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medical health care debt is raysiss


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Why Black Americans are more likely to be saddled with medical debt​

Updated October 27, 20226:46 PM ET

When Dr. H.M. Green opened his new medical office building on East Vine Avenue in 1922, Black Knoxville residents could be seen only in the basement of Knoxville General Hospital. They were barred from the city's other three medical centers.

Green, one of America's leading Black physicians, spent his life working to end health inequities like this. He installed an X-ray machine, an operating room, and a private infirmary in his building to serve Black patients. On the first floor was a pharmacy.

Today the Green Medical Arts Building has been replaced by a tangle of freeways that were built after the city's Black business district was bulldozed in a midcentury urban renewal project.

But the health gaps Green labored to narrow still divide this community. And if segregation is less apparent in medical offices today, its legacy lives on in crushing medical debt that disproportionately burdens this city's Black community.

In and around Knoxville, residents of predominantly Black neighborhoods are more than twice as likely as those in largely white neighborhoods to owe money for medical bills, Urban Institute credit bureau data shows — it's one of the widest racial disparities in the country.

That tracks with a disturbing national trend. Health care debt in the U.S. now affects more than 100 million people, a KHN-NPR investigation found. But the toll has been especially high on Black communities: 56% of Black adults owe money for a medical or dental bill, compared with 37% of white adults, according to a nationwide KFF poll conducted for this project.

The explanation for that startling disparity is deeply rooted. Decades of discrimination in housing, employment, and health care blocked generations of Black families from building wealth — savings and assets that are increasingly critical to accessing America's high-priced medical system.

Against that backdrop, patients suffer. People with debt avoid seeking care and become sicker with treatable chronic conditions like diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Worse still, hospitals and doctors sometimes won't see patients with medical debt — even those in the middle of treatment.

"African Americans don't seek health care until we are really, really sick, and then it costs more," said Tabace Burns, a former emergency room nurse in Knoxville. Burns, who is also a leader in her church, said she routinely helps members of her congregation find medical care they should have sought earlier.

Nationwide, Black adults who have had health care debt are twice as likely as white adults with such debt to say they've been denied care because they owe money, the KFF poll found. Many Black Americans also ration their care out of fear of cost.

Burns recalled a friend who came to see her about an oozing growth on her breast. "She didn't have any insurance, so she just thought it would get better," Burns said.

Burns helped the woman find an oncologist to treat what turned out to be cancer. There was a cost to waiting so long, though. Because the cancer was so advanced, the friend had to undergo chemotherapy and have both breasts removed.

It could have been worse. "What if she didn't know me? What if she just continued to let her breast leak and it was necrotic?" Burns said. But, she added, if her friend hadn't been so worried about going into debt, she would have gone to the doctor sooner.

It's a terrible cycle, said Berneta Haynes, a staff attorney at the National Consumer Law Center. "This legacy of segregation and structural racism underlies the racial health gap," she said. "It impacts health outcomes and access. And it impacts the level of medical debt."

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Why Black Americans are more likely to be saddled with medical debt​

Because health insurance has been largely tied to your job and Black Americans tend to have higher rates of unemployment because they tend to live in highly Democrat areas that chase jobs away.