No, he is what he is. He communicates who he is by his actions. He releases the taliban dream team for the miserable carcass or a deserter. Then he parades the deserter's hippie nouveaumuzloid rents out to the Rose Garden to tell the world "this is who I am.". He sends holder to Ferguson to comfort Brown's family, coddle the out-a-towners, and intimidate the duly elected prosecutor and would be jury. But show even common courtesy due parents who just lost their son to a gruesome display of savagery? A son whose blood is on his sodomite hands. It isn't in him because they're white and the perps are muslim. He is what he is. He screams it with his every action and inaction.
Why does this surprise anybody?
Let me add this. Note how sodom hussein refers to "ISIS" as "ISIL". Everybody else says "ISIS". He insists on ISI
L. Why?
This is why...
The Levant. You think he was "leading from behind" as ISIS consolidated and moved out of Syria? He facilitated it. Do you know how much blood this treasonous muzloid sodomite has on his hands? And he revels in it.
Oh, and one more thing. The Pope managed to find time to call and console the Foleys. But he probably doesn't play golf. And his gesture seems to signal that he cares.