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Joe Biden opens his campaign in Pittsburgh

Turn out the lights....

that ****'s so old, u need more than that

Nothing from the past sticks to Teflon Joe

Woman shouts, 'You can hug and kiss me any time!' to Joe Biden at presidential campaign rally

Joe responds with sign of the cross and laughs



Biden enters Democratic race with strong anti-Trump theme


Joe Biden wins the black vote in South Carolina

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina residents gave former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. a front-runner’s welcome when his recently announced presidential campaign made its first stop in the early primary state that will play a critical role in determining the Democratic presidential nominee.

“We want Joe!” the crowd chanted, before Mr. Biden took the stage at a small community center gymnasium. He presented his campaign as the natural heir to the legacy of Barack Obama.



Living in Delaware, I've seen and shaken hands with Biden numerous times over the last 20 years.

The guy is nice, but he is the epitome of a career politician. He has a cheerleader smile that he just turns on/off like a switch. He is 100% always in campaign mode. The guy has just been playing this game for almost half a century.

He's not as corrupt or powerful as the Clinton's (who I despise) but he is the swamp. He has grown rich and powerful off a job that should be opposite and to serve the American people.

He has done this so long that (like most career politicians) they have justified the criminal aspects of their profession in their own minds as "just part of the job" and "just part of the greater good" and "just part of the game". Bribes, corruption, selling your vote to the highest bidder, having big business write your bills for you. To people like Joe Biden, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just the way the system works and has worked. As long as he stays on his side of the aisle as a "Democrat in Name Only" (which are no different than the corrupt career RINO's like McCain and the rest) and they agree to divy up the public wins/losses with no intent to fix America's problems, then the system keeps working and keeps them in power.

Voting for Biden would be like ignoring both the right and the left's hatred of congress and career politicians. It would literally be a huge step back and the exact OPPOSITE of pulling the curtain back off of Washington. Biden IS the curtain and every career politician (likely both left and right) want someone like him back in power.
Biden IS the curtain and every career politician (likely both left and right) want someone like him back in power.

That's how Middle of the Road Joe will be marketed, the Safe and Sane choice for President

Forget all that identity politics ****, the hard left fringe is OUT this election

Average Joe is a shoe-in, he's got the blessings of the beltway establishment, and that means donors and that means money

"I've told the Democratic candidates not to go too far to the left" - Nancy Pelosi

Presidential hopeful Biden looking for 'middle ground' climate policy

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is crafting a climate change policy he hopes will appeal to both environmentalists and the blue-collar voters that elected Donald Trump, according to two sources, carving out a middle ground approach that will likely face heavy resistance from green activists.

The backbone of the policy will likely include re-joining the United States with the Paris Climate Agreement and preserving U.S. regulations on emissions and vehicle fuel efficiency that Trump has sought to undo, according to one of the sources, Heather Zichal, who has become Biden’s informal advisor on climate change policy. She previously advised President Barack Obama.

The second source, a former energy department official also advising Biden’s campaign who asked not to be named, said the policy will likely also be supportive of nuclear energy and fossil fuel options like natural gas and carbon capture technology, which limit emissions from coal plants and other industrial facilities.


Biden's slogan should be Make America Suck Again, because that's what he would do.

Biden's slogan should be Make America Suck Again, because that's what he would do.

His platform is really "Make Washington Great Again"

If Trump keeps pounding home the idea that Biden is trying to make Washington like it was and he'll destroy everything Trump has gained for people OUTSIDE Washington, then he will win. Because Biden has no policies of substance considering how well things are now vs. his 8 years as V.P. (and 30+ years in the Senate). Biden is all about turning off the Washington circus show. Trump just has to convince voters that's not what is important. I don't think that should be too hard.
His platform is really "Make Washington Great Again"

If Trump keeps pounding home the idea that Biden is trying to make Washington like it was and he'll destroy everything Trump has gained for people OUTSIDE Washington, then he will win. Because Biden has no policies of substance considering how well things are now vs. his 8 years as V.P. (and 30+ years in the Senate). Biden is all about turning off the Washington circus show. Trump just has to convince voters that's not what is important. I don't think that should be too hard.

That dumbass is beating himself for Trump with quotes like this gem:

Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to make false claims about President Donald Trump’s massive tax cut, saying Thursday it had not helped average Americans.
“The God awful tax cut has not helped anybody who’s real, anybody out there breaking their neck trying to figure out how to make the next meal,” Biden said at a fundraiser.

Since announcing his presidential campaign, Biden has continually attacked Trump’s tax cut.

“There’s a $2 trillion tax cut last year. Did you feel it? Did you get anything from it? Of course not. Of course not,” he said during his April campaign launch in Pittsburgh. “All of it went to folks at the top and corporations.”

That statement earned a lecture (and a “Four Pinnochio” rating) from the Washington Post fact checker, calling Biden’s claim “simply wrong.”
**FLORIDA POLL**: Smoking Joe Biden 39%, Sanders 16%, Warren 5%

Florida takes shape as Joe Biden’s firewall

The former vice president is crushing the Democratic field in the nation’s third-largest state.



Living in Delaware, I've seen and shaken hands with Biden numerous times over the last 20 years.

The guy is nice, but he is the epitome of a career politician. He has a cheerleader smile that he just turns on/off like a switch. He is 100% always in campaign mode. The guy has just been playing this game for almost half a century.

Voting for Biden would be like ignoring both the right and the left's hatred of congress and career politicians. It would literally be a huge step back and the exact OPPOSITE of pulling the curtain back off of Washington. Biden IS the curtain and every career politician (likely both left and right) want someone like him back in power.

Like Del says, career politician, never had a real job in his life. At least he is consistent, right? Biden wanted to break-up Iraq, opposed the military raid on bin Laden, and supported the misconceived nuclear deal that put planeloads of cash in the hands of Iran for promoting terrorism – and got nothing in return. He mocked Mitt Romney’s warnings about Russia as a foe, only to criticize Trump’s attempts to create dialogue with this nuclear adversary.

More broadly, Biden has remained weak on judgement for decades. He has never held a private sector job, never had executive leadership, and never made a payroll. As Senator and Vice President, American taxpayers disgorged 8.3 million dollars to support his lifestyle – this man of the people. Most Americans would have happily traded places for a tenth of that largess.

On judgement, Biden was caught for plagiarism in law school, an omen. In 1985, used a speech by Hubert Humphrey without credit and again in 1986. In 1987, without giving credit to Robert Kennedy, he did it again. Later in 1987, he adopted a speech by British Labor Leader Neil Kinnock, even making Kinnock’s family history his own – after which he dropped out of that presidential race.

So, let’s cut to the chase. Communist China is not led by “good folks,” and Mr. Biden is not a man of particularly good judgement. He is friendly, occasionally humorous, but often dangerously naïve. And speaking candidly, there is nothing funny about that.

Joe Biden, the former vice president seeking the Democratic nomination, said last week that China is “not competition for us,” drawing fire from Mr. Trump, who tweeted that Chinese officials “HOPE that they will be able to ‘negotiate’ with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats.”

Truth be told, he has been wrong on just about everything that comes out of his mouth, from gun control ( shooting shotguns in the air ) to trade deals.

Nice guy that he is, let's look at the facts.

Because America's national security depends on America's wise choice of our next President, I want to quote the great Charles Krauthammer, who more accurately described Mr. Biden's record back in 2012.

The Vice President over the last 30 years holds the American record for being wrong on the most issues in Foreign Affairs ever. And the list starts with the nuclear freeze in the early eighties against Thatcher and Reagan, which is one of the follies of the era. He supported it.

He was against aid to the Nicaraguan Contras, which in the end brought democracy and ended the Sandinista rule at the time.

He was against Reagan's expansion of the defense budget, which bankrupted the Soviet Union and led to the end of the Soviet Empire.

He was against Reagan on strategic defenses, which is the big advantage that we have now in missile defense.

And look at where he was on Iraq. He opposed the first Iraq war, the Gulf war that liberated Kuwait, that everyone agrees was a good thing.

He supported the second Iraq war, which he, not I, say was a terrible mistake. And then when the surge happened, he opposed the surge in Iraq which rescued a losing war and ended in our leaving with our heads held high and some promise of the future.

He seems to be the Herbert Hoover of American foreign policy. And for him to be the spokesman for the Obama Administration on these affairs, I think is quite ironic.

It is not just conservative commentators who can see through the illusion of Vice President Biden's foreign policy judgment.

Robert Gates, former CIA director and Defense Secretary for George W. Bush and Barack Obama, had this to say about Biden in his book, ``Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War'':

``I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.''

I rarely, if ever, agree with Barack Obama, and I am glad to see our country is now back on the road to a strong foreign policy. But I will give President Obama credit for wisely disregarding Vice President Biden's counsel on, arguably, the greatest achievement of Obama's presidency: his authorization in 2011 of the raid by America's SEAL Teams that killed Osama Bin Laden.

As Vice President Biden, himself, recalled to a group of Democrats in 2016, President Obama asked for a final recommendation from his national security team, and he asked, Joe, what do you think?

His answer was, Mr. President, my suggestion is, don't go.

Many agree that President Obama picked Biden as his Vice President in 2008 to quell concerns about his youth and lack of experience in Foreign Affairs, but in retrospect, it has now become clear that the most useful role he played was for Mr. Obama to take whatever he recommended and advised and conclude that it was probably the wrong approach.

Mr. Biden now believes that he is the right man to lead our Nation as President. America will choose a President in 2020, and I hope that Republicans and Democrats will conclude, as our 44th President and countless others have, that the opposite might just be true.

Source: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2019-03-27/html/CREC-2019-03-27-pt1-PgH2834-2.htm

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This election campaign is gonna be a blast....


Democratic front-runner Joe Biden puzzled Iowans Thursday when he dismissed China as a threat. His aides try to keep him up onstage as much as possible. They installed an app on Joe's iPhone that plays the theme music to Jaws whenever he gets within two feet of a woman's shoulders.


Joe Biden raised eyebrows by saying he wants Americans to say no to marijuana. At the same time, the stock market's soaring, Ollie North's in trouble and Democrats say the president has lost his mind. President Trump's certainly delivered on his promise to restore Ronald Reagan's America.

MSNBC: Biden at 58% among blacks in S.C.

‘The safe choice:’ Biden widens SC lead in 2020 Democratic presidential primary

Biden is preferred by 46 percent of likely S.C. Democratic primary voters, up 14 points from a month ago

Joe Biden — 46%

Bernie Sanders — 15%

Kamala Harris — 10%

Pete Buttigieg — 8%

Elizabeth Warren — 8%

Cory Booker — 4%

Beto O’Rourke — 2%

Andrew Yang — 2%

Stacey Abrams — 1%

Amy Klobuchar — 1%

Marianne Williamson — 1%



Average Joe white guy preferred by blacks, just like I perdicted

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'No middle ground': Ocasio-Cortez and activists take aim at Biden at Green New Deal rally

(CNN)Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday made the case for radical action to combat climate change -- and took a shot at former Vice President Joe Biden, questioning his commitment to the issue.

"I'll be damned," Ocasio-Cortez said at a rally, "if the same politicians who refused to act (in past decades) are going to try to come back today and say we need a middle of the road approach to save our lives."

The comments from Ocasio-Cortez, who spoke at the event after Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, channeled the left's doubts that Biden is committed -- or inclined -- to push for the kind of comprehensive economic and social overhaul called for by the Green New Deal.

The comment, which appeared to be aimed directly at Biden, came days after Reuters reported the former vice president planned to role out a plan that one member of the team advising him on climate policy described as answering a need to "find middle ground" on the issue.

The issue topped a CNN poll of top issues for Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents last month, with 82% saying it was "very important" that the candidates support "taking aggressive action to slow the effects of climate change." Only 43% said the same when asked about "impeaching Donald Trump."



I'm pretty sure she just called him a Conservative

"So often when folks, particularly conservatives on both sides of the aisle..."

Bernie has a new best buddy
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"I'll be damned," Ocasio-Cortez said at a rally, "if the same politicians who refused to act (in past decades) are going to try to come back today and say we need a middle of the road approach to save our lives."

But I thought you told everyone not to take that particular comment literally, and that anyone who does has the intelligence of a sea sponge?

The circus marches on.
The circus marches on.

Oh, it's ON *******!

AOC and Joe Biden Are Officially Feuding

Folks, we got a live one here. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Joe Biden are in the middle of a multi-day feud over climate change.



Joe Biden fires back at Ocasio-Cortez for her ‘middle of the road’ remark

Biden told reporters Tuesday, “You’ve never heard me say, ‘middle of the road, I’ve been middle of the road’ on the environment. Tell her to check the statements that I made, and look at my record … I don’t think she was talking about me.”

He went on to call for “a green revolution” and referenced a speech he made in 1987 outlining the existential threat that the world’s environment faces.

“This idea that I haven’t done anything, take a look at the record,” continued the Democratic front-runner. “That’s what I’d say. I’m sure she will get the time to look at it.”

Oh, it's ON *******!

AOC and Joe Biden Are Officially Feuding

Folks, we got a live one here. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Joe Biden are in the middle of a multi-day feud over climate change.



Joe Biden fires back at Ocasio-Cortez for her ‘middle of the road’ remark

Biden told reporters Tuesday, “You’ve never heard me say, ‘middle of the road, I’ve been middle of the road’ on the environment. Tell her to check the statements that I made, and look at my record … I don’t think she was talking about me.”

He went on to call for “a green revolution” and referenced a speech he made in 1987 outlining the existential threat that the world’s environment faces.

“This idea that I haven’t done anything, take a look at the record,” continued the Democratic front-runner. “That’s what I’d say. I’m sure she will get the time to look at it.”

Yes he pointed out the existential threat almost three decades ago - melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, etc. The don't even get embarrassed by the silliness even almost 30 years later.
The more they attack Joe, the better his numbers get

**REUTERS DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY POLL** Scranton Joe 32% Sanders 14% Harris 7%

Biden expands lead over rivals for 2020 U.S. presidential nomination despite lack of support from millennials


Ha! The more she wails, the more he shows his liberalness. As everyone here knows he's trying to portray himself as middle of the road. As always happens they shift way left after election day is over.

So I wonder what exactly has he done? Did he make it colder by helping to add new regulations, taxes, stifle the economy, etc. so not as many could afford to use their cars, boats, planes, etc as much as they'd like to during the Obama years? I guess it did get colder...We couldn't afford to keep the house as warm as we'd like back in those days.
Joe's record doesn't matter, his policies don't matter, his past doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what the millennials think either, he's got the blacks

He is the most electable in a 50 state campaign to beat Trump - that's why he will win the nomination, end of story
Biden is having it both ways currently. Accused of being moderate by the lefties, accused of being a liberal by the righties. If he gets the nomination, he will not be able to ride that ambiguity. It will be just him, and he's truly an idiot.