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How Woke Whites Are Turning Minorities Into Republican Voters

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Truth. Excellent article.

How Woke Whites Are Turning Minorities Into Republican Voters

Upper-class whites have alienated African Americans and Hispanics from the Democratic coalition. That’s why Democrats have gone berserk—they’re expecting to lose in 2022 and 2024.

In the middle of their legislative orgy of socialistic giveaways and identity politics, Democrats might want to contemplate that their political priorities do not command the support of a majority of American voters. Moreover, the warnings on this front do not come from the right—they come from leftists themselves.

When an editorial columnist from the bastion of liberalism, The New York Times, writes that “Democrats are worried—very worried—about the future of the Hispanic vote,” you know something’s up. As it turns out, the radicalized “woke” among upper-class whites have done a good job alienating both African Americans and Hispanics from the Democratic coalition.

Minorities Abandoning the Left

Times columnist Tom Edsall cited polling data from Public Opinion Strategies showing that Democratic support among self-described conservative Hispanics shifted by a whopping 50 points over eight years. Democrats won these voters by a 10-point margin in 2012, but lost them by 40 percentage points last year.

Conservative African Americans likewise showed migration away from Democrats. While the African-American vote moved away from Democrats on a smaller scale, the party’s dependence on winning the vast majority of Hispanic and African American votes to achieve electoral success makes any migration away from Democrats by minority populations a cause for alarm.

A separate interview with lefty data analyst David Shor reinforced the views in Edsall’s column. Shor argues that political polarization by educational status has in many ways supplanted polarization by race.

While the Democrat vote increased by seven percentage points among white college graduates in 2020, the party’s support among African Americans dropped by one to two percentage points, among Hispanics dropped by eight to nine points (and as much as 14-15 points in areas like South Florida), and among Asian Americans by roughly five points. Shor notes that “I don’t think a lot of people expected Donald Trump’s GOP to have a much more diverse support base than Mitt Romney’s did in 2012. But that’s what happened” (emphasis original).

Wokes Alienating Minority Groups

In observing that “highly educated people tend to have more ideologically coherent and extreme views than working-class ones,” Shor finds that the migration of “woke” college-educated whites into the Democratic coalition has radicalized the party—thereby repelling non-whites among the working-class:

As Democrats have traded non-college-educated voters for college-educated ones, white liberals’ share of voice and clout in the Democratic Party has gone up. And since white voters are sorting on ideology more than nonwhite voters, we’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of ‘racial resentment.’ So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us.
Shor considers these developments a flashing red light for the left: “Most voters are not liberals. If we polarize the electorate on ideology—or if nationally prominent Democrats raise the salience of issues that polarize the electorate on ideology—we’re going to lose a lot of votes.”

Several of the political analysts Edsall quotes in his column agree with Shor’s contention that a radicalized Democratic Party could alienate many more voters than it attracts:
  • Democratic consultant Marc Farinella: “As far left activists compete with Democratic Party leaders to define party values and messaging, the centrist voters needed to achieve a durable majority will remain wary about Democratic desires for dominance.”
  • Harvard professor Ryan Enos: “The question for parties is whether members of their coalition are a liability because they repel other voters from the coalition. For Democrats, this may increasingly be the case with college-educated whites. They are increasingly concentrated into large cities, which mitigates their electoral impact, and they dominate certain institutions, such as universities and the media. The views emanating from these cities and institutions are out of step with a large portion of the electorate.”
  • Republican pollster Whit Ayres: “When white liberal Democrats start talking about defunding the police, the Green New Deal, and promoting policies that can be described as socialistic, they repel a lot of Hispanic voters. In other words, most Hispanics, like most African Americans, are not ideological liberals.”
  • Stanford University political scientist Bruce Cain: “Democrats set themselves up for losses if they do not pay attention to the realities of public opinion.”
So much for the oft-repeated leftist mantra about how “demography is destiny,” and the supposedly enduring nature of the Democratic coalition.

Shor’s ‘Solution’ for the Left: Rig the System

Looking ahead to next year’s midterm elections to Congress, in which the president’s party traditionally loses seats, Shor worries that ideological polarization will lead to an electoral bloodbath for the left. In his view, those historic trends, coupled with the structurally conservative nature of Congress—one where Republican voters are distributed more efficiently than Democratic voters, who are largely concentrated in urban areas—mean Democrats have very grim chances in the next several elections.

What does Shor think Democrats should do about this looming catastrophe? Rather than moderating their policies, Shor thinks the left should use the current Congress to tilt the playing field permanently in its direction—by requiring red states to redraw their congressional districts in a more pro-Democrat manner, and admitting new states that will increase Democratic votes in the Senate:

Since the maps in the House of Representatives are so biased against us, if we don’t pass a redistricting reform, our chance of keeping the House is very low. And then the Senate is even more biased against us than the House. So, it’s also very important that we add as many states as we can.
Currently, even if we have an exceptionally good midterm, the most likely outcome is that we lose one or two Senate seats. And then, going into 2024, we have something like seven or eight Democrats who are in states that are more Republican than the country overall.
Basically, we have this small window right now to pass redistricting reform and create states. And if we don’t use this window, we will almost certainly lose control of the federal government and not be in a position to pass laws again potentially for a decade.
Those kinds of potential electoral consequences for the Democratic coalition should prompt the newly radicalized left to rethink their policies, rather than trying to rig the system to offset the effects of their unpopular ideas. Sadly, however, they probably won’t.
Every person quoted in that article is a white supremacist QAnon Trumpist racist, a.k.a., a WSQATR (pronounced "whiskey hater"). From now on, any person - no matter gender, age, race, religion, income level, or education - who offers a shadow of a hint of criticism of 100% wokeism is a whiskey hater.
And... you think the democrats give a good **** about how anybody "votes"?

All they need to do is shut down the counting for the night and presto, in the a.m. they win by a respectable margin.
And... you think the democrats give a good **** about how anybody "votes"?

All they need to do is shut down the counting for the night and presto, in the a.m. they win by a respectable margin.
Unfortunately you are very correct. Its been happening in Virginia for several general election cycles. They count all the other districts first and then they count the NVa counties. How in the heck did they call the state for Warner when 2% of the vote was in? Gade was ahead by a pretty good margin until they started counting the part of Va that sucks the most from the government teat.

Wish they would just make that area a seperate state and leave the rest of us the hell alone. Likely would not be good for the country but at least those living outside of NVa would not be subject to double trouble and the overall population of Va would be represented much more along realistic lines.

Va is just a microcosm of what is happening, and why our country is doomed to fail and why so many are dejected/pissed off. Also explains Fort Pelosi. The actual majority of the population is actually not getting their fair representation and those getting rich off government are the ones running the elections. Sure go ahead and vote, but the outcome will be the same time after time. The state will win every time when those counting the votes are corrupt and dependent on that government job to survive. We have finally become the USSR but with better window dressing.
And... you think the democrats give a good **** about how anybody "votes"?

All they need to do is shut down the counting for the night and presto, in the a.m. they win by a respectable margin.
Oh no, it goes way deeper and more convoluted than a light switch Wig. As the article below makes painfully clear, this election was orchestrated and practiced over years and multiple election cycles.

Oh, I believe there is a very high-ranking involvement in the election fraud scandal. As mentioned there are too many valid complaints and affidavits to simply ignore ALL of them.

This is why I was so discouraged after the "election". I don't see how we can possibly believe there will ever be honest elections again. The country has truly fallen.

Short of a Continental Congress throwing the whole mess out and starting over, I don't see a solution.
My 82 year old father was telling me yesterday, as we passed the local Republican office, He wanted to stop in and get absentee ballots but they were closed. He then said, but, I decided to not even vote because it's pointless.
I really hope conservative voters don't feel the same way. I tried to explain to him it is still important to vote because , if we create a large margin in our favor, the cheating will have to be more flagrant, maybe too much to ignore next time. (Although, it was ignored last time and it was on an epic scale). than if they only had to cheat a little which, is easily glossed over. We have to keep voting.
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Hard to get excited about voting. It's like running a midget team out against the Jordan Chicago Bulls in a championship series Game 7. Doesn't feel as though there's much point.
Unfortunately you are very correct. Its been happening in Virginia for several general election cycles. They count all the other districts first and then they count the NVa counties. How in the heck did they call the state for Warner when 2% of the vote was in? Gade was ahead by a pretty good margin until they started counting the part of Va that sucks the most from the government teat.

Wish they would just make that area a seperate state and leave the rest of us the hell alone. Likely would not be good for the country but at least those living outside of NVa would not be subject to double trouble and the overall population of Va would be represented much more along realistic lines.

Va is just a microcosm of what is happening, and why our country is doomed to fail and why so many are dejected/pissed off. Also explains Fort Pelosi. The actual majority of the population is actually not getting their fair representation and those getting rich off government are the ones running the elections. Sure go ahead and vote, but the outcome will be the same time after time. The state will win every time when those counting the votes are corrupt and dependent on that government job to survive. We have finally become the USSR but with better window dressing.

It's been happening in CA for generations.

You have seen your last GOP president in Mr. Trump
Oh, I believe there is a very high-ranking involvement in the election fraud scandal. As mentioned there are too many valid complaints and affidavits to simply ignore ALL of them.

This is why I was so discouraged after the "election". I don't see how we can possibly believe there will ever be honest elections again. The country has truly fallen.

Maybe at some point you'll take off your tinfoil hat, wig. Maybe not.

Just read what election fraud Trump-huckster Sidney Powell had to say when facing the heat of a $1.3 billion lawsuit.

She's basically telling the court she was spewing bullshit. She's coming out and saying it, for the world to hear.

Former Trump lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell moved to dismiss a lawsuit filed against her by Dominion Voting Systems Monday, arguing her earlier claims that Dominion was involved in an orchestrated voter fraud effort were so outrageous that “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact.”

Perhaps you and others here don't consider yourselves to be 'reasonable people.' That may very well be the case.

A Convention Of The States. That's pretty much my last hope before bondage forces rebellion.
It's been happening in CA for generations.

You have seen your last GOP president in Mr. Trump
I believe this as well, therefore Tibs, you have nothing to worry about.
Wait, why do you even give a **** anyway?
A Convention Of The States. That's pretty much my last hope before bondage forces rebellion.
I don't believe that there are enough safe guards to prevent a COS from being hijacked, and turned into a liberal coup.
I don't believe that there are enough safe guards to prevent a COS from being hijacked, and turned into a liberal coup.
I believe we could set parameters on it considering most states are not liberal. You pick your own delegates. California,New Jersey,Oregon, Washington State& New York could not gang up on the rest.

They're going to **** up their own states regardless. People are fleeing these states already.

We're never voting our way out of this in the congress&senate. The sooner people realize this the better. In fact the democratic voting part has been absolutely perverted and destroyed.

What other option is left? I know what that answer is and I don't like that route at all. It doesn't need to happen,but it will if people don't get off their *** soon and take action.

Then again who knows maybe our culture deserves forced submission to the state. They've done so for a year+ without much question. Those who do question get censored.
What other option is left? I know what that answer is and I don't like that route at all. It doesn't need to happen,but it will if people don't get off their *** soon and take action.

Hmm, let me guess. Get an armed, frenzied group of extremists to storm the Capitol to 'stop the count' and overturn a free and fair election? Is that it?
Hmm, let me guess. Get an armed, frenzied group of extremists to storm the Capitol to 'stop the count' and overturn a free and fair election? Is that it?
Don’t worry Tibs. We are still too well fed and entertained to take that action just yet. But you should be concerned that the bread and circuses won’t placate the citizens forever.
Don’t worry Tibs. We are still too well fed and entertained to take that action just yet. But you should be concerned that the bread and circuses won’t placate the citizens forever.

It certainly didn't keep people home on Jan 6th. Maybe they didn't have enough bread or attend enough circuses.
It certainly didn't keep people home on Jan 6th. Maybe they didn't have enough bread or attend enough circuses.
You mean that protest where nobody was armed and the worse things that the protesters did was break some glass and steal Vodka Nancy’s podium before walking around inside the capital taking selfies? Despite your narrative nobody was armed and it wasn’t an “INSERRREKKKTSHUNNN”. If it had been an insurrection they would have been armed and half of Congress would have been hanged from lampposts and a good deal of the remainder would have been tarred and feathered. But let’s not pretend you care about political violence since you have said nothing about AntiFa/BLM rioting for the last 9 months causing billions of dollars in damages and killing dozens. Your real concern is people on the right are starting to fight back.
Thanks for proving my point about you Tibs. Unfortunately, because you only support the media's nonsense and ignore abuses by the left, you have no credibility. Please speak out about all abuses against people of all ilks, against justice, the constitution, privacy, the voiceless, etc. Until then, you will continue to sound like Greta Thunberg after her friend kissed the boy she likes.

It may surprise you to hear that many of the founding fathers felt that it was entirely historically appropriate for citizens to rise up in arms occasionally. It just may be that one of those times is coming our way. I desperately and honestly hope not. History will show its hand in time. Pray for this nation.

4 ever - I get your posture. Believe me, if there was a way to have the COS and be ASSURED that the rules would be followed correctly, I would be in favor of it. I trust the Pelosi faction to cheat, lie , and subvert only. Therefore, I an deeply, deeply suspicious of a COS. It should have happened a decade or two ago.
Tibs, any thoughts on the violent and deranged muslims that are killing innocent people in CO?

Perhaps you'd consider writing to some members of congress and the senate to have them begin drafting laws to limit the danger to society these people pose. Ya?
Tibs, any thoughts on the violent and deranged muslims that are killing innocent people in CO?

Perhaps you'd consider writing to some members of congress and the senate to have them begin drafting laws to limit the danger to society these people pose. Ya?
**** Tibsy, he's over there hidden behind a barb wire fence. We on the other hand have to deal with a real life potato head being led around by his nose.

. President Biden is considering executive action on gun control in the wake of two mass shootings in less than a week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday
Hmm, let me guess. Get an armed, frenzied group of extremists to storm the Capitol to 'stop the count' and overturn a free and fair election? Is that it?

I assume you mean like this? In this case, this group is far more effective because the Democrat Army (aka AntiFA) is actually armed, storming a State Capitol (unlike the unruly mob on Jan. 6 where no guns were found) in a blatant attempt at insurrection.
