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Lying liar AOC caught lying again


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
******* AOC is a drama queen liar. She claimed to have "nearly been murdered" on January 6, 2021, but as is always the case, the truth will out.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="https://twitter.com/AOC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@AOC</a> made clear she didn’t know who was at her door. Breathless attempts by media to fan fictitious news flames are dangerous.<br><br>My office is 2 doors down. Insurrectionists never stormed our hallway. Egregious doesn’t even begin to cover it. Is there nothing MSM won’t politicize? <a href="https://t.co/Tl1GiPSOft">pic.twitter.com/Tl1GiPSOft</a></p>— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) <a href="https://twitter.com/RepNancyMace/status/1356677360507052034?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 2, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

So who was at her door when she hid in the bathroom of a completely different building? Why, a police officer, directing her where to go.

What about the claim she "feared being murdered"? What is that about? Annoying as always, Annoying Oral Columny explains:

A short time later, as she was still hiding in the bathroom, a Capitol Hill Police Officer came to her office and checked on her safety, directing her where to go to be evacuated from any impending danger. She did not trust the officer's intention, but complied with his directive, took her handbag, and left her office, along with a member of her staff, who similarly did not trust the officer.

Ocasio-Cortez said that the officer was "looking at me with all this anger and hostility. At first, in my brain and in my mind, I just came from this super intense experience just now, maybe I'm reading into this, right? Like maybe I'm projecting, maybe I'm projecting something on to him that, maybe I'm just sensing anger but maybe he's not trying to be angry, um."

"But I talked to... my legislative director, and he said 'no, I didn't know if he would help us or hurt us either, and [he] was actually like 'this man came with so much hostility, that um" she said. She said that her staffer was "sizing him up" to see if he "would have to fight him."


You cannot ******* make this up. AOC lied about protesters "storming her office," deletes the bullshit tweets, another Congresswoman says her office is next to AOC's office, there was no "storming" of that location (a different building than the Capitol), and AOC backtracks to say she did not trust the police officer who walked her out of the building because "he came with so much hostility."

I'm going to go out on a limb here, you stupid *****, if the cop with a gun wanted to actually murder you - as you originally claimed - you'd be dead.

But liberals are lying liars telling lies about their lies and face no consequence. Just another phony, hyped-up, overblown fiction by a quivering lefty.
She also says she is a survivor of sexual assault. Not sure how many people believe that, either. Seems she just wants to be a victim, no matter the cost, and to convince others they are victims too. Can't wait to see people wake up to this.
She also says she is a survivor of sexual assault. Not sure how many people believe that, either.

Odd that the first time she raised that claim was in connection with the lies about her office being "overrun" by protesters and "nearly being killed." Why would I believe anything else she has to say about anything?

California CACI jury instruction number 107: "However, if you decide that a witness did not tell the truth about something important, you may choose not to believe anything that witness said."

I hereby exercise that right.

Seems she just wants to be a victim, no matter the cost, and to convince others they are victims too. Can't wait to see people wake up to this.

These idiots will never wake up. Anybody with the ability to hear or read knows that AOC is a dolt, and anybody with more than a 3rd grade level of reasoning realizes she is a serial liar, but millions think she is a credible person?

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what i get from her video is:

  • her **** are bigger than I expected
  • she's even more of a dumbass when listening to her than she appears in print
I hate to type this but still HIT. and the run
They were not insurrectionists. If they had been they would have been armed and they would have hung or tarred and feathered most of Congress.
This thread is useless without, well, you know.
They were not insurrectionists. If they had been they would have been armed and they would have hung or tarred and feathered most of Congress.

That, and they left in a quick and orderly fashion once the law arrived in force. Insurrections rarely, if ever, end in that fashion. Storming the capitol where innocents were injured and killed was wrong. That said, if those people really had hate and death in their hearts as a whole, there would have been dozens or more dead.
This thread is useless without, well, you know.


It gives you major clout to be a victim on the left. It helps when you want to bully people into things you want them to do.
The ugly horse faced ***** was never sexually assaulted, just another lie to garner attention to herself. she will go down i flames before its all over and it will be Schumer and the Dems who **** her over.
The bigger the **** the dumber the broad.
They were not insurrectionists. If they had been they would have been armed and they would have hung or tarred and feathered most of Congress.

Exactly! These ******* people have no idea what an insurrection would look like, but it sure as hell wouldn't look like an unarmed crowd of people!
#AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Trends After It’s Revealed AOC Wasn’t Even In Capitol During January Riot
FEBRUARY 3, 2021 By Tristan Justice
The hashtag “#AlexandriaOcasioSmollett” became a top trend on Twitter Wednesday as users connected the dots to find that the New York congresswoman wasn’t in the Capitol building during her “near-death experience.”

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AOC Smollet is comical to me.