When a person does the wrong things with their health - horrible diet, no exercise, smoking, etc. - for 10-15 years, even though they started as a very healthy person, their health continues to crash. But, they lie to themselves, surround themselves with those who will lie with them, and the health continues to crash.
So, eventually it gets so bad that they can't function well, and the new doctor is ordered in. Emergency surgery is needed, and it is drastic, harsh, everyone notices, and many wonder if the patient will live through it.
That's what we are seeing. The prognosis depends on the new patterns and habits of the patient. Let's hope this one returns to the ways of old, where real football decisions were made. And the viruses are killed off, the amputations are done, and the cardio is brought back. Veggies and water, not ice cream and soda.