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How is this acceptable but when Trump gives his speech on Jan 6th they want to impeach him

I think all the chapped hides on the right aren't just from what Maxine Waters said in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, but also the fact she told Jim Jordan to shut the **** up the other day during a Congressional hearing with Dr. Fauci, when Jordan wouldn't stop harrassing Fauci and let him answer questions.

Oh, Maxine Waters, pissing in Republicans' cereal for decades now. :ROFLMAO:

But I do agree she should have held back in addressing protestors on the street and used less inflammatory language. She's got a big, loud mouth and can't help herself. You won't get an argument on that from me.

She'll probably get censured in Congress and deservedly so.
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I think all the chapped hides on the right aren't just from what Maxine Waters said in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, but also the fact she told Jim Jones to shut the **** up the other day during a Congressional hearing with Dr. Fauci, when Jones wouldn't stop harrassing Fauci and let him answer questions.

Oh, Maxine Waters, pissing in Republicans' cereal for decades now. :ROFLMAO:

But I do agree she should have held back in addressing protestors on the street and used less inflammatory language. She's got a big, loud mouth and can't help herself. You won't get an argument on that from me.

She'll probably get censured in Congress and deservedly so.

You mean the honorable Rep. Jim Jordan?

Or, in your vile nature, are you comparing a sitting US Congressperson to this Jim Jones? Wouldn't shock me.....

BTW, nice spin on history. Jim JORDAN asked the Dr. several times to answer a question....a question he NEVER answered. "How many cases do we need to get down to to open up?"

Fauci spun and spun and spun and refused to answer a question Americans need an answer to. Then vile Maxine broke decorum telling him to shut up.

Democrats - always classy.

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Dude, hate her all you want, Maxine Waters has been fighting for civil rights her entire adult life. She has a big mouth and isn't afraid to speak her mind. I know that irks you and gets under your skin. I get it. When she uses the phrase 'confrontational,' it's what Rep. John Lewis referred to as good trouble. It makes people uneasy.

You seem oblivious to the reality that African-Americans are still fighting the cause, the incessant cases of police brutality and mistreatment of African Americans is real, and causes constant fear, heartache & pain for this segment of the community. And that too, seems to make you uncomfortable, because in your immediate orbit you see no racism. That doesn't mean it's not out there, and for millions of Americans around the country, it continues to be a real struggle.

Dr. King said, 'the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.' It shouldn't shock you there are some who won't rest until they get there, to a more equitable society. Instead of reacting negatively to it and having hurt feelings about it, you should join the fight for a better version of America.
I think where the disconnect lies is in the fact that racism has been politicized.
So much so that as I stated previously, it’s now more important to “support the team” than it is to address the real issues.
Unfortunately, racism does in fact exist. However, it is NOT just limited to white people being racist against black people. Blacks hate whites, whites hate browns, browns hate yellows, etc. The problem isn’t group against group, as much as politicians and the main stream propaganda for ratings/click machine want to make it.
Turds are turds. They come in ALL shapes/sizes/colors/affiliations. But it’s an individual problem. Police don’t take classes to be racist. No “group” does. They may have learned it from a parent/their upbringing/environment from someone or people they were close to, but not systematically taught. I didn‘t learn it in school.
There are several issues here. The first is black lives only seem matter to these protesters/politicians/media hacks when it’s a white cop that kills a black civilian.
Where is the outrage/protests/riots/demands for justice with the record number of homicides in Chicago of black lives? There’s none because it’s at the hands of another black person? That’s insane and illogical.
The other part is whenever a black person dies at the hands of a white person it is INSTANTANEOUSLY racism. No other possibility, it MUST be a racist act. Forget finding out facts. Forget interviewing all the witnesses. Forget watching all the videos. Is Derek Chauvin racist? Maybe. But he was racist IMMEDIATELY without trial, interviews, digging into his past. Talking to friends/family/colleagues. No research. He was racist, period. Not even possible he’s just an *******. Not possible he’s a poorly trained officer. No chance he was instructed incorrectly how to subdue someone. No other possible explanation. He’s just racist. And that’s completely unfair. And again, he may have Klan hoods in his basement. I don’t know. I just know he was branded as soon as the first report came in and he was already “guilty” of being racist from the jump.
And this is part of the hypocrisy and defending the “team” rather than addressing the issue, researching, fact finding, asking real questions.
Remember when the cops stopped the professor trying to get into their own home? And Obama called the cops idiots? And everyone said the cops were racist? The cops were actually doing their job. The racist ******* in this story was the Gladys Kravitz neighbor that called the cops on her black neighbor she didn’t know lived there, or did and was being a turd. But nobody brought the nosey ***** neighbor up once. It was the professor and Obama blaming the cops and the media piling on. There should have been outrage in this story. And racism should have been pointed out. It was just handled poorly and unfairly.
WE THE PEOPLE have SO much to be outraged by and angry about.
The problem, more times than not, is us listening to our teams rather than our hearts and brains. When we see outrage for one death but not another when they’re identical but it hurts our teams identity so we don’t draw attention to it, we get locked in this vicious cycle of chasing ghosts and missing the obvious and tackling that head on.
Yeah Tim, I meant Jim Jordan, my bad. Will go back and fix it.
Spoken like a guy who lives in the country, but is so wrapped-up in his own little bubble & echo chamber, has no idea what's happening around him.
I have been back in my office fulltime since September. My son is in a hockey tournament in Philly this weekend. I vacationed in Virginia Beach last September. I see what is happening around me. I am wide awake. I am not afraid. It saddens me what I see..

My socialist/liberal niece in NJ has not been out of the house in over year. Her kids have not seen their grandparents in that same time. It's insanity. Everyone is vaccinated. The liberal mind has gone full tard.

My other socialist/tard niece lives in Kensington area of Philly. My wife suggested we invite her to my son's hockey game, I said nah.

I am doing fine. The older I get, the less I tolerate stupidity. That includes my own family.
Nice post, fedderone, kudos to you. (y)
And thank you for always giving me things to marinate on. While I disagree more times than not, I feel your intentions and sincerity in each post. I do not believe you to be a turd. 🤝
The only thing Maxine Waters excels at is being a race baiter. It's how she got rich, just like Jackson and Sharpton.
And you know what? more and more African americans are "woking" up to that fact.
Here is an article in which Rep. Maxine Waters clarifies her statement, which caused the entirety of the American right-wing to collectively lose their minds.

In an exclusive interview with theGrio, Waters dismissed suggestions that she was encouraging violence. I am nonviolent,” she said. The congresswoman said attempts to characterize her words and suggest otherwise is nothing more than a political tactic by the GOP.

“Republicans will jump on any word, any line and try to make it fit their message and their cause for denouncing us and denying us, basically calling us violent … any time they see an opportunity to seize on a word, so they do it and they send a message to all of the white supremacists, the KKK, the Oath Keepers, the [Proud] Boys and all of that, how this is a time for [Republicans] to raise money on [Democrats] backs,” Waters added.

Well, when the apology is that sincere. "Representative Dirty Waters, do you wish to modify your statement to an angry mob, in a city besieged by riots and property destruction, to be more confrontational if the jury does not deliver the verdict you want, when you did not watch the actual trial?"

Dirty Waters: "wHyTe SoOprEmAsEe." By the way, you moron, here is Dirty Waters' actual statement:

We've got to not only stay in the street, but we've got to fight for justice. But I am very hopeful and I hope that we're going to get a verdict that will say, 'Guilty, guilty, guilty' ... I don't know whether it's in the first degree, but as far as I'm concerned, it's first-degree murder ... We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active. We've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business.

“This is a time for [Republicans] to keep telling our constituents that [Democrats] are the enemy and they do that time and time again,” Waters said of what she described as a Republican strategy. “But that does not deter me from speaking truth to power. I am not intimidated. I am not afraid, and I do what needs to be done.”

You stupid ******* idiot, YOU are the power.

How stupid is she? Yes, that stupid.

Further clarifying her comments on being “confrontational,” the California congresswoman said “I talk about confronting the justice system, confronting the policing that’s going on, I’m talking about speaking up. I’m talking about legislation. I’m talking about elected officials doing what needs to be done to control their budgets and to pass legislation.”

Statement to mob in city that suffered mob violence for months: "Stay in the street," Be more confrontational," "show we mean business" = "we need to pass better spending bills."


She continued, “I am not worried that they’re going to continue to distort what I say.

Or maybe quote you accurately.

This is who they are and this is how they act. And I’m not going to be bullied by them.”

Says the millionaire who lives in a mansion outside her district and who demanded police protection when flying into and out of the city she is encouraging to devolve into more violence. Cuz defund police, except for corrupt politicians.

“I’m worried about the disappointment of particularly the young people and young Black males who are more and more frightened of the police, afraid to drive their cars when they see police coming and thinking that their lives will be in danger,” said Waters.

"Not only that, but when these noble young men - gentle giants, one and all - engage in modest fisticuffs with police, try to grab the officer's weapon, go for a knife, they wind up getting shot. It is SO unfair. These officers, most of them white and therefore wHyTE soOprEmAsiSts, should just stop fighting with the suspect and let him go, or even let the suspect kill them, cuz equity."

If Chauvin is found guilty, however, Waters said it would signal activists and politicians calling for police reform are “making some progress and that everything that we have done, including the protests, has led us to a point where we’re being taken seriously and we’re being treated fairly.”

Because the only person who has better legal wisdom than Decaf, the unemployed barista who has watched several episodes of People's Court, is Dirty Waters and her many years of work as an attorney ... no? Okay, then her considerable legal education? No, huh. Her relevant experience researching and passing laws then? Huh, two bills in 30 years, one re-naming a post office.
More on Maxine. Tucker did a fantastic piece last night. Not only do we have her recent statements or those from 2018 when she encouraged the violent left to confront their political opponents and get in their faces, but we have this...

Waters' comments promoting riots can be seen back in a May 4, 1992 interview during Rodney King LA riots.

"People want to know why I'm not saying exactly what they want me to say. They want me to walk out in Watts, like black people did in the '60s, and say, Cool it baby, cool it. Well I'm sorry. The fact of the matter is, whether we like it or not, riot is the voice of the unheard," stated Waters.

More than 50 people were killed and countless others were injured through the nearly week long riot in Los Angeles in 1992.


She has a history of inciting violence spanning 3 decades.

John Lewis and Dr. King and other Civil Rights leaders didn't promote "riots" or inciting violence.

Mad Max should be gone.
Her statement was deplorable. Nothing follows.

I do not think it impacted the verdict...
Because we will never have a way of knowing that, I will respectfully disagree. If I was on that jury and heard Waters stirring the pot, I would pause and think of my family.
The lynch mob mentality has overtaken this nation. Anybody who doubts that is just not paying attention. More and more vile leftists who hate this country are getting incompetent imbeciles like George Gascon, Larry Krasner, Kimberly Foxx. All of them utterly incompetent and doing everything they can to destroy their cities. Gascon was such an incompetent jackass that he was run out of San Francisco of all places. Some of the great work by these imbeciles:

Kimberly Foxx - ChicagoDropped more than 25,000 felony cases, including rape, murder, at a rate 50% above her predecessor.Murder, crime booming. Murder rate almost four times the national average, violent crime rate almost three times the national average.
George Gascon - San FranciscoStopped prosecuting vagrancy, panhandling, gang crime enhancements, public urination, property crimes below $1,000, drug sales; made bail - even for violent criminals - much, much easier. Stopped imposing enhancements, even for repeat offenders.From 2011 to 2019, property crime surged by 49%, driven by an unprecedented increase in vehicle break-ins, violent crime also increased 15% in the same time frame - despite the economic explosion under Trump. In the five years before he took office in San Francisco, there were 757 reported rapes—an average of 151 per year. In his last five years in office, after his policies had time to take root, there were a stunning 1,731 rapes, an average of 346 per year. In 2017 alone, there were 367 rapes, and every year from 2014 to 2019, when he left office, there were more than 300 rapes per year. Gascón cannot explain why rapes went up under his tenure but is certain he had nothing to do with it cuz he has an alibi for most of the rapes he allowed to happen.
George Gascon - Los AngelesEliminated cash bail (i.e., eliminated bail and set criminals free), the death penalty, sentencing enhancements, gang enhancements, and prosecuting juveniles as adults; as of Dec. 8, 2020, ordered that all misdemeanor drug possession charges, prostitution-related offense, and resisting arrest result in no jail time.60 people murdered in L.A. County as of Feb. 28, 2021, a 186% jump from the 21 killings reported during the same period in 2020; rapes increased 12%, car theft increased 43%. Huh. Release criminals, crime increases.
Larry Krasner - PhiladelphiaRetail theft under $500 no longer a misdemeanor in the eyes of Philly prosecutors; property crimes of less than $50,000 subject to probation; vastly reduced charges for drug offenses, including sale of opiates, as Krasner promised to "go after the pharmaceutical companies" for drug crimes.Philadelphia homicides reached a 30-year high in 2020; violent crime up, robberies up, gun crimes up, prosecution for illegal possession of gun down. Oh, and Krasner lost re-election end of March in primary.
Her statement was deplorable. Nothing follows.

I do not think it impacted the verdict...
No but sadly it will help the appeal on the grounds of fair trial issues. So too should the President's statements.
Racisr racist racist racist racist. I am tired of that label on me. I know no one NO ONE who is. WHAT THE **** ARE.WE.DOING.???? WHAT THE **** ARE WE LISTENNIG TO?

Freaking me out.
Maxine Waters is a domestic terrorist, her and those that support her, should be locked up ASAP