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Joe Biden opens his campaign in Pittsburgh

There is a huge part of the democratic voter base that just wants to go back to normal. Even before Obama normal.

And I hate to break it to all those communist and race baiting democrats out there right now. That means old and white. That means someone with decorum and the "grandpa" feel that so defined Presidential politics pre-2008 (for the most part). Even democrats need to be conservative. This idea that democrats now want "More Obama" or even "More liberal Obama" is not true. That's the fringe groups yelling at the top of their lungs and on TV. There is a huge part of their platform (and it is clearly shown in these polls), that don't want anything to do with "black" or "woman" or "diversity" in their candidate. They are just tired of that being the issue or what is talked about for the next 18 months. They just want normal, quiet, doesn't rock the boat, not in the news,President that rehashes all the right catch phrases and checks all the normal boxes.

Whether Biden beats Trump, who the **** knows. But the average democrat right now is just sick and tired of what the news cycle has become and their hatred (while most of it) is directed at Trump, they also hate how congress is acting, how the race baiters are acting and how everything has to be about racial division and subgroups. That style of politics has NEVER worked and it's not going to work now.


Before Joe Biden was vice president during the Barack Obama administration, and before he bowed out of the 2008 presidential race, the longtime senator from Delaware unsuccessfully ran for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination.

Incidents of plagiarism both on the campaign trail and during his time at the Syracuse University College of Law became some of the final issues that dogged Biden before he ultimately suspended his floundering campaign.

During his failed 1988 run, Biden lifted portions of a speech by United Kingdom Labour MP and Margaret Thatcher challenger Neil Kinnock.

New York Times reporter Maureen Dowd reported on the fiasco in September 1987.

During an event at the Iowa State Fair, Biden mimicked entire portions of Kinnock's speech from earlier in the year. At one moment, Biden repeated the line that he was the first "in a thousand generations" to graduate from college, gesturing to his wife in the exact same way Kinnock did, while also saying the same line about her education and lineage.

Biden would later acknowledge that he in fact did have relatives who attended college, directly contrasting the Kinnock lines.

As Dowd reported, Biden's staffers were defensive about the allegations of blatant plagiarism. Nevertheless, Biden dropped out of the race by the end of the month.

According to another 1987 article in The Times, Biden acknowledged plagiarizing a law review journal for a paper during law school, and asked school administrators not to be expelled. But Biden also said he made a mistake in the citation process.

"My intent was not to deceive anyone,'' Biden wrote at the time. ''For if it were, I would not have been so blatant.''

The scandal erupted at the same time Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and was overseeing the infamously partisan confirmation process of the failed-Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork.

Biden's plagiarism became a hot campaign issue which his 1988 Democratic rival, Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, used in a video attack ad that was passed around to several media outlets, according to a Washington Post article in 1987.

At the time, Biden dismissed the distribution of the video by other campaigns as dirty politics.

"Look, I'm a big boy,'' he said. ''I've been in politics for 15 years. This is not my style. If they want to do it this way, so be it."

Dukakis — who would go on to win the nomination but lose the general election to the late-President George HW Bush — ultimately fired his political director Paul Tully and campaign manager John Sasso over the ad.

In a telling moment demonstrating how much more collegial primary battles were just three decades ago, Dukakis even held a news conference where he apologized to Biden, "his family and his friends for what happened and for the involvement of my campaign in this whole situation," The Times reported in 1987.

Biden reiterated that he was wrong, but did not deliberately intend to plagiarize while in law school.

"I was wrong, but I was not malevolent in any way,'' he said. ''I did not intentionally move to mislead anybody. And I didn't. To this day I didn't."

''When I was at Syracuse,'' Biden added, ''I was married, I was in law school, I wore sports coats. You're looking at a middle-class guy. I am who I am. I'm not big on flak jackets and tie-dyed shirts. You know, that's not me.''
Whether Biden beats Trump, who the **** knows. But the average democrat right now is just sick and tired of what the news cycle has become and their hatred (while most of it) is directed at Trump, they also hate how congress is acting, how the race baiters are acting and how everything has to be about racial division and subgroups. That style of politics has NEVER worked and it's not going to work now.
I think it does work, and it's working right now. It's the only thing keeping the democrat party relevant.
His gaffes just make him more loveable to the media

They will spin Average Joe as the safe choice successor to Obama, and any bad stories from the past will be buried

You read it here first


but the DNC will bury Bernie this time, early

Liberals attack Biden, seeking to blunt his momentum

Progressives are taking shots at Joe Biden, seeking to blunt the former vice president’s rise in polls by arguing he is too conservative to be the party's presidential nominee.

The criticism has come from rivals to Biden on the campaign trail as well as liberal groups seeking to put a dent into his poll numbers.

They are casting Biden as an establishment figure out of touch with the grass roots of his party, highlighting his work on a Clinton-era crime bill and the Iraq War, among other issues.

The criticism suggests some angst on the part of progressives, who fear Biden might beat out candidates such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who have more liberal voting records than the former vice president.

The latest Hill-HarrisX poll released on Monday found Biden winning 46 percent support and holding a 32-point lead nationally over Sanders, who won 14 percent

His gaffes just make him more loveable to the media

They will spin Average Joe as the safe choice successor to Obama, and any bad stories from the past will be buried

You read it here first


but the DNC will bury Bernie this time, early

Liberals attack Biden, seeking to blunt his momentum

Progressives are taking shots at Joe Biden, seeking to blunt the former vice president’s rise in polls by arguing he is too conservative to be the party's presidential nominee.

The criticism has come from rivals to Biden on the campaign trail as well as liberal groups seeking to put a dent into his poll numbers.

They are casting Biden as an establishment figure out of touch with the grass roots of his party, highlighting his work on a Clinton-era crime bill and the Iraq War, among other issues.

The criticism suggests some angst on the part of progressives, who fear Biden might beat out candidates such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who have more liberal voting records than the former vice president.

The latest Hill-HarrisX poll released on Monday found Biden winning 46 percent support and holding a 32-point lead nationally over Sanders, who won 14 percent

Is it possible that these criticisms from the left are all part of some organized Machiavellian scheme to make Biden appealing to the middle? They can't be that smart..
“You didn’t have to change the television when he came on,” Biden says of Obama. He was “someone your children could look up to”.

Biden just now at a labor heavy crowd outside of Las Vegas. Biden with the double entendre.
Is it possible that these criticisms from the left are all part of some organized Machiavellian scheme to make Biden appealing to the middle?

That's exactly what it is....but the fringe candidates have to put down whitey to stand a chance

GO JOE!, don't take this ****!


Kamala Harris unloads on pundits who say only a white man can beat Trump

The California senator says Democrats will make a big mistake if they accept conventional wisdom on what it takes to win the Rust Belt. Kamala Harris is waging war on the chattering class.

The California senator and 2020 Democratic hopeful believes the media narrative taking shape in the presidential race over who is best positioned to reclaim the Midwest for Democrats —essentially that only certain voters will back certain candidates, regardless of where they stand on issues — ignores big swathes of the electorate that she can excite, namely African Americans and women.

“There has been a lot of conversation by pundits about ‘electability’ and ‘who can speak to the Midwest?’ But when they say that, they usually put the Midwest in a simplistic box and a narrow narrative, and too often their definition of the Midwest leaves people out,” Harris said in an opening salvo during the trip.



Just like I perdicted

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Biden says he talked to British PM Margaret Thatcher and she doesn't like Trump.


Biden Confuses Margaret Thatcher With Theresa May, Says She’s Anxious About Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden mistakenly said on May 4 that Margaret Thatcher, the departed ex-British Prime Minister, is anxious about the United States under President Donald Trump.

Biden’s comments came at a closed-door $1,000 to $2,800 per person fundraiser in Columbia, South Carolina, attended by about three dozen supporters, according to Bloomberg News.

Margaret Thatcher, the leader of the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party, served as the country’s Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990 and died in 2013.

Biden claimed at the Saturday fundraiser that he had heard from 14 head of states from various countries, including Thatcher, who are worried about President Trump.

He then corrected himself saying that it was a “Freudian slip” and that he was actually referring to the current British Prime Minister, Theresa May.

“One I can say is Margaret Thatcher, um, excuse me, Margaret Thatcher–Freudian slip,” Biden said, according to Politico.

“But I knew her too.” He then corrected himself and said, “The prime minister of Great Britain, Theresa May.”
That's about a dozen times that has been posted - doesn't mean **** - just endears him more to his supporters. Nobody cares, he's teflon, like Trump
Biden Soars, Everyone Else Stalls

The former vice president is capturing 40 percent of the national Democratic primary vote, stretching his lead over second-place Bernie Sanders to 21 points, according to Morning Consult's weekly tracking survey.

But the numbers in the earliest nominating states are even better news for Biden. Firehouse Strategies, a Republican strategy firm, found Biden holding double-digit leads over his most high-profile rivals in the caucus state of Iowa and the primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Biden got even more good news from a pollster in Arizona on Tuesday that bolsters his most persuasive argument of electability. Biden is ahead of President Donald Trump in a hypothetical general election match-up in the Grand Canyon State.

Biden leads Trump 49 percent to 44 percent and was the only one of the six Democrats tested who came out on top of the president in traditionally red Arizona.

It's HIS turn!


Feinstein breaks home-state endorsement rule to spurn Kamala Harris and back Biden

Almost all the senators in the 2020 Democratic presidential field enjoy the support of their fellow home state Democratic senators, but California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., broke that mold with her endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden over her fellow Californian, Sen. Kamala Harris.

Feinstein told the Washington Examiner Tuesday that she feels more loyal to Biden than Harris.

“I’ve known Joe Biden for 20 years. When he was chairman of the Judiciary Committee, he made me the first woman. We have a longstanding relationship that dates way back. I love Kamala, I appreciate her, but she has known about this for some time. But that’s what I’m going to do. I feel very loyal to him," Feinstein said.

Biden will NEVER be the nominee!! Remember the two very specific allegations against him for inappropriate and unwanted sexual contact??

Flores has alleged that, at a 2014 campaign appearance, then-Vice President Biden leaned in behind her, “inhaled” her hair, and “proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head.” She described behavior that’s (at least) creepy, and goes well beyond what could be expected even of a “tactile” politician such as Biden.


A second woman has come forward in an interview with a Connecticut newspaper to allege that former Vice President Joe Biden touched her inappropriately. Amy Lappos told the Hartford Courant on Monday that Biden pulled her in to rub noses with her at a 2009 fundraiser in Greenwich, Connecticut. Biden was vice president at the time.


Oh, and it is public knowledge that Biden used his position to illegally benefit his son in deals with China.

Joe Biden's son Hunter flew to China on an official visit by his father in 2013 and ended up inking a deal for his hedge fund with the Bank of China within days of the visit.

Hunter Biden accompanied his father aboard Air Force Two on a visit to China, where the vice president met with Chinese President Xi Jinping. For the younger Biden, there was also deal-making on the agenda, according to 'Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,' by Peter Schweizer, the Breitbart editor at large who rocked the 2016 with disclosures about Bill and Hillary Clinton.


At the time, Joe Biden had exactly zero experience for the position. And of course, coincidentally enough, right after Biden visits China, and his son (and Kerry's) gets the position, the new hedge fund invests billions in purchasing a company that makes equipment "crucial" to the American military.

“The stepson of John Kerry, the son of Joseph Biden, when they were cabinet members of the Obama administration, create a new investment fund…,” Sebastian Gorka elaborated, “then inked a billion-dollar deal with the Chinese government — the Bank of China. Together they proceeded… to buy a U.S. manufacturing company called Henniges, making very sensitive equipment crucial to our American military here at home,” he added.


So Annoying Oral Colostomy's obsession with the "emoluments" clause and the multiple allegations of inappropriate touching of females will undoubtedly lead to Joe being hounded out of the race.

Right, Tibs? 21? Trog?

Joe Biden is a freak. His son is a *****. This campaign is over.
Nothing from the past sticks to Teflon Joe

Woman shouts, 'You can hug and kiss me any time!' to Joe Biden at presidential campaign rally

Joe responds with sign of the cross



Ah loveable old Joe
This campaign is over.

yep, Joe has it wrapped up

56% of Democrats said Biden was strongest to defeat Trump

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders came in second, with 12% of Democrats thinking he was capable of beating the President



It’s Trump vs. Biden in 2020

It looks like Democratic voters want plain-vanilla Joe Biden to contest the election against Donald Trump.

Joe Biden has opened up a 21-length lead over the 20 or so other ponies running to challenge the big horse, Donald Trump, in the 2020 presidential derby.

Some might say the Trump-Biden matchup was preordained, given the Democrats’ motley crew of candidates.

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He is leaving Bernie in the dust

and taking the white vote!

Joe Biden is eating into Bernie Sanders' coalition

Since officially jumping into the 2020 race less than two weeks ago, former Vice President Joe Biden has reshaped the Democratic primary. His polling numbers have risen from the high 20s to the low 40s since declaring his candidacy two weeks ago. In doing so, Biden has, for the moment, left the rest of the Democratic field in the dust.

Perhaps surprisingly to some, much of Biden's newfound supporters seem to have formerly backed fellow 2020 contender Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, even though Biden backers are more likely to be more moderate, nonwhite and older than Sanders

Biden does well among whites without a college degree who, as a group, backed Sanders in 2016. This could help Biden given that other Democrats haven't been able to break through among white Democrats without a college degree in the primary.



He will go after Trump's blue collar voters hard in PA, Michigan and Wisconsin too, maybe Texas and FL as well.

ah, Loveable old Joe, he's just your average guy

Joe Biden Jokes About Hugging Union Leader, "He Gave Me Permission"

Mr Biden greets International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers president Lonnie Stephenson on stage. "By the way — he gave me permission to touch him," Mr Biden said.

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Biden backers are more likely to be more moderate, nonwhite and older than Sanders
****, better hurry and have the election before these guys kick off
and the black voters love good ol Joe

Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Sanders Are Struggling With Black Voters

Like a number of other white candidates, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., came to this city to introduce himself to South Carolina’s majority black Democratic electorate. Like them, he staged events that drew few African-Americans, leaving the candidates admitting they have work to do.

The 2020 Democratic field is largely set and is the most diverse in the party’s history. Four months after the race began, Mr. Buttigieg, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke and former Vice President Joe Biden are among those raising the most money and leading early polling. They attract crowds of fans on much of the campaign trail—but in South Carolina, they say, they aren’t attracting the black audiences they want or, if they do, they are finding less enthusiastic receptions.

Many voters here say only Mr. Biden has any relationship with African-American voters, an influential bloc in the Democratic nominating contest.

He’s a whimp. Trump will destroy him.

Good ol Joe could win easily

Just like I perdicted!

Biden's rise in 2020 race catches Trump's eye

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Joe Biden’s rapid emergence as front-runner in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination has caught the attention of President Donald Trump and unnerved some of his allies, who believe Biden is a potentially dangerous rival.

Some Trump advisers see the former vice president, with his mainstream blue-collar appeal, as a tough opponent in the three states that carried Trump to his improbable victory in 2016 - Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Losing any of those states in 2020 would make Trump’s path to re-election more problematic.

Problematic? The map clearly shows Biden beats Trump should he lose the above rustbelt states.



Joe Biden tops President Donald Trump in Arizona voters matchup poll

PHOENIX – For the first time since the 1990s, a Democrat has a chance to win Arizona in the presidential election, and a poll of likely Arizona voters showed that person could be Joe Biden.

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