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It’s about to get real: What you need to know about the Iowa caucuses

O'Malley out?!?! Quite the shocking outcome

Hillary vs Bernie will be a bloodbath for 9 months

Coin toss broke 6 Clinton-Sanders county deadlocks in Iowa — and Hillary won each time. Still too close to call.

New drama - Dems claiming voter fraud.

6 coin tosses

Sanders wants raw vote count from Iowa

Bernie Sanders has called on the Democratic party to release a raw vote count in Iowa after a nail-biting finish left lingering doubts over the first, much tighter-than-expected, clash with Hillary Clinton for the presidential nomination.

“I honestly don’t know what happened. I know there are some precincts that have still not reported. I can only hope and expect that the count will be honest,” he said. “I have no idea. Did we win the popular vote? I don’t know, but as much information as possible should be made available.”

I need to take her *** to the track with me!

Cruz won, possibly because this is Iowa and the people like to see the candidates in person. Cruz visited all 99 countries in the state. We saw the results last night.

No one said Cruz isn't smart or full of energy. While I wanted Trump to win, Cruz can not replicate / spend this much time in future states as the pace quickens.
I saw a meme on FB this morning that showed Rick Santorum getting more votes than Hildebeast, Bern, and O'Malley combined. :)
High GOP turn-out evidently was all the old bitter clingers
Cruz won, possibly because this is Iowa and the people like to see the candidates in person. Cruz visited all 99 countries in the state. We saw the results last night.

No one said Cruz isn't smart or full of energy. While I wanted Trump to win, Cruz can not replicate / spend this much time in future states as the pace quickens.

Are you for real???
Are you for real???

I believe he is Berm......

In Iowa, Cruz pushes for 99 counties

Cruz made his 99-county pledge in June, a month that included eight campaign stops in four days in Iowa.
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz talks about going the "Full Grassley," hitting all 99 state counties in Iowa. VPC

[video]https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEVjpoK7FW_hMAUcEnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bG k5amNnBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDUFJEQ1RMMV8xBHNl YwNzYw--?p=Cruz+visited+all+99+countries+in+the+state.&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch %3Fp%3DCruz%2Bvisited%2Ball%2B99%2Bcountries%2Bin% 2Bthe%2Bstate.%26ei%3DUTF-8%26hsimp%3Dyhs-003%26hspart%3Dmozilla&fr=%26fr%3Dyhs-mozilla-003&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DUS.4 20847823148%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.msn.com%2Fen-us%2Fvideo%2Fwatch%2Fted-cruz-reflects-on-visiting-all-99-iowa-counties%2Fvp-BBoZlUD&tit=Ted+Cruz+reflects+on+visiting+all+99+Iowa+coun ties&l=85&vid=75158b969380a00c3c1ad9f95e7a0942&sigr=132frh4sc&sigb=13n0ui0ts&sigt=11idgm4b4&sigi=11ls9m9ae&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-003[/video]
All the pundits talking on and on and on about how important this is and only 1 goddamn delegate is the difference between Cruz - Trump - Rubio.

Bottom line is Cruz didn't nearly win big enough to make him viable long term. Iowa is perfect for his message and it still got drowned out by Trump and Rubio. If he can't pull 28% of the vote in Iowa, where is he going to?

Same with Clinton vs. Sanders. Iowa was always a perfect storm for Sanders to at least show respectable but he didn't even pick up a delegate on Clinton. Once the blacks start voting, it's all over for the Sanders train. You can call Sanders, "Obama #2" all you want to the college kids out there, but Obama is BLACK folks. Is the media forgetting this? Obama pulled 85% of the black vote vs. Clinton in 2008. That might be ******* reversed in 2016 and not one pundit is even talking about it. Not one.

Even if Sanders wins every hippie, liberal college 20-35 year old that voted for Obama in 2008, it's not CLOSE to being enough without the poor, black, minority vote. And Sanders polls horribly with this group. Horribly.

I have no doubt the Republican primaries will continue to split pretty even between Trump (#1), Rubio (#2) and Cruz (#3 who will fade fast) as we get through Super Tuesday. I think Trump wins as we get into Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, California, other Western States, etc.

I think it's all over for Sanders after Super Tuesday. Put a fork in it mathematically.
Blacks will reliably vote at least 90% Democrat. The only Republican with a chance at pulling some of the black vote is Trump.
Cruz and Rubio will pull some of the Hispanics who used to vote Democrat. Hispanics generally poll about 60/40 Dem/GOP.
Poor people will mostly vote Hildebeast. They don't want Bernie's free college, they just want Hildebeast's free money.
Super Tuesday is kind of the finish line any more. PA's primary is so late that it's over by the time we get to vote and candidates don't spend any time or money here. What we think and who we like doesn't mean jack ****. I will vote for Rand Paul anyway.
Once the blacks start voting, it's all over for the Sanders train. You can call Sanders, "Obama #2" all you want to the college kids out there, but Obama is BLACK folks. Is the media forgetting this? Obama pulled 85% of the black vote vs. Clinton in 2008. That might be ******* reversed in 2016 and not one pundit is even talking about it. Not one.


Killer Mike Represents Bernie Sanders in Post-Debate Spin Room
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Go ahead and watch all six parts of this video, if you're so inclined.
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**** Iowa.
Even if Sanders wins every hippie, liberal college 20-35 year old that voted for Obama in 2008, it's not CLOSE to being enough without the poor, black, minority vote. And Sanders polls horribly with this group.

While I agree with you analysis as to how that voting block would vote, the other piece of that is that have to vote for it to matter. Will that group be as excited to get out to vote for an old white woman as they were for a young black man? No way.
Yep, Iowa is right up there. Black lives matter, then there's Iowa matters.

What we got was a three horse and two horse race.
What we got was a three horse and two horse race.

One horse should stop tweeting

Trump recants his Iowa concession and unleashes a furious Twitter tantrum against Ted Cruz


"Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it. "Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified," Trump wrote.

“Reality hit the realty TV star in Iowa, so nobody is talking about him now, so he’s trying to regain some attention on Twitter,” Cruz communications director Rick Tyler told CNN. “There are Twitter addiction support groups, so he should seek out his local chapter.”
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Even if Sanders wins every hippie, liberal college 20-35 year old that voted for Obama in 2008, it's not CLOSE to being enough without the poor, black, minority vote. And Sanders polls horribly with this group. Horribly.

What about the wimmin?

Has Bernie congratulated Hillary on being the first woman to win the Iowa Caucuses yet?
The dems caucused in the gym next us. A whole lot of cheering and revelry. I walked through the crowd on my way out and they had called it an even tie.

The lines were so long that they were off of school property. I've never seen anything like it in my precinct. The dems were out in force that's for sure.
So what's up with Cruz slamming the ethanol subsidies and yet winning there?

If you build it, free stuff will come?

Its official, he bailed too.

Meanwhile, poor Jeb...

Jeb Bush Has to Tell New Hampshire Crowd ‘Please Clap’
by Alex Griswold | 11:53 am, February 3rd, 2016 VIDEO 409

PicMonkey Collage - BushPoor Jeb Bush; the Republican presidential contender had to tell the audience of a New Hampshire event when they were supposed to clap during his speech Tuesday.

The New York Times was present at the event, and reported on the embarrassing moment:

Speaking to a crowd at the Hanover Inn near the Vermont border during his final stop of the day, Mr. Bush finished a fiery riff about protecting the country as commander in chief – “I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said – and was met with total silence.

“Please clap,” he said, sounded defeated.

Ha ha! Just skate now you loser.