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Liberal ideologue treats staff like garbage


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Despite the fact that [Pramila] Jayapal (D) is one of the highest-profile progressives in DC and the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, 14 former staffers from throughout her nearly five years in Congress describe a dysfunctional and volatile workplace. There is, they said, a serious disconnect between how she talks about workers’ rights and how she treats her own staff. The conversations with former staff members, all granted anonymity to speak candidly due to the insular nature of Capitol Hill and fears of retaliation, reveal an especially harsh office with a boss whose treatment of workers runs contrary to the public expectations she has set for others.

In interviews with BuzzFeed News, they described Jayapal as a boss who berated staff in front of others, demanded grueling hours, and maintained an office culture marked by constantly changing expectations and little tolerance for error, to the extent that some staffers sought therapy and questioned their careers in public service. Since taking office, Jayapal has had one of the highest staff turnover rates in the House, due in large part, former employees said, to the unrealistic standards she sets. “It's not sustainable to be able to stay for too long,” one said.

Jayapal is making a run for the title of biggest ******* in the vile cesspool of lies and corruption known as Washington, D.C. However, she has a tough hill to climb in seeking to take the title from the long-standing queen of ********, the imbecile, the idiot, the blowhard and another liberal douchebag, Sheila Jackson-Lee.

For Jackson Lee, it's not the first time she's won the "meanest" title. These wins might have something to do with this: An analysis done by they Houston Chronicle in 2011 revealed the congresswoman had the highest turnover among staff in the Houston delegation over the past decade.

Former Houston Chronicle columnist Rick Casey spoke to several former aides to Jackson Lee who all spoke of her erratic and abusive behavior in the workplace. Among the weird stories was one that involved her constituents' funerals. "One job of aides is to cull the obituaries," Casey wrote. "One told friends of taking her to five funerals in one day, and of hating to have to ask the families if they would allow her to speak."

Liberals ... dumb, stupid, worthless leeches but at least they are hypocritical ********.
Well yes. "Progressive" is double speak for communist and we have all seen the track record of how "progressive" big wigs really treat the little people.