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Millenial Reality smackdown....

I say we concede all grounds in Vermont to the Left. That way, when Trump gets in the White House, those pansy ***** can get over to Canada quicker. Then we can reclaim our country.
Pointing out the stupidity of trying to compare something that is an anomaly to widespread behavior.

So that was an anomaly, no one else supported his cause? There are many examples of conservative extremists killing people they had a grudge with (abortion clinic bombings and assassinations).

Regardless, extremist don't represent liberals any more than they do conservatives.
What does Bush have to do with the Oklahoma City bombing?

What does the Oklahoma City bombing, from over 20 years ago, have to do with the predominantly left leaning protesters trying to disrupt events of those they don't agree with?
Or blowing up Federal buildings in Oklahoma City.

Words mean nothing to liberals. They say whatever will help advance their cause at the moment, switch talking points in a heartbeat........." -Ann Coulter

In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder. - A.C again.
What does the Oklahoma City bombing, from over 20 years ago, have to do with the predominantly left leaning protesters trying to disrupt events of those they don't agree with?

They're both extreme acts of protest. But you're right, If only Tim McVeigh had merely caused a disruption...

BTW, Clinton was President when the OK City bombing occurred. Not that people are big on facts around here.
The way I see it is both parties need to become tolerant with each other. Far left and far right are too extreme with their views. But you cant deny that a lot of liberals apply a victim card when things dont go their way. There are intelligent, hard working people on both sides. Find a common ground to push this country forward
We are tolerant of each other. We aren't killing each other. There is nothing abnormal or new or particularly unproductive about animosity between the two parties, and there are some fundamental things we will never agree on and there is no middle ground in many of them. When did tolerance start meaning acceptance? Two different things.
We are tolerant of each other. We aren't killing each other. There is nothing abnormal or new or particularly unproductive about animosity between the two parties, and there are some fundamental things we will never agree on and there is no middle ground in many of them. When did tolerance start meaning acceptance? Two different things.

You summed it up better than me lol. Yes we are tolerant. Just not accepting but to a point. Here in the U.S. We have those freedoms to choose and do as we please. Sometimes our actions will offend cause of customs/culture. But as far as say an economic system, welfare, ebt, medicaid and the such. People just need to pull their weight. That's all. I'm not one who gets offended easily. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But I agree with some of the poster in this thread in that millenials feel entitled
How asinine. They still select winners. So let's see - we don't wanna make the non-leaders feel slighted so we will have a separate competition and pick two different winners instead. If you are left out of that contest it's ok. It doesn't hurt as much.

So now to protect someone else's feelings they have likely eliminated the hardest working and the brightest from achieving a worthy honor worth working for. Now who will work for that honor in the future?

Somewhere Bernie Sanders is proud of this. Viva la Socialism!

Yep. I couldn't believe it when I heard it.
I say we concede all grounds in Vermont to the Left. That way, when Trump gets in the White House, those pansy ***** can get over to Canada quicker. Then we can reclaim our country.

Yep, start with these'ns.......


Then blacks say they want to volunteer for some unknown reason.


.. : 73% of Young Blacks Say They Plan to Flee the Country if Trump Wins

but in reality most fall into this category.........

Here's another one for you:

I can't tell you the number of kids (and by kids I mean teenagers up until about age 30) who have NO idea how to fill out a deposit slip, how to write a check, or even count the cash that they want to put into their account. I have so many of that age group just send me in a pile of money....and when I ask what they want done (could be they want to change it out for different denominations, or put into a savings or checking account), I either get an attitude from them or I get a blank stare. One girl sat in my drive through line for 15 minutes while I had her fill out her deposit slip. She had no ******* clue. I don't mind helping- I'll pull up their account number and write it on the slip for them, but that's it.

Oh and speaking of writing down an account number....the penmanship of these youngers is ATROCIOUS. I mean HORRIBLE....and when I ask them to please spell their name (I make a point to say that I can't read the writing), you would think I was asking for the passcode to their iPhone. The attitudes are just.....UGH.
To be fair, I can't remember using a deposit slip in years, but they should know how if pressed.
Tough to fill one out with an iPhone
College Cancels Debate Between Conservative And Liberal because Conservative was participating

At the last minute, officials at the State University of New York curtly canceled a planned campus debate between a notable left-wing media critic and a notable right-wing media critic because the right-wing media critic has right-wing views.

"The intended purpose for our community would likely not be achieved"



Plug your ears! Microaggression!

Sunshine and Unicorns!Sunshine and Unicorns!

They're both extreme acts of protest. But you're right, If only Tim McVeigh had merely caused a disruption...

BTW, Clinton was President when the OK City bombing occurred. Not that people are big on facts around here.

Sorry, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Of course, unprompted violence inflicted on anyone should be condemned. I sure you would agree. What I was referring to was people who feel it's okay, in fact their duty to disrupt the freedom of speech of others they disagree with.
Example.... Protesters out here blocked Shea Blvd between Scottsdale and Fountain Hills to prevent people from listening to Trump.

It also prevented those needing to get medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Personally, I have no respect for this type of behavior.
College Cancels Debate Between Conservative And Liberal
That's really too bad. They should have let the bigoted scumbag speak. The best way to deal with extremists such as Kincaid is shine a light on them. Like the rats that they are, they tend to slither away into the shadows.

Masquerading as a media watchdog, Cliff Kincaid is actually an unrepentant propagandist for extremist right-wing causes who knows few boundaries in his attempts to smear liberal foes. Among his wild pronouncements as director of Accuracy in Media (AIM) are the claims that global warming is a scam perpetrated by the "religious left," that President Obama is a socialist Muslim, and that Marxist elements have hijacked the Roman Catholic Church in order to facilitate a "foreign invasion of the U.S." by Latinos. But Kincaid reserves a special loathing for gays and lesbians, who he believes are destroying the media, the military, the government, and the American way of life. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/cliff-kincaid
Ah yes the Southern Poverty Law Center. Theres an accurate and unbiased source.
To be fair, I can't remember using a deposit slip in years, but they should know how if pressed.
Tough to fill one out with an iPhone

The schools aren't teaching the basics anymore. And forget mommy and daddy helping out. Don't get me wrong- I don't mind helping out, but at some point, Susie has to learn how to do it on her own. It's one thing not to have an account number memorized. (I don't....heck I don't think I EVER had one memorized). It's something totally different when Susie, who is totally capable of filling her own **** out, expects us to do it for her.

I know I have shared this story before, but it bears repeating. My brother is a college professor. He teaches upper level and graduate level history classes at Auburn. His students are mainly early 20s. He has had PARENTS OF SOME STUDENTS call him and ask him to change the final grade because "Billy deserves an A....his GPA will suffer. I'm sure Billy did A level work and it's not fair that he's only getting a C." These are COLLEGE AGED KIDS!!!!!!
Before I get started, let me just agree with IndySteel. Millennials are indeed "Generation *****".

I found this to be entertaining...

1. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant

Seriously, nobody who has already graduated college cares about your feelings. That means that when you complain to your boss because your co-worker mis-gendered you, he’s probably not going to bend over backwards to bandage your wounds. Given feelings are entirely subjective in nature, it’s completely unreasonable to demand everyone tip-toe around you to prevent yours from being hurt. The reality is that people will offend you and hurt your feelings, and they won’t stop to mop up your tears because they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, alternative viewpoints, and even outright insults will make you happier in the long run than routinely playing the victim card.


The world is not fair and won't bend to your weaknesses. Feeling bad about things you don't like will not change them and many things we don't like are immutable facts of life. Acceptance of reality is a crucially missing piece in the fantasy world that most young people today live in. TV, Movies and video games are their reality. Sadly, real life isn't scripted and CGI effects can't save you from the rude passengers on the subway.

2. You Cannot Be Whatever You Want To Be

This is a comforting lie parents have started telling their children to boost their morale in school. Unfortunately, millennials are now convinced it’s true, especially as society has now decided to push this narrative as well. The reality is if you’re 17 years old and still can’t figure out basic division, you’re not going to be a rocket scientist. If you’re overweight and unattractive, you’re not going to be the quarterback’s prom date. If you lack fine motor skills, you’re not going to be a heart surgeon. It’s okay to accept that you cannot be whatever you want to be. In fact, once you accept this, you’ll be able to focus on the things you can be — the things you really are talented at.


This is defeatism. With a few genetic exceptions (athlete, model, etc) most people CAN be whatever they want if they work hard. This is ******* America. THE land of opportunity. If you suck at math, get a tutor. Wanna be a millionaire, you gotta take risks and keep trying after you fail. Suck at drawing, but want to be an artist: work in the abstract and practice like hell.

You should teach your kids that they can achieve. Most ugly girls are ugly because they don't take care of themselves, not because they are physically deformed. Get in the gym, eat right, dress like a girl, grow your hair out, learn to apply makeup and for Gawd's sake don't get any tattoos. That alone will make you hotter than half the girls you know.

3. Gender Studies Is A Waste Of Money

You heard me. While some millennials taking useless degrees will claim they’re beneficial for teaching or research positions, the reality is that they just put themselves several thousands dollars in debt to learn how to be a professional victim. While you’re struggling to make ends meet after graduation because nobody who pays more than minimum wage is interested in your qualifications and you’re drowning in student loan debt, be sure to check out the next harsh reality before you start complaining.


"Cultural Studies" is a waste of time. History courses obviously have to have emphasis, but I think that "African American studies" and such nonsense tends to be a course in victimhood. Moreover, they tend to teach a kind of smug entitlement to special treatment because of their "special status". These courses and fields of study are political, not educational.

4. If You Live In America, You’re Already In The 1%

That’s right. Even though you work at McDonald’s for minimum wage because you got a useless, outrageously expensive college degree, you’re still far better off than the vast majority of the planet. Don’t believe me? Fly to Uganda and check out the living conditions there. Fly to China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and even European countries like Ukraine and Greece, and you’ll quickly discover just how well-off you really are. While it may be cool these days to dump on capitalism, it’s the only reason you aren’t already worse off.


Having lived on 3 continents, I can agree wholeheartedly with this. Americans who think it sucks here should take a road trip to Tijuana. Most of the world isn't as awesome as America. Yes, we have our failings. But in terms of quality of lifestyle, there's no place on earth like America. Chinese food at 2am on Hollywood BLVD just because you feel like it. Gawd Bless the USA.

5. You Don’t Have A Right To It Just Because You Exist

That includes healthcare, guaranteed income, and somewhere to live. Just because you’re here and breathing doesn’t mean society owes you anything. Like the billions of people who lived before you, working hard is a better guarantor of wealth and the ability to comfortably take care of yourself than begging society or the government to do it for you. Demanding healthcare be a right, for example, is equivalent to demanding government force the taxpayer to pay for it. While that may seem like a good idea in theory, it only leads to rationing of care when costs become unsustainable, which negatively impacts not just your health, but everyone else’s, too.


This is one of the places where I feel the Civil Libertarian ethos has been hijacked by the right wing. Health care and social security are not socialism any more that the fire department or the post office or public schools. They are infrastructure components. We task the government with providing large scale infrastructure that as individuals we cannot provide for ourselves. This is why we have public roads and highways. Single payer baseline health coverage was always the right answer. It's the most functional, pragmatic, and fair approach and the bullshit line that it violates your freedom is totally bogus. You can always add private Cadillac coverage on top of it.

Without infrastructure you don't have order. Without order there is no progress.

6. You DO Have The Right To Live As You Please — But Not To Demand People Accept It

By contrast, you do have the right to live however you please, so long as it’s within the confines of the law. If you want to cross-dress, smoke marijuana, drink lots of alcohol, have lots of sex, and, yes, even go to school for gender studies, then by all means, go for it. Government should not be allowed to legislate people’s behavior as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s rights, but that doesn’t mean society isn’t allowed to have an opinion.You don’t have the right to demand people keep their opinions about your lifestyle to themselves, especially if you’re open and public about it. I have as much of a right to comment on the way you live your life as you do to actually live it. Your feelings are not a protected right, but my speech is.


But nobody follows this one. We still have gun control, a drug war, gambling and prostitution laws. Both sides of the aisle are guilty. We tax behaviors like smoking and gas consumption. It's bullshit, but so long as us Libertarians are held out of the larger debate, the nanny state will persist.

7. The Only Safe Space Is Your Home

No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home. Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.


But this really goes back to number one, doesn't it? You are not entitled to have the world be fair. You are not entitled to not be offended. You are not entitled to make other people live as you wish them to. The world is not fair. While it's true that the system should be free of systemic bias, the goal must be equality of opportunity and not outcome. The world is what we make of it, and we can only make it great if we are responsible and accountable.

What's the point of posting this if it's fake?

SPLC has become a quite silly organization, but how are they trying to make Europe and America non-white? More importantly, what's wrong with race mixing? You the Klan or something?
Blame whitey!

Why you tryin' to put the white man down?
I hate going to the bank. My paychecks are direct deposited. Other checks get deposited via my phone. I just take a picture of it and send it to my bank. I love it.

Wait, paychecks are racist.
The country is been turned into a pathetic sissified hyper sensitive culture because decision makers are afraid of the PC police. That’s what many of us like about Trump. He represents the only force against this PC bullshit forced upon us by the Communist inspired intelligentsia.

11 Year-Old ‘Dancing Trumps’ Banned From School Talent Show After Complaints

The 11 year-old Dancing Trumps from Fiske Elementary School in Wellesley, Massachusetts were banned from entering the talent show.

One of the parents complained.

Three 11-year-old boys attending Fiske Elementary School in Wellesley, MA were forbidden by the school’s administration from performing a benign, wordless, apolitical dance routine while wearing comically oversized Donald Trump masks.



I bet if it was Bernie heads they would go on
The country is been turned into a pathetic sissified hyper sensitive culture because decision makers are afraid of the PC police. That’s what many of us like about Trump. He represents the only force against this PC bullshit forced upon us by the Communist inspired intelligentsia.

11 Year-Old ‘Dancing Trumps’ Banned From School Talent Show After Complaints

The 11 year-old Dancing Trumps from Fiske Elementary School in Wellesley, Massachusetts were banned from entering the talent show.

One of the parents complained.

Three 11-year-old boys attending Fiske Elementary School in Wellesley, MA were forbidden by the school’s administration from performing a benign, wordless, apolitical dance routine while wearing comically oversized Donald Trump masks.



I bet if it was Bernie heads they would go on

I'd be interested to hear your outrage at the many many more kids in America who've been kicked out of school for wearing marijuana and beer themed T-shirts.
yeah, those are the same thing, SV.