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How much racism will white Americans tolerate?

You are quite literally the most racist person I've never met. No joking, no intent to harm...just cold hard truth.

Every time you call anyone racist I can only laugh.

He is like the character Gus Portokalos from the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Gus could take any benign object, word or phrase and tell you how it was tied to Greek heritage.

Elfie can take any benign object, word or phrase and tell you how it is racist.
He is like the character Gus Portokalos from the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Gus could take any benign object, word or phrase and tell you how it was tied to Greek heritage.

Elfie can take any benign object, word or phrase and tell you how it is racist.

Lets start with the word Elfiero. I think we can all say how IT is racist.
Every time you think Elfie can't get any stupider, he gets more stupiderer.

...and totally redeems himself/herself/itself/zeself

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/okMuq-NSq0M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Open Carry: Black Man Vs White Man

Let me just say that this guy has balls of steel or is just really dumb. Knowing how racist most police officers are(and scared of minorities) this was a hell of a chance to take, but hey the guy didn't get shot and...POINT MADE!

Yes the blue are racist. Even though it looks in that vid, I see white, black, and Latino.

Just start to realize when dumb ***** don't respect the law **** can happen. White, black, yelllow...etc. be respectful, do what they say and you know what you might not get ****** up.

Just start to realize when dumb ***** don't respect the law **** can happen. White, black, yelllow...etc. be respectful, do what they say and you know what you might not get ****** up.

How is he not respecting the law? Yet look how he's treated. Now go and look at a hundred videos on you tube of whites doing open carry and you never see this response.

Just follow orders and nothing will happen......what are you ten years old?
How is he not respecting the law? Yet look how he's treated. Now go and look at a hundred videos on you tube of whites doing open carry and you never see this response.

Just follow orders and nothing will happen......what are you ten years old?

Tit for tat. For every vid you show of your views, there are others from the other side. And yet again taking a shot at me. You are so quick to claim your the victim of assault from folks on here but never return the favor or start it. Just so you know, that's twice on me in two days.
Tit for tat. For every vid you show of your views, there are others from the other side. And yet again taking a shot at me. You are so quick to claim your the victim of assault from folks on here but never return the favor or start it. Just so you know, that's twice on me in two days.

It would not surprise me if you were a young person. I mean what adult actually repeats that nonsense about not breaking the law and you'll be fine....I mean really? We all know black people are killed all the time because L.E. perceives them as a threat no matter what their demeanor.

And I never said I don't return the favor, now you're just making stuff up.
It would not surprise me if you were a young person. I mean what adult actually repeats that nonsense about not breaking the law and you'll be fine....I mean really? We all know black people are killed all the time because L.E. perceives them as a threat no matter what their demeanor.

And I never said I don't return the favor, now you're just making stuff up.

If 40 is young, thank you sir.

I'm not going to go tit for tat with this. I can not change your views on this matter no matter what I say, post, or show evidence of. Nor will you of me.

With family in the force I'll say this. They don't look at color, they look for what will bring them home to their family at the end of the night. They are paid **** to protect you and me. They put their life on the line for you and me. In **** areas, they are nervous and things go wrong and they should be held accountable if that's is the case. More often than not they protect all of us regardless of color, religion or otherwise.

But again like always with you no response to taking a personal shot at me "again"

No worries.
Maybe if young black males didn't commit most of the shootings in the USA they police would be much less jumpy. 6% of the population and they commit 80% of the violent crimes, it skews how the police HAVE to deal with them.
Maybe if young black males didn't commit most of the shootings in the USA they police would be much less jumpy. 6% of the population and they commit 80% of the violent crimes, it skews how the police HAVE to deal with them.

It would help if they would be good role models to their kids too. You know, get a job, pay baby mama child support and actually be a father instead of being a prison *****.
Maybe if young black males didn't commit most of the shootings in the USA they police would be much less jumpy. 6% of the population and they commit 80% of the violent crimes, it skews how the police HAVE to deal with them.

Unfortunately, this is reality.....regardless what clueless liberals say.
Oh gosh... its young males that get targeted... regardless of color...we all know that...

i had a gun drawn on me by a cop when younger... i also got cuffed and laid on the groung for the horrible offense of being the passenger in a car where the driver smartassed the cop that pulled him over...
ive been illegally pulled over, searched, and had absurd orders barked at me for no good reason, some clearly out of bounds of cops authority... im 100% sure i was at no fault for any of that

I have dozens of friends with the same stories... look some cops areshitty... many treat young guys like criminals regardless..

The biggest difference is the guys i know who took offense to disrespect and pushed things were the pnes that ended up the worse... and they fell all over the racial spectrum...
Maybe if young black males didn't commit most of the shootings in the USA they police would be much less jumpy. 6% of the population and they commit 80% of the violent crimes, it skews how the police HAVE to deal with them.

Crickets from Elfie.
Posted by Elfiero
How is he not respecting the law? Yet look how he's treated. Now go and look at a hundred videos on you tube of whites doing open carry and you never see this response.

Let me just say that this guy has balls of steel or is just really dumb. Knowing how racist most police officers are(and scared of minorities) this was a hell of a chance to take, but hey the guy didn't get shot and...POINT MADE!

Racist indeed...towards white and hispanics. You keep passing this false narrative, I'll keep correcting it.

As I posted back in September of 2016 (and not a thing has changed):

  • In 2015, 50% of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, 26% were black (despite the very high rate of violence in this community which would lead one to believe more African Americans would be victims)
  • More whites and Hispanics die from police ‘homicide’ than blacks
  • Black and Hispanic officers are more likely to fire a gun at a black person than a white police officer is
  • A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black person than a black man is likely to die by being shot by a police officer

Now consider the following: Per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. In many urban jurisdictions, 70% of violent crimes are committed by blacks. This means that police officers far more often encounter black violent offenders than they do white or Hispanic violent offenders. YET 50% of police shooting victims are white, despite police dealing with many more black violent offenders. And more Hispanics die from police homicide, than do blacks, despite blacks committing more violent crimes.

Translation: Based on the above, the police show much MORE restraint with violent black offenders than they do with whites and Hispanics. There's no other way to slice it. The police encounter many more violent blacks than they do Hispanics and whites, but they shoot more whites and Hispanics. They shoot more whites and Hispanics at a higher % rate than they do blacks that they encounter more often.

Whites and Hispanics should be up in arms, because by percentage, they are more likely to die at the hands of a police officer than a black man is.

Then this from the CDC:

In 2012, according to the CDC, 140 blacks were killed by police. That same year 386 whites were killed by police. Over the 13-year period from 1999 to 2011, the CDC reports that 2,151 whites were killed by cops — and 1,130 blacks were killed by cops.

By 2011, law enforcement shootings caused 2.74 deaths for every million blacks, and 1.28 deaths for every million whites. While the death-by-cop rate for whites has held pretty steady over these last 45 years, hovering just above or below the one-in-a-million level, the rate for blacks has fallen. In 1981, black deaths by cop stood at four in a million, but since 2000 has remained just above or below two in a million.

Wait, what? Since 1981, the rate of black death by cop has dropped from 4 per million to 2 per million? You don't say. Yet violent crimes by blacks remains infinitely higher than other populations?

The media and Crappernick have you all bamboozled.
We all know black people are killed all the time because L.E. perceives them as a threat no matter what their demeanor.

No, we don't know that. We do know that if you punch someone in the face and try to grab their gun you will be perceived as threatening. We do know that if you have a gun and ignore repeated requests not to reach for it, you will be perceived as threatening. We do know that there are a few ******* cops who've overreacted to situations..."all the time"? Hardly. It's the exception, not the rule.

Police nationwide have interactions with about 60 million people every year. Less than 500 are shot and killed. Even if every single one of them was black I don't think you can accurately say "black people are killed all the time because police perceive them as a threat no matter what their demeanor." It's a tiny, tiny percentage and that 60 million includes dealings with murderers, drug dealers, gang members, wife beaters, crazy people, people high on drugs, suicidal people, etc. It includes people who reach for their guns and people who assault cops and people who point guns at cops and at other people.

It's actually quite remarkable that it's that low. Kudos to our L.E.O.'s.
Let me just say that this guy has balls of steel or is just really dumb. Knowing how racist most police officers are(and scared of minorities) this was a hell of a chance to take, but hey the guy didn't get shot and...POINT MADE!

Maybe the difference in the way the two are carrying the gun, and not race, explains the different reactions (although the arrest and confiscation of the gun does seem to be going too far, if they have established he is legally carrying and is not wanted). The white guy has the gun at the middle of his back, meaning if he goes for it, the cop has plenty of time to fire before he can get it free. The black guy has the gun hanging loosely to his side, meaning if he goes for it he is far more likely than the white guy to be able to shoot before the cop has time to react. Not to mention the different modes of carrying convey different implied messages regarding the reason for carrying and readiness of the carrier to use it.
btw, I watched 3/4 of the video. This reconfirms why being a cop is so difficult. You don't know either guy's motive, so I understand them being cautious. A little extreme towards the black guy? Yes! Not as cautious toward the white guy? Yes! It's all about how both officers approached the situation and how they view it. I do agree that all they care about is they get to go home at the end of the day. Again, I wouldn't want to be a cop. You can have all the training in the world, but until you are in these situations, everyone reacts differently. Sadly, some do end up tragically and because of an itchy trigger finger, but they are on edge all day, everyday.
elftard is right. we should do away with the police, law and order. **** it. free for all.
elftard is right. we should do away with the police, law and order. **** it. free for all.

Sure, and then we can just go around shooting judges when we don't get our way...these losers don't care for the rule of law.