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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL
I understand that there's an election coming up and one party isn't expected to do very well.

What I find amazing is that there are those that think this will be a monumental, historic event, while failing to acknowledge that every member of the
panel putting this together voted not once, but twice to impeach Trump. What is certain to be a political **** show, will be hailed by those on the left, after
the presentation of edited video and sound bites. Nothing will be learned from this staged event.
They know not what they are doing.....

and if they do....I believe they are very foolish and dangerous people...
This staged event, complete with edited video and many rehearsed sound bites will be shown over and over again on esteemed shows like the View in order to keep a negative light on Trump. This will go on for 2 more years.
except the red part.

what should be bothersome is the career politicians did not like peaceful protests when they were up close and personal - though this was a far less "peaceful protest" than those that occurred during the summer that the same career politicians were paying bail money for those arrested.
I saw some internet ads for this like it’s a pay per view mma fight. This is so disgusting that they are producing a tv show.
What a load of horseshit. The unarmed insurrection gives me a chuckle. Just when I thoughr I couldn't dislike these posers anymore than I do, they up the bar.
It will be interesting to see the ratings. I’m guessing not very high. There’s nothing new here.
It will be interesting to see the ratings. I’m guessing not very high. There’s nothing new here.
do you need to be reminded that OrangeMan is Bad bad Bad?
What a load of horseshit. The unarmed insurrection gives me a chuckle. Just when I thoughr I couldn't dislike these posers anymore than I do, they up the bar.
Which was described as a war zone by the female capitol police officer that testified yesterday .

It was a riot and unlawful entry .. but not a resurrection..
Only firearms on site where carried by law enforcement…. Thank God

The summer riots definitely resembled war zones more so than Jan 6…
The Repubs are not as clever and spiteful as the Dems..
They should of at least attempted to investigate the summer riots more closely similar to these hearings..but as always the Republicans always miss the opportunity to seize the situation ..
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Which was described as a war zone by the female capitol police officer that testified yesterday .

Notice how those who describe things as a "war zone" have never actually been in a war zone?
I'll be so glad when we have this upcoming shift in congressional power
I heard someone say the two groups of people who seem to be most traumatized by the events of Jan. 6 are the politicians and the journalists. Two of the most despised groups in the country. I'm not quite sure how this helps them.
I heard someone say the two groups of people who seem to be most traumatized by the events of Jan. 6 are the politicians and the journalists. Two of the most despised groups in the country. I'm not quite sure how this helps them.
it's gives them something to clutch onto through all of the elections for the next 18 months(and beyond). "Trump is bad. Republicans are worse. Look what they did!"
They compared it to 9/11. They are only 2994 people off from who died.

Darren Beattie does a deep dive into the whole bs narrative. If you haven't read his reporting yet, he links back from this update to his original storyline of who's who of Jan. 6. Excellent journalism worth a couple hours of your time.

What a load of horseshit. The unarmed insurrection gives me a chuckle. Just when I thoughr I couldn't dislike these posers anymore than I do, they up the bar.
If the million+ protesters that day wanted to take over the capital there would have been no stopping them. But common sense seems in short supply these days.
You miserable wHytE sO0preMasYstSz need to bring it down a notch. Tibsy is having convulsions behind his toilet in Budapest, fearful the unarmed armed wHytE sO0preMasYstSz non-white supremacist insurrectionists not charged with insurrection are going to storm his studio apartment.