Japanese scientists are involved in the world wide communist plot, they're still upset about losing WW2 so out of spitefulness they decided to upset their whole economy. That'll teach us.

Or maybe they just want some of that American grant money they don't qualify for, or maybe they want grants from their government...oh wait they work for their government so they are salaried. Does not matter if global warming is real or not to them it all pays the same......hmmm....


Steeler Nation response; ' I know I left those Watts Up With That fake Lord Monckton charts somewhere down here'


How far back does that chart go? 124 years roughly. Hmmmm, the earth is 4.54 BILLION years old. That's like taking a freeze frame in the middle of a movie and determining the outcome from it... if the movie was 125,000 hours long.

Every year whatever goofy weather we are getting you nut jobs blame global warming. We had a warm winter 3 winters back in Wisconsin and it was ALL global warming. Last year we had the coldest winter EVER recorded and that was glabal warming. We have had a slight drought the last few years and that was global warming and all our lakes and rivers were going to go dry. We had the wettest spring in history last spring and every lake and river in the state is plum full again. Global warming is an interesting theory but the longer I am alive the more it just looks like normal weather patterns to me.
So if someone agreed with something that Robert Grand Dragon Byrd said, then they are guilty of being a racist? On the day that dude died he hated a colored boy as much as when he was sporting the white sheets.
So if someone agreed with something that Robert Grand Dragon Byrd said, then they are guilty of being a racist? On the day that dude died he hated a colored boy as much as when he was sporting the white sheets.
Colored boy???

Posted in another thread by someone else, but so appropriate. In answer to the question posed at the start of this clip...both

Here is a profile of the leader of the Dem turned Repub. He was a racist accept for the times he took the help to bed.

So, you got one? There ya go. It is all we need. Everybody can go back to what they were doing. Wikipedia solved it. A racist in the dem party who was opposed to the civil rights act left the dem party to join the party that passed it......
Yes, I am now a card carrying racist and will soon lead my minions into the next race war .yada yada yada. I also will still agree with Bundy's statement, his delivery could have been a little more eloquent but he was mostly correct.

"I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

My backup author Fred says...http://fredoneverything.net/GitSome.shtml

Stating the truth is verboten in the libtard manual, only the party line is acceptable and if you were to ever think about damning the idea behind the multi-generational welfare state and welfare dependency, the Left would send you back to a re-education camp so you could write comments like this;

"What’s as sad as it is outrageous is that Bundy is not alone in harboring the belief that subjugation of plantation life was so much better for African Americans than the hard-scrabble life of freedom many lead today. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Arkansas state Rep. Jon Hubbard (R) and others come to mind.

Let's see what Wikipedia says about welfare dependency.....

Racist..pfft, no more an insult, just more spin and insults to cover for policy failures and ideological control of the leftist loons.....and yeh, we should have picked our own cotton, everybody would have benefited.

So every black person who has left the projects and become a lawyer or a doctor, here's one for you; professional football player, (and there are thousands and thousands of stories like this).All these people would be better off as slaves? None of them benefitted from the government giving them a helping hand?

Your stupidity and bigotry is an open and shut case.
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So every black person who has left the projects and become a lawyer or a doctor, here's one for you; professional football player, (and there are thousands and thousands of stories like this).All these people would be better off as slaves? None of them benefitted from the government giving them a helping hand?

Your stupidity and bigotry is an open and shut case.

On balance the millions of blacks who are trapped on the plantation of welfare and state subsidy wipe the slate clean of advances made by a few. The black family has suffered the most from statist largess.
On balance the millions of blacks who are trapped on the plantation of welfare and state subsidy wipe the slate clean of advances made by a few. The black family has suffered the most from statist largess.

yup, I bet 5x as many blacks would be Dr's, Scientists, CEO's, etc if they were taught they had to work for what they want. Instead they are taught from birth that the gubmint will give them the basics as long as they are able to breathe.