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May, June plot

Can you please, please go post this ******* nonsense on a Bengals or Browns message board? They love **** like this. Really.
Yeah, get on with your life's work already, katdung.
1055. The Feds openly move in my lane (1/5/2019)

On 10/3/2018, I received a letter from AT&T said that they "to locate equipment on an existing pole and install one cylindrical antenna on top of the pole." to improve wireless service. There was a street map of the pole with the letter that just overview the entrance of my lane. That's a warning the Feds formally put me under surveillance. Although the whole community are occupied by the Feds and their support groups, their surveillance are unreasonable, but now it becomes formal. That's when they sent an Asian lady playing a stageshow at my house. See "1052. How the Feds frame a case (12/15/2018)". She must have played an *illegal target" to justify a surveillance warrant" on her but the real target is "me".

After I posted #1052 on 12/15, something dramatically happened. From 12/16, B house neighbor started to move out.See map of my lane at "#1032. Removal of surveillance car (8/5/2018)" Another family moved in. At that time, that Asian lady occasionally appeared. It means now the Feds formerly move in their "illegal target" so they can formerly monitor the lane I live. This is how the Feds to turn innocent people under their surveillance by "living plant".

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant Say they suspect you are a criminal. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed.



Good stuff. Appreciate the updates.
1056. Surveillance and violence (1/12/2019)

Jan. 1st. was New Year's day. New moved in family in B house had a busy day to move in their stuff. Though they should be disguised as "criminal target", they are part of surveillance team in fact. They must live in nearby area or just in same community. I noticed that sometimes the interval of empty car bring in new stuff took just a short-while. Among them there was a typical "S.S.G." - three teen age girls. To my experience, the Feds used to organize three people as a "special support group". This S.S.G. had two dogs. One was a big dog like a grey wolf which pounced from time to time.
I think that's intimidation.

Later news reported that Mayor of San Jose had an accident that day (1/1)

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo Injured In Bicycle Accident
By Brian Chase on January 4, 2019

Liccardo, an avid bicyclist, was riding the afternoon of Jan. 1 in the 600 block of Salt Lake Drive when a car struck him


One year ago, San Francisco mayor Ed Lee was dead of "heart attack". I wrote #995, alleged it was part of murder plot. Now the Feds are planing a framed case in San Jose and they play that trick again?

995. Mayor's death (12/12/2017)

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died suddenly today.

S.F. Mayor Ed Lee’s family history includes heart attack

By TRACY SEIPEL Bay Area News Group PUBLISHED: December 12, 2017 at 9:55 am

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s death early Tuesday morning after suffering an apparent heart attack echoes a family history of heart disease.
Coronary heart disease accounts for 1 in 7 deaths in America, killing more than 360,000 people a year.

The average age at the first heart attack is 65.3 years for males and 71.8 years for females.

Lee, who suffered a heart attack while shopping for groceries Monday night, was 65.


That news is more of a defense paper to justify Ed Lee's death is a natural decease. I allege it was a murder done by the Feds.(FBI and DEA)

Recently the Feds intensify their framed case on my family members and me. I think they planed an arrest on Thanks Giving Day family party. see "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" The party place is my sister's house in San Francisco. My relatives used to meet there on holidays. To perform a big arrest, s.F.P.D. would involve in. Since it's a framed case, and a big one, they just eliminate every element of obstruction. Ed Lee obviously does not belong to that criminal group.

This is holiday season: Christmas Day, New Year's day are coming. So the Feds are working relentlessly for it.

The heart attack is a skilled murder weapon for the Feds.
1056. Surveillance and violence (1/12/2019)

Jan. 1st. was New Year's day. New moved in family in B house had a busy day to move in their stuff. Though they should be disguised as "criminal target", they are part of surveillance team in fact. They must live in nearby area or just in same community. I noticed that sometimes the interval of empty car bring in new stuff took just a short-while. Among them there was a typical "S.S.G." - three teen age girls. To my experience, the Feds used to organize three people as a "special support group". This S.S.G. had two dogs. One was a big dog like a grey wolf which pounced from time to time.
I think that's intimidation.

Later news reported that Mayor of San Jose had an accident that day (1/1)

One year ago, San Francisco mayor Ed Lee was dead of "heart attack". I wrote #995, alleged it was part of murder plot. Now the Feds are planing a framed case in San Jose and they play that trick again?

995. Mayor's death (12/12/2017)

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died suddenly today.

That news is more of a defense paper to justify Ed Lee's death is a natural decease. I allege it was a murder done by the Feds.(FBI and DEA)

Recently the Feds intensify their framed case on my family members and me. I think they planed an arrest on Thanks Giving Day family party. see "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" The party place is my sister's house in San Francisco. My relatives used to meet there on holidays. To perform a big arrest, s.F.P.D. would involve in. Since it's a framed case, and a big one, they just eliminate every element of obstruction. Ed Lee obviously does not belong to that criminal group.

This is holiday season: Christmas Day, New Year's day are coming. So the Feds are working relentlessly for it.

The heart attack is a skilled murder weapon for the Feds.

1056. Surveillance and violence (1/12/2019)

Jan. 1st. was New Year's day. New moved in family in B house had a busy day to move in their stuff. Though they should be disguised as "criminal target", they are part of surveillance team in fact. They must live in nearby area or just in same community. I noticed that sometimes the interval of empty car bring in new stuff took just a short-while. Among them there was a typical "S.S.G." - three teen age girls. To my experience, the Feds used to organize three people as a "special support group". This S.S.G. had two dogs. One was a big dog like a grey wolf which pounced from time to time.
I think that's intimidation.

Later news reported that Mayor of San Jose had an accident that day (1/1)

One year ago, San Francisco mayor Ed Lee was dead of "heart attack". I wrote #995, alleged it was part of murder plot. Now the Feds are planing a framed case in San Jose and they play that trick again?

995. Mayor's death (12/12/2017)

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died suddenly today.

That news is more of a defense paper to justify Ed Lee's death is a natural decease. I allege it was a murder done by the Feds.(FBI and DEA)

Recently the Feds intensify their framed case on my family members and me. I think they planed an arrest on Thanks Giving Day family party. see "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" The party place is my sister's house in San Francisco. My relatives used to meet there on holidays. To perform a big arrest, s.F.P.D. would involve in. Since it's a framed case, and a big one, they just eliminate every element of obstruction. Ed Lee obviously does not belong to that criminal group.

This is holiday season: Christmas Day, New Year's day are coming. So the Feds are working relentlessly for it.

The heart attack is a skilled murder weapon for the Feds.

I'm still stuck on the Asian lady sent to your house in your post before this one. We need pictures.
1057. Direct Energy Weapon (1/19/2019)

After North California Paradise fire of November 8, 2018, there are many video in internet say it is done by DEW (Direct Energy Weapon). It can burn a house into ash but leave trees alone. Here is a picture of how it can burn a tree from inside. No doubt it was done by high tech. weapon and only the Feds has capability to do it.


I have alleged the Feds use such energy weapon for a long time. Since it is still a secret weapon, I could only speculate it as "microwave" or "acoustic weapon". Since four months ago the Feds activate "October frame case", I am again suffering from the attack of those high tech. weapon. Recently I often awoke in midnight by overheat feeling. Although it's winter now, there's a sweating feeling. I've talked about it two years ago. Is it "Direct Energy Weapon" as they called?


910. Acoustic weapon killing (6/27/2016)

In the midnight of 6/26, I woke up to an unusual warm feeling. The heat was from inside body, seemed from blood. Since the Feds using acoustic weapon, I encountered such situation several times. Of course, it also came with strong ground vibration feeling. I had to leave my bedroom and slept in the sofa of the sitting room. A few minutes later the heat inside the body disappeared. I had thought a lot about that phenomenon, now I realize it was the killing resonance. The body of human being has its own resonance frequency. Once the Feds apply that frequency on people, it will cause vibration that produces heat or other damages in their blood, organ or parts of the body.

I had been intimidated by the Feds through the TV commercial. At that time I thought the heat killing was microwave radiation. Now I realize it is the acoustic weapon. I had posted my allegation in #815. That TV station disappeared several months later after my revelation. Watch that commercial I posted below. It well proves the heat killing weapon.

quote, 815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)

ICN is a TV channel that broadcast Chinese news and movies. I think it is run by Chinese capital. My wife used to tune on that channel to watch its TV series. When the series is interesting, I join in.

I noticed there is a strange commercial in recent broadcast. I think it is an intimidation from the Feds.

The first one: A lady sits in a sauna room. A pig is approaching her, sniffing. The lady drops some water on heater and create a steam. A thermo-charter shows the temperature goes up followed with a word “COOK? Then lady disappeared and the pig leaves.

Followed by second one: Most of commercial shows how a fish without water is struggling for air. At last a word appears: NO ATTACK.

If the motive of the commercial is “cook”right and “no attack? then they were very bad products. People can hardly link sauna room and fish out of water to it. It is good death intimidation if you know the killing method of the Feds. They used to kill people with microwave radiation. They also kill victims in prison by suffocation with plastic bag on head, then claim it was a suicide.

I think this is particularly on me. Chinese traditionally symbolize year with twelve animals. I was born in the year of pig. That’s why they put a pig in that commercial.

That unusual advertisement was broadcast at 11pm (Monday to Friday) at Channel 26.4 ICN(San Francisco Bay Area) in a two hours long (each week day)Chinese series. See how cruel they treat that fish in that commercial.

No this **** is utter comedy gold. He's a god damned internet conspiracy theory legend.

He doesn't engage with anyone here, He uses our bandwidth to get his bullshit out. This is his shtick.
I don't find it entertaining. I find it self serving.

Whatever. There are bigger battles to fight.
He doesn't engage with anyone here, He uses our bandwidth to get his bullshit out. This is his shtick.
I don't find it entertaining. I find it self serving.

Whatever. There are bigger battles to fight.

Absolutely, that's what he does. We have a living, conspiracy theorist legend who chooses Steeler Nation as one of his dozens of platforms on which to spew is infamous theories.

I look at it as publicity. Maybe negative publicity but if he is the same Katsung47, by God...he picked US! LOL He posts on motorcycle forums, San Diego forums, and there is an Urban Dictionary entry for him. He's like damn near celebrity status. It's almost like having Jeff Reed here posting here after smashing a paper towel holder.

Dude needs to go.

It's no longer funny, thought-provoking or anything even remotely entertaining IMO. But to each their own.
Yarrrr ‘twas star date 2022 and chopsticks was still posting about June plot. Yarrr
I like Asian chicks.
Steelerfan is contemplating whether that's a Hit or not.

He's nothing more than a lying troll and should be banned.
1057. Direct Energy Weapon (1/19/2019)

After North California Paradise fire of November 8, 2018, there are many video in internet say it is done by DEW (Direct Energy Weapon). It can burn a house into ash but leave trees alone. Here is a picture of how it can burn a tree from inside. No doubt it was done by high tech. weapon and only the Feds has capability to do it.


I have alleged the Feds use such energy weapon for a long time. Since it is still a secret weapon, I could only speculate it as "microwave" or "acoustic weapon". Since four months ago the Feds activate "October frame case", I am again suffering from the attack of those high tech. weapon. Recently I often awoke in midnight by overheat feeling. Although it's winter now, there's a sweating feeling. I've talked about it two years ago. Is it "Direct Energy Weapon" as they called?


910. Acoustic weapon killing (6/27/2016)

In the midnight of 6/26, I woke up to an unusual warm feeling. The heat was from inside body, seemed from blood. Since the Feds using acoustic weapon, I encountered such situation several times. Of course, it also came with strong ground vibration feeling. I had to leave my bedroom and slept in the sofa of the sitting room. A few minutes later the heat inside the body disappeared. I had thought a lot about that phenomenon, now I realize it was the killing resonance. The body of human being has its own resonance frequency. Once the Feds apply that frequency on people, it will cause vibration that produces heat or other damages in their blood, organ or parts of the body.

I had been intimidated by the Feds through the TV commercial. At that time I thought the heat killing was microwave radiation. Now I realize it is the acoustic weapon. I had posted my allegation in #815. That TV station disappeared several months later after my revelation. Watch that commercial I posted below. It well proves the heat killing weapon.

quote, 815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)

ICN is a TV channel that broadcast Chinese news and movies. I think it is run by Chinese capital. My wife used to tune on that channel to watch its TV series. When the series is interesting, I join in.

I noticed there is a strange commercial in recent broadcast. I think it is an intimidation from the Feds.

The first one: A lady sits in a sauna room. A pig is approaching her, sniffing. The lady drops some water on heater and create a steam. A thermo-charter shows the temperature goes up followed with a word “COOK? Then lady disappeared and the pig leaves.

Followed by second one: Most of commercial shows how a fish without water is struggling for air. At last a word appears: NO ATTACK.

If the motive of the commercial is “cook”right and “no attack? then they were very bad products. People can hardly link sauna room and fish out of water to it. It is good death intimidation if you know the killing method of the Feds. They used to kill people with microwave radiation. They also kill victims in prison by suffocation with plastic bag on head, then claim it was a suicide.

I think this is particularly on me. Chinese traditionally symbolize year with twelve animals. I was born in the year of pig. That’s why they put a pig in that commercial.

That unusual advertisement was broadcast at 11pm (Monday to Friday) at Channel 26.4 ICN(San Francisco Bay Area) in a two hours long (each week day)Chinese series. See how cruel they treat that fish in that commercial.


Best one yet, K-man. Now with pics and video. You're really stepping up your game. Keep up the good work.
1058. Trump's economy (1/26/2019)

Two years ago, when it was still in president election campaign, I wrote "902. Trump's job (2)". I think Trump was chosen by the Feds - the real ruler of the US, to deal with two issues: the downwards US economy and the elimination of Kat Sung.

Then we saw what Trump has done: he withdraws from UNESCO the U.N.’s cultural organization, he Withdraws U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement, he imposed tariffs on steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) from most countries. he tells NATO allies to spend 4% of GDP on defense spending (doubling 2% spending target that only five countries have met).

When US has to have a rogue style president to demand (or ask for) money from others, it's no joke that Trump even wants Mexico to pay a wall he intends to build, you know US really faces an economic problem. The most big one is China. It develops rapidly and will take over the seat of super power number 1 from US soon.

That's why Trump has a trade war with China right now.

Though Trump pushed out a Tax cut Act, it doesn't solve the basic problem - debt crisis. It may make economy pretty in Trump's term but increases the national debt amount.

The root of trouble was planted 18 years ago when the Feds signed a secret deal with China.


902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)

I revealed the Trump campaign was a comedy on 4/30. Within days his rivals Cruze and Kasich dropped the election campaign. It would be a joke to go on with this comic show.

This country is ruled by the Feds. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

In 2001, Clinton left the White House with a budget surplus. That was unusual. Most U.S.presidents added deficit to the huge national debt. Yet the Feds arranged George W. Bush to win the election. They need a candidate of their own to take care of the big events they planed to create - 911 attack, the Patriot Act and the Mid-east wars.

When the media beat the drum to push up Trump's popularity, it means the Feds having another plan to produce a second "Bush". That's why I said something big will happen - bigger than 911 attack and the Mid-east wars.

The big events may relate to China, I think. 911 attack was a derivation derived from the secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police.(see #884 to #899) Benefited from "hosting the Olympic summer game" and "membership of WTO", China has been developed into economic power No.2 of the world. Which is shaking the super-power throne of the US. That's the story of Bush time.

Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)".
1058. Trump's economy (1/26/2019)

Two years ago, when it was still in president election campaign, I wrote "902. Trump's job (2)". I think Trump was chosen by the Feds - the real ruler of the US, to deal with two issues: the downwards US economy and the elimination of Kat Sung.

Then we saw what Trump has done: he withdraws from UNESCO the U.N.’s cultural organization, he Withdraws U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement, he imposed tariffs on steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) from most countries. he tells NATO allies to spend 4% of GDP on defense spending (doubling 2% spending target that only five countries have met).

When US has to have a rogue style president to demand (or ask for) money from others, it's no joke that Trump even wants Mexico to pay a wall he intends to build, you know US really faces an economic problem. The most big one is China. It develops rapidly and will take over the seat of super power number 1 from US soon.

That's why Trump has a trade war with China right now.

Though Trump pushed out a Tax cut Act, it doesn't solve the basic problem - debt crisis. It may make economy pretty in Trump's term but increases the national debt amount.

The root of trouble was planted 18 years ago when the Feds signed a secret deal with China.


902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)

I revealed the Trump campaign was a comedy on 4/30. Within days his rivals Cruze and Kasich dropped the election campaign. It would be a joke to go on with this comic show.

This country is ruled by the Feds. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

In 2001, Clinton left the White House with a budget surplus. That was unusual. Most U.S.presidents added deficit to the huge national debt. Yet the Feds arranged George W. Bush to win the election. They need a candidate of their own to take care of the big events they planed to create - 911 attack, the Patriot Act and the Mid-east wars.

When the media beat the drum to push up Trump's popularity, it means the Feds having another plan to produce a second "Bush". That's why I said something big will happen - bigger than 911 attack and the Mid-east wars.

The big events may relate to China, I think. 911 attack was a derivation derived from the secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police.(see #884 to #899) Benefited from "hosting the Olympic summer game" and "membership of WTO", China has been developed into economic power No.2 of the world. Which is shaking the super-power throne of the US. That's the story of Bush time.

Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)".

I am the real ruler. I am Batman. Get the hell off my lawn or I'm calling the cops.