What do you mean, you don't agree with it? This isn't a matter of opinion. Either you're asserting that the forensic evidence was fabricated, or you're just disregarding facts that don't fit your preferred narrative. There is no other option.
Maybe you should learn about the concept of self-defense. As with the Trayvon Martin case you can't seem to grasp that if someone attacks you and you believe your life is in danger, you are allowed to use any and all means to protect yourself, That applies to Wilson, Zimmerman and every other human being in this country. Do you want to live in a country where you have to be severely injured or almost dead before you are allowed to protect yourself? I don't. Darren Wilson was being charged by a massive "savage" who had just attacked him without provocation and attempted to wrestle away his gun. He then charged at the officer again, ignoring repeated requests to stop. He had no other choice but to shoot.
Once again you have your facts all wrong. Neither the Ferguson police chief, nor Darren Wilson, has ever claimed that he was severely beaten or had a broken socket. That report came from an anonymous source. Not that it matters anyway....one does not have to wait to be severely injured or have their gun taken away before they are legally allowed to defend themselves. A reasonable fear of death or severe injury is all you need. If a massive, strong, irrationally-acting guy punches me in the face for no reason, tries to take my gun and is now charging at me, my fear of death or serious injury is more than reasonable...even if he hasn't yet managed to injure me much at all.
Darren Wilson's testimony has never wavered, and there is not a shred of forensic evidence that does not back up the story he told. If you have some, let's see it...and not the opinion of two guys standing on a street corner or rumors or anonymously leaked "facts" ...actual evidence that contradicts Wilson's actual story. Until you do, your "disagreement" with the report is based on nothing more than your wish for it to be false.