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Is anyone here still undecided?

I know, just not sure I can bring myself to do it.

My presidential vote is pretty meaningless anyway, I don't think Trump has a shot in hell at winning PA. I think I'd rather send a (tiny, falling on deaf ears most likely) message to the GOP that their nominating skills suck.

But millions stayed home because they thought Romney either had no chance or just didn't like him. And what did that get them?

Did the GOP nominate Trump or did the people? The GOP put before us 17 candidates having a wide variety of ideologies and diverse backgrounds, but we chose Trump.

Anyone Republican or conservative voter from that point on who doesn't support the person we nominated is selfish.

Selfish because they are only concerned with their own feelings toward Trump and not about what is best for the country. What is best for the country is for Hillary not to ever hold a public servant job again.

I couldn't stand Jeb Bush, but I wouldn't cry and take my ball and go home if he were the nominee. You better believe I'd stay in the game and vote for him.
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Do it for the Hindus

Hindus celebrate Donald Trump's victory ahead of US election

Ahead of the US elections, New-Delhi based Hindu Sena today celebrated the victory of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Supporters said that they were inspired by Trump's love for India.


Americans are insane.
Complaining for years about the ineptitude and dishonesty of politicians and here they come.. about to vote for an inept, lying, dishonest politician when its plain as day that's exactly what the **** she is.

Now we have a non politician in the race. A non politician at least deserves a chance. Hillary does not.
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A vote for johnson is far from meaningless... If he does pull out new mexico and finishes third in most states he becomes the likely compromise candidate if the thing goes to the house if niether get 270.... Moreover if he gets 5% or more of the vote the federal election committee is forced to include the libertarians on the ballot next election and release funds to them so the dems and repubs get a smaller cut of the pie in 4 years... Basically it lets them into the startup of the election process without expending a lot of manpower to get there and makes it harder to get off the ballot with frivalous lawsuits like the big two love to use

This would be legit if the Libertarians didn't put a complete moron forward as their candidate.
But millions stayed home because they thought Romney either had no chance or just didn't like him. And what did that get them?

Did the GOP nominate Trump or did the people? The GOP put before us 17 candidates having a wide variety of ideologies and diverse backgrounds, but we chose Trump.

Anyone Republican or conservative voter from that point on who doesn't support the person we nominated is selfish.

Selfish because they are only concerned with their own feelings toward Trump and not about what is best for the country. What is best for the country is for Hillary not to ever hold a public servant job again.

I couldn't stand Jeb Bush, but I wouldn't cry and take my ball and go home if he were the nominee. You better believe I'd stay in the game and vote for him.

I didn't choose Trump and don't really think he'll be any better for the country than Hillary will. After 30 years I don't feel I belong in this party anymore. I do not want to be part of a group that would nominate this man. He's not a good person, he's not even a Republican really. He's socially backward and ignorant of the issues. He's a bit mentally ill IMHO. You who chose this person are welcome to him. I just don't think my conscience will let me check that box.
This would be legit if the Libertarians didn't put a complete moron forward as their candidate.

Which is worse, not knowing what Allepo is, or not knowing that Russia had invaded Ukraine?
I didn't choose Trump and don't really think he'll be any better for the country than Hillary will. After 30 years I don't feel I belong in this party anymore. I do not want to be part of a group that would nominate this man. He's not a good person, he's not even a Republican really. He's socially backward and ignorant of the issues. He's a bit mentally ill IMHO. You who chose this person are welcome to him. I just don't think my conscience will let me check that box.

I left the Republican party after the Budget vote this last year. Registered Independent. In no way am I voting for Hillary. As a father of a 9 year-old little girl, there is no way I can look at my child and then vote for Trump. Mine will be a write-in and if that's a vote for Hillary, I'm OK with it.
oftb - you are a part of the "middle class". Hillary will make you wish you had some KY handy for when she shoves it up your ***. Don't stand idly by and let us do the heavy lifting. We need to work as a united people to win back our way of life.

Democrats think that the Government knows what's best for the people. How'd that work out for the Native Americans? Democratic Chicago even took away the Indian's World Series.

Help Stop the madness!!!!

Please for the love of god (and country) don't waste your vote because you don't "like" Trump. A vote for ANYTHING else is a vote for Hillary. I pray you never have to explain that one to your children or their children.
A vot for Hildabeast is a vote to *** rape the middleclass even more. It's a vote for more government. It's voting in a ******* criminal and her criminal husband. Anything other than a vote for trump is a vote for her. The look your kids in th face stuff I've heard is nonsense. Heard that bs on one of Hildabeasts tv ads. Time to smash this leftist horseshit and gut the government.
I have zero respect for anyone who doesn't vote. Too many men & women have died for this right, so to NOT exercise it makes you an un-patriotic a-hole in my book. Non-voters probably don't stand for the national anthem either.
A vot for Hildabeast is a vote to *** rape the middleclass even more. It's a vote for more government. It's voting in a ******* criminal and her criminal husband. Anything other than a vote for trump is a vote for her. The look your kids in th face stuff I've heard is nonsense. Heard that bs on one of Hildabeasts tv ads. Time to smash this leftist horseshit and gut the government.

LOL, Is that what you think Trump will do? Gut the government? On what do you base that opinion? Has he ever even mentioned anything about shrinking the size or scope of the federal government beyond some vague references to cutting out waste and fraud? All I hear him talk about is the wall and more border agents and a big military buildup and restricting free trade and maybe even free speech and the government paying for people's maternity leave. He's donated tens of thousands to Democratic candidates. He was singing Hillary's praises a few short years ago. He is not who you think he is.
I have zero respect for anyone who doesn't vote. Too many men & women have died for this right, so to NOT exercise it makes you an un-patriotic a-hole in my book. Non-voters probably don't stand for the national anthem either.

I have never not voted in a presidential election since I was legally allowed to, and this year will be no exception. Not sure if your comment was directed toward me or not.
Sorry, my last sign seemed too partial. This one is better:

View attachment 2805

Hillary's arrow always points to the right. She'd duping you, in with big banks, large corporate donors, and part of the top 1%
Please don't sit this one out.....anyone. Whether you're Dem or Repub.
Please don't think you're "wasting" a vote or casting a "protest vote" by voting for someone other than R or D.
For those who say, "I'd vote Johnson, but he has no real chance of winning....." please remember that if the Johnson/Weld ticket reaches 5%, the Libertarian party receives federal matching funds.
This is HUGE to get us away from being stuck with Coke/Pepsi every single election cycle.

The only wasted votes are made by those that don't use their brain when voting.
Don't just pull the lever for a letter.
Don't vote the for the lesser of two evils.
Make sure you know the candidate you're voting for, as well as the one(s) running against them.
Know all the issues on the ballot, and the arguments for and against them.
It's not a popularity contest.
Cast your vote like your decision will greatly affect the lives of those you truly love.........because it will.
anyone who votes to allow Clinton to take the highest seat in this country doesn't give a **** about this country. You can kiss our constitution goodbye, there is a reason that we are in the shape we are in right now and it's because of the ************ that's been sitting in the oval office the last eight years. Now you want more of the same??????? more executive orders, more racial divide, full out assault on the 2nd amendment, another 20 trillion in national debt, higher taxes.

If you allow Clinton to take office you might as well be putting Capone, Gotti, or Frank Nitti into office. It is beyond comprehension how anyone can think that a life time criminal could give two ***** about anything but lining her pockets with even greater corruption, it's all she knows.

You want to continue to kill babies, lose your constitutional rights, let this country be over run by illegal criminal immigrants go so much deeper in debt that there will never be any hope. you want to live in a country where there are only two types of people.. those that have nothing and those that have everything, go vote for Clinton, then when your kids and grandkids are going hungry because of the collapse of this once great nation you can look in the mirror and blame yourself for their suffering..
Nate Silver still showing Clinton with an easy win....I'm not falling for the Repubs having momentum. Saw this same thing in 2012 and Romney got blasted. Clinton with 290 electoral votes MINIMUM.
This would be legit if the Libertarians didn't put a complete moron forward as their candidate.

He is far from a moron... Everyone here dismisses everything the msm spins about their candidate of choice but absolutely takes the gary johnson gaffs as gospil truth about him... Of all the utter and total lies and bs and totally stupid gaffs the other two made that were far far worse ...people still only know the Aleppo thing and the couldnt name a respected world leader...because thats tge only two things they focused on....and for the record both trump and hillary said markel... Which imo is a far stupider answer than none come to mind....
Nate Silver still showing Clinton with an easy win....I'm not falling for the Repubs having momentum. Saw this same thing in 2012 and Romney got blasted. Clinton with 290 electoral votes MINIMUM.

Was Romney winning OH? Was Obama facing indictment? Did Romney have bigger crowds than Obama? THere is no comparison between these two elections. Or any other for that matter. Not saying Trump will win but it is entirely different.
Nate Silver still showing Clinton with an easy win...

better read again

NATE SILVER: 'There’s been a potential breach' of Hillary Clinton's 'electoral firewall'

Renowned statistician Nate Silver warned Friday that new polling could indicate trouble for Hillary Clinton as the 2016 race for the White House enters its final days.

“There’s been a potential breach of Hillary Clinton’s electoral firewall,” Silver wrote on his data-journalism publication, FiveThirtyEight.

Silver was referring to the so-called blue wall — states that have reliably voted for Democrats in the past several election cycles — and other states which have solidly been in Clinton’s court throughout the cycle.

Specifically, Silver pointed to New Hampshire where polls have increasingly narrowed. Three polls released on Thursday showed Donald Trump at least tied with Clinton in the Granite State.

“If Clinton lost New Hampshire but won her other firewall states, each candidate would finish with 269 electoral votes, taking the election to the House of Representatives,” he noted.

better read again

NATE SILVER: 'There’s been a potential breach' of Hillary Clinton's 'electoral firewall'

Renowned statistician Nate Silver warned Friday that new polling could indicate trouble for Hillary Clinton as the 2016 race for the White House enters its final days.

“There’s been a potential breach of Hillary Clinton’s electoral firewall,” Silver wrote on his data-journalism publication, FiveThirtyEight.

Silver was referring to the so-called blue wall — states that have reliably voted for Democrats in the past several election cycles — and other states which have solidly been in Clinton’s court throughout the cycle.

Specifically, Silver pointed to New Hampshire where polls have increasingly narrowed. Three polls released on Thursday showed Donald Trump at least tied with Clinton in the Granite State.

“If Clinton lost New Hampshire but won her other firewall states, each candidate would finish with 269 electoral votes, taking the election to the House of Representatives,” he noted.


Yeah but he's still showing her leading and actually stating today the lead is stabilizing.

Momentum is purely on the Trump Train. Clinton's minions show up in orchestrated events that pale in comparison to Trump's massive rallies. Zero doubt the popular vote is in our corner.

I did see ONE Clinton sign after all in the outskirts of Park Rapids. Everywhere else within a Hundred Miles is all Trump/Pence country.

The ONLY way Clinton wins is with a rigged vote. The worst possible candidate to ever grace the ballots is in play and ANYONE that does support her HATES the United States of America. And or loves their welfare state. Support a Criminal and her equally sick Husband and YOU are an enabler and are just as guilty as they are.

Iowa Poll: Trump opens 7-point lead over Clinton

Donald Trump has surged to a 7-point lead over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton among Iowa voters, firmly establishing the Republican presidential nominee as the favorite to win the state’s six electoral votes on Tuesday.

Trump is the top choice for 46 percent of Iowans who have already cast a ballot or plan to do so on Election Day, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, compared to 39 percent who say they’re for Clinton.

As I've been saying, easy victory for Trump, the country has gone down the rabbit hole, there is no turning back. King Trump will be sworn in, the masses of blinded subjects will cheer in unison. This is what it means when a country has hit rock bottom. This is now playing out in front of our very eyes. Be afraid people, be very afraid. First and foremost stay safe and look after your loved ones. Godspeed to everyone living stateside, I hope you make it out okay in a few months time. Shelter in place in the meantime, and have a transistor radio at hand.
As I've been saying, easy victory for Trump, the country has gone down the rabbit hole, there is no turning back. King Trump will be sworn in, the masses of blinded subjects will cheer in unison. This is what it means when a country has hit rock bottom. This is now playing out in front of our very eyes. Be afraid people, be very afraid. First and foremost stay safe and look after your loved ones. Godspeed to everyone living stateside, I hope you make it out okay in a few months time. Shelter in place in the meantime, and have a transistor radio at hand.


Btw... has Hungary moved up to CD's yet?