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Maricopa County audit

Huh, funny how the garbage moron leeches that constitute lefties continually mix in rants about January 6 and President Donald J. Trump between sips of toilet water while huddling in their studio apartments, alone, wearing three masks ...

And never, I mean NEVER, say one goddamn thing about the senile imbecile plagiarist or the cackling queen of blowjobs now in charge, or a single goddamn positive thing those two idiots have done for America.

It's almost like the leftist commie moron liars cannot point to ONE GODDAMN GOOD THING King Fartbag or Queen Cumguzzler have done for this nation.

"Hey, lefty idiots, what have King Fartbag and Queen Cumguzzler done for this great nation?"


JANUARY 6!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .....

Fraud in Pima County — Democrat Whistleblower sent letter to DOJ detailing scheme to add 35,000 fake mail-in ballots for Joe Biden…​

Posted by Kane on December 15, 2021 3:56 am


Yesterday, Arizona state representative Mark Finchem read an anonymous letter he received that was addressed to criminal division at DOJ, that details a Democrat plan to embed 35,000 fake mail-in votes in Pima County for Joe Biden. An IP address has been obtained for the sender of the email. The letter was supposedly written by a Democrat whistleblower detailing a private meeting he attended with other Arizona Democrat officials.

The letter was dated November 10, 2020, and addressed to the Criminal Division of the DOJ.

American Greatness did a full writeup


“Please be advised the Pima County Recorder, located at 240 N. Stone Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, 85701 in Pima County, Arizona, and the Democrat Party added fraud votes. In the initial count of the vote by mail (VBM) totals released at 8 pm on November 3, 2020, There are approximately 35,000 fraud votes added to each Democrat candidates’ vote totals. Candidates impacted include County, State, and Federal Election candidates. Through the utilization of the automated ballot count machines in Pima County Elections, My understanding is that 35,000 was embedded into each Democrat candidates’ total votes. Below are the meeting notes.”

“In a meeting I was invited to by the Democrat party in Pima County, Arizona on September 10, 2020, no phones or recording devices were allowed. A presentation was given including detailed plans to embed 35,000 votes in a spread configured distribution to each Democrat candidate’s vote totals.”

“When I asked, “How in the world would 35,000 votes be kept hidden, or from being discovered?” It was stated that spread distribution will be embedded across the total registered vote range and will not exceed the registered voter count. And the 35,000 was determined allowable for Pima County based on our county registered voter count.”

“It was also stated total voter turnout versus total registered voters determined how many votes we can embed. The embedding will also adjust based on voter turnout. Because the embedded votes are distributed sporadically, all embedded votes will not be found if audited because embeds are in groups of approximately 1,000. This is so the County Recorder can declare an oversight issue or error, as a group of 1,000 is a normal and acceptable error.”

“Maricopa County’s embed totals will be substantially larger than Pima, due to embeds being calculated based on the total number of registered voters. When I asked, “Has this ever been tested, and how do we know it works?” the response was, yes, this has been tested and has shown significant success in Arizona judicial retention elections, since 2014. Even undetectable in post audits because no candidate will spend the kind of funds needed to audit and contact voters to verify votes and the full potential of the total registered voters, which is more than 500,000 registered voters. This year our Secretary of State has removed precinct level detail from election night releases, so candidates can’t see precinct over-votes.”

“This is what I have from this meeting. Just thought I’d report this. Not sure if you can do anything since I was unable to have a recording device at this meeting. Thank You.”

I don't. No confidence whatsoever but I'm going to cast my vote anyways...
about 287 times... But for which candidate?
What is to stop 2024 from being the same deal

2022 also
What is to stop 2024 from being the same deal

2022 also

I don't know. More attention to the fraud this time? More questions about millions of ballots sent out with no proof a registered voter lives at the address where the ballots are sent? More attention to signature verification?
I don't know. More attention to the fraud this time? More questions about millions of ballots sent out with no proof a registered voter lives at the address where the ballots are sent? More attention to signature verification?
I hope. But when you own the media you get away with a lot more stuff
I hope. But when you own the media you get away with a lot more stuff

Yep. No doubt.

2 million unvetted simply walk into the country, hundreds of thousands with Covid?


Inflation at highest level since 1982?


January 6 and the unarmed non-insurrection armed insurrection?

What is to stop 2024 from being the same deal

2022 also
On one hand, I expect the election observers will be MUCH MUCH more active and obnoxious in the next couple election cycles. Some states (cough cough Georgia and Michigan) subverted laws about how close election observers can be to election workers (6 feet at closest) by putting the election workers at tables with only 5 1/2 feet behind them before a wall, that way the observers couldn't stand BEHIND the workers, they must stand somewhere else. But given the fact that lines of voters are formed in front of the tables, observers were effectively forced to stand quite a distance away and had no real opportunity to watch what was going on.

You'll likely recall how Georgia called it on election night and sent everybody home to return the next day... except for 3 or 4 workers who started pulling out suitcases of ballots and running the ballot batches through the machines over and over and over... I'm willing to bet the next time Georgia or some other state says "Let's call it a night" the observers are going to say "Fuuuuuuck YOU!"

However, with all that said. (typed?) The two single greatest threats involve allowing people to vote with no or extremely cursory proof of identification and the advent of software that simply "calculates votes" in the voting machines. When you nationally have more votes than there are people registered to vote, you CLEARLY have multiple levels of fraud. Generally voter turnout is great if it breaks 50% In the last presidential election there was greater than 100% voter turnout in many many counties and even states. Ignoring the fact that this is simply, numerically impossible in the first place, even if the tally had come in at 90% or 80% or even had it broken 70% you'd have to question the veracity of the vote and suspect fraud.

What I'm saying is, I fear that the current folks in charge are so brazen and empowered right now they may just go full Venezuela on the vote and "tell us" who won the following morning regardless of any votes cast either way.
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On one hand, I expect the election observers will be MUCH MUCH more active and obnoxious in the next couple election cycles. Some states (cough cough Georgia and Michigan) subverted laws about how close election observers can be to election workers (6 feet at closest) by putting the election workers at tables with only 5 1/2 feet behind them before a wall, that way the observers couldn't stand BEHIND the workers, they must stand somewhere else. But given the fact that lines of voters are formed in front of the tables, observers were effectively forced to stand quite a distance away and had no real opportunity to watch what was going on.

You'll likely recall how Georgia called it on election night and sent everybody home to return the next day... except for 3 or 4 workers who started pulling out suitcases of ballots and running the ballot batches through the machines over and over and over... I'm willing to bet the next time Georgia or some other state says "Let's call it a night" the observers are going to say "Fuuuuuuck YOU!"

However, with all that said. (typed?) The two single greatest threats involve allowing people to vote with no or extremely cursory proof of identification and the advent of software that simply "calculates votes" in the voting machines. When you nationally have more votes than there are people registered to vote, you CLEARLY have multiple levels of fraud. Generally voter turnout is great if it breaks 50% In the last presidential election there was greater than 100% national voter turnout. Ignoring the fact that this is simply, numerically impossible in the first place, even if the tally had come in at 90% or 80% or even had it broken 70% you'd have to question the veracity of the vote and suspect fraud.

What I'm saying is, I fear that the current folks in charge are so brazen and empowered right now they may just go full Venezuela on the vote and "tell us" who won the following morning regardless of any votes cast either way.
that is exactly what I fear. and the fact that the left completely owns the media, makes it that much easier to do. this is sad times
We gots us some more of them whistleblowers in Georgia too.....

True the Vote on Nov. 30 saying it had assembled evidence that scores of activists worked with nonprofit groups to collect and deliver thousands of absentee ballots, between 2 and 5 AM on election nights, to temporary voting drop boxes distributed around the state during the pandemic.. The group also said it interviewed a Georgia man who admitted he was paid $45,000 to harvest 4,500 ballots in the Atlanta metropolitan area during the November election and the lead-up to Jan. 5, 2021 runoff for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats,
