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May, June plot

1047. Behind wildfire (11/10/2018)

In "1041", I wrote, "I have a feeling such a long lasting wildfires were the work of the Feds. The purpose is to find a reason to stop me from burning withered leaves." The tactic continues so I wrote "1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire " and then "1045. Oakland fire", now it develops to:

Several days ago, I found a post that proves all these disasters were caused by man made climate war.

Read the whole passage at:


It's hard to believe, though. If you have read all my story.

1048. Chemtrail to alter the weather (11/17/2018)

The Feds spread chemical to change the area's air pressure to force the humid air mass away from California, that has made California a dried land for year long.

ZERO rain in California. Yet jet stream flows over state.
Mon Nov 5, 2018 3:57am

The weather terrorists continue to spray dessicants over the moisture field yet again to prevent cohesion and lift of the huge moisture field moving from the Pacific Ocean over California. This is the pattern so far this monsoon season that usually begins in late September and October. The aerosols and EMF weather machines such as NEXRAD and SBX-1 are I full deployment to continue to dry out and destroy California. No rain anywhere here.


http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=175790;article=1617430;title=Religion and Ethics BBS

14 years ago, I talked about how the Feds changed the climate by chemtrail.

(218). Chemtrail and covert climate war (4/4/04)

In many web sites, there is a common topic: "chemtrail". People puzzled what is it for. They worried the chemistry will hurt human's health and pollute the nature.

Here is a typical post about chemtrail in a discussion.

Quote, "Chemtrail, the name given to non-dissipating vapor-like trails left in our skies in grid like patterns by high altitude, unmarked aircraft. People all over the world have now witnessed these, and they've been so concerned that they have contacted their governmental representatives.

Dennis Kucinich has included this phenomenon as part of his protest statements against U.S. space weapon development. Other senators have been involved, too.


(353). Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.


A hurricane needs a warm air mass with rich water vapor. Ocean supplies it. A hurricane also needs big air pressure difference and temperature difference above it. This chemical supplies it. That's how an artificial hurricane developed.


Read the whole passage at:

1049. Paradise fire was done by the Feds (11/23/2018)

Fearing the Feds to make arrest by claiming they found drug trace in garbage, I used to burn the withered leaves. I think the Feds created wildfires to justify an arrest. Last month (October) I wrote #1044, alleged the Feds would justify search and arrest by wildfire on 10/14. That day, PG&E strangely shut down the power supply to part of North California. I particularly noticed it because the Feds used to create big event on action day. 10/14 was the leaving date of my wife's Mid-east travel. Feds used to make arrest at check point at air terminal when they can legally search passengers. A recent news indicates they had prepared Paradise fire as early as in October.

California fire: PG&E canceled planned power shut-off in Paradise area just before Camp fire broke out

On Oct. 14, the company cautiously shut off power to some 60,000 Sierra foothills and North Bay customers, hoping to prevent any downed power lines from sparking a fire. On Nov. 6, PG&E again began warning 70,000 customers — including those in the town of Paradise — that it might flip the switch in the face of fire danger.


This is exactly what I wrote one month ago:

1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)

In #1041, I wrote that the Feds have made a plot in October. They arranged tours for my sisters and my wife. My wife's Mid East tour is from 10/14 to 10/28.
As for me, I allege they would justify an arrest for "burning" yard trash. To make the arrest reasonable, they have created historical big wild fire in California. In Oct.15, I read a news:

PG&E keeps nearly 60,000 Northern California customers in the dark to reduce wildfire risk
Ashley May and Kristin Lam, USA TODAY Oct.15, 2018

A utility company purposefully shut off electricity to nearly 60,000 Northern California customers Sunday night, aiming to reduce wildfire risks from power lines during extreme winds.


It means California is in so dangerous situation that even PG&E shut off the power supply to 60,000 customers in advance to prevent a fire risk. My view is it proves my predict that the Feds created a case to frame me and my family in. The "Sunday night" was Oct.14 night. The time my wife left for her Mid-east tour.
355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.

1050. A wildfire that not burn trees (12/1/2018)

Here is a picture of Paradise after the fire. You can see Houses were burned into ashes, But trees remain green. By common sense, was it possible?




To burn a house to the ground usual takes hours or days, that will affect nearby trees. Unless the houses were made by papers, (then they would have been burned in seconds or minutes). The picture shows a "fire" flashed through the town that only destroyed houses but left trees alone. I think the Feds were behind this tragedy. They planned this for a long time. To create a dry weather (see #1047 to 1049) and select Paradise as victim (see #1044). They finally carried it out on November 8 because it is rain season. They had made California a "no rain" land for too long time and wouldn't abandon it for doing nothing.

To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died.


Emily Cragg - California Fires Directed Energy Weapons


355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

1050. A wildfire that not burn trees (12/1/2018)

Here is a picture of Paradise after the fire. You can see Houses were burned into ashes, But trees remain green. By common sense, was it possible?




To burn a house to the ground usual takes hours or days, that will affect nearby trees. Unless the houses were made by papers, (then they would have been burned in seconds or minutes). The picture shows a "fire" flashed through the town that only destroyed houses but left trees alone. I think the Feds were behind this tragedy. They planned this for a long time. To create a dry weather (see #1047 to 1049) and select Paradise as victim (see #1044). They finally carried it out on November 8 because it is rain season. They had made California a "no rain" land for too long time and wouldn't abandon it for doing nothing.

To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died.



You're a ******* moron. I know people from Paradise. My wife is from Chico which is next to Paradise. We were on the phone with people who were trying to escape there. Including her son. You sick stupid ******* moron. They weren't running from lasers or ******* weather machines. They were running from fires. I saw them from their phones. You should keep your ******* mouth shut when you don't have a clue what the **** you are talking about. You stupid mother ******.
355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.

1050. A wildfire that not burn trees (12/1/2018)

Here is a picture of Paradise after the fire. You can see Houses were burned into ashes, But trees remain green. By common sense, was it possible?




To burn a house to the ground usual takes hours or days, that will affect nearby trees. Unless the houses were made by papers, (then they would have been burned in seconds or minutes). The picture shows a "fire" flashed through the town that only destroyed houses but left trees alone. I think the Feds were behind this tragedy. They planned this for a long time. To create a dry weather (see #1047 to 1049) and select Paradise as victim (see #1044). They finally carried it out on November 8 because it is rain season. They had made California a "no rain" land for too long time and wouldn't abandon it for doing nothing.

To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died.



Because the wood in trees are full of water. Wood in homes are dried out and burn quickly.

remember back when everyone thought Katsung was normal. no? yeah me neither
1051. Paradise fire was originally planed to act on 10/14 (12/8/2018)

I am harassed to post in Internet. The processing become very, very slow. And frequently the computer lost connection to Internet. I think the problem is what I said in #1050 was very true that "To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died."

I now allege the Feds planed a fire to eliminate me. The fire would be done by DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) It's quick and controllable. It's evident that the targetted houses and automiles were burned severely while nearby trees were in much better conditions. Nobody in video said they saw fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. With that speed and high temperatue (that even melted aluminium wheels of the car), the surronding trees wouldn't survive. It could be done only by high tech. weapon.

On 10/14, PG&E cut off electricity to Paradise area. I noticed it and wrote:"1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)". On 11/8, they still carried it out because it was a large scale plan. They wouldn't waste what they have done. In witness' video, you can see small fire in different spot along the road. (That's why they said fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute.) And collapsed electricity wire along road too. (a pre-prepared cover up work)
1051. Paradise fire was originally planed to act on 10/14 (12/8/2018)

I am harassed to post in Internet. The processing become very, very slow. And frequently the computer lost connection to Internet. I think the problem is what I said in #1050 was very true that "To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died."

I now allege the Feds planed a fire to eliminate me. The fire would be done by DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) It's quick and controllable. It's evident that the targetted houses and automiles were burned severely while nearby trees were in much better conditions. Nobody in video said they saw fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. With that speed and high temperatue (that even melted aluminium wheels of the car), the surronding trees wouldn't survive. It could be done only by high tech. weapon.

On 10/14, PG&E cut off electricity to Paradise area. I noticed it and wrote:"1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)". On 11/8, they still carried it out because it was a large scale plan. They wouldn't waste what they have done. In witness' video, you can see small fire in different spot along the road. (That's why they said fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute.) And collapsed electricity wire along road too. (a pre-prepared cover up work)

You're such a piece of ****. You have no idea what the hell you are blabbering about. My step son was there in the middle of it and saw plenty of fire. He never mentioned any high tech weapon... just a ******* fire that almost killed him. Dumb ***.
1051. Paradise fire was originally planed to act on 10/14 (12/8/2018)

I am harassed to post in Internet. The processing become very, very slow. And frequently the computer lost connection to Internet. I think the problem is what I said in #1050 was very true that "To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died."

I now allege the Feds planed a fire to eliminate me. The fire would be done by DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) It's quick and controllable. It's evident that the targetted houses and automiles were burned severely while nearby trees were in much better conditions. Nobody in video said they saw fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. With that speed and high temperatue (that even melted aluminium wheels of the car), the surronding trees wouldn't survive. It could be done only by high tech. weapon.

On 10/14, PG&E cut off electricity to Paradise area. I noticed it and wrote:"1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)". On 11/8, they still carried it out because it was a large scale plan. They wouldn't waste what they have done. In witness' video, you can see small fire in different spot along the road. (That's why they said fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute.) And collapsed electricity wire along road too. (a pre-prepared cover up work)

1051. Paradise fire was originally planed to act on 10/14 (12/8/2018)

I am harassed to post in Internet. The processing become very, very slow. And frequently the computer lost connection to Internet. I think the problem is what I said in #1050 was very true that "To wipe out the witnesses, all town were ruined. The time was at 6:30 when people were asleep. To justify the high death rate they said the fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. Since they controlled the media, I think people will never know how many people died."

I now allege the Feds planed a fire to eliminate me. The fire would be done by DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) It's quick and controllable. It's evident that the targetted houses and automiles were burned severely while nearby trees were in much better conditions. Nobody in video said they saw fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute. With that speed and high temperatue (that even melted aluminium wheels of the car), the surronding trees wouldn't survive. It could be done only by high tech. weapon.

On 10/14, PG&E cut off electricity to Paradise area. I noticed it and wrote:"1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)". On 11/8, they still carried it out because it was a large scale plan. They wouldn't waste what they have done. In witness' video, you can see small fire in different spot along the road. (That's why they said fire grew at about 80 football fields per minute.) And collapsed electricity wire along road too. (a pre-prepared cover up work)

Not your best work, kat. Much prefer your longer posts that show more imagination. Still find them generally entertaining though.
1052. How the Feds frame a case (12/15/2018)

I could hardly post in internet sites. I think the Feds have prepared a raid anytime recently.

On December 12 near 2 o,clock, an Asian lady who wore a glass walked into the lane. She paced up and down and watched at my house for a while, then left. Soon, there came a car. Parked at the entrance of the lane, headed to my house. I was familiar to this deep grey car- a surveillance car of the Feds, often parks at same place to intimidate. I even talked about it at # "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" (While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation.) What was it going to do this time?
Then that Asian lady appeared again and repeated what she had done before - paced up and down and watched at my house then left. The surveillance car left after that lady's leaving.

A few minutes later, a "DHL" business van parked at cross street. That Asian lady appeared again to shake hands with the "DHS" driver. The performance was done at the entrance of the lane.

This was not the first time I saw that lady. Sometime ago, she was with another lady at the entrance of the lane. Then in early October, I received a letter of AT&T which said AT&T "proposes to install equipment on street pole." At that time I allege it was a surveillance program of the Feds. That lady obviously is the living plant (as an illegal target) used by the Feds to apply for a search warrant.

The coming of deep grey car was to take a picture with which they could apply for a warrant to extend surveillance to my house. That lady, of course, would follow the order from the Feds to repeat similar action twice before my house.
1052. How the Feds frame a case (12/15/2018)

I could hardly post in internet sites. I think the Feds have prepared a raid anytime recently.

On December 12 near 2 o,clock, an Asian lady who wore a glass walked into the lane. She paced up and down and watched at my house for a while, then left. Soon, there came a car. Parked at the entrance of the lane, headed to my house. I was familiar to this deep grey car- a surveillance car of the Feds, often parks at same place to intimidate. I even talked about it at # "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" (While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation.) What was it going to do this time?
Then that Asian lady appeared again and repeated what she had done before - paced up and down and watched at my house then left. The surveillance car left after that lady's leaving.

A few minutes later, a "DHL" business van parked at cross street. That Asian lady appeared again to shake hands with the "DHS" driver. The performance was done at the entrance of the lane.

This was not the first time I saw that lady. Sometime ago, she was with another lady at the entrance of the lane. Then in early October, I received a letter of AT&T which said AT&T "proposes to install equipment on street pole." At that time I allege it was a surveillance program of the Feds. That lady obviously is the living plant (as an illegal target) used by the Feds to apply for a search warrant.

The coming of deep grey car was to take a picture with which they could apply for a warrant to extend surveillance to my house. That lady, of course, would follow the order from the Feds to repeat similar action twice before my house.

Bouncing Betty be bopped a beautiful beatnik brokered by Bobby but broken by Barbara boy oh boy barbeque briskets boiled baked blue boy bubba Buford became busted but not broken. Bad bad baklava beds and berries before the bedrock battered bartered billions in bitcoin before the bank went bankrupt.

The goose has laid its golden egg. Whispers.ot oh
1052. How the Feds frame a case (12/15/2018)

I could hardly post in internet sites. I think the Feds have prepared a raid anytime recently.

On December 12 near 2 o,clock, an Asian lady who wore a glass walked into the lane. She paced up and down and watched at my house for a while, then left. Soon, there came a car. Parked at the entrance of the lane, headed to my house. I was familiar to this deep grey car- a surveillance car of the Feds, often parks at same place to intimidate. I even talked about it at # "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" (While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation.) What was it going to do this time?
Then that Asian lady appeared again and repeated what she had done before - paced up and down and watched at my house then left. The surveillance car left after that lady's leaving.

A few minutes later, a "DHL" business van parked at cross street. That Asian lady appeared again to shake hands with the "DHS" driver. The performance was done at the entrance of the lane.

This was not the first time I saw that lady. Sometime ago, she was with another lady at the entrance of the lane. Then in early October, I received a letter of AT&T which said AT&T "proposes to install equipment on street pole." At that time I allege it was a surveillance program of the Feds. That lady obviously is the living plant (as an illegal target) used by the Feds to apply for a search warrant.

The coming of deep grey car was to take a picture with which they could apply for a warrant to extend surveillance to my house. That lady, of course, would follow the order from the Feds to repeat similar action twice before my house.

Now you're back on track. This is a good one. **** the haters. Keep on keepin' on.
1052. How the Feds frame a case (12/15/2018)

I could hardly post in internet sites. I think the Feds have prepared a raid anytime recently.

On December 12 near 2 o,clock, an Asian lady who wore a glass walked into the lane. She paced up and down and watched at my house for a while, then left. Soon, there came a car. Parked at the entrance of the lane, headed to my house. I was familiar to this deep grey car- a surveillance car of the Feds, often parks at same place to intimidate. I even talked about it at # "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" (While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation.) What was it going to do this time?
Then that Asian lady appeared again and repeated what she had done before - paced up and down and watched at my house then left. The surveillance car left after that lady's leaving.

A few minutes later, a "DHL" business van parked at cross street. That Asian lady appeared again to shake hands with the "DHS" driver. The performance was done at the entrance of the lane.

This was not the first time I saw that lady. Sometime ago, she was with another lady at the entrance of the lane. Then in early October, I received a letter of AT&T which said AT&T "proposes to install equipment on street pole." At that time I allege it was a surveillance program of the Feds. That lady obviously is the living plant (as an illegal target) used by the Feds to apply for a search warrant.

The coming of deep grey car was to take a picture with which they could apply for a warrant to extend surveillance to my house. That lady, of course, would follow the order from the Feds to repeat similar action twice before my house.

That's deep, man. Did you **** yourself?
1053. Governement shutdown manipulation (12/22/2018)

There was a crisis of government shutdown. It was resolved like this:

Senate approves bill to keep government running into 2019

Senators passed the measure, which would keep government running to Feb. 8, by voice vote without a roll call.


I view it as a Feds oriented plot. Feb.5/2019 is Chinese New Years Day. My family members used to gather together to celebrate it. Feds also used to chose such date to carry on a raid. Why do they relate it to a government shutdown? Because that is a framed case, the Feds will kill many people because they are innocent. Some law enforcement officers and correctional officers may not be there to do the bail work. That's why the Feds used to frame a case on Friday, the jail won't do bail on week end. A shut down gives the Feds more time to commit murder while innocents are in custody.

What surprises me is this morning's news(12/22) says Trump refusing to sign the budget because it doesn't include the fund to build a wall to the US-Mexico border. The abrupt action of Trump indicates how eagerly the Feds is to finish my case.They even can't wait to February - their original plan date. Today is 12/22. My family members have a dinner party for Christmas. I think that is the recent target of the Feds.

One thing I'd like to remind people, the Feds used to activate big event to distract a big case. The distract case will be bigger than North California wild fire(Paradise fire) or Las Vegas mass shooting. And mass murder will take place.
1054. The character of plot (12/29/2018)

On Aug. 3/2017, a PG&E worker came to my house and replaced the gas meter. I was afraid of a gas explosion and called the company. See "974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)" Two months later, I found the Feds had prepared a mass shooting case between 8/3/17 to 8/6.

A plot two months later: My wife was arranged a tour to Europe on 10/2/2017. Two hours before her leaving, there was a mass shooting happened in Las Vegas. The Feds used to arrange travel for my wife so it's easy to create accident death on her. The mass shooting was used to distract the murder plot on my case.

Then the news reported Las Vegas shooter Paddock also prepared a shooting case on 8/3 in Chicago.


booked one room at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, which he was due to check into on August 1, and he booked a second room for check in on August 3, a law enforcement official told USA Today.

Both rooms had a checkout date of August 6. The Lollapalooza music festival ran August 2-5 and takes place in Grant Park.


In October plot 2018, My wife was arranged a Mid-east tour on 10/14/2018. Same time PG&E cut power supply to North California area. I think it was unusual and wrote "1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire (10/20/2018)"

Three weeks later Paradise fire took place. It was the biggest fire in California history and would play a big distraction.

California fire: PG&E canceled planned power shut-off in Paradise area just before Camp fire broke out

On Oct. 14, the company cautiously shut off power to some 60,000 Sierra foothills and North Bay customers, hoping to prevent any downed power lines from sparking a fire. On Nov. 6, PG&E again began warning 70,000 customers — including those in the town of Paradise — that it might flip the switch in the face of fire danger.


Do you see the similarity? 1. PG&E involved. 2. My wife was a murder target. Travel arranged because accident are easy to create. 3. Big events created to distract. 4. I wrote my suspicion in advance and was later proved by news report.
1055. The Feds openly move in my lane (1/5/2019)

On 10/3/2018, I received a letter from AT&T said that they "to locate equipment on an existing pole and install one cylindrical antenna on top of the pole." to improve wireless service. There was a street map of the pole with the letter that just overview the entrance of my lane. That's a warning the Feds formally put me under surveillance. Although the whole community are occupied by the Feds and their support groups, their surveillance are unreasonable, but now it becomes formal. That's when they sent an Asian lady playing a stageshow at my house. See "1052. How the Feds frame a case (12/15/2018)". She must have played an *illegal target" to justify a surveillance warrant" on her but the real target is "me".

After I posted #1052 on 12/15, something dramatically happened. From 12/16, B house neighbor started to move out.See map of my lane at "#1032. Removal of surveillance car (8/5/2018)" Another family moved in. At that time, that Asian lady occasionally appeared. It means now the Feds formerly move in their "illegal target" so they can formerly monitor the lane I live. This is how the Feds to turn innocent people under their surveillance by "living plant".

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant Say they suspect you are a criminal. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed.


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