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How much racism will white Americans tolerate?

Please explain how anything I just wrote is racist. And racist against whom. I'll wait.

I don't care what race or ethnicity anyone is...as long as they come here legally. We know who they are. We know why they are here. They are contributing members of society instead of leeches. How on earth is that racist?

Liberals have redefined racism. If you are not for allowing any illegal immigrant into the country, you are racist. All other arguments are irrelevant.
The whole pointless article is based on the erroneous assumption that Republicans are aligned with radical white nationalists, who are actually a tiny fringe group that hold little to no power in any sort of decision making.

It's not erroneous to assume the white nationalist are aligned with Trump. And what's your definition of "tiny"? I'm certain that 3 - 5 million illegals didn't vote for Hillary, I'm not sure 3 - 5 million white nationalists didn't vote for Trump and he is well aware of it.
Shake my head at fucktards like you who refuse to understand that people can be against illegal immigration but not against legal immigration.

That's not the point. She is regurgitating the disgusting Trump narrative that immigrants are "rapist's, murderers," etc, then added a twist of her own "resource sucking" or whatever. As if they don't work, don't contribute.....

I think it's obvious what side the fucktards are on.

Edit: Excuse me, racist fucktards.
Did I reply to or acknowledge her post? Nope. Didn't comment on it...didn't read it.

But in typical Libtard fashion, you take the actions of a few (200 White Supremacists) and tie them to everyone that looks like them (all of White America is racist).

I STILL haven't read OFTB's post. But in Eftard hate world, I support her message.

Let me repeat the company tag line: You're a sick ****.

Sure act stupid....oh wait it's not an act. Carry on.
It's not erroneous to assume the white nationalist are aligned with Trump. And what's your definition of "tiny"? I'm certain that 3 - 5 million illegals didn't vote for Hillary, I'm not sure 3 - 5 million white nationalists didn't vote for Trump and he is well aware of it.

Of course they consider themselves aligned with Trump. That doesn't mean Trump or anyone else considers themselves aligned with them.

3-5 million? Who vote? Highly doubt that. You must be watching a little too much CNN if you really believe there are that many actual white supremacists/nationalists in this country.
I disagree Ron. I downloaded an old Black Flag album on bit torrent, which is clearly illegal and handed it to my neighbor on a pen drive, who was an immigrant from Cairo. He was an extremist punk rock fan, ran an underground club back home years ago where he and his Muslim buddies would blast 'Slip It In' on the weekends.


The according to Ron's beliefs you should immediately be shot........
That's not the point. She is regurgitating the disgusting Trump narrative that immigrants are "rapist's, murderers," etc, then added a twist of her own "resource sucking" or whatever. As if they don't work, don't contribute.....

I think it's obvious what side the fucktards are on.

Edit: Excuse me, racist fucktards.

Bullshit. I did not say all immigrants are rapists and murderers (neither did Trump by the way.) I said I don't want rapists and murderers coming here. Or people who can't support themselves. Like the rest of you leftists you twisted that like a pretzel. Since you love to do that let me be clear.

1) Every illegal immigrant is a criminal. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. They are breaking the law by sneaking into the country, being here illegally, and doing other things like working, driving etc. that they cannot legally do here.

2) Most illegal immigrants are not rapists or murderers or drug dealers or terrorists. But some of them are. Again, that is not my opinion, that is a fact. And if we allow hordes to slip through our borders completely unknown and unidentified who are not really here to do us harm, we will inevitably let slip through those who do.

3) It is not my opinion that illegal immigrants cost us millions in government benefits. It's a fact. We do not even have the budget to provide these benefits for our own citizens. Therefore I would allow immigration only to those who are prepared to provide for themselves and their families.

4) I have long supported a guest worker program and even a path to legalization with conditions provided we shut down the border in an extremely effective manner because those reforms will only serve to encourage a new flood of illegal immigrants if we don't.

I love how you played the victim earlier, whining about me teasing you when you openly and blatantly call me one of the ugliest things someone can call someone, using lies and twisted logic to justify yourself.

Now go **** off.
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The according to Ron's beliefs you should immediately be shot........

According to my belief both of you should.

Q: Both of them should what, Indy?
A: Oh, I don't know. They should do anything, I really didn't specify.
Q: Ok, so you didn't violate any rules, right?
A: That is correct.
Sure act stupid....oh wait it's not an act. Carry on.

Tail between legs and scampering off. This is how the Elftard rolls.
Bullshit. I did not say all immigrants are rapists and murderers (neither did Trump by the way.) I said I don't want rapists and murderers coming here. Or people who can't support themselves. Like the rest of you leftists you twisted that like a pretzel. Since you love to do that let me be clear.

1) Every illegal immigrant is a criminal. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. They are breaking the law by sneaking into the country, being here illegally, and doing other things like working, driving etc. that they cannot legally do here.

2) Most illegal immigrants are not rapists or murderers or drug dealers or terrorists. But some of them are. Again, that is not my opinion, that is a fact. And if we allow hordes to slip through our borders completely unknown and unidentified who are not really here to do us harm, we will inevitably let slip through those who do.

3) It is not my opinion that illegal immigrants cost us millions in government benefits. It's a fact. We do not even have the budget to provide these benefits for our own citizens. Therefore I would allow immigration only to those who are prepared to provide for themselves and their families.

4) I have long supported a guest worker program and even a path to legalization with conditions provided we shut down the border in an extremely effective manner because those reforms will only serve to encourage a new flood of illegal immigrants if we don't.

I love how you played the victim earlier, whining about me teasing you when you openly and blatantly call me one of the ugliest things someone can call someone, using lies and twisted logic to justify yourself.

Now go **** off.

In summary....

Bullshit. I did not say all immigrants are rapists and murderers (neither did Trump by the way.) I said I don't want rapists and murderers coming here. Or people who can't support themselves. Like the rest of you leftists you twisted that like a pretzel. Since you love to do that let me be clear.

1) Every illegal immigrant is a criminal. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. They are breaking the law by sneaking into the country, being here illegally, and doing other things like working, driving etc. that they cannot legally do here.

I don't disagree with this....so what? Every American employer who gives them work is also breaking the law. we would rather see that than our economy collapse and Social Security bankrupt.

2) Most illegal immigrants are not rapists or murderers or drug dealers or terrorists. But some of them are. Again, that is not my opinion, that is a fact. And if we allow hordes to slip through our borders completely unknown and unidentified who are not really here to do us harm, we will inevitably let slip through those who do.

Notice that you guys are ALWAYS sure to say this negative stuff first before you even have the thought that maybe you had better include that some might be decent people(of course you don't mean it),when the truth is most are. That's what racists do, demonize a target group; whether it's in Nazi Germany, Czarist Russia, or the South in the U.S.

That game ALWAYS uses the same playbook.

3) It is not my opinion that illegal immigrants cost us millions in government benefits. It's a fact. We do not even have the budget to provide these benefits for our own citizens. Therefore I would allow immigration only to those who are prepared to provide for themselves and their families.

It's absolutely not a fact. The fact is that they add tremendous value to the economy, and actually help American workers get better jobs.
(Cue Steeltime with a bunch of contrary phony graphs from the Heritage Foundation or some other worthless Reich Wing source)

4) I have long supported a guest worker program and even a path to legalization with conditions provided we shut down the border in an extremely effective manner because those reforms will only serve to encourage a new flood of illegal immigrants if we don't.

Of course you do..................

I love how you played the victim earlier, whining about me teasing you when you openly and blatantly call me one of the ugliest things someone can call someone, using lies and twisted logic to justify yourself.

Never played victim just pointing out how pathetic and nasty some of you are.

Now go **** off.

Have a blessed day!(In typical phony CONservative "Christian" voice)

10 characters......................
Quote Originally Posted by oneforthebus View Post
Bullshit. I did not say all immigrants are rapists and murderers (neither did Trump by the way.) I said I don't want rapists and murderers coming here. Or people who can't support themselves. Like the rest of you leftists you twisted that like a pretzel. Since you love to do that let me be clear.

1) Every illegal immigrant is a criminal. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. They are breaking the law by sneaking into the country, being here illegally, and doing other things like working, driving etc. that they cannot legally do here.

I don't disagree with this....so what? Every American employer who gives them work is also breaking the law. we would rather see that than our economy collapse and Social Security bankrupt.

2) Most illegal immigrants are not rapists or murderers or drug dealers or terrorists. But some of them are. Again, that is not my opinion, that is a fact. And if we allow hordes to slip through our borders completely unknown and unidentified who are not really here to do us harm, we will inevitably let slip through those who do.

Notice that you guys are ALWAYS sure to say this negative stuff first before you even have the thought that maybe you had better include that some might be decent people(of course you don't mean it),when the truth is most are. That's what racists do, demonize a target group; whether it's in Nazi Germany, Czarist Russia, or the South in the U.S.

That game ALWAYS uses the same playbook.

3) It is not my opinion that illegal immigrants cost us millions in government benefits. It's a fact. We do not even have the budget to provide these benefits for our own citizens. Therefore I would allow immigration only to those who are prepared to provide for themselves and their families.

It's absolutely not a fact. The fact is that they add tremendous value to the economy, and actually help American workers get better jobs.
(Cue Steeltime with a bunch of contrary phony graphs from the Heritage Foundation or some other worthless Reich Wing source)

4) I have long supported a guest worker program and even a path to legalization with conditions provided we shut down the border in an extremely effective manner because those reforms will only serve to encourage a new flood of illegal immigrants if we don't.

Of course you do..................

I love how you played the victim earlier, whining about me teasing you when you openly and blatantly call me one of the ugliest things someone can call someone, using lies and twisted logic to justify yourself.

Never played victim just pointing out how pathetic and nasty some of you are.

Now go **** off.

Have a blessed day!(In typical phony CONservative "Christian" voice)
Kind of hard to have a discussion with a mind reader.that knows what you're "really thinking" . Why even ask anyone any questions? You can just answer for everyone yourself.
The according to Ron's beliefs you should immediately be shot........

See, you're wrong again. Only shot if he tries to cross the border illegally. I know it's hard for you but stay with the program.
Bullshit. I did not say all immigrants are rapists and murderers (neither did Trump by the way.) I said I don't want rapists and murderers coming here. Or people who can't support themselves. Like the rest of you leftists you twisted that like a pretzel. Since you love to do that let me be clear.

1) Every illegal immigrant is a criminal. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. They are breaking the law by sneaking into the country, being here illegally, and doing other things like working, driving etc. that they cannot legally do here.

2) Most illegal immigrants are not rapists or murderers or drug dealers or terrorists. But some of them are. Again, that is not my opinion, that is a fact. And if we allow hordes to slip through our borders completely unknown and unidentified who are not really here to do us harm, we will inevitably let slip through those who do.

3) It is not my opinion that illegal immigrants cost us millions in government benefits. It's a fact. We do not even have the budget to provide these benefits for our own citizens. Therefore I would allow immigration only to those who are prepared to provide for themselves and their families.

4) I have long supported a guest worker program and even a path to legalization with conditions provided we shut down the border in an extremely effective manner because those reforms will only serve to encourage a new flood of illegal immigrants if we don't.

I love how you played the victim earlier, whining about me teasing you when you openly and blatantly call me one of the ugliest things someone can call someone, using lies and twisted logic to justify yourself.

Now go **** off.

If you believe all that then you are a bigot and racist of the highest order. /Libs
Just to get an idea of the racial make-up of Steeler Nation, please select your race from the list below* (not required)

1. Black/African American
2. Native American
3. Asian
4. Latino/Hispanic
5. Racist
Of course they consider themselves aligned with Trump. That doesn't mean Trump or anyone else considers themselves aligned with them.

3-5 million? Who vote? Highly doubt that. You must be watching a little too much CNN if you really believe there are that many actual white supremacists/nationalists in this country.

3 million is less than 1% of the population and 1 in 18 voters. Maybe not card carrying members of an organization, but "fine" people who might associate with them.
3 million is less than 1% of the population and 1 in 18 voters. Maybe not card carrying members of an organization, but "fine" people who might associate with them.

I'm unable to find any credible source on the numbers so we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I would estimate the folks who really identify with this kind of movement, whether they officially belong to it or not, at a few hundred thousand, tops.

Purely anecdotal of course, but I know plenty of people who voted for Trump, and not one who voted for him to advance any sort of white supremacist views. I would say the reasons of everyone I know in approximate order of occurrence:

1) Can't stomach Hillary
2) Don't want a liberal appointed to the Supreme Court who will shred the Constitution
3) He's a businessman who will be pro-business
4) The clusterfuck that is Obamacare needs to go
5) Want someone who isn't a career politician and tied to special interests
6) Prevent the country from an irreversible slide into a European style socialist state

I don't know nor have I ever met anyone who voted for him to advance a pro-white agenda.

Now granted I am in the Northeast but still...the idea that he got elected by white supremacists is laughable. I guess I should just hope that's what Dems keep deluding themselves with because it will probably help the next Republican get into office.
3) It is not my opinion that illegal immigrants cost us millions in government benefits. It's a fact. We do not even have the budget to provide these benefits for our own citizens. Therefore I would allow immigration only to those who are prepared to provide for themselves and their families.

It's absolutely not a fact. The fact is that they add tremendous value to the economy, and actually help American workers get better jobs.

Yep. About that blatantly incorrect misconception. They ship their money home. They suck our taxpayer dollars in support for funneling the income they make back to Mexico. Just one example. From the Clinton News Network, no less.

Mexico gets more cash from its workers abroad than from oil

Mexico heavily depends on its workers living abroad to send cash back home.

Almost $25 billion flowed last year from the pockets of Mexicans living overseas, almost all of it from the U.S. That's even higher than what Mexico earns from its oil exports.

The average remittance in June was $300.08, which when multiplied by the number of Mexican workers abroad totals billions each year. Donald Trump has his eye on those billions -- earlier this year, he said the cash could pay for the wall he has proposed between the U.S.-Mexico border, even though he didn't mention that in his meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Wednesday.

Essentially, Mexico's most lucrative natural resources are the people who leave home. The cash remittances are a lifeline for the country and a critical source of economic development for America's southern neighbor.
Yep. About that blatantly incorrect misconception. They ship their money home. They suck our taxpayer dollars in support for funneling the income they make back to Mexico. Just one example. From the Clinton News Network, no less.

Mexico gets more cash from its workers abroad than from oil

Mexico heavily depends on its workers living abroad to send cash back home.

Almost $25 billion flowed last year from the pockets of Mexicans living overseas, almost all of it from the U.S. That's even higher than what Mexico earns from its oil exports.

The average remittance in June was $300.08, which when multiplied by the number of Mexican workers abroad totals billions each year. Donald Trump has his eye on those billions -- earlier this year, he said the cash could pay for the wall he has proposed between the U.S.-Mexico border, even though he didn't mention that in his meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Wednesday.

Essentially, Mexico's most lucrative natural resources are the people who leave home. The cash remittances are a lifeline for the country and a critical source of economic development for America's southern neighbor.

Since you like CNN:

From an economist

But even if you set all that aside, stopping remittances to Mexico is also simply bad for the American economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but when immigrants in America send money to their families overseas, America gains.

The economics of remittances surprise a lot people, even those who aren't sympathetic to Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric. People intuitively assume keeping that money in the United States is a good thing for the American economy, but many macroeconomists disagree.
One reason is that remittances mean cheaper stuff for Americans. The millions of Mexican immigrants working in the United States provide goods and services for American consumers, and in exchange they earn dollars. About 11.7 million Mexican immigrants live in the United States, and last year Mexico received about $24 billion back in remittances. When immigrants send their earnings overseas, America loses dollars, but no actual goods or services. Figuratively, we trade pieces of paper with green ink for real stuff. If families in Mexico use those dollars to buy things made in Mexico or elsewhere, then America has essentially gotten immigrants' services without paying anything tangible in return. If, on the other hand, families in Mexico use their remittances to buy things made in the United States, then American exports increase. Either way, the American economy wins.

Remittances aren't just good for American consumers, they're also good for American firms and job creation, by making American industry more competitive with Mexico.
Research has shown that when immigrants send money home, the receiving country experiences real exchange rate appreciation that may hurt its international competitiveness, similar to the negative side effects of oil booms. Put simply, when Mexican immigrants in the United States send dollars home to relatives in Mexico, the families will probably exchange those dollars for Mexican pesos. This increases the demand for pesos, driving up their value. As the peso appreciates, goods produced in Mexico get more expensive internationally, and by comparison, goods produced in America get cheaper. In short, if you're worried about America competing with Mexico for manufacturing jobs, remittances help rather than hurt.

Since you like CNN:

From an economist

But even if you set all that aside, stopping remittances to Mexico is also simply bad for the American economy. It may seem counterintuitive, but when immigrants in America send money to their families overseas, America gains.

The economics of remittances surprise a lot people, even those who aren't sympathetic to Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric. People intuitively assume keeping that money in the United States is a good thing for the American economy, but many macroeconomists disagree.
One reason is that remittances mean cheaper stuff for Americans. The millions of Mexican immigrants working in the United States provide goods and services for American consumers, and in exchange they earn dollars. About 11.7 million Mexican immigrants live in the United States, and last year Mexico received about $24 billion back in remittances. When immigrants send their earnings overseas, America loses dollars, but no actual goods or services. Figuratively, we trade pieces of paper with green ink for real stuff. If families in Mexico use those dollars to buy things made in Mexico or elsewhere, then America has essentially gotten immigrants' services without paying anything tangible in return. If, on the other hand, families in Mexico use their remittances to buy things made in the United States, then American exports increase. Either way, the American economy wins.

Remittances aren't just good for American consumers, they're also good for American firms and job creation, by making American industry more competitive with Mexico.
Research has shown that when immigrants send money home, the receiving country experiences real exchange rate appreciation that may hurt its international competitiveness, similar to the negative side effects of oil booms. Put simply, when Mexican immigrants in the United States send dollars home to relatives in Mexico, the families will probably exchange those dollars for Mexican pesos. This increases the demand for pesos, driving up their value. As the peso appreciates, goods produced in Mexico get more expensive internationally, and by comparison, goods produced in America get cheaper. In short, if you're worried about America competing with Mexico for manufacturing jobs, remittances help rather than hurt.


Yes Remittances are all good [sarc]. There's a ton of debate around what this person proposes and many indicate this type of thinking is a stretch, at best...his theories. You can search on your own.

His analysis ignores how remittances support the drug trade, human trafficking etc. (Illegal immigrants aren't criminals, I know)


ccording to GAO’s analysis of the World Bank’s Bilateral Remittance Matrix, in 2014, about $25 billion was sent to Mexico, some $15 billion was sent to China, over $10 billion sent to India, and about $10 billion went to the Philippines. Other top receiving countries included Vietnam, Nigeria, Guatemala, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Korea.

In a separate GAO report, also requested by Vitter and Price and released the same day as GAO’s remittance estimate analysis, the watchdog found challenges in preventing remittance money laundering and other illicit uses in part due to the high reporting threshold of $3,000.

“Remittances can be used to launder proceeds from different types of criminal activities, including drug trafficking and human smuggling, through methods such as structuring,” wherein remittance senders would make multiple payments to stay below the $3,000 reporting level, the report reads.

But then there is just...so...much...more. From the Left-leaning Politico (you guys are eating your own):

Yes, Immigration Hurts American Workers
This second message might be hard for many Americans to process, but anyone who tells you that immigration doesn’t have any negative effects doesn’t understand how it really works. When the supply of workers goes up, the price that firms have to pay to hire workers goes down. Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent. Even after the economy has fully adjusted, those skill groups that received the most immigrants will still offer lower pay relative to those that received fewer immigrants.

Both low- and high-skilled natives are affected by the influx of immigrants. But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip. The monetary loss is sizable. The typical high school dropout earns about $25,000 annually. According to census data, immigrants admitted in the past two decades lacking a high school diploma have increased the size of the low-skilled workforce by roughly 25 percent. As a result, the earnings of this particularly vulnerable group dropped by between $800 and $1,500 each year.

But, but, but...one Democratic Victim Class, illegal immigrants, are screwing the other Democratic Victim Classes, the Hispanics and African Americans.

But wait, there's more. Illegal immigration makes Capitalists richer (that is so Anti-Progressive) and to our long standing point, immigrants use tax payer dollars EXCESSIVELY

Somebody’s lower wage is always somebody else’s higher profit. In this case, immigration redistributes wealth from those who compete with immigrants to those who use immigrants—from the employee to the employer. And the additional profits are so large that the economic pie accruing to all natives actually grows. I estimate the current “immigration surplus”—the net increase in the total wealth of the native population—to be about$50 billion annually. But behind that calculation is a much larger shift from one group of Americans to another: The total wealth redistribution from the native losers to the native winners is enormous, roughly a half-trillion dollars a year. Immigrants, too, gain substantially; their total earnings far exceed what their income would have been had they not migrated.

When we look at the overall value of immigration, there’s one more complicating factor: Immigrants receive government assistance at higher rates than natives. The higher cost of all the services provided to immigrants and the lower taxes they pay (because they have lower earnings) inevitably implies that on a year-to-year basis immigration creates a fiscal hole of at least $50 billion—a burden that falls on the native population.

And there you have it:

What does it all add up to? The fiscal burden offsets the gain from the $50 billion immigration surplus, so it’s not too farfetched to conclude that immigration has barely affected the total wealth of natives at all. Instead, it has changed how the pie is split, with the losers—the workers who compete with immigrants, many of those being low-skilled Americans—sending a roughly $500 billion check annually to the winners. Those winners are primarily their employers. And the immigrants themselves come out ahead, too. Put bluntly, immigration turns out to be just another income redistribution program.

To use a label recently coined by Larry Summers, a “responsible nationalist” policy cannot ignore the reality that immigration has made some natives poorer.
I'm unable to find any credible source on the numbers so we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I would estimate the folks who really identify with this kind of movement, whether they officially belong to it or not, at a few hundred thousand, tops.

Purely anecdotal of course, but I know plenty of people who voted for Trump, and not one who voted for him to advance any sort of white supremacist views. I would say the reasons of everyone I know in approximate order of occurrence:

1) Can't stomach Hillary
2) Don't want a liberal appointed to the Supreme Court who will shred the Constitution
3) He's a businessman who will be pro-business
4) The clusterfuck that is Obamacare needs to go
5) Want someone who isn't a career politician and tied to special interests
6) Prevent the country from an irreversible slide into a European style socialist state

I don't know nor have I ever met anyone who voted for him to advance a pro-white agenda.

Now granted I am in the Northeast but still...the idea that he got elected by white supremacists is laughable. I guess I should just hope that's what Dems keep deluding themselves with because it will probably help the next Republican get into office.

Bingo on the above... Race...pffft... I could care less about race. In fact I'm beyond sick of hearing about, having it used as an extortion weapon,a political weapon . Just like I've said for the last 8 year on barry choosing tp divide over unity. All this bullshit is on him and his nasty democrat party of creeps. What I care about is the future of my son in a country going the wrong way at break neck speed.
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