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Just another reason to hate Tomlin

This has got to be in the top 10 of the most retarded libtard posts on this board. Not surprised Tibs the simpleton liked it.

Obama, DemocRAT leadership and liberals are pond scum, but unlike you liberal ******** we still love our country and root for it.

Is your mind able to process the correlation there?
I'm talking to you too Tibs.

You can't love your country when the threat is made by your side that if the election is lost you will burn it to the ground.

Those that claim to be ardent patriots are really ardent fascists. The rejection of the will of the people in choosing our elected officials confirms it.
Ha ha, nobody cares what you think or say. You are right up there with Indy as the biggest losers on this board. Just keep yapping away, nobody gives a ****.

something about a pot and kettle comes to mind....
I always find it hilarious that a lot of you go on and on with your right wing dickriding but are fans of a team whose ownership is Democratic and so much so that the owner was in the Obama administration. Of course Tomlin donated to Hillary's campaign.

Bomma did help us win Super Bowl XLIII. Dan Rooney said so.
I don't hate Tomlin or the Rooneys. Yes, I disagree with their political views because they are short sighted, emotionally charged and have failed every where they have ever been tried. No reason to hate a person.

It's this type of thinking that makes it hard to have any kind of reasonable and realistic dialogue. Failed everywhere they have ever been tried? Liberal politics has been very beneficial to this country if for any other reason it has made it possible for people who otherwise wouldn't have the rights promised to them by the Constitution to actually have those rights legitimately. Conservative politics has had a significant impact as well. The problem is there are some things that we should be liberal and progressive in approaching and some things we shouldn't. I don't hear any good ideas coming out of the Republican party while people are talking about how much of a failure Obama was and never mention that the administration before his was an abject failure.
Ha ha, nobody cares what you think or say. You are right up there with Indy as the biggest losers on this board. Just keep yapping away, nobody gives a ****.

Shall we conduct a poll to have the board vote on which of us is the loser? I'm in.
You can't love your country when the threat is made by your side that if the election is lost you will burn it to the ground.

Those that claim to be ardent patriots are really ardent fascists. The rejection of the will of the people in choosing our elected officials confirms it.

The will of dead people who have DNC operatives voting their proxy in battleground states?
The will of dead people who have DNC operatives voting their proxy in battleground states?

Yes again to the conspiracy, because just accepting that people reject your candidate doesn't satisfy the CONservative narcissistic mind.

A mind reflected in Trump. He is never to blame for anything. HE is going to make America great again, HE will make Mexico pay for a wall,HE will crush ISIS.

And of course HE could never lose....NEVER. So HE(like many HEre) would rather the country be razed than to accept the will of the people.

They will believe any conspiracy theory.

I can show you studies...but of course the studies can't be trusted because they come from universities....and universities are controlled by the left wing.....

And that is why some of you people are insane, the rest are so ignorant in the way the world works it's frightening.


A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

Instead, requirements to show ID at the polls are designed for pretty much one thing: people showing up at the polls pretending to be somebody else in order to each cast one incremental fake ballot. This is a slow, clunky way to steal an election. Which is why it rarely happens.

I’ve been tracking allegations of fraud for years now, including the fraud ID laws are designed to stop. In 2008, when the Supreme Court weighed in on voter ID, I looked at every single allegation put before the Court. And since then, I’ve been following reports wherever they crop up.

To be clear, I’m not just talking about prosecutions. I track any specific, credible allegation that someone may have pretended to be someone else at the polls, in any way that an ID law could fix.

So far, I’ve found about 31 different incidents (some of which involve multiple ballots) since 2000, anywhere in the country. If you want to check my work, you can read a comprehensive list of the incidents below.
Pure democracy is nothing more than mob rule. That is why we have a ******* constitution to protect us from mob rule or the will of a group of people who are in power at the time. Our problem is our elected kings&queens line their own pockets and disregard the constitution as some old piece of paper that they follow only when it suits them.See Obama for reference. Hildabeast is the poster child for everything that is wrong in government . A corrupt power hungry criminal . At least the marxist mentored Obama stuck to his ****** up social justice redistribution ideals. I'm going to be a very happy camper when he is gone and twice as happy when Hildabeast is sent packing minus the whitehouse furniture this time.
You can't love your country when the threat is made by your side that if the election is lost you will burn it to the ground.

Those that claim to be ardent patriots are really ardent fascists. The rejection of the will of the people in choosing our elected officials confirms it.

It is not conservatives that are burning things to the ground. Do you even follow current events?
Oh and the lie that dems have "helped" the poor over conservatives is slowly but surely being questioned. Heling someone doesn't leave them worse off than before. Look at any long term dem run city, they are crime ridden, bankrupt and corrupt. Good job dems.
Our problem is our elected kings&queens line their own pockets and disregard the constitution .


Republicans don't need to bankrupt the nation, destroy its most promising institutions, and devastate its economy - the Dems have made that their political monopoly.

Oh, and shouldn't the North Pole have melted by now?


Please don't be that guy. Please. Don't be the "natural cycle" climate change guy. Don't be the we are doing no damage guy. We are ******* up things royally. We NEED to push for more initiatives to help slow this down. There are only going to be more people and more waste and more pollution. This shouldn't even be a partisan issue. This will **** everyone up.
I'm going to burn a lot of wood tonight. Just like I did last night.
Pure democracy is nothing more than mob rule. That is why we have a ******* constitution to protect us from mob rule or the will of a group of people who are in power at the time. Our problem is our elected kings&queens line their own pockets and disregard the constitution as some old piece of paper that they follow only when it suits them.See Obama for reference. Hildabeast is the poster child for everything that is wrong in government . A corrupt power hungry criminal . At least the marxist mentored Obama stuck to his ****** up social justice redistribution ideals. I'm going to be a very happy camper when he is gone and twice as happy when Hildabeast is sent packing minus the whitehouse furniture this time.

Give me a ******* break. The Bush family is just as corrupt. They are all getting over out there man. Both sides of the aisle.
Good for you. That's not the problem. Emissions, solvents, radioactive waste, and deforestation are the biggest causes.

Nice contradiction. Anyway, it's all bullshit. But keep giving yourself an ulcer worrying about it.
Nice contradiction. Anyway, it's all bullshit. But keep giving yourself an ulcer worrying about it.

You burning wood at your house is not the main cause of deforestation. It's done mostly for conversions than anything else. And if you don't give a **** that's fine. I'm not giving myself an ulcer over it. I just choose to not be a denying dumbass. You can be informed and still not make everything into an all or nothing mindset. Just like I can be pro cop but not like cops who are pieces of ****. I could go on and on.
Good for you. That's not the problem. Emissions, solvents, radioactive waste, and deforestation are the biggest causes.

Radioactive waste has literally no relationship to global warming.

Oh, and I did not write the 2012 article saying that my climate models projected the North Pole to be gone by 2016. Talk that to the guy who wrote the freaking article. I just quoted his ***.
Radioactive waste has literally no relationship to global warming.

Oh, and I did not write the 2012 article saying that my climate models projected the North Pole to be gone by 2016. Talk that to the guy who wrote the freaking article. I just quoted his ***.

Yes it does. Thermal heat pollution. It's waste heat. It's part of the biggest reasons that **** is so hard to get rid of. It almost never dissipates as far as that goes depending on the isotope. There's a ton of it buried in places that are ice capped and if that **** melts and it will.....all that waste needs to be accounted for.
Please don't be that guy. Please. Don't be the "natural cycle" climate change guy. Don't be the we are doing no damage guy. We are ******* up things royally. We NEED to push for more initiatives to help slow this down. There are only going to be more people and more waste and more pollution. This shouldn't even be a partisan issue. This will **** everyone up.
The confidence in this bullshit would be funny if it didn't have such impact on important policies globally. Easily the best example of bad politicized pseudo science. Test hypothesis. Fail. Keep hypothesis, change model to better fit. Fails. Keep hypothesis, doctor the data. Get caught. Keep hypothesis. Fails again and again. Seriously, natural cycle in quotes, as if that is less likely than all the made up bullshit.
Yes it does. Thermal heat pollution. It's waste heat. It's part of the biggest reasons that **** is so hard to get rid of. It almost never dissipates as far as that goes depending on the isotope. There's a ton of it buried in places that are ice capped and if that **** melts and it will.....all that waste needs to be accounted for.

Oh for the love of god ... stored nuclear waste, in its entirety, will NOT produce enough heat to change the earth's climate, and only somebody making **** up would claim otherwise. If you put together all nuclear waste on the planet into a giant pile in one area, and exposed it to the air, the pile of waste material would not "heat up" the atmosphere enough to change climate.

What do you think releases more heat into the environment, radioactive waste - which is shielded from the environment due to its radioactivity - or a forest fire raging over 1,000 acres? Do you think forest fires "change the climate"??

Further, nuclear waste products that are buried remain radioactive for various amounts of time, depending on the material that is radioactive, and produce heat, but those waste materials are processed, shielded and cooled so that the heat has no appreciable effect on the immediate surroundings, let alone the climate. "A typical reactor generates about 27 tonnes of used fuel which may be reduced to 3 m[SUP]3[/SUP] per year of vitrified waste. ... Either way, after 40-50 years the heat and radioactivity have fallen to one thousandth of the level at removal. ... After storage for about 40 years the used fuel assemblies are ready for encapsulation or loading into casks ready for indefinite storage or permanent disposal underground."


"Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. ... Waste heat [from ALL sources, most notably fossil fuels, and not just nuclear waste] is about 1% of greenhouse warming."

Your information is just plain wrong. Nuclear waste does not generate remotely enough ambient heat to change the climate.