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Millenial Reality smackdown....


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
I found this to be entertaining...



They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. These young, uninitiated minds will someday soon become our politicians, doctors, scientists, chefs, television producers, fashion designers, manufacturers, and, one would hope, the new proponents of liberty. But are they ready for it?

Time after time, particularly on college campuses, millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats who place far too much emphasis on feelings and nowhere near enough emphasis on critical thinking. To the millennial, words are cause for the creation of safe spaces, alternative ideas must be stifled, and anything they perceive to be a microaggression is enough to send them spiraling into a state of mental distress.

It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show.

1. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant

Seriously, nobody who has already graduated college cares about your feelings. That means that when you complain to your boss because your co-worker mis-gendered you, he’s probably not going to bend over backwards to bandage your wounds. Given feelings are entirely subjective in nature, it’s completely unreasonable to demand everyone tip-toe around you to prevent yours from being hurt. The reality is that people will offend you and hurt your feelings, and they won’t stop to mop up your tears because they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, alternative viewpoints, and even outright insults will make you happier in the long run than routinely playing the victim card.

2. You Cannot Be Whatever You Want To Be

This is a comforting lie parents have started telling their children to boost their morale in school. Unfortunately, millennials are now convinced it’s true, especially as society has now decided to push this narrative as well. The reality is if you’re 17 years old and still can’t figure out basic division, you’re not going to be a rocket scientist. If you’re overweight and unattractive, you’re not going to be the quarterback’s prom date. If you lack fine motor skills, you’re not going to be a heart surgeon. It’s okay to accept that you cannot be whatever you want to be. In fact, once you accept this, you’ll be able to focus on the things you can be — the things you really are talented at.

3. Gender Studies Is A Waste Of Money

You heard me. While some millennials taking useless degrees will claim they’re beneficial for teaching or research positions, the reality is that they just put themselves several thousands dollars in debt to learn how to be a professional victim. While you’re struggling to make ends meet after graduation because nobody who pays more than minimum wage is interested in your qualifications and you’re drowning in student loan debt, be sure to check out the next harsh reality before you start complaining.

4. If You Live In America, You’re Already In The 1%

That’s right. Even though you work at McDonald’s for minimum wage because you got a useless, outrageously expensive college degree, you’re still far better off than the vast majority of the planet. Don’t believe me? Fly to Uganda and check out the living conditions there. Fly to China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and even European countries like Ukraine and Greece, and you’ll quickly discover just how well-off you really are. While it may be cool these days to dump on capitalism, it’s the only reason you aren’t already worse off.

5. You Don’t Have A Right To It Just Because You Exist

That includes healthcare, guaranteed income, and somewhere to live. Just because you’re here and breathing doesn’t mean society owes you anything. Like the billions of people who lived before you, working hard is a better guarantor of wealth and the ability to comfortably take care of yourself than begging society or the government to do it for you. Demanding healthcare be a right, for example, is equivalent to demanding government force the taxpayer to pay for it. While that may seem like a good idea in theory, it only leads to rationing of care when costs become unsustainable, which negatively impacts not just your health, but everyone else’s, too.

6. You DO Have The Right To Live As You Please — But Not To Demand People Accept It

By contrast, you do have the right to live however you please, so long as it’s within the confines of the law. If you want to cross-dress, smoke marijuana, drink lots of alcohol, have lots of sex, and, yes, even go to school for gender studies, then by all means, go for it. Government should not be allowed to legislate people’s behavior as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s rights, but that doesn’t mean society isn’t allowed to have an opinion.You don’t have the right to demand people keep their opinions about your lifestyle to themselves, especially if you’re open and public about it. I have as much of a right to comment on the way you live your life as you do to actually live it. Your feelings are not a protected right, but my speech is.

7. The Only Safe Space Is Your Home

No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home. Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.
That article is beautiful and dead on.

Somewhere, Tibs' children are pissed reading this.
I agree

Another thing with millenials. I'm 26 years old so I see this a lot amongst people my age and younger. If they are not coddled, then they love to gossip, whine and play victim until they get their way. In professional settings they usually get fired and have a pity party. Its weird.

Me personally, I'm thankful for my position. I have a decent paying job, pay attention to what needs to be done. At the end of the day I worked for my stuff, I am able to provide for my wife and son, enjoy a few brews and enjoy hobbies. Sometimes I do think I can improve and its up to me to do it. Millenials lack responsibility/accountability
I tell you one thing. I love millenials. They can't compete in my line of business. I have no peers!
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I can live with the pussification. They will turn it around sooner or later because such things are cyclical. What I can't stand is the infringement of my rights because they don't like their ideas challenged.
I posted that same article on FB a few days back.
I can live with the pussification. They will turn it around sooner or later because such things are cyclical. What I can't stand is the infringement of my rights because they don't like their ideas challenged.

Something has to give. I always live by the notion if you want it---work for it. We live in a country that gives us the opportunity to at least try for that dream. If it doesnt pan out. Accept reality, work on your weaknesses and know where your strengths can best suit you
I can live with the pussification. They will turn it around sooner or later because such things are cyclical. What I can't stand is the infringement of my rights because they don't like their ideas challenged.

I just hope they don't push over the whole apple cart and are then unable to right it before the "cycle" ends. I agree that it seems generations swing back and forth but don't believe I've ever seen more disenfranchised feeling, butt hurt, deluded and useless yutes than the "millennials."
I just hope they don't push over the whole apple cart and are then unable to right it before the "cycle" ends. I agree that it seems generations swing back and forth but don't believe I've ever seen more disenfranchised feeling, butt hurt, deluded and useless yutes than the "millennials."

Cannot agree more^^^
This will be a lost generation. By the time they realize most of what they were taught is completely useless or outright lies, they will be working under the kid they used to babysit.

On the other hand, for the small number of millennials who do have their heads on straight, took a real major, and aren't afraid of work, they will make a ton of money because businesses will be afraid to lose any of the few gems from the growing pile of **** that will be the available workforce.

It's also good news for Gen Xers as businesses will not be able to "downsize" or replace them with cheaper, younger workers because those youngers workers will be mostly shitheads.
On the other hand, for the small number of millennials who do have their heads on straight, took a real major, and aren't afraid of work, they will make a ton of money because businesses will be afraid to lose any of the few gems from the growing pile of **** that will be the available workforce.

This ^^^

My kids are ages 28 and 24. Both graduated college (after participating in Division 1 sports), work very hard, and are doing fine, thank you.
That article is beautiful and dead on. Somewhere, Tibs' children are pissed reading this.
**** you, *******. My family, including my wife and I and our parents have worked our ***** off our entire lives. We've never been given anything, were both born into lower income families, put ourselves through school and have earned everything we've made and achieved in life. And that's how we're raising our children, who are doing great, be it in academics, sports, theater, music. So **** you and your patronizing, demeaning right-wing posturing. You guys think the world revolves around you, that you're somehow a ******* hero cause you hold conservative, right-wing beliefs, and anyone who doesn't is a bum. Nothing is more condescending than reading all the higher-than-thou crap you guys pass around while patting yourselves on the back. What a crock of ****, nothing but a room full of ********.
**** you, *******. My family, including my wife and I and our parents have worked our ***** off our entire lives. We've never been given anything, were both born into lower income families, put ourselves through school and have earned everything we've made and achieved in life. Then why in the world do you believe everyone else shouldn't have to do the same?at's how we're raising our children, who are doing great, be it in academics, sports, theater, music. So **** you and your patronizing, demeaning right-wing posturing. You guys think the world revolves around you, that you're somehow a ******* hero cause you hold conservative, right-wing beliefs, and anyone who doesn't is a bum. Nothing is more condescending than reading all the higher-than-thou crap you guys pass around while patting yourselves on the back. What a crock of ****, nothing but a room full of ********.

Someone's gruuumpyyyyy.......
Taking a shot at Tibs is one thing.
Taking a shot at his kids is another. come on people. don't let this morph into a Browns or Ravens message board.
Taking a shot at Tibs is one thing.
Taking a shot at his kids is another. come on people. don't let this morph into a Browns or Ravens message board.

Yeah, I agree with Supe - it's not Tib's kids fault that he's such a Flaming Liberal. Hands off a that.
**** you, *******. My family, including my wife and I and our parents have worked our ***** off our entire lives. We've never been given anything, were both born into lower income families, put ourselves through school and have earned everything we've made and achieved in life. And that's how we're raising our children, who are doing great, be it in academics, sports, theater, music. So **** you and your patronizing, demeaning right-wing posturing. You guys think the world revolves around you, that you're somehow a ******* hero cause you hold conservative, right-wing beliefs, and anyone who doesn't is a bum. Nothing is more condescending than reading all the higher-than-thou crap you guys pass around while patting yourselves on the back. What a crock of ****, nothing but a room full of ********.

LOL, you go off traveling for business meetings and come home to find this.

So it's ok to attack everyone here on the board in just about any manner you choose. But when the scope's on you, well...

At least we maintain our composure.
**** you, *******. My family, including my wife and I and our parents have worked our ***** off our entire lives. We've never been given anything, were both born into lower income families, put ourselves through school and have earned everything we've made and achieved in life.

Bernie thinks that you and your wealthy kids make too much money.
**** you, *******. My family, including my wife and I and our parents have worked our ***** off our entire lives. We've never been given anything, were both born into lower income families, put ourselves through school and have earned everything we've made and achieved in life.
Classic white privilege denier.
again, people, stop with the "kids" comments.
we're not devolving into a Browns/Ravens board.
Taking a shot at Tibs is one thing. Taking a shot at his kids is another. come on people. don't let this morph into a Browns or Ravens message board.
Thank you Supe, nice to know there are some decent folks on this board regardless of political persuasion.
Yeah, I agree with Supe - it's not Tib's kids fault that he's such a Flaming Liberal. Hands off a that.
My kids don't know, or care, what my political views are. I've held a progressive, liberal view for the past 20-25 years. It's nothing new under the sun, but I understand it's not popular around here.
LOL, you go off traveling for business meetings and come home to find this. So it's ok to attack everyone here on the board in just about any manner you choose. But when the scope's on you, well...At least we maintain our composure.
Yeah Tim, I spend most of my time attacking your family, kids wife et al, with my posts here on the board. That's just what I do, that's my m.o. It's not enough for me to attack you right-wing cocksuckers for being such pathetic ********, I go after your kids, time and time again. So you're right, my kids are fair game.
Bernie thinks that you and your wealthy kids make too much money.
I'm light years away from the 1% destroying the country, my guess is I'm A-ok with Bernie.
Classic white privilege denier.
Maybe you're right, since you know so much about me. I was born into a family of immigrants that lived on food stamps early on. I attended public schools K-12 during the years of mandatory busing, ie desegregation of the LA school system. I attended university on Pell Grants, Cal Grants, student loans and a partial athletic scholarship. In high school I was literally the only 'white guy' on the varsity basketball team. Going back to elementary school my friends, my very best friends where blacks, jews, mexicans, and a guy from puerto rico. If that is what amounts to a 'classic white privledge denier' then I guess that's what I am.
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again, people, stop with the "kids" comments.
we're not devolving into a Browns/Ravens board.

Supe does have a point. Tibs, most of us hold a traditional conservative outlook. Just our upbringing. I have nothing against liberalism...to a point. Ideologically liberalism sounds great. But the far left circus freaks are what kills it for you guys. You and your family seem like hard workers who overcame adversity and I applaud you guys for that. But being on Steeler nation especially here on the political forums. You gotta have a thick skin. Value opposing views and treat it as a productive argument, not an insult.