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John McCain Dead at 81

McCain was a racist to the left when he ran against Obama in 2008.

He’s now an American Hero because of his opposition to President Trump

Typical hypocrites
RIP to him, I appreciate this service to the country, despite our political differences.

I do think it's funny to watch all my liberal friends talk about what a great man he was when a few short years ago they mocked, ridiculed and smeared him relentlessly. I guess all you need to be great is to oppose Trump

I know, right.

And yet it really isn't much of a surprise. From their perspective he is a hero and a comrade. John McCain was more Democrat than Republican. I can't believe that more people didn't see it. I guess he was really good at talking out of both sides of his mouth. He was one of the creatures in the DC swamp for sure and in my opinion took way the hell too long to circle the drain.

Part of the reason I despise him. He was a man of poor character. He was no conservative. And he used his position for vendettas against those who called him out and those he perceived as political enemies. Several times he used his position to undermine Bush. Most recently he used it to shoot down Trump's effort to get us out from under Obamacare.

I honestly don't understand the tributes. The man was a ********.

As far as him being a hero, I'll go along with Trump's assessment of that. Heroes don't get shot down and captured. Heroes finish the mission and further the goals of their side. I acknowledge that he suffered as a POW, but that alone doesn't make him a hero. He graduated at the bottom of his class at the Naval academy and was a known fuckup in the military.

He was often called a "Maverick" but, while we have romanticized that term in our culture, it doesn't always have a positive connotation. In McCain's case, I would say that "maverick" was indicative of someone who did not have control over their emotions and actions and it had a detrimental impact on their character and ultimately made him someone that, as a public servant, we in his constituency could not rely on him to be consistent and to do the will of the people.

I'm glad he's out of office. The John McCain's, Ted Kennedy's and Maxine Waters of the world are the best argument in the world for term limits.
I don't know if this is true, but I read that the vast majority of his injuries came when he ejected (ie broken arms from not tucking like they are taught), and that he was treated pretty well once they found out who he was.

So that leads me to when he had the opportunity to go home early and he chose to stay. Initially, I thought it was a heroic thing. It is speculated that he did it to save the good reputation of his family name in military circles. Politics I guess.

So, on it's face, staying when you could have gone home is heroic. But why did he do it? That's the part I just don't know.

Is any of that **** true?
John McCain was everything that is right with America, Trump is everything that's wrong with it. With McCain's death, we may have lost the last honorable Republican in Washington. It's a turned into mob ring run by a sleazy mob boss. Americans must take McCain's final words to heart, and never quit fighting for what is good in this country.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Remember this image the next time this President talks about disrespecting veterans. <a href="https://t.co/4bO4wq3AZG">pic.twitter.com/4bO4wq3AZG</a></p>— Gen Michael Hayden (@GenMhayden) <a href="https://twitter.com/GenMhayden/status/1034155393977643009?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m at the corner of 16th and H. The White House flag is not at half mast. The flags at the Hay Adams hotel, the AFL-CIO building across the street and the Laborers’ International Union building a block away are all at half mast. This country is better than its president.</p>— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) <a href="https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/1034148746236502016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Man alive, McCain gets in a last word on Trump<br><br>His office releases a “farewell statement”<br><br>“We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries...We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals”</p>— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) <a href="https://twitter.com/jmartNYT/status/1034138722206248960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Please read my father's farewell letter to the country he loved so much - “Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender.” &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; <a href="https://t.co/pwZUR7R3dp">pic.twitter.com/pwZUR7R3dp</a></p>— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) <a href="https://twitter.com/MeghanMcCain/status/1034146583615397889?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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He was a ********. That's why some people unconsciously say he had penis cancer when they meant to say brain cancer.

McCain was the poster child for the Trump hating establishment RINO's. He couldn't stand Trump. Couldn't stand that a non-politician outsider busted down the door to his club.
He played a role in that fake Trump dossier.

Voted against the repeal of Obamacare only to spite Trump.

While this maybe true McCain had reason to dislike Trump. Trump personally insulted him along with other POWs. Not only did Trump insult POWs Trump himself got out of serving in the military. I dont think McCain hating Trump had anything to do with politics just the fact that Trump is a major *******. As for the Obamacare thing who knows what McCain was thinking with that. From what I remember the new bill was "rushed" and not very good. I am just happy the penalty was removed. I can not stand Trump and I voted for him.
It figures that libs would lionize McCain. They get absolutely everything wrong.
Sad to see the right so deeply submerged in their pro-Trump ideology that you'd turn against someone like John McCain. It's a damn shame, but a real clear line of demarcation as far what divides this country right now. It began when Trump insulted a gold star family, and his supporters cheered him on. It's gotten much, much worse since the election. Something really dark and ugly has reared its head with Trump in office, including his mind numbing attacks on the media, the FBI/DOJ and of course, anyone who stands in his way or doesn't agree with him. Same thing's happening on this board. I'm not sure that we can put the genie back in the bottle at this point. It will be up to all Americans to stand up for what is right.
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not so long ago, John Lewis was comparing him to George Wallace.

Now he is a hero.
Looks like Trump let the pressure get to him and caved in. Amazing, the level of pettiness and utter contempt for America Trump has displayed, time and time again. He's a walking, talking, breathing FUBAR disaster, and it's gonna get much uglier these next few weeks and months.

The White House again lowered its flag to half staff, amid criticism over its earlier decision to raise it out of the mourning position. Flags across Washington were flying at half staff in honor of the late Sen. John McCain

BREAKING: The White House has returned its flag to half-staff to honor the late Sen. John McCain after receiving widespread criticism for breaking with precedent and raising it to full-staff this morning. Earlier, the GOP and Dem Senate leaders issued a joint request to the Defense Dept. that all flags under their purview be kept at half-staff until McCain’s burial. Pres. Trump was asked 10 different times today to comment on McCain’s passing; he declined to say a word.
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I don't know if this is true, but I read that the vast majority of his injuries came when he ejected (ie broken arms from not tucking like they are taught), and that he was treated pretty well once they found out who he was.

I don't know, he spent 2 years in solitary confinement, right? Would you consider that being treated well? I honestly don't know enough about the particulars but on it's face it doesn't seem like he got special treatment if he's in solitary confinement for an entire 2 years.
Looks like Trump let the pressure get to him and caved in. Amazing, the level of pettiness and utter contempt for John McCain.

If you would've stopped there (or made that post), I would agree with you. But his utter contempt for America, seriously? The guy is trying to create American jobs for American workers and secure America's borders for America's safety. Trump may be a lot of things (not so good), but how you can say "his utter contempt for America" with a straight face is absolutely beyond me.
not so long ago, John Lewis was comparing him to George Wallace.

Now he is a hero.

Politics man, it's an ugly game, isn't it?
Looks like Trump let the pressure get to him and caved in. Amazing, the level of pettiness and utter contempt for America Trump has displayed, time and time again. He's a walking, talking, breathing FUBAR disaster, and it's gonna get much uglier these next few weeks and months.

I can't find any good reason why the WH flag wouldn't be at half staff. Sometimes, his pettiness over-rides good decisions. It really shouldn't matter what he thought of him politically, McCain was a US Senator, served and fought for his country. I think he deserves the flag to be lowered for that. My personal opinion of him doesn't matter now.
If you would've stopped there (or made that post), I would agree with you. But his utter contempt for America, seriously? The guy is trying to create American jobs for American workers and secure America's borders for America's safety. Trump may be a lot of things (not so good), but how you can say "his utter contempt for America" with a straight face is absolutely beyond me.
Sorry it makes you feel that way. Trump siding with Putin over our own law enforcement agencies - with the whole world watching - was the last drop in the bucket. He has utter contempt for America, for everything it stands for, including our free press, independant judiciary and law enforcement, and first amendement rights. He's a mob boss Steelworth. I can't put lipstick on a pig for you because of good job numbers, sorry.
The left talked **** about McCain when he ran against black Jesus. Now since he and Trump hated each other he is the most amazing man ever.

If Satan appeared on earth today and said he hated Trump, Tibs and the rest of the left would suck him off on TV.
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Sad to see the right so deeply submerged in their pro-Trump ideology that you'd turn against someone like John McCain. It's a damn shame, but a real clear line of demarcation as far what divides this country right now. It began when Trump insulted a gold star family, and his supporters cheered him on. It's gotten much, much worse since the election. Something really dark and ugly has reared its head with Trump in office, including his mind numbing attacks on the media, the FBI/DOJ and of course, anyone who stands in his way or doesn't agree with him. Same thing's happening on this board. I'm not sure that we can put the genie back in the bottle at this point. It will be up to all Americans to stand up for what is right.

Unlike you libs, I don't need some leader to tell me when to be outraged and who to turn on. I never liked McCain. Long before Trump was ever in the picture.
The left talked **** about McCain when he ran against black Jesus. Now since he and Trump hated each other is the most amazing man ever.

I have to say that I'm not suprised. There's a lot of bandwagon jumping going on. It's the "either you are for us or against us" attitude and it's not one-sided. If Ted Nygent went off on DT, he'd be headling Lalapalooza in CA.
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I never liked McCain. Long before Trump was ever in the picture.
Do you think I agreed with much of anything McCain stood for politically? I still have utmost respect for the man, for his service to the country. He was as honorable as they come. He was a true American hero, and he maintained his ethics and morals throughout his life. I respect anyone like that, much alone a man who served the country his entire life. He represented conservative American values to the core. He represented the best of what the Republican party had to offer. He had a level of humility and grace that we should all teach our children. This isn't about 'liking' McCain for his political views or not. It's a simple lithmus test for being an American and for holding American values sacred over petty, party poltiics. Trump has failed this test miserably.
Do you think I agreed with much of anything McCain stood for politically? I still have utmost respect for the man, for his service to the country. He was as honorable as they come. He was a true American hero, and he maintained his ethics and morals throughout his life. I respect anyone like that, much alone a man who served the country his entire life. He represented conservative American values to the core. He represented the best of what the Republican party had to offer. He had a level of humility and grace that we should all teach our children. This isn't about 'liking' McCain for his political views or not. It's a simple lithmus test for being an American and for holding American values sacred over petty, party poltiics. Trump has failed this test miserably.
Let me be more clear about how wrong you are. Not only was he not a hero - he was a bad American. Terrible service record and yet somehow managed to get 28 medals over just 20 hours of combat. Daddy admiral propped him up and media created a narrative for him even though he found a way to be a PR tool for the enemy while he was in captivity. I don't believe he tried to commit suicide in captivity because he felt guilty, like he said, either. If there is one place you can probably successfully commit suicide it is in a POW camp. Narcissistic vindictive *******. May he rest in peace.
Davenport it seems you're taking a very narrow view of what happened to McCain in Vietnam, who knows what your sources are. In doing so, you ignore his lifetime of service for this country as a long-time Senator, a two-time Presidential nominee. McCain worked to bridge differences in Congress, worked in a non-partisan manner to get laws passed, worked tirelessly for veteran's rights, and in foreign affairs. He championed democracy all over the world in places like the Ukraine, travelled extensively representing our country. He did so with intellect, humility and class. Regardless of you trying to diminish and disparage his years as a captive of war, McCain deserves our respect. That's my view and yes, may he rest in peace.

Trump is a petty ******* for not being able to rise above his hatred of McCain to show some class and respect after his passing. But again, did anyone expect anything different from Trump? No, of course not. We all know this is who and what Trump is at his core. A sad, bitter, petty old man.
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With McCain's death, we may have lost the last honorable Republican in Washington.
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Funny, I can't remember when we lost the last honorable Democrat in Washington.

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Davenport it seems you're taking a very narrow view of what happened to McCain in Vietnam, who knows what your sources are. In doing so, you ignore his lifetime of service for this country as a long-time Senator, a two-time Presidential nominee. McCain worked to bridge differences in Congress, worked in a non-partisan manner to get laws passed, worked tirelessly for veteran's rights, and in foreign affairs. He championed democracy all over the world in places like the Ukraine, travelled extensively representing our country. He did so with intellect, humility and class. Regardless of you trying to diminish and disparage his years as a captive of war, McCain deserves our respect. That's my view and yes, may he rest in peace.

Trump is a petty ******* for not being able to rise above his hatred of McCain to show some class and respect after his passing. But again, did anyone expect anything else from Trump? No, of course not. We all know this is who and what Trump is at his core. A sad, bitter, petty old man.
You all just get everything wrong.
I could post links to all kinds of **** about McCain, but you can do your own research. I'm done talking about that *******.