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ISIS blames Obama for their killing of American journalist.


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Video shows ISIS beheading U.S. journalist James Foley

(CNN) -- A video released by ISIS shows the beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley and threatens the life of another American if President Barack Obama doesn't end military operations in Iraq.

In the video posted Tuesday on YouTube, Foley is seen kneeling next to a man dressed in black. Foley reads a message, presumably scripted by his captors, that his "real killer'' is America.

"I wish I had more time. I wish I could have the hope for freedom to see my family once again," he can be heard saying in the video.
W.H. reacts to journalist's beheading

He is then shown being beheaded.

"We have seen a video that purports to be the murder of U.S. citizen James Foley by (ISIS)," NSC spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said. "The intelligence community is working as quickly as possible to determine its authenticity. If genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist and we express our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We will provide more information when it is available."

CNN is not airing the video.

ISIS has carried out executions, including beheadings, as part of its effort to establish an Islamic caliphate that stretches from Syria into Iraq. In many cases, ISIS -- which refers to itself as the Islamic State -- has videotaped the executions and posted them online.

What to know about ISIS

Foley disappeared on November 22, 2012, in northwest Syria, near the border with Turkey. He was reportedly forced into a vehicle by gunmen; he was not heard from again. At the time of his disappearance, he was working for the U.S.-based online news outlet GlobalPost.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Facebook group set up to support Foley and his family, "Free James Foley," wrote, "We know that many of you are looking for confirmation or answers. Please be patient until we all have more information, and keep the Foleys in your thoughts and prayers."

The video also shows another American journalist. His life is said by the militant in the video, who speaks English in what sounds to be a British accent, to hang in the balance, depending on what Obama does next.

The journalist is believed to be Steven Sotloff, who was kidnapped at the Syria-Turkey border in 2013. Sotloff is a contributor to Time and Foreign Policy magazines.

The Committee to Protect Journalists estimates there are about 20 journalists missing in Syria, many of them held by ISIS.

Among them is American Austin Tice, a freelance journalist who was contributing articles to The Washington Post. Tice disappeared in Syria in August 2012. There has been no word of from him since his abduction.

As a freelancer, Foley picked up work for a number of major media outlets, including Agence France-Presse and GlobalPost.

"On behalf of John and Diane Foley, and also GlobalPost, we deeply appreciate all of the messages of sympathy and support that have poured in since the news of Jim's possible execution first broke," Philip Balboni, GlobalPost CEO and co-founder, said in a published statement, referring to James Foley's parents.

"We have been informed that the FBI is in the process of evaluating the video posted by the Islamic State to determine if it is authentic. Until we have that determination, we will not be in a position to make any further statement. We ask for your prayers for Jim and his family."

Foley had previously been taken captive in Libya. He was detained there in April 2011 along with three other reporters and released six weeks later.

Who is the ISIS?

Afterward, he said that what saddened him most was knowing that he was causing his family to worry.

Foley grew up in New Hampshire and graduated from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism in 2008. Like other young journalists who came of age after the September 11 terror attacks and American wars overseas, Foley was drawn to Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas of conflict.

Friends described Foley as fair, curious and impressively even-tempered.

"Everybody, everywhere, takes a liking to Jim as soon as they meet him," journalist Clare Morgana Gillis wrote in a blog post about him in May 2013, six months after he disappeared in Syria.

"Men like him for his good humor and tendency to address everyone as 'bro' or 'homie' or 'dude' after the first handshake. Women like him for his broad smile, broad shoulders, and because, well, women just like him."

Will anyone stop ISIS?

The video of Foley was released as ISIS is being targeted by American airstrikes ordered by Obama.

"I think they may have been surprised and are doing the best they can to retaliate," former CIA director R. James Woolsey, Jr. told CNN.

Foley's killing recalled the murder of Daniel Pearl, The Wall Street Journal correspondent who was kidnapped while reporting in Pakistan in January 2002. His murder was captured on video and posted on line by al Qaeda.

It also harkened to the videotaped beheadings of Americans Nicholas Berg, Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley carried out by al Qaeda during the height of the Iraq War.

and since some people get off on discrediting a news source, here are others stating the same:

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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PoloElfie's heroes at work.


@#$% the 'narrative'
Apr 9, 2014
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To quote Turkey's Prim Minister Erdogan, ˜These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that”s it.”

My condolences to the Foley family.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2014
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That liberal dbag polo should be here defending this **** by blathering about how evil conservatives are anytime now.
Last edited:


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
see it twice?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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The blood is on Barry's hands, no doubt - he created them




Pittsburgh, PA
Apr 8, 2014
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Pittsburgh, PA
pull our men and women and make that place a parking lot. Freakin sick hearing about that shithole over there that are killing our people. They don't want us there. Get the F out already!


May 17, 2014
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PoloElfie's heroes at work.

Why aren't you sickos celebrating? It's helping clean out the left wing MSM element that's the enemy within our country, aren't you patriots?

Maybe if Obama had gotten involved earlier and with boots on the ground we could have more American blood on our hands, that is what you chicken hawks preach isn't it?


Pittsburgh, PA
Apr 8, 2014
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Pittsburgh, PA
celebrating what and why? Obama said that all our troops would be pulled from Irag by July 2013. That sure didn't happen. I don't care who is in office, I'm tired of our people dying protecting a sandlot.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2014
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Why aren't you sickos celebrating? It's helping clean out the left wing MSM element that's the enemy within our country, aren't you patriots?

Maybe if Obama had gotten involved earlier and with boots on the ground we could have more American blood on our hands, that is what you chicken hawks preach isn't it?

No one preached boots on the ground bozo.
I was gonna say crying and making **** up aint no way to go through life.. but for you liberal dim wits it is.

What really happened here is someone must have made another anti-muslim YouTube video, right Polo?
Why don't you go help Hillary find him.

Ron Burgundy

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
What, ISIS isn't blaming Boosh? Somebody needs to tell those goat rapers to get with the program.

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Why aren't you sickos celebrating? It's helping clean out the left wing MSM element that's the enemy within our country, aren't you patriots?

Maybe if Obama had gotten involved earlier and with boots on the ground we could have more American blood on our hands, that is what you chicken hawks preach isn't it?

We should celebrate the murder of a journalist AMERICAN? Parties aside, we're all on the same team Elfie. Wait...you're not and never have been. Never mind.

I can soundly speak for Conservatives around the country. We're all sickened by this. Liberals are at this very minute figuring out how they can use Foley's death to their political gain.

Sick ********.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2014
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What, ISIS isn't blaming Boosh? Somebody needs to tell those goat rapers to get with the program.
Blame Bush? Why in the world would they do that? It was his decision to invade Iraq which destabilized the country in the first place. You think this would be happening if Saddam was still in power? You people crack me up... blaming Obama for Bush's foreign policy disaster that we obviously are still having to deal with.The only thing Obama did was get us the **** out of a country and a war that we never should have been in and the first place... which is what the vast majority of the people in this country wanted. There's something new and different in Washington... a politician actually doing what the majority of the people want instead of just catering to the corporations and anyone else that lines their pockets. Trust me, there's a lot of **** Obama does that shows he's just another politician... but getting us and keeping us the **** out of Iraq was probably the best thing he's done during his presidency. Anyone with half a brain knew that as soon as we left, the country was going to fall apart. Say we go back in and crush this insurgency... What then? As soon as we leave the same **** will happen again. Libya is another great example if this. As horrible as despots like Saddam and Qaddafi were, they kept a lid on this kind of ****. Somebody in this country has to be smart enough to realize that a western style democracy doesn't work in the places in the world that are rife with religious fanaticism.


Most Intelligent Poster
Apr 9, 2014
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Heaven on Earth
Blame Bush? Why in the world would they do that? It was his decision to invade Iraq which destabilized the country in the first place. You think this would be happening if Saddam was still in power? You people crack me up... blaming Obama for Bush's foreign policy disaster that we obviously are still having to deal with.The only thing Obama did was get us the **** out of a country and a war that we never should have been in and the first place... which is what the vast majority of the people in this country wanted. There's something new and different in Washington... a politician actually doing what the majority of the people want instead of just catering to the corporations and anyone else that lines their pockets. Trust me, there's a lot of **** Obama does that shows he's just another politician... but getting us and keeping us the **** out of Iraq was probably the best thing he's done during his presidency. Anyone with half a brain knew that as soon as we left, the country was going to fall apart. Say we go back in and crush this insurgency... What then? As soon as we leave the same **** will happen again. Libya is another great example if this. As horrible as despots like Saddam and Qaddafi were, they kept a lid on this kind of ****. Somebody in this country has to be smart enough to realize that a western style democracy doesn't work in the places in the world that are rife with religious fanaticism.

so obamacare has been repealed???

ark steel

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Blame Bush? Why in the world would they do that? It was his decision to invade Iraq which destabilized the country in the first place. You think this would be happening if Saddam was still in power? You people crack me up... blaming Obama for Bush's foreign policy disaster that we obviously are still having to deal with.The only thing Obama did was get us the **** out of a country and a war that we never should have been in and the first place... which is what the vast majority of the people in this country wanted. There's something new and different in Washington... a politician actually doing what the majority of the people want instead of just catering to the corporations and anyone else that lines their pockets. Trust me, there's a lot of **** Obama does that shows he's just another politician... but getting us and keeping us the **** out of Iraq was probably the best thing he's done during his presidency. Anyone with half a brain knew that as soon as we left, the country was going to fall apart. Say we go back in and crush this insurgency... What then? As soon as we leave the same **** will happen again. Libya is another great example if this. As horrible as despots like Saddam and Qaddafi were, they kept a lid on this kind of ****. Somebody in this country has to be smart enough to realize that a western style democracy doesn't work in the places in the world that are rife with religious fanaticism.

I remember when that dumbass Bush tricked all those smart Dems, even the smartest woman, Hillary, into voting for military action in Iraq. That dude was GENIUS.

I also remember what when Bush left office, Iraq had a democratically (or close to it) elected government. Things were looking up for that country. Until...wait for it...all 'combat troops' were pulled. Then a smallish group of fanatics could run roughshod over the populace with impunity.

That Bush, what a character. Tricking the Dems into voting for the military action in the first place, then tricking The Big O into making this **** up. Can't believe how smart Bush really was.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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By Marc A. Thiessen July 28
From Europe to the Middle East, we have seen how disaster follows U.S. retreat and disengagement from the world. But the one area where President Obama seemed to be leaning forward was drone strikes. He personally approved terrorist “kill lists” and has taken out many hundreds of terrorists with drones in Pakistan, Yemen and East Africa.

So why, when Iraqi officials began pleading with him one year ago to strike Islamic State terrorists with drones, did Obama repeatedly refuse — standing by while terrorists overran the country?

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce made the stunning revelation in a congressional hearing last week that Iraq had been urgently requesting drone support against the Islamic State since August 2013 and that those requests were repeatedly turned down.

Obama officials have publicly claimed that Iraq requested air support only in May of this year, after Islamic State had already taken Fallujah and was marching on Mosul. That is untrue. And it is Royce’s version of events that is borne out by the public record. On Aug. 17, 2013, in a little-noticed story entitled “Iraq Open to U.S. Drone Strikes on Terrorists,” Bloomberg News reported that Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari was in Washington “seeking U.S. advisers, air surveillance or even drone strikes” and that “the top Iraqi diplomat’s comments are the first time he has publicly raised the possibility of working with the U.S. on anti-terrorist drone strikes.”

That was a year ago. Had Obama acted on those requests, the Islamic State offensive might very well have been stopped. The United States could have hit the terrorists while they were still in staging areas in the western Iraqi desert, away from civilians, where they were easy targets for U.S. drones. Instead Obama did nothing, while the Islamic State massed its forces, marched into Iraqi cities, and proclaimed a radical Islamic state.

Why did Obama refuse? Perhaps authorizing drone strikes against terrorists in Iraq would have been an admission that his withdrawal from Iraq had backfired — that in the absence of U.S. troops the terrorists were making a comeback. This much is certain: The president did not take the Islamic State threat seriously. In a January 2014 interview with the New Yorker, Obama glibly dismissed the Islamic State as a bunch of junior varsity terrorists who posed little danger to Iraq or the United States. “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama declared. He brushed aside the rise of the Islamic State as just internal Iraqi sectarian violence, something that is not “a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.”

If he would not listen to the warnings of Iraqi officials, perhaps he should have listened to experts in his own administration. On Feb. 5th, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brett McGurk predicted that the Islamic State planned to launch an offensive designed “to cause the collapse of the Iraqi state and carve out a zone of governing control in the western regions of Iraq and eastern Syria.” He testified that the United States had identified “a series of armed [Islamic State] camps — staging areas and training grounds . . . in western Iraq” and that Iraqi security forces “lacked the ability to target [the camps] effectively, thereby providing [the Islamic State] safe haven just miles from populated areas.”

In other words, Obama was not taken by surprise by the Islamic State offensive, as administration officials have repeatedly claimed. He had been warned by Iraqi officials, and even by officials in his administration. U.S. intelligence had identified the camps. Obama had not only been given a green light from the Iraqis to strike, but they also were pleading with him to do so. Obama simply refused to act. As a result, Royce said, “we watched [the Islamic State] go from city to city across Iraq without it being hit from the air with drones despite the requests that I know were being made.”

McGurk has assured Congress that the Iraqi request for drone strikes “is still under active consideration.” Oh, great. That’s like telling a homeowner that his request for a fire engine is under consideration after his house has already burned down.

The consequences of Obama’s failure to act may be felt far from Iraq. In January, at the very same time Obama was dismissing the Islamic State, the terrorists’ leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, issued a stark warning: “Our last message is to the Americans. Soon we will be in direct confrontation, and the sons of Islam have prepared for such a day. So watch, for we are with you, watching.” The Islamic State has larger ambitions than simply establishing an Islamist state in Iraq and Syria.

Obama’s own attorney general, Eric Holder, recently told ABC News that the rise of the Islamic State is “more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general,” adding that “9/11 was something that kind of came out of the blue. This is a situation that we can see developing.”

Remember those words. Obama saw the threat from the Islamic State developing for a year. He had a chance to stop it. He failed to do so.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN
Too bad that piece of **** PoloElfie isn't a journalist in Iraq captured by ISIS.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN

By Marc A. Thiessen July 28
From Europe to the Middle East, we have seen how disaster follows U.S. retreat and disengagement from the world. But the one area where President Obama seemed to be leaning forward was drone strikes. He personally approved terrorist “kill lists” and has taken out many hundreds of terrorists with drones in Pakistan, Yemen and East Africa.

So why, when Iraqi officials began pleading with him one year ago to strike Islamic State terrorists with drones, did Obama repeatedly refuse — standing by while terrorists overran the country?

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce made the stunning revelation in a congressional hearing last week that Iraq had been urgently requesting drone support against the Islamic State since August 2013 and that those requests were repeatedly turned down.

Obama officials have publicly claimed that Iraq requested air support only in May of this year, after Islamic State had already taken Fallujah and was marching on Mosul. That is untrue. And it is Royce’s version of events that is borne out by the public record. On Aug. 17, 2013, in a little-noticed story entitled “Iraq Open to U.S. Drone Strikes on Terrorists,” Bloomberg News reported that Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari was in Washington “seeking U.S. advisers, air surveillance or even drone strikes” and that “the top Iraqi diplomat’s comments are the first time he has publicly raised the possibility of working with the U.S. on anti-terrorist drone strikes.”

That was a year ago. Had Obama acted on those requests, the Islamic State offensive might very well have been stopped. The United States could have hit the terrorists while they were still in staging areas in the western Iraqi desert, away from civilians, where they were easy targets for U.S. drones. Instead Obama did nothing, while the Islamic State massed its forces, marched into Iraqi cities, and proclaimed a radical Islamic state.

Why did Obama refuse? Perhaps authorizing drone strikes against terrorists in Iraq would have been an admission that his withdrawal from Iraq had backfired — that in the absence of U.S. troops the terrorists were making a comeback. This much is certain: The president did not take the Islamic State threat seriously. In a January 2014 interview with the New Yorker, Obama glibly dismissed the Islamic State as a bunch of junior varsity terrorists who posed little danger to Iraq or the United States. “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama declared. He brushed aside the rise of the Islamic State as just internal Iraqi sectarian violence, something that is not “a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.”

If he would not listen to the warnings of Iraqi officials, perhaps he should have listened to experts in his own administration. On Feb. 5th, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brett McGurk predicted that the Islamic State planned to launch an offensive designed “to cause the collapse of the Iraqi state and carve out a zone of governing control in the western regions of Iraq and eastern Syria.” He testified that the United States had identified “a series of armed [Islamic State] camps — staging areas and training grounds . . . in western Iraq” and that Iraqi security forces “lacked the ability to target [the camps] effectively, thereby providing [the Islamic State] safe haven just miles from populated areas.”

In other words, Obama was not taken by surprise by the Islamic State offensive, as administration officials have repeatedly claimed. He had been warned by Iraqi officials, and even by officials in his administration. U.S. intelligence had identified the camps. Obama had not only been given a green light from the Iraqis to strike, but they also were pleading with him to do so. Obama simply refused to act. As a result, Royce said, “we watched [the Islamic State] go from city to city across Iraq without it being hit from the air with drones despite the requests that I know were being made.”

McGurk has assured Congress that the Iraqi request for drone strikes “is still under active consideration.” Oh, great. That’s like telling a homeowner that his request for a fire engine is under consideration after his house has already burned down.

The consequences of Obama’s failure to act may be felt far from Iraq. In January, at the very same time Obama was dismissing the Islamic State, the terrorists’ leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, issued a stark warning: “Our last message is to the Americans. Soon we will be in direct confrontation, and the sons of Islam have prepared for such a day. So watch, for we are with you, watching.” The Islamic State has larger ambitions than simply establishing an Islamist state in Iraq and Syria.

Obama’s own attorney general, Eric Holder, recently told ABC News that the rise of the Islamic State is “more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general,” adding that “9/11 was something that kind of came out of the blue. This is a situation that we can see developing.”

Remember those words. Obama saw the threat from the Islamic State developing for a year. He had a chance to stop it. He failed to do so.

Surely you can't expect Obama to attack his terrorist brothers.


Active member
Apr 9, 2014
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He underestimated ISIS or ISIL or whatever they are going by today. He underestimated Russia and Putin... He overestimates job creation and underestimates unemployment by making unemployed people either become underemployed or just quit looking for a job... Is there anything that this guy shoots straight on? It sure isn't his wife.


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
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Picksburgh, PA
He underestimated ISIS or ISIL or whatever they are going by today. He underestimated Russia and Putin... He overestimates job creation and underestimates unemployment by making unemployed people either become underemployed or just quit looking for a job... Is there anything that this guy shoots straight on? It sure isn't his wife.
I doubt very much that this guy can even organize a community effectively.