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Let's move from OK. to Missouri: The Racism Tour

The "witnesses" lied. They said he was shot in the back. They said he was shot in the head at point blank range. They made up all manner of fanciful stories that were completely contradicted by the forensic evidence. Try educating yourself once in awhile.

You're right, the tape doesn't lie.

Those are not the witnesses on the tape.
Lol elf, does someone pay you to come here and troll? Is Coolie sending you a monthly stipend to keep things "interesting"? Your fuckwadness leaves me speechless
It'll be interesting to see who condemns this is and how they do it.
Meanwhile, peaceful protesters shoot two cops in Ferguson overnight.

Wasn't the protestors. Was a sniper in a house across the street from the police station. Sniper is now on the run.
Those are not the witnesses on the tape.

The point is some people saw what they wanted to see, some people lied, but ultimately credible witnesses told the same story as the police officer, and that story was corroborated by evidence. Forensic and blood spatter evidence shows that Michael Brown did not have his hands up and was moving towards the officer when he was shot. Forensic evidence also shows that Officer Wilson had been struck in the face and that Michael Brown attempted to grab his gun. Yet Wilson is a POS and Brown is a saintly, unarmed, non-threatening martyr in your bizarro world.

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Lol elf, does someone pay you to come here and troll? Is Coolie sending you a monthly stipend to keep things "interesting"? Your fuckwadness leaves me speechless

Organizing For America probably. They do that.
I only come on here (SN) to see how much glue elfie has been huffing on any particular day. Yesterday must have been very stressful at Burger King.
The point is some people saw what they wanted to see, some people lied, but ultimately credible witnesses told the same story as the police officer, and that story was corroborated by evidence. Forensic and blood spatter evidence shows that Michael Brown did not have his hands up and was moving towards the officer when he was shot. Forensic evidence also shows that Officer Wilson had been struck in the face and that Michael Brown attempted to grab his gun. Yet Wilson is a POS and Brown is a saintly, unarmed, non-threatening martyr in your bizarro world.


The problem no matter how you slice it is that Wilson shot an unarmed person. What causes that problem? It's core is the racist nature of probably every P.D. in this country combined with ludicrous physical fitness requirements for police and the idea that every violent encounter with a civilian must be countered with deadly force.

What happened to tazers, pepper spray, batons? What is it with these wimpy cops that they are so frightened by everyone they encounter that they have to draw their weapon and shoot every single friggin time seems like?

This is what a real police officer looks like, the shame of it is he's from Russia. I know I'm going to hear "they don't have the right to bear arms in Russia" crap. That doesn't matter, American police even in simple physical altercations with no firearm brandished by the suspect seem to always resort to deadly force.

No overly aggresive, arrogant, pig like behavior. Just the proper amount of force for the situation. If you'll notice they also don't need 20 overweight guys from fast food and donuts to lay on top of the guy and crush him to death American style. Take care of your business that's all.

In America he would have been dead way before he got to the shovel, all probably for being drunk.

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I only come on here (SN) to see how much glue elfie has been huffing on any particular day. Yesterday must have been very stressful at Burger King.

I had to check the temperature on the deep fryer so I used my tongue. Now I can't talk or work so I have to type a whole lot.

I finally get to use that expensive education putting idiotic conservative mental midgets in their place, serendipitous?....maybe
Elsharpton still at it lol.

So El, how are kids singing racist chants, or those police emails keeping the black man down anyway? That's why your panties are all up in a knot over this right?
The fact that 13% of the population commit more than half the murders in the US, have a disproportionate amount of men in prison, take up the largest percent from the welfare trough, and that 80% of black children are born to single mammas is all because some white people are singing and typing racist ****?

Lynchings. discrimination, and Bull Connor sic'n dogs on and using fire hoses against black protesters didn't happen because of the facts outlined above. There was only one reason...the color of their skin was black.
During those times all racism and racist language was only because of skin color....at least the modern racist has a reason.

Oh how you white guilt democRAT liberals must cheer every time an incident like this occurs . The democRAT party can only exist if there exists a permanent underclass and perpetual victimhood....such as those poor poor illegals, and those poor poor black folks that cant get a piece of the pie because the racist white man is chanting racist ****.

Since you don't trust the white racists on this board regarding matters of race, perhaps if you heard the truth from some common black folks.







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I finally get to use that expensive education putting idiotic conservative mental midgets in their place, serendipitous?....maybe

I'm sure that is going to start happening any day now. I'm losing my patience.
The problem no matter how you slice it is that Wilson shot an unarmed person. What causes that problem? It's core is the racist nature of probably every P.D. in this country combined with ludicrous physical fitness requirements for police and the idea that every violent encounter with a civilian must be countered with deadly force.

So, an unarmed person can never be harmed? Even if he's high on drugs, massive, punches you in the face and tries to grab your gun? Do you wait til he gets your gun, and then, if you're still conscious and alive, try to defend yourself? That's moronic.

Racism has NOTHING to do with what happened here. Nothing.

No overly aggresive, arrogant, pig like behavior. Just the proper amount of force for the situation. If you'll notice they also don't need 20 overweight guys from fast food and donuts to lay on top of the guy and crush him to death American style. Take care of your business that's all.

Or here's an idea: don't rob people. Don't do illegal drugs. Don't violently resist (or even worse, attack without provocation as in this case) a law enforcement officer with a gun. If you're too high or too stupid to understand that, you're probably not long for this world in one way or another. I don't feel sorry for you and I don't care how aggressive police get with you.
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So, an unarmed person can never be harmed? Even if he's high on drugs, massive, punches you in the face and tries to grab your gun? Do you wait til he gets your gun, and then, if you're still conscious and alive, try to defend yourself? That's moronic.

Racism has NOTHING to do with what happened here. Nothing.

And? Nobody said racism doesn't exist, or that it never existed. Only that it wasn't the motive here, as has been proved ad nauseum.

Or here's an idea: don't rob people. Don't do illegal drugs. Don't violently resist (or even worse, attack without provocation as in this case) a law enforcement officer with a gun. If you're too high or too stupid to understand that, you're probably not long for this world in one way or another. I don't feel sorry for you and I don't care how aggressive police get with you.

Don't try to use logic with Elfie. She/he has no grasp of what that entails.
Don't try to use logic with Elfie. She/he has no grasp of what that entails.

Republicans are evil.
White people are evil.
Christians are evil.
White Christian Republicans are especially evil.
Muslims are misunderstood and stereotyped.
So, an unarmed person can never be harmed? Even if he's high on drugs, massive, punches you in the face and tries to grab your gun? Do you wait til he gets your gun, and then, if you're still conscious and alive, try to defend yourself? That's moronic.

Racism has NOTHING to do with what happened here. Nothing.

You mean the imaginary broken orbital socket and the old "he tried to grab my gun" ploy that cops always use? Let me guess, you're white and 17 years old?

Or here's an idea: don't rob people. Don't do illegal drugs. Don't violently resist (or even worse, attack without provocation as in this case) a law enforcement officer with a gun. If you're too high or too stupid to understand that, you're probably not long for this world in one way or another. I don't feel sorry for you and I don't care how aggressive police get with you.

Of course you don't feel sorry, remember when you told me how your kids were wonderful big hearted Christian people and I guess by extension so are you? Typical Christian................

What does this statement you made say about you?

You are clueless(or heartless) as to what goes on in this country all the time with our militarized police.

My what a friend we have in Jesus.

Maybe one day(hopefully never) you'll get 'The no-knock' and see for yourself.

What were those words you used to describe me that now describe you to a tee? Oh yeah!

They are wonderful. big-hearted people who truly care about others' suffering and making the world a better place. You are small, bitter, ugly and mean-spirited, someone whose only purpose in life is to tear others down. If there was ever a great advertisement for embracing religion and rejecting secularism, you are it----oneforthebus


My, my, what a friend we have in Jesus. Just stay far away from his followers...........................
You are clueless(or heartless) as to what goes on in this country all the time with our militarized police.

And you continue to try to apply extreme cases to the masses. If one bad cop commits a crime, all cops are bad. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.

It seems to be standard Liberal hypocrisy to operate this way.

If a radical Muslim enters an Oklahoma workplace and beheads innocents, we are reminded by Liberals that the actions of a few don't reflect on the whole - Muslims are good people.

When a bad cop kills an innocent, the Liberal Government, from the White House down, starts a nation-wide war against the police. Because one is bad, they all must be.

And you're their biggest cheerleader.

The problem no matter how you slice it is that Wilson shot an unarmed person. What causes that problem? It's core is the racist nature of probably every P.D. in this country combined with ludicrous physical fitness requirements for police and the idea that every violent encounter with a civilian must be countered with deadly force.

You must like how it's always a white guy depicted as the offender or as a prisoner with these cartoons?

Not to get off the subject but men in prison cartoons, always a white guy. Why is that Elsharpton?

What happened to tazers, pepper spray, batons? What is it with these wimpy cops that they are so frightened by everyone they encounter that they have to draw their weapon and shoot every single friggin time seems like?

I'd be willing to bet that statistics show that when a cop draws his gun he is not likely to fire it .
Why don't you try and look that up for your assignment tonight Elsharpton.
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You mean the imaginary broken orbital socket and the old "he tried to grab my gun" ploy that cops always use? Let me guess, you're white and 17 years old?

No, I mean the swelling and redness to his face and the Michael Brown DNA found on the gun and the extremely close range bullet wound on Michael Brown's hand.

Maybe you ought to read Holder's report so you can comment intelligently about the evidence. You seem completely ignorant of it.

Of course you don't feel sorry, remember when you told me how your kids were wonderful big hearted Christian people and I guess by extension so are you? Typical Christian................

It says that I should not feel sorry that Officer Wilson saved his own life and probably, ultimately the lives of other people. My story was not about my kids, by the way, it was about my niece...as far as my kids, so far they don't steal, they don't do drugs, they don't assault people, and even though they are teens and preteens they are smart enough to know not to get into a gunfight with their fists. Are we "typical Christians"? I don't know.
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And you continue to try to apply extreme cases to the masses. If one bad cop commits a crime, all cops are bad. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.

It seems to be standard Liberal hypocrisy to operate this way.

If a radical Muslim enters an Oklahoma workplace and beheads innocents, we are reminded by Liberals that the actions of a few don't reflect on the whole - Muslims are good people.

When a bad cop kills an innocent, the Liberal Government, from the White House down, starts a nation-wide war against the police. Because one is bad, they all must be.

And you're their biggest cheerleader.


Whatever the current administration has to say on this means almost nothing to me. The war on minorities has been waged at a heightened level for the past 45 years.

Throw in the fact that these drug task forces have to prove their worth by making a quota of busts or they don't get to keep their neato M-16's, MRAP's, etc. plus their funding, and you have the makings of genocide, corruption, and tragic "mistakes".

Again, another subject of which you are clueless.
No, I mean the swelling and redness to his face and the Michael Brown DNA found on the gun and the extremely close range bullet wound on Michael Brown's hand.

Maybe you ought to read Holder's report so you can comment intelligently about the evidence. You seem completely ignorant of it.

It says that I should not feel sorry that Officer Wilson saved his own life and probably, ultimately the lives of other people. My story was not about my kids, by the way, it was about my niece...as far as my kids, so far they don't steal, they don't do drugs, they don't assault people, and even though they are teens and preteens they are smart enough to know not to get into a gunfight with their fists. Are we "typical Christians"? I don't know.

I have read the report, and I don't agree with it. Maybe you should learn about politics, the Supreme Court, and racist lower courts that set the precedent that lets savages like Wilson get away with murder.

Here is Darren Wilson's broken socket and severely beaten face the Ferguson police chief told us about before he thought about pictures being taken:



Keep chugging that Kool-Aid, I'm sure it's tasty from where you sit.
Can you prove those pictures were from the night of the assault?
Whatever the current administration has to say on this means almost nothing to me. The war on minorities has been waged at a heightened level for the past 45 years.

Throw in the fact that these drug task forces have to prove their worth by making a quota of busts or they don't get to keep their neato M-16's, MRAP's, etc. plus their funding, and you have the makings of genocide, corruption, and tragic "mistakes".

Again, another subject of which you are clueless.

I totally agree....It is obvious that all of the recent problems with the police have occurred because cops keep meddling with people. If the fuzz had left Rodney King alone, Los Angeles would not have burned. If the cop in Ferguson had not stopped Michael Brown after he robbed the store, the town would not have burned. If a New York cop had not tried to keep from selling illegal cigarettes, there would be no protests. If OJ Simpson had not been prosecuted for murdering his wife, racial tension would have been less. On and on.

It is blindingly clear that nothing but trouble results when cops interact with criminals in places of high diversity. It makes no sense to meddle. It is racism. It is irresponsible. It leads to arson. It needs to stop.

A wise cop can easily avoid these perils. Rapes don't last long, nor do armed robberies. When you respond to the call, drive at the speed limit, stop for traffic lights, and hit the siren and bar lights well before you arrive at the scene. When you get there, the rapist will be long gone.

This is a happy ending for everyone. You are happy because you will not be charged with racially motivated murder. The rapist is happy because he will not go to jail. Businesses are happy because they won't be looted, the locals because a brothah was not mistreated. If you are of liberal leanings, you can think in terms of cost and benefit. Is an $80 GPS worth a man's life? Should a rapist die because of ten minutes of bad sex? Ferguson burn over a handful of stolen cigars?

In black neighborhoods, cops should do nothing at all in response to anything. This just shows a decent respect for the desires of the population, who do not like white cops, or any cops. (Chanting "What do we want? Dead cops", would seem indicative.) Find a good bar or doughnut shop. Stay in it.